This Lord is Too Cruel: 101 was fooled by the emperor, the fastest update to the latest chapters!

Male sex: “Lord” is too cruel, 101 was tricked by the emperor

“Yes. Shu Chi Wuyan,” Li Su hurriedly responded, motioning to his soldiers not to move.

Mu Hanyao looked around, and the whole forest was surrounded by them. His eyes flashed coldly, turning his eyes to look at Li Su, “The formation that Leng Qianye taught last time, I practiced How?”

“Well, before leaving the border, I have been practicing.” Li Su looked at Mu Hanyao, “General, the woods are dense, so it’s not easy to use.”

“If you divide for a long time, you must join together, so you have to think of a workaround from the original formation. Since it has been co-authored before, now, according to the original method, a small encirclement is formed.” Mu Hanyao Look at Li Su, attach the ear canal.

Li Su nodded, and then hurriedly asked the person beside him to raise the flag. The torch brightened the entire forest, and he could clearly see the hideous eyes of the people in black around him.

They already noticed it, and then they flew up. At the same time, the ten thousand horses had already formed a formation in secret, looked loose, but formed an encirclement centered on Mu Hanyao, and then slowed the man in black. Slowly lead to the encircling circle.

A tragic fight. The soldiers are desperately resisting because of the days of rushing. The soldiers on the outermost periphery are killed, and the second wave comes forward. This cycle is also given to the center. The preparation time of the soldiers in the encirclement circle formed an airtight encirclement circle, which is difficult to break even if it is a copper wall or an iron wall.

Blood stains the night sky with a strong smell of blood. No matter how advanced martial arts, the man in black is now dead and injured. The ten thousand horses in front of him have lost two thousand.

Mu Hanyao’s eyes condensed, his stern countenance exuding murderous air, he stood in the middle, watching the soldiers in front of him fall one by one, and watching the other men in black being killed one by one Now, what he thinks is, who knew he was going back to Beijing? No one knew about this matter except for Leng Qianye, Jibai, Li Su, and him. Could it be that they were carefully made? So, who is this person?

He looked at Li Su, knowing that it couldn’t be him, then, it was Jibai? No, it’s impossible. Jibai followed them and was born and died for so many years. How could it be?

Until the sky lightened, the man in black was injured more than half, and there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, and in an instant, the man in black flew away.

The soldiers watched the men in black leave. They raised their eyes and looked at the corpse lying beside them. One can imagine how tragic this battle was. They did not have the joy of victory, but were sentimental, although , They have long been determined to die, but in the capital, there are also their relatives. They thought that they could go home with joy now, but they died on the way home.

Li Su ran to Mu Hanyao covered in blood, “General, four thousand died.”

He reluctantly said with tears in his eyes.

Mu Hanyao’s eyes were cold, looking at the corpse in front of him, and then he heard the sound of horses’ hoofs getting closer, he turned his eyes, and saw that the banner above was hung with the word “Yi”, he was tall and straight. , Turned slightly, revealing endless sadness.

However, as a general, no matter how sad and sad, he can’t show a trace of it, because he is the soul and support of this army. If he falls, then what should they do?

When Yi Yang arrived on a horse, he rolled over and dismounted, looking at the corpses along the way, his eyes flashed sadly, and he stepped forward, “The emperor ordered me to come and pick you up to Beijing.”

“Yeah.” Mu Hanyao nodded. At this moment, when life and death were on the line, he was shocked that there was still a person in his heart, who was waiting for him in the capital.

“General, the corpses of the soldiers…” Li Su asked from the side.

“Take… they should go home.” Mu Hanyao’s tone is still so cold, but it is full of desolation.

Li Su nodded fiercely, turned around, and arranged the body with other soldiers.

Yi Yang looked at the scene in front of him, stretched out his hand and patted Mu Hanyao on the shoulder, “I am still a step late.”

“Go, return to Beijing earlier.” Mu Hanyao looked at Yi Yang and said in a low voice.

“Hmm.” Yi Yang knew that at this time, facing death, nothing seemed to be redundant.

Feng Aotian stayed up all night with Mu Hanjin and other officials who are still busy in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Looking at the three poles of the sun now, and seeing that Feng Aotian has not yet returned to the palace, the slender eyes slightly hooked, he waved the whisk in his hand, and then sat on the soft couch, “Where is the lord?”

“In the Superintendent.” Hidden and the soul in the dark replied.

“The master really likes Mu Hanjin’s.” Although the cat father said in his mouth, whoever the master likes, he likes, but the premise is that he must be first, and the others, let’s talk about it. , But, it’s better now, the master has ran him out of Jiuxiao long ago.

He got up immediately, stamped his foot on the white jade boulder, and then lifted up, “Don’t the master know that if you don’t need breakfast, you will become stupid?”

Sixi’s mouth twitched when he listened to the words of Mr. Cat. Only Mr. Cat could say this.

Grandpa Cat stepped out of the imperial dormitory, “I’m still stunned, and I haven’t got everything ready yet, and I will go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate with his family.”

“Yes.” The eunuchs hurriedly responded, and then followed Mr. Cat and walked to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Feng Aotian looked sideways and looked at Mu Hanjin with a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. She pulled out the silk kerchief from her sleeves and gently wiped him, “Let’s take a break, otherwise the body won’t be able to eat it.”

“Yes.” Mu Hanjin knew that Feng Aotian was worrying about him. She warmed her heart and nodded slightly, then put down the Zhubi and raised her hand, only to see that the red line on the wrist had not disappeared.

Feng Aotian lowered his head and saw it too, with pain in his heart, holding his hand tightly, helping him to get up and walking out of the hall.

Lan Jingshu raised his eyes and looked at the two people leaving. The officials looking to his side were also relieved. He said warmly, “Everyone, take a break and review later.”

“Yes.” Everyone said in unison, then got up and walked out of the hall. In order for the test papers to be answered, or to leak information, the officials responsible for reviewing the test papers were not allowed to leave the Metropolitan Procuratorate until the test papers were reviewed.

Feng Aotian helped Mu Hanjin sit in a place where he could get the sun, leaning him on his shoulders, rubbing his cold hands, she could feel his body trembling, this time , More serious than the last time he vomited blood.

“Master…” Father Cat’s sharp voice resounded throughout the court.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes and saw him swaying towards him, followed by a group of minions, all the washing utensils, and the minions who passed the meal, bowed their heads inside.

The corners of her mouth twitched, and she saw that the cat father-in-law had already walked in front of her, “Master, the servant personally waits for you to wash and change clothes and have breakfast.”

Feng Aotian raised his eyes and looked at him, “Okay.”

Speaking, helping Mu Hanjin to get up, the two of them walked into the vacant house on the side. The father-in-law cat followed in, his eyes pursed, and Si Xi hurriedly ordered people to bring the golden basin in quickly.

The cat father-in-law handed the whisk to Si Xi, rolled up his sleeve gown slightly, put the face towel in clean water, wringed it out, and handed it to Feng Aotian.

Feng Aotian was the result of a face towel, raised his hand, and wiped Mu Hanjin’s cheeks, raised his hand, wiped it carefully, and looked at him with a smile.

Mu Hanjin raised his eyes and stared at her with a smile. At this moment, he felt that all he did was worthwhile.

The eyebrows and eyes of Mr. Cat flashed a touch of sullenness, and then he took a face towel, dampened it, and wrung it out. When Feng Aotian handed the face towel to Mr. Mao, he had already put Feng Aotian’s hand in his own hand. , Threw the face towel she had used in her hand, and then buckled it on Si Xi’s head.

Seeing his jealous appearance, Feng Aotian couldn’t help being jealous. He was about to take the clean face towel from his hand, but saw that he touched the back of her head with one hand, and cleaned the face for her with the other skill, carefully, and then He bowed his head again, wiped her hands carefully, turned around, took the mouthwash tea, and fed her personally, “Master…”

Feng Aotian lowered his head and took a mouthful. After rinsing his mouth, he saw that Sixi was still wearing the face towel and motioned to the **** on one side to pass another mouthwash tea to Mu Hanjin.

Feng Aotian turned around, took it, and looked at Mu Hanjin, “You are so weak, so you can rest, let the Lord come.”

“Huh.” Father Cat snorted coldly, and then gave Feng Aotian a fierce look, looking like his master was hopeless.

Feng Aotian naturally knew his temper and didn’t care. After the two of them washed, the father-in-law Mao personally tied Feng Aotian’s hair, and signaled Si Xi to fix Mu Hanjin’s hair.

Feng Aotian let him go, and Lan Jingshu walked in after simply freshening up.

“The emperor.” He saluted and said softly.

Feng Aotian looked at him, “It’s just right, let’s have breakfast together.”

“Yes.” Lan Jing answered, and the three of them sat down at the table.

Mao Gonggong ordered people to set up a meal and personally served Feng Aotian with a bowl of soup and medicine to Feng Aotian.

Mu Hanjin looked at the dark soup medicine in front of her, looked at her, worried, “My lord, are you unwell?”

“It’s okay, it’s just some tonic.” Feng Aotian looked at Mu Hanjin, took the decoction, and drank it.

However, she is now puzzled. It stands to reason that her body is almost seventeen now. Why is she still in the future?

She thought about it this way, did she become a man if she was serious about her physiology?

“Master…” Seeing Feng Aotian thoughtfully, Mr. Cat then whispered.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes to look at Father Mao, then at Mu Hanjin, “Let’s eat.”

“Yes.” Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu glanced at each other and ate quietly.

The three of them stopped breakfast, and Feng Aotian helped Mu Hanjin to go to the hall. Father Cat looked at her leaving figure, and the corner of his mouth hooked again, and he was indeed an unscrupulous white-eyed wolf.

At this moment, Feng Aotian turned his eyes and glared at him harshly. He hurriedly covered the corner of his mouth with a silk kerchief, afraid to look at her.

In the past few days, the most talked about in the entire capital is the scientific examination. Who will be the title of the gold list? It will be three days in a flash. Feng Aotian will also accompany Mu Hanjin for three days until the Metropolitan Procuratorate has all the examination papers. After reviewing, and then selecting the top twenty, everyone was relieved.

Mu Hanjin also sighed deeply and looked at Feng Aotian, “My lord, tomorrow you can put on the list.”

“Yeah.” Feng Aotian nodded, returning to the palace to rest.

“Yes.” Mu Hanjin nodded slightly, then slowly closed her eyes.

Feng Aotian looked at her like this, sighed suddenly, took his waist, left a word, and flew away.

“Jing Shu, this place is left to you.”

Lan Jingshu whispered, “Yes.” Everyone watched Feng Aotian leave.

Feng Aotian took Mu Hanjin back to the emperor’s bedroom, then placed him on the dragon couch, pulsed, very weak, her eyes flashed coldly, and then she looked at the father-in-law beside her. , “Go and invite the wine father to come.”

“You don’t need to bother that old drunkard, just a slave.” Seeing the worry in Feng Aotian’s eyes, the cat father also sat next to her, raised his hand, and took the pulse for Mu Hanjin.

“What happened?” Feng Aotian looked at him.

“The poison moves into the internal organs, and there is not much time.” The cat father did not expect that he would be poisoned. He turned his eyes and looked at him. He sighed with the sadness that Feng Aotian’s eyes flashed. “Master, this curse may not have no cure.”

“How did you know that it was a love spell?” Feng Aotian looked at him, unavoidably surprised.

“Master, you are really concerned and messy.” Father Cat pulled out the silk kerchief from his sleeve, gently wiped the sweat from Feng Aotian’s forehead, and then said, “You forgot, what are you doing these days How can a slave know.”

“Then you have a way?” Feng Aotian asked immediately.

“Everything grows and restrains each other, and what he has is love and poison, and detoxification means unfeeling.” The cat said slowly.

“You think the Lord doesn’t know, he doesn’t want to.” Feng Aotian raised his hand and stroked his pale cheek, “The Lord does not want to force him.”

“The minion hasn’t thought of other ways.” The cat father shrugged slightly, spreading his hands, and then got up, “I can’t die now, but it’s too weak. Just rest for a day.”

“But, he should vomit blood again today.” Feng Aotian couldn’t help sighing.

“The minion ordered someone to give him more blood-enriching soup.” The cat father looked helpless, and then walked forward.

Feng Aotian looked at him like that, wishing to kick him out.

Mother Cat stepped out of the hall, and heard Feng Aotian’s voice, “Wait for the Lord.”

The cat father stood still, wiped the corners of his mouth with a silk kerchief, and then stood motionless.

Feng Aotian came out, stepped forward, approached him, and asked in a low voice, “How can I pay for the future Kuishui?”

Mao Gonggong glared, looked at Feng Aotian, and whispered in her ear, “Your martial arts practice has delayed Kuishui’s time. I guess it will come in two months.”

Feng Aotian nodded, and then said, “Prepare some for the Lord.”

“The minion is ready, Master, how have you reacted in this place in the past few days?” The cat’s father lowered his head, staring at Feng Aotian’s chest, and asked.

Feng Aotian raised his foot and kicked him, “No response.”

“It’s okay.” Mr. Mao didn’t mind Feng Aotian’s kick at all, “It’s all right when the sunflower water comes.”

“Go ahead.” Feng Aotian glanced at Father Cat’s face whiter than flour, rolled his eyes on the ground, then turned around and stepped into the Imperial Palace.

Mao Gonggong watched Feng Aotian’s figure who turned and left, with an enchanting smile at the corner of his mouth, and then walked forward.

She stepped into the emperor’s bedroom, and saw Mu Hanjin with her eyes open, looking at her, she stepped forward with a light smile, and then lay on his side with her clothes, and a shallow ground under the corner of his lips Kiss, “Master will accompany you to sleep.”

“Yeah.” Mu Hanjin nodded, then slowly closed her eyes.

The second day was also the day of the ranking. Yi Mu was in his bedroom and did not go to watch it. Because of this, he was absolutely confident that he could make the ranking.

Gu Yefeng didn’t go, he still looked at the ancient book.

At the border gate, Leng Qianye was studying the second volume of the military book in the camp, and only then discovered that there was a lot of real confusion in it. While watching it, he sketched out what he didn’t understand, and wrote the secret secretly. Letter, only then remembered that Mu Hanyao had gone to the capital now and couldn’t pass it.

Suddenly there was a rushing voice outside the camp, and then a soldier rushed in, “General Leng, it’s not good, Lieutenant Ji…”

Leng Qianye looked at him with horror, then got up, “What happened?”

“Dead,” the soldier whispered.

Leng Qianye’s eyes dimmed, how could Jibai die? He trembled, then stepped out, and saw several soldiers running over carrying his body.

In the barracks, the soldiers looked at Jibai with three arrows in their hearts, their eyes were dug out, and one arm was hanging. It was so miserable that they couldn’t help showing sadness.

Leng Qianye watched the soldiers put down the stretcher. He slowly squatted down, stroking the **** face, clenching his fists, “Where did I find it?”

“In a col, a mile away.” A soldier knelt on the ground and replied.

“Take me to see.” Leng Qianye said, got up and walked outside the barracks.

He followed a group of soldiers, walking to the mountain col in front of him, the grass was desolate, stained with a large amount of wet blood, he squatted, his fingers stained with blood, raised his eyes, and looked into the distance, if this place is murderous , I can’t see it at all, and, now that it is late at night, there are only the footprints of Japak, and there are no other footprints. Who killed him?

He then turned around and returned to the barracks. He saw that the soldiers were already kneeling on the ground, and he could vaguely hear the cry of grief.

Leng Qianye stepped forward slowly, “Can you find Japonica’s eyes?”

“No.” The soldiers shook their heads.

Leng Qianye squatted down, stretched out his hand, and saw the other hand clenched into a fist. He broke it forcefully. It turned out to be half a jade pendant. He clenched it tightly in his hand, and then said, “For Lieutenant Ji was cleaned and buried.”

“Yes.” The generals responded, and then got up, Leng Qianye watched him be carried away.

He turned around, stepped into the camp, his eyes flashed with sadness, then spread out the jade pendant in his hand, and saw a tiger carved on it, but half.

At this time, a black shadow fell, “General Leng, this is passed to you by General Mu’s subordinates.”

“Yeah.” Leng Qianye was startled at first, looking at the black shadow in front of him, which was the dark guard under the emperor’s hands. He took the secret letter, opened it, and his eyes flashed coldly.

Then sit next to the book case, write a reply, and then arrange the secret letter to Feng Aotian, looking at the shadow in front of him, “Give this secret letter to General Mu and the emperor.”

“Yes.” Sombra replied, and then walked away.

Leng Qianye walked out of the camp, her dusty face was covered with mist, raised her eyes, and looked at the cloudy sky in front of him. He didn’t believe that Japon was a fine work.

Mu Hanyao rushed all night, and now he has been walking for six days. If he is faster, he will be able to rush to the capital the next day, where the army will camp and take a short rest.

Yi Yang stood beside him, “You haven’t returned to Beijing for a long time.”

“Yes.” Mu Hanyao nodded and looked at Yi Yang, “How is Yi Mu?”

“He, it’s not bad or not, it should be the day to be released today.” Yi Yang thought of Yi Mu, and there were thousands of sighs. He obviously didn’t have to enter the palace. Why did he want to enter the palace?

Mu Hanjin vomited blood again in the middle of the night, and then fainted, unconscious, she watched the red line on his wrist was getting longer and deeper, she spent the night for him .

The cat father looked at Feng Aotian like this, and sighed faintly, “Hey, the master is now more and more pitiful and pitiful, but he chooses the slave as the root grass.”

As soon as Feng Aotian got up, she heard him talking sourly outside the temple alone. She walked out on her own and walked to his side, “You are not grass, what are you?”

“Flowers, but the house flower does not smell of wild flowers. The master now only has the wild flower inside. Don’t remember that there is still the servant house flower.” The cat father said sadly.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes and looked at him, “He is not a wild flower, but a house flower, and he only loves house flowers.”

“The master means that the minion is not even a house flower anymore, it can only be the root of grass.” The cat father-in-law heard Feng Aotian’s words, lamenting.

Feng Aotian looked at him, coughed deliberately, then nodded, “Well, it is.”

The cat father-in-law listened and pressed his lips tightly, “Master, you hurt the minion too much.” After that, he turned and left.

Feng Aotian looked at his back and shook his head amused. He is really a trick. She raised her eyes and looked into the distance. She still had a long way to go.

Lan Jingshu came over, looked at Feng Aotian’s expression, eyes drooping slightly, and then stepped forward, “The Emperor.”

Feng Aotian looked sideways and looked at him, “Well, the next day will be the palace exam, how are you preparing?”

“It’s ready.” Lan Jingshu whispered back.

Feng Aotian stepped forward, stood in front of him, stared at him, “walk with him.”

“Yes.” Lan Jing replied, and then stood beside Feng Aotian, and the two walked forward slowly.

The father-in-law Mao saw the figures of Lan Jingshu and Feng Aotian from a distance, curled his mouth, then turned around and went to the imperial dining room.

Because the sky is getting brighter, it is early autumn, and the weather is getting colder. The clothes of the two are blowing with the wind, and Feng Aotian stares at Lan Jingshu’s face.

“I heard that when Father Feng left, you were by his side.” Feng Aotian whispered.

“Exactly.” Lan Jingshu answered.

“What did he say?” Feng Aotian continued to ask.

“Duke Feng said, let the minister take good care of the emperor.” Lan Jingshu remembered the scene that night, still lingering fear. At that time, he was really afraid of death.

Feng Aotian stopped, then took a step forward, walked in front of him, raised his hand, and raised his jaw, “How did you respond?”

Lan Jingshu raised his eyes and looked at her, “The minister said yes.”

Feng Aotian curled her lips and smiled, and then took a step forward, “How do you take care of the Lord?”

Lan Jingshu trembled and said in a low voice, “The minister will always be with the emperor and will never leave.”

Feng Aotian stepped forward again. In this way, he raised his waist with one hand, stroking his gentle face with the other, bowed his head, kissed his lips, opened his arms, and hugged him into his arms. He said, “Remember what you said today.”

“The minister will remember.” For the first time, Lan Jingshu felt that being held by her was so warm, and he was reluctant to leave such a embrace.

Feng Aotian raised his hand, patted his back, then released him, holding his hand, and walking forward.

Lan Jingshu lowered his head and looked at the hands he was holding together. He actively squeezed tightly, and followed her, very quietly.

Feng Aotian smiled even more. Many times, she only wanted such trust and the warmth of her palm.

Le Qiguo, Xing Wuyun reclined on the fourth floor of Furong Pavilion, and saw Wei Zimo, who had not been seen in a few days, appeared in the restaurant. He then got up, tapped his toes, and went directly into the place where Wei Zimo was. In the room, hold your hands and look at Wei Zimo in the bead curtain, “Is the enthronement ceremony over?”

“Guess who I saw?” Wei Zimo raised his hand, plucked the strings, and said.

“Ye Meixi.” Xing Wuyun raised his eyebrows and said slowly.

“Well, but you don’t know what his identity is now?” Wei Zimo’s beautiful eyes shot a cold light, and then said.

“What’s your identity?” Xing Wuyun asked curiously.

“The Fifth Prince of Wuyue Kingdom.” Wei Zimo said lightly.

Xing Wuyun was taken aback for a moment, then raised his voice and laughed, “It seems that the people around her are not small.”

“Are you still reading her?” Wei Zimo remembered Feng Aotian, except for his anger, he was angry, and he realized that he turned out to be a man with a small belly.

Xing Wuyun raised his eyebrows, “Since I can’t forget, I will remember until the day I can forget her.”

“Today, Feng’s economy is getting better and better, and it is only one month before her ascends the throne.” Wei Zimo feels that Feng Aotian’s ability is really not to be underestimated, and it can make Feng’s economy that has already collapsed. Turning things around, now, his industries in Fengguo are 10% more profitable than in the past. If things go on like this, Fengguo’s economy will be prosperous and prosperous in a few years.

He suddenly remembered what Feng Aotian said when he first met him, that Feng’s economy will surely rise within two years. He only thought she was slanderous at the time, but now, he thinks she is really accurate.

At this point, Wei Zimo had to admit that Feng Aotian’s ability, but she touched her own taboo, he must make her pay some price, but he did not realize that some Things, the more you care, the more you care.

Xing Wuyun picked up the wine in front of him and took a sip, “When will you return to Yuluo?”

“Live some time.” Wei Zimo still doesn’t want to return to China, just to avoid trouble.

“Who is the country Xuanmo sent this time?” Xing Wuyun asked immediately.

“The Emperor Xuan Mo came personally.” Wei Zimo was also curious, why would Emperor Xuan Mo come personally?

“What?” Xing Wuyun quickly swallowed the wine in his mouth, surprised.

“Well, he came in person, and he is still in the palace.” Wei Zimo nodded.

“He came in person, there must be no good.” Xing Wuyun poured another glass of wine, “His appearance is more lethal than the emperor of Feng Kingdom, and wherever he goes, corpses are absolutely everywhere. “

“Well, a lot of people have died in the palace.” Wei Zimo said slowly, “Twelve small countries, only Feng Aotian is in the future, and he didn’t even send a gift. Le Qihuang is already very Not happy, coupled with Qiguo fanning the flames, and sending the first beauty, the Emperor Xuanmo was even more interested. Now, I am afraid that Feng Aotian will be in danger.”

“What do you mean?” Xing Wuyun put down his glass quickly and looked at Wei Zimo.

“You know, if Le Qiguo responds to Qiguo and sends troops to help Qiguo attack Fengguo, then Emperor Xuanmo is a master who likes to join in the fun. In this way, the two powerful nations will become the backing of Qiguo. How long can Feng Guo last?” Wei Zimo said lightly, suddenly felt that this shouldn’t be something he should take care of, what he was worried about.

Xing Wuyun listened quietly, his handsome face flashed a dull, “Feng Guo and Qi Guo will fight sooner or later.”

“However, Feng Guo has just gone through a catastrophe and needs to recuperate. If there are more wars, plus Xuanmo and Leqi, what do you think is her chance of winning?” Wei Zimofu Said again.

Xing Wuyun was silent. If this is the case, she should have been prepared, but now, she has not seen any reaction, “The chance of winning? I am afraid that it will be even one.”

At this moment, I heard a report outside the house, “His Royal Highness, something happened in the palace.”

“What’s the matter?” Wei Zimo asked lightly.

“Princess Huayue is dead.” The subordinate whispered back.

“How did you die?” Wei Zimo’s beautiful eyes flashed with a faint light, very cold and harsh.

“When I discovered it, I was with a man in the Lian Ren Guan. The two were entangled with each other. It seemed that they were overdose of Albizia, and then… they died.” The subordinate said softly.

Xing Wuyun raised his voice and laughed, “Haha, it turned out to be a death.”

Wei Zimo looked at him, “I heard that Princess Huayue is famously gentle and virtuous. Naturally, she would not do anything to corrupt the royal face. She had the courage to measure her, and she did not dare to be in the palace. It was discovered by the people in the palace that the emperors and princes of various countries are all present. In this way, Qiguo’s face is completely lost.”

“I just said, she won’t be inactive. This can be regarded as a meeting ceremony for Le Qiguo.” Xing Wuyun’s peachy eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and his smile became deeper.

Wei Zimo naturally knows who did it. Besides she can do such a bold thing, who else?

“It’s a pity, Qiguo is now losing his wife and breaking down.” Xing Wuyun laughed even louder. “Not only did he lose face, but he also made the new emperor wear a green hat, haha.”

Wei Zimo looked at him with such a cheerful smile, “Hey, you smile too proudly, don’t forget, Le Qihuang is your emperor brother.”

“What about the emperor brother?” Xing Wuyun said quietly, “I heard that he fell in love with Princess Huayue at first sight, now it’s good…haha…it’s so funny.”

Wei Zimo saw that he was laughing too wildly, so he thought about it again, indeed, the new emperor of Le Qiguo ascended the throne, and Qiguo presented the most beautiful princess. He thought he could get Le Qiguo’s help, but now, Turned into a scandal.

In Leqi Kingdom’s imperial palace, Ye Meixi was reclining on a soft couch, and a small smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He also knew that the matter of Princess Huayue came from someone’s hands. He stroked the warm jade in his hand. “Master, you did this beautifully.”

Xiang Han stood on one side and asked in a low voice, “His Royal Highness, when will you return home?”

“No hurry, now the show has just begun.” Ye Meixi smiled enchantingly.

In the Phoenix Palace, when Mu Hanjin woke up, it was already late.

He slowly got up and saw the palace lanterns bright in the study, then got off the dragon bed and walked to the study.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes and looked at Mu Hanjin, seemingly in a good mood.

“The emperor.” Mu Hanjin saluted.

Feng Aotian raised his hand, took his hand, and sat beside her, “Is your body better?”

“Much better.” Mu Hanjin answered softly, “The emperor, but has a happy event?”

“Yeah.” Feng Aotian nodded and handed him the secret letter in his hand.

Mu Hanjin took it, looked at it, and then smiled, “Now, Qiguo is going to be the joke of the whole world.”

“Hmph, dare to calculate, and don’t weigh your own abilities.” Feng Aotian gave a low laugh, then raised his eyes and looked at the opposite Lan Jingshu, “Let’s go, go for dinner.”

“Yes.” The three of them walked out of the study.

The father-in-law Cat has prepared the meal, waiting for Feng Aotian, she raised her eyes and looked at him, “What happened to Yuzhou?”

“Master, when eating, don’t talk about these disturbing things.” Father Cat hurried forward, dragging Feng Aotian from Mu Hanjin’s side to in front of him, and then seated her Next, and then said, “You can rest assured that the minion does things.”

Feng Aotian looked at his determined appearance, and knew that he had already settled, so he didn’t say much, and then served Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu with soup, and then looked at Mr. Cat, “You Sit too, although it is a grass, you can only shake it here.”

“Yes, master.” Father Cat hurriedly sat beside Feng Aotian, looking at her.

Feng Aotian served him soup again and put it in front of her, “Drink it.”

“Master, drink this first.” Mr. Cat offered her a special soup as if offering a treasure.

Feng Aotian looked at the soup medicine in the bowl. Compared with the morning drink, it was much lighter, “Is this an improved version?”

“Hmm.” Father Cat nodded, “Master, rest assured, you will definitely get what you want.”

Mu Hanyao also rushed to the capital quickly, and received Leng Qianye’s secret letter, his eyes flashed with sadness, and Jibai died? This… Isn’t he the masterpiece of Border Pass? Thinking about this, he quickly wrote a secret letter and handed it to Sombra.

Yi Yang looked at Mu Hanyao and asked in a low voice, “What happened to the border?”

“Jibai was killed.” Mu Hanyao looked at Yi Yang and said.

“What?” Yi Yang was also surprised, and then went silent, “Hey…”

The two stopped talking and rushed all night.

After dinner is over, Mr. Cat ordered people to clean up. He looked at Feng Aotian, “Master, go out and walk more, so the effect will be better, let the minion accompany you.”

Feng Aotian looked sideways and looked at him, “I just let them be with me.”

“Master, isn’t it okay for a minion to be with you?” Father Cat looked at her sadly.

“No, I will have nightmares when I see your face.” Feng Aotian shook his head.

“Master, the servant will go and wash immediately.” Father Cat said, and turned to leave.

Feng Aotian lowered his face, and then said, “No.”

“You don’t let the minion be with you anymore, why didn’t the minion go to wash it?” Mr. Cat pursed his lips slightly, feeling aggrieved.

Feng Aotian pushed the cat father-in-law and deliberately separated Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu, and then said, “Lord sees your face, so he can’t help but want to rush over, so it’s fine for you. .”

Listening to Feng Aotian’s words, Mr. Cat immediately opened his eyes and laughed, twisted his waist, and then asked, “The master is telling the truth.”

“Yeah.” Feng Aotian nodded heavily, then sighed, “It’s a pity, you are not a man.”

The bright face of Mr. Cat, when he heard Feng Aotian’s words, he immediately drooped down again, his slender eyes turned slightly, and he thought to himself, Master, you will take good care of him, and the slave will climb onto your bed sooner or later.

Feng Aotian patted Father Cat on the shoulder, then turned around, and left the Imperial Palace with Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu.

Mu Hanjin looked at Feng Aotian, held her hand tightly in his hand, and was unwilling to let it go. Feng Aotian looked sideways and looked at him, “Is it cold?”

“It’s not cold.” Mu Hanjin shook her head, “The emperor, did the minister make the emperor sad?”

“Hmm.” Feng Aotian looked at him, “He is sad and distressed.”

“The Chen’s fault.” Mu Hanjin whispered.

Feng Aotian chuckled, “Master, thank you for making him feel this distressed.”

Mu Hanjin raised her eyes, stared at her, and gave a slight smile, “The emperor, the minister’s body may not last long.”

“Does your master know?” Feng Aotian thought, the love curse should be solvable.

“Yeah.” Mu Hanjin nodded, “He can sense that he personally served as a minister.”

Feng Aotian clenched his hand, “What’s the solution?”

“Master said, there is no cure.” Mu Hanjin smiled lightly.

“Master doesn’t believe that there is no cure for poison.” Feng Aotian looked at him, “There must be a way.”

Lan Jingshu stood on one side, listening to the conversation between the two, but he felt a lot of sentimentality.

The next day, in the early morning, the minds of all the officials are now in the palace examination of tomorrow. Therefore, in the court, Feng Aotian also promulgated the latest criminal law, as well as disaster relief.

Feng Aotian returned to the Imperial Palace and received the secret letter from Leng Qianye. She opened it and looked at the doubt Leng Qianye had noted on it, then wrote it and passed it back.

Le Qiguo, because of the death of Princess Huayue, only a few days, everyone knows, and Qiguo has become a joke of the world, Le Qi Huanglong Yan is furious, and feels this Naiqi was so ashamed that he wanted to send troops to attack Qiguo.

The Emperor Xuan Mo is obstructing it. He is now more interested in Feng Guo. Therefore, the implication is to help Qi Guo. Such a turbulent turn is unexpected to Qi Guo.

It was also beyond Feng Aotian’s expectation, thinking that Emperor Xuanyuanyu (yu) of Xuanmo really likes to make troubles, where to go.

In this way, Le Qiguo felt that the attack was not cost-effective. Compared with Xuanmo, the military strength should not be underestimated. For thousands of years, the three kingdoms have been in peace, although they all have the idea of ​​annexing each other. However, after all, there is no such courageous person to appear. They are all pursuing them. The rumors for thousands of years are waiting for the appearance of the Wind Clan. Unfortunately, they do not know that the Wind Clan people have now found the Lord, and They are also kept in the dark.

The matter will not be over, Qiguo left Leqiguo griefly, and the emperors and princes of other countries also went home.

When Xing Wuyun heard this result, he laughed again, and felt very happy when he thought of the anger that was suffocating in Le Qihuang’s heart.

Wei Zimo saw his gloating appearance, and then left a cold comment, “As long as Xuanyuanyu’s prey is never obtained, he vowed not to give up. It seems that Feng Guo is in danger this time. .”

Xing Wuyun’s laughter stopped for a moment, and looked at him, “You were easy to provoke when you were Feng Aotian. Proud people like you have suffered a lot, and Xuanyuanyu can’t get any benefit.”

Wei Zimo glared at Xing Wuyun fiercely. Feng Aotian was playing tricks, and now it is his trouble, especially when he thinks that Feng Aotian touches his body, he feels uncomfortable.

Feng Guo, after Feng Aotian got the news, she sneered. She should have been so, but she should be more careful about that Xuanyuan Yu. Some people can’t provoke them. If she provokes them, she will probably spend her entire life. Can’t get rid of it, for example, Xuanyuan Yu, the most beautiful man in the world, who is bloodthirsty and afraid of blood.

On the second day, during the palace exam, Gu Yefeng and Yi Mu also stood outside the Jinluan Temple, sitting with other students in the rankings.

Under the scorching sun, everyone was very calm, without a trace of sadness or worry.

Feng Aotian sat in the Golden Luang Temple, looking at the father-in-law cat beside him, he was looking at the students outside, and commenting on each one in his heart. What was particularly noticeable was that when he just returned to the palace that day, he saw Yi Mu and Gu Yefeng.

“The emperor, please write a question.” Lan Jingshu stepped forward and said with a bow.

Feng Aotian looked at the students outside, “Mother Cat, give them things.”

“Yes.” Mr. Mao stopped his mind, and then ordered someone to hold the needle and thread in front of the twenty students outside the hall.

“Skewer these beads from large to small, from shallow to deep, from the size of the bead hole, and only give a stick of incense time.” The cat said with a sharp throat.

Everyone was startled, and then bowed their heads. Ever since they were young, with only paper and pen, have they ever been a female celebrity? But now it has to be done, so everyone picked up the needle and thread and passed it carefully.

Feng Aotian carefully observed the reactions of the people. One stick of incense had already burned halfway, and some students were already sweating profusely, wiping sweat continuously.

Yi Mu hasn’t worn it yet, but arranged all the beads one by one, then threaded the needle and thread, followed the arranged bead holes, one by one.

Gu Yefeng uses another method, measuring the size visually while wearing it. If so, it is also the most feasible method if the eyesight and memory are extremely accurate.

When a stick of incense burned out, Mr. Cat pointed his throat, “It’s time.”

He ordered people to collect the beads. Feng Aotian then looked at the people in front of him, and then asked, “Tell me, how many beads are there for Shi Caier and others? How many sizes are there? They have different shades. How much? According to the thickness of the beads?”

As soon as this statement came out, all the students fell silent, and then, they saw Yi Mu and Gu Yefeng step forward together.

Feng Aotian looked at the two of them, then looked at the others, and saw a handsome-looking man also standing up. Feng Aotian looked at the three of them, and then said, “Write the answer in On paper, present it to me.”

“Yes.” The three of them replied, then sat down, and after finishing writing, they presented them.

Feng Aotian looked at the answer above, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Well, Yi Mu guessed it, and Gu Yefeng guessed it 90%.”

She then raised her eyes and looked at the handsome man in front of her, “I heard it clearly, I guessed it 80%.”

When the students heard this, they were startled again, and then sighed for a while. It doesn’t have to be all?

In this case, don’t they all have a chance? Thinking about this, I obviously regretted it.

Feng Aotian then announced, “This year’s new division champion is Yi Mu, the second place is Gu Yefeng, and Tanhua is Wenqing.”

After the early morning, Yi Mu, Gu Yefeng, and Wen Qing walked to the Emperor’s bedroom. Feng Aotian raised his eyes and looked at the three people in front of him. She naturally knew about Yi Mu and Gu Yefeng, but she looked at him after Wen Qing. His dossier is nothing but an ordinary student, and a poor scholar who came from a remote village not far away, now stands out.

Feng Aotian looked at Wen Qing, “What can you ask me to do?”

Wen Qing heard that, at first, he was taken aback, and he knelt on the ground quickly, and thanked him, “The emperor, the Caomin is just a scholar, and now it is no regrets in this life to be awarded the three subjects. How dare you ask the emperor?”

Feng Aotian looked at him. The reason why she came up with the exam questions was to test their acumen and judgment. It is conceivable that Wen Qing must have her own unique ability.

“Yi Mu listens!” Feng Aotian looked at Yi Mu and said solemnly.

“The minister takes the order!” Yi Mu knelt down quickly and whispered.

“There has never been a precedent in the whole world. Now, I will make an exception for you. I specially designate you as the rightist, and assist me with Lan Jingshu. I will take office immediately without error.” Feng Aotian said solemnly.

“Chen Zongzhi!” Yi Mu was stunned again, apparently a flash of astonishment flashed in his heart, even with Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu in the emperor’s bedroom, and Gu Yefeng, Wen Qing was also stunned.

“Gu Yefeng listens!” Feng Aotian looked at Gu Yefeng and said in a low voice.

“The emperor, before listening to the decree, do you still owe the courtier a request?” Gu Yefeng was thinking about the ancient book.

Feng Aotian smiled, then looked at him, “Come here.”

Gu Yefeng looked at Feng Aotian, then pushed the wheelchair forward and approached at her sign, “The emperor, please say it.”

Feng Aotian attached an ear canal, “That ancient book is just about love between men and women. It is called Jinpingmei.”

After listening, Gu Yefeng was startled, and looked at Feng Aotian incredulously, “How is this possible?” The ancient book he finally found was… it turned out to be…

Feng Aotian raised his hand and stuffed the simplified Chinese character list in his arms, “Look at it for yourself, compared to those fonts that have already been printed in your mind.”

Gu Yefeng opened it quickly, looked at the handwriting on it, and roughly passed the fonts in his mind. Suddenly, his handsome face flashed a blush, and he quickly pushed the wheelchair back, “My Majesty, since you know , Why don’t you tell the courtier earlier.”

“Tell you earlier, you can still be here?” Feng Aotian raised his eyebrows and looked at him, “Isn’t you obedient?”

“Yes.” Gu Yefeng sat in a wheelchair, lowered his head, “The minister accepts the order!”

Feng Aotian looked at him, “I specially designate you as the official historian of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and take office immediately without error.”

Gu Yefeng shook his body and looked at Feng Aotian, “The emperor, the courtier knows nothing, how can he hold such a high position?”

“Why? Don’t you dare? Afraid?” Feng Aotian said in a low voice, staring at him coldly.

Gu Yefeng raised his eyes and looked at Feng Aotian, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and then lowered his head, “Chen Zunzhi!”

“Wear it clearly!” Feng Aotian said immediately.

“Caomin takes the order!” Wen Qing replied in a low voice.

“I specially designate you as a book to the Ministry of War, and take office immediately. You can’t make mistakes.” Feng Aotian looked towards Wen Qing, and now, at the time of recruiting wealth and talents, she is now planning to use new people, and , Let them sit in the highest position, she would have to see how they can stand.

Wen Qing had an obvious pause. He had originally thought that it was just a postman or a Ninth-rank official. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a positive third-rank. He couldn’t believe whether what he heard was true. , Raised his eyes, facing the cold eyes of Feng Aotian, he quickly lowered his head, “Chen Zunzhi!”

On this day, the top three students were named the highest authority. This is a precedent for directly rising to the highest authority since the founding of the country. The officials were surprised, thinking that they worked their lives for a lifetime, and now they are still standing still. , And these students, only in the top three, actually ride on their heads.

Mu Hanyao rushed to the capital, the sky was dark, he didn’t take a rest, but went directly to the palace to meet him.

Feng Aotian heard that he had returned to Beijing and hurriedly went to meet him at the gate of the palace. When he saw his stern face, he stepped forward and said with a small smile, “This journey is hard.”

“The minister sees the emperor!” Mu Hanyao looked at Feng Aotian again. For some reason, he felt a little excited in his heart, and quickly knelt on one knee.

Feng Aotian stretched out his hand, helped him up, took his hand, and walked into the emperor’s bedroom. At the door of the main hall, Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu were already waiting for him.

Yi Yang was also a man and horse brought by Mu Hanyao to settle down, and he was naturally happy when he learned that Yi Mu actually worshipped the right minister.

Yi Mu returned home tonight and looked at his father who had just returned. He quickly stepped forward and knelt on the ground, “Father.”

Yi Yang quickly helped Yi Mu up and looked at his still weak body, “Unexpectedly for my father, you suddenly became the prime minister. The burden will be heavier in the future. Can your body survive? “

“Father rest assured, now the baby’s body is getting better.” Yi Mu and Yi Yang immediately sat down, and the father and son also gave birth to a lot of emotions, drinking alcohol while chatting about home.

Gu Yefeng was really not happy about being appointed an official. Thinking back to what happened these days, he finally understood that he had been tricked by the emperor, and he had used it thoroughly.

He lowered his head and looked at the ancient book in his hand that looked like a treasure. He didn’t expect that it was such annoying books that were suddenly thrown on the ground.

Feng Aotian took Mu Hanyao’s hand and held it tightly in his hand, only to realize that his palm was cut out by the horse rein. She raised her eyes and looked at him, “First Go in and wash him up.”

Mu Hanyao was stunned, and now he just returned to the palace, it is really nothing compared to the border, especially in front of Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu, she actually said such humiliating things so bluntly, his face showed a strange look. Then salute respectfully, “Yes.”

“Mao Mao, don’t prepare bath soup.” Feng Aotian raised his eyes, looked at Mr. Mao, and said in a deep voice.

The father-in-law Cat is upset now. Looking at Mu Hanyao in front of him, his figure is really upright and vigorous, and it makes people’s heart moving when he looks at him, as well as his aura. Now he is upset enough to look at these two in front of him. Now, another one popped up, which could not tell how much in the future, he touched his own heart, hey, he is very careful.

Feng Aotian didn’t respond when he saw him, stepped forward, walked in front of him, and then kicked, “What is your expression?”

“Sad expression.” Father Cat squinted his eyes, his expression sad.

Feng Aotian waved his hand and said, “Go and prepare the bath soup for the Lord.”

Mother Cat listened, turned around and looked at Si Xi who was beside him, “Did you hear the command of the master?”

Seeing this look of Father Cat, Si Xi quickly responded, “Yes.” Then he went to prepare.

Feng Aotian looked at Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu, “Go in.”

“Yes.” Mu Hanjin and Lan Jing answered, and followed the figures of Feng Aotian and Mu Hanyao into the bedroom.

The cat father-in-law leaned against the door on one side, looking at the man beside Feng Aotian, his eyes flashed harshly, and he gave a cold snort. Sajia has seen older people since he was young. One.

The armor on Mu Hanyao’s body was still stained with blood, Feng Aotian looked at him, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to him, “Be thirsty.”

“Thank you, the emperor.” Mu Hanyao is unfamiliar with the palace, especially the emperor’s bedroom, which always makes him feel very awkward.

Feng Aotian disapproved, pulling him to sit down, “You returned to Beijing this time, the news must have been leaked, but who has leaked the wind?”

“Only four people at the border knew about the matter of the minister returning to Beijing. Except for the minister and Chiba, it was Jibai and Li Su. The minister wrote to Chiba to let him pay attention to Jibai. However, the former Japanese minister received Chiba Jibai was killed.” Mu Hanyao whispered.

Feng Aotian listened, his eyes dimmed, “Jibo is not a delicate work.”

“The emperor, do you know who it is?” Mu Hanyao looked at Feng Aotian, and then asked.

“I haven’t found it yet.” Feng Aotian spread his hand, then looked at Mu Hanjin, “Go and get the golden sore medicine.”

“Yes.” Mu Hanjin responded softly, then got up, brought clear water, and put it on the side.

Feng Aotian moistened the cotton cloth, wiped the stains on his hands, then applied the golden sore medicine, bandaged it, and looked at him, “Let’s rest here today.”

“The minister should go to the second brother’s place.” Mu Hanyao was really uncomfortable.

Feng Aotian’s eyes were cold, “Where the Lord asked you to rest, you will be there.”

“The minister abides by the decree.” Mu Hanyao knew that she couldn’t help her, so he could only agree.

Mu Hanjin looked at the relationship between Feng Aotian and her elder brother, and seemed to know something, a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and now he is relieved.

Sixi has prepared the bath soup and stood outside the hall saying, “The emperor, the bath soup is ready.”

“Well.” Feng Aotian looked at Mu Hanyao, “Go.”

“Yes.” Mu Hanyao replied, and then followed Si Xi to the inner hall.

Feng Aotian looked at the father-in-law Cat who was leaning at the entrance of the main hall. Those sad eyes did not leave her for a moment. She suddenly had a headache, and then said, “What’s wrong with you?”

The cat turned his body, still leaning, “What can happen to the minion?”

Feng Aotian knew that he was playing tricks, he had already taken it for granted, and he sighed helplessly, “Is your decoction ready?”

“Yeah.” Father Cat nodded and stared at her as if she had been abandoned.

“Master kicked and hurt you?” Feng Aotian asked immediately.

“Hmm.” Father Cat nodded, and nodded pitifully.

“Come here, let the Lord take a look.” Feng Aotian held his forehead helplessly, she really owed him, how could there be such a grinning fairy around him? Fortunately, she is an eunuch, otherwise, it really makes her worried.

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