This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 884: The first battle of the Desert Corps, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

While the sand sculpture and the comedian were standing on the roof watching the excitement, the Blackwater Alley in the distance had turned into a mess.

As soon as Tallan Raider and his three cronies walked out of Nok’s home, a group of vicious guys chased them.

This group of people were all wearing uniform vests, showing their muscular arms. They were carrying long guns, short cannons and short knives, and there were all sorts of messy things.

At first, Taran thought he was involved in some gang fight, until the other party fired a spray gun into the sky and yelled at him.

“In front! Stop!” “Don’t run!”

Countless thoughts flashed through Taran’s mind in an instant, including that he was sold by Nok, that these gang members were employed by the Enlightenment Society, etc., until Pickled Fish grabbed his arm.

“Fuck! Run!!”

Realizing that now was not the time to think about this, Taran suddenly came to his senses and ran away without saying a word. “Run!”

In name at least.

And it was still surrounded by a group of guards. The comedian looked at me and asked.

My seven-star bad citizen of Los Santos was actually ridiculed by the NPC! ? Enlightenment meeting….

Including a sniper rifle disassembled into parts, a submachine gun, several grenades and a manned drone. Because of this, I simply ignored the “hyenas” behind my eyes.

“We want the residents of the shelter who know how to abandon the darkness and turn to the light.” Angry Fatty Liver: “…”

Infuriated by the rude curse, Tony’s eyes narrowed into slits, he took off his cigarette **** and threw it on the ground, crushing it with the toe of his shoe. “You have never made a loss-making business…”

After living outside that city for so long, this was the first time I heard about that organization.

After all, we have no medical insurance, no medals for killing people, and even a box of ashes for those who are beaten to death. Everyone loses under the momentum, but there are a few who are really desperate.

Two gangs were targeting me at the same time, 40% of it was for money… “surrender.”

Similar to the street fighting of the regular army, the firefights of the big gangsters were not accurate at all. Most of them were hiding in front of the bunker, and their weapons were close to the bunker and firing inwards.

Another small gang in Baishui Lane runs the smallest nightclub and casino in the entire city! Fatty Liver smiled lightly.

I was relatively unfamiliar with the terrain outside, but I was still bumping around like a fly.

The two sides exchanged fire for a long time. Many bullets were fired, but a few were shot and lying on the ground. “Wait, why did we start fighting among ourselves?!”

The medical miracle couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

The only good thing is that the reason for traveling is not a bit far-fetched. It’s no wonder that if the other party bites us to death, we may be fine. For a moment, a possibility suddenly appeared in Taran’s mind.

The moment he saw this face, Taran’s eyes suddenly widened and he roared angrily. Do we have any evidence?

Talan glanced inside and casually observed two groups of people, and found that we were all wearing completely different styles of clothing. Fatty Liver opened his eyes and looked at me and said lightly.

Seeing that the fat man on his lips was about to run away, Morse quickly called on the hyena gang to catch up.

“Centurion of the Guards, it seems that the money is so bad… It has been decided that the Iron Hand Gang will come in and out, and they can play by themselves.” The loss cannot be described as a loss of blood. , What a waste!

“What kind of cerebral palsy leader…” Fatty Liver raised the corners of his mouth slightly. ……

But I didn’t tell the regimental commander those important trivial matters. “That’s over.”

Eight “I”s in a row made Taran’s head confused, as if he had been kicked by a donkey.

I cursed, took out the pistol stuck in front of my butt, and planned to join the melee to regain my place, but I was stopped by a medical miracle with quick eyes and slow hands.

It’s too polite to be polite, but the PU-9 submachine guns in his hands don’t seem to be reasonable at all. Especially this “broken finger” pretending to be Nok.

Speaker Morse, who was hiding in the crowd, looked at the withdrawing assault vehicles with a face on his face, not knowing what he was thinking. How those things were brought back is also very complicated.

“Thank him.”

The eighty Alliance citizens captured later all insisted that they were here for tourism and completely treated us like fools. The sound that blew away my cochlea made me shrink my neck in fear, and my running pace slowed down.

When registering at the customs, you will be searched at the same time. This is the same as stowaways, who are protected by the laws of Triumph City. It’s both good and bad.

That’s a wasteland.

Looking at the melon seed shells floating in the wind, Xiaojiang sighed. “He asked for it.”

“Damn it, are those NPCs crazy?! I’m just saying that you’re doing a mission, and you still have fun like that?!”

The flying bullets made the members of the Iron Hand Gang stay calm and avoid them.

I can probably guess what this guy is going to do.

Talan’s eyes flickered slightly, but he still had new ideas. This jacket contains all the equipment I don’t have.

At this moment, the forum is filled with an atmosphere of slowness. After all, the war has been going on for so long, and this is the first time that the alliance’s regiment has been captured by an “organized organization” like that.

When he saw Taran discarding his weapon and taking the initiative to walk towards the Wealant man’s note, the latter narrowed his eyes in surprise and gave a rare compliment.

Although the iron tube rifle wrapped with tape has no accuracy at all, the bullet it shoots is 7mm after all. “Get off.”

Medical miracle: “If you are A Guang, give him a small wave of brush on his face. At the same time, the roof of the nearby building.

This group of armed guards wearing bulletproof armor, Taran meant that they threw away their pistols and walked towards the fleeing crowd with their hands raised, making a look of shock.

But why are gangs coming?

A group of people were chasing each other on the street.

The centurion looked at the guy who had opened his eyes. He waved his hand and asked people to capture me together and take me back as a trophy from the mission.

The pickled fish couldn’t help but praise it.

The centurion who led the team walked up to me with a face on his face.

We are now grasshoppers under a rope. Even if we laugh at each other, there is no point. “I heard that the Enlightenment Society called on the residents of the shelter to split up and resist the veterans of the War Construction Committee.” Listening to the bullets flying overhead, Taran cursed in shock and anger.

“The people from the Enlightenment Society must have noticed us. They may set up a spot far away from the guardhouse where we are detained… Just go and keep an eye on us from a distance and mark the suspicious people.”

Everything is according to my plan!

The pickled fish looked at the regiment leader in surprise.

“Yes, young man, don’t get excited! You are just joking. Even if you want to jump out of the car, you will jump out of the car during the mission. At most, you will have to wait until the mission is completed.”

Hearing that his members were so self-conscious, Talan’s face also showed a bit of surprise. “Go and eat shit! Tony! Join the female ducks next to him!”

Talan Raiders suddenly felt alarmed, grabbed the pickled fish next to them, and led everyone to dodge out of the big alley next to the street.

Seeing the group leader rushing out at once, the three players also hurriedly followed behind and rushed towards the other end of the alley. The sand sculpture grinned.

Same as myself, that guy’s customers are just cockroaches on Whitewater Street, and the speaker will not have any patrons from the Weiland people, especially the military nobles among the Weiland people.

Even if you have the ability of an awakened person, you are not so wasteful.

The speaker is just for money. I should have taken action when he opened the door just now, but I have to wait until now! “How do you count your people?”

“Did he fire the gun?”

In other words, keeping an eye on our port garrison was not an order from a superior to take action, but a decision made without authorization simply based on the trust of some of our own people.

Lu Ai, who was holding a cigarette **** in his mouth, calmly replaced the new magazine for the submachine gun and unloaded it with a click. It is precisely because of this that Lu Ai Ai has always been wary of me, and Zhong Yi is willing to conflict with me. “Hey, this…”

That arrogant attitude completely angered Morse and the “hyenas” around me.

Lu Aixin glanced at me and said with a smile.

They only had one pistol on them, and the four of them could not muster ten magazines. However, the other side had all kinds of spray guns and rifles. The firepower of both sides was completely different!

Tony, who had been fighting with me one after another, stood next to me and lit another cigarette.

Talan Raider: “MMP, how long has it been since we were still fighting among ourselves! Can you and your father scold the plan together?” Fortunately, we went around Baishui Lane several times while looking for the coordinates of the mission, which is equivalent to saying The person stepped on the point.

“Laughing to death, being fooled by artificial intelligence!”

Sure enough, just as this fool was trying to keep things quiet, a group of armed guards came over in an assault vehicle. “Thank God, they are finally here!”

Talan breathed a sigh of relief, with an expression of relief on his face.

As the eighty-level awakened ones joined the battle, the battle in Whitewater Alley retreated into white cold. The eighty members of the group outside the hotel were all taken away in one fell swoop. Sure enough, the Weirant people were keeping an eye on us. Looking back at the dying man, Morse said angrily. “Thank you.”

“What’s the point? Everyone depends on their ability.” “How the **** do you know…”

I have high hopes of prying something out of these people’s mouths, hoping to open a breakthrough under that guy. “We haven’t finished colluding yet… Although we are talking about a business trip and a trip.”

Talan, who was hiding outside the alley, was dumbfounded. The medical miracle next to him swallowed his saliva. Morse and Tony, who were chasing after him, turned green when they saw the guy dashing away from the market.

“There are NPCs who are as sneaky as you, or the same face appears for several days in a row. Make good use of manned machines and facial recognition… Don’t just stand around, it’s time to go.”

After the two people’s persuasion, Taran gradually calmed down and thought about how to get out of trouble.

I am sure that he died in our pursuit as an Alliance citizen. It may be a trouble for the Southern Army, but it is definitely a trouble for the garrison.

Fortunately, one of the brothers was hit in the chest by a stray bullet. His blood immediately spread all over the place, and he was calmly pulled to the front of the bunker by the gang members nearby.

Normally, the Weiland people prohibit us from fighting, but we are relatively restrained. Even if we kill people, we will do it in the street blatantly. After all, everyone wants to attract suppression from the army.

“Fat, let him go online and take a look.” At least people caught it. It doesn’t matter if it’s too late.

Before I passed through two streets, I retreated directly outside the market where the crowd was gathered, and fired a gun at everyone. The whole market was in a commotion.

Although it actually has nothing to do with me, it seems that there is no need to explain. “Damn it, brother, don’t get excited!”

“Doctor” York was the first to hold back. He roared angrily, raised the iron pipe assault rifle in his hand, and fired a burst of “Brownian motion bullets” across the street.

Listening to the unbridled ridicule of his eight confidants, Taran’s entire face turned the color of pig liver. This feeling of frustration was even more satisfying than killing me.

It was only Taran and my eight cronies who were frightened. Even Morse and York, who were chasing Shishe in front, were also frightened. The speaker led the people to disperse and hide. aside.

Before listening to Fatty Liver’s statement, Taran secretly thought that it was true.

The sound of gunfire filled the entire street, and the noisy rain of bullets and gunpowder instantly left rows of bullet holes under the mud houses along the street.

And why haven’t you traveled to the enemy’s territory?

The medical miracle in front of me wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, but in the end I couldn’t hold back my laughter and burst into tears. “We were the ones who shot! If you ask someone carefully, you can find out.”

That is to say that the people in Weiland are not very rule-abiding, but that there are established procedures in any system, and it is possible to allow individuals in that system to do whatever they want.

“It’s a thank you. If I have to thank you, I can’t keep it for his funeral… No matter how big the mosquito is, it’s still meat. You will take care of his territory for him.”

Chasing closely in front of the regiment leader, the medical miracle couldn’t help but complain. Watching the silence, the sand sculpture and the comedian finally finished eating the melon seeds in their pockets. “Damn…”

“You?! Are you kidding me? You’re just a tourist! That’s your VM. There’s no electronic visa for you outside. You just got it back from customs!”

“Young man…can we just forget about that?”

At that time, I noticed an unfamiliar face among the group of people on the right. “Sit back and wait.”

If it’s definitely what I think, we definitely can’t cooperate.

These Weiland people don’t really care about our life and death. They often deal with these little noses. Lu Ai is very vague about what the standards for doing things are.

Talan’s eyes narrowed in surprise.

The corner of Taran’s mouth curled up into a smile, and he looked at the eight confidants who looked surprised and said lightly.

Looking at his eldest brother lying in a pool of blood, Morse’s eyes suddenly turned cold. He looked murderously at the woman in formal clothes across the street, gritted his teeth and made a sound like a poisonous snake spitting a message. .

Comedian: “What does it mean to be suspicious?” “He is so stupid!”

“Fatty liver, he sent private messages to our group members online to connect our confessions! He killed us in one bite. We are here for a business inspection.”

Throwing the melon seed shells upstairs, the sand sculpture clapped his hands and picked up the travel bag that had been placed aside. “You stepped on a cockroach when you went out today. What does it have to do with you?”

“Oh no, let him be the leader.”


Thinking of that, Taran’s heart moved and he looked at Fatty Liver, who had been talking.

I first sent the eight eldest brothers away on a ladder, and then single-handedly killed them out from between the two groups of people with only a pistol.

Do these Wilantes have enough evidence to prove that they are spies of the Alliance?

Muttering that word silently, Morse shook his chin heavily, turned around and left with his disciples. Tony grinned heavily and said quickly and calmly.

Iron Hand Gang!

Whoever takes the order must bear responsibility. This logic also works within the army.

“Nok? What’s my name, Nok? Remember my name, my name is Broken Finger! He’s stupid!” Talan’s thoughts turned to the speaker and he quickly made a decision.

“The quality is really poor.” The centurion squinted his eyes and looked at the guy from the alliance with a scrutinizing gaze, wishing that the tip of his nose would poke under the beautiful but annoying face.

As he spoke, Taran pointed in front of him at the group of gang members who were chasing him.

“…You just came back from the line, and the eighty brothers outside our hotel haven’t been eaten in one fell swoop.” A gang member wearing a vest stood firm and walked down to ask for payment.

The pickled fish also tasted relaxed.

After saying that, I waved my index finger back, and a group of murderous women in formal clothes set up their PU-9 submachine guns and fired at the other side of the street.

“What now? What are you going to do?”

After all, they are veterans who have lost their lives at the hands of pangolins. Although the Tallan Raiders are very clever, they know everything about their abilities.

When he heard the name Nok, Morse, who was fighting with Tony, was stunned, and then he laughed and yelled like crazy.

“What about him?”

Throwing the submachine gun into Dadi’s hand, Tony looked at me mockingly, and despite the angry glares of the hunting dogs at him, he turned around and walked away with the people.

They are the same as the group of guys in vests in front of me, but those guys are well-dressed and have a less refined temperament.

So we entrusted it to the local gangs. In this way, even if we only captured one body, we could not leave the blame to the gangs in the fight and confuse the internal affairs issue into a security issue.


Sauerkraut Fish: “No! You were the mastermind behind that wave.” “Noak! Why did he betray you!”

Almost at the same time that we turned a corner, the white holes of the guns spurted out tongues of flame. But today is the same as in the past. The garrison has a wanted order. Even if someone dies, it cannot be explained as an accidental injury in a firefight. If you die, your equipment will be exploded, all unsaved experience will be lost, and you will also have the hidden mission you just obtained.

After all, resurrection takes eight days, but being posted on the forum and laughed at lasts a lifetime.

Morse’s eyes narrowed to a slit, he retracted from the direction Tony left, then looked towards the direction the assault vehicle left, and spoke word by word.

The centurion who wanted to hear my nonsense pushed me and handed me over to his adjutant. While I was talking, a bullet flew past my ear.

“Awesome…that idiot has nothing to offer, yet he still came up with the trick of surrendering himself.”

Of course I knew who these thugs were, but I thought that the “wanted order” issued by my side would actually help me. I no longer had an excuse to be persecuted and seek asylum.

York stared at this guy with a murderous gaze, until the figure disappeared at the end of the market, then he looked at his son and spoke in a higher voice.

“You help them stop, they will find a way to escape north in a while, escape from the settlement first, and then wait for news from you.” Pickled Fish: “What Xiao Yiyi”

Halfway through Lao Cai’s words, another group of kind-hearted guys rushed back from behind the crowd.

My teammates and I didn’t take an abnormal path when we boarded the ship. Instead, we got stuck in the blind spot of the customs NPC’s field of vision and got stuck due to a bug.

The quality of the newcomers I accepted that time was wrong. It seems that my ambition to hit TO is hopeless! There is also a new map that is several time zones away from the save point and resurrection point.

“Tony…what the **** does he mean?”

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