This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 864: People are the future, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

The rain of fire flying all over the sky is like the stars falling from the sky.

The rainwater on the ground was evaporated, the steel was melted, and the earth was scorched black.

No living creature could survive the deadly heat.

Even if it’s red soil.

That is a more direct damage than radioactive fallout.

Looking at the burning land in front of him, Captain Wolf of the 360,000th Army narrowed his eyes slightly and involuntarily raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, but he quickly put it back.

Even if he had no doubt that the Southern Army would eventually win the final victory, it was difficult to interpret the battle in front of him as a victory.

Faced with the joint encirclement and suppression by three teams of ten thousand people, the other party actually destroyed their supply line despite high battle losses.

What’s even more terrible is that this is just a thousand-man armored team of the alliance!

Even if the number is a little larger, it will be considered as a “reinforcement” at most, and it will never be able to form a team of 10,000 people.

No matter how the triumphal report rhetorically speaks for them, it is difficult for the battle report to lie.

And it’s hard to say whether this Triumph will help them as much as before.

After all, this time is different from the past. They have offended too many people, and even their allies in the east are not completely on their side.

But just offend if you offend.

He comforted himself in his heart that as long as he won the final victory, all the seemingly incompatible people would change their minds.

But how long will it take to win?

This is just the beginning.

I don’t know what else is waiting for them ahead.

Looking at the gradually extinguishing flames, the staff officer sitting next to him twitched the corner of his mouth.

“…It’s finally over.”

The opponent was far more difficult than he imagined.


Wulf nodded, didn’t say a word, just looked on expressionlessly.

Looking sideways at him, the staff officer whispered.

“Their technological progress is faster than we imagined. According to the intelligence provided by our allies in the east, they only used a vehicle-mounted electromagnetic gun as their trump card in previous battles, but this time But a whole armored force was installed.”

After a pause, he continued.

“I have a reasonable suspicion that there are more of them…which are a threat to us.”

The spaced armor of Conqueror 10 has almost absolute defense against armor-piercing bullets, and armor-breaking bullets are almost the limit that most survivor forces can achieve with primitive industrial technology.

As for the kinetic artillery, conventional calibers and charges cannot even touch the gap layer of the armor. It can be easily defended simply by relying on the hard shell.

It is precisely for this reason that the indestructible armor of Conqueror 10 is an insurmountable “wall of sighs” for the vast majority of survivors.

In order to defend against some “free-fall bombs” thrown from abandoned high-rise buildings and adapt to the security warfare in the urban environment, they even specially strengthened the top cover of the turret!

However, all these targeted designs have become a joke in the face of weapons designed based on new technical principles.

The Alliance’s electromagnetic guns penetrated one by one. As long as the static-charged shells hit the ammunition rack, there would be a series of brilliant sparks. This was one of the reasons why their armored formations were continuously blown up.

Theoretically, the penetration effect of the electromagnetic gun is adjustable. If a special warhead is installed, it can even break through air resistance, so there is really no upper limit to the damage effect.

What is worrying is that I heard that the South China Sea Alliance seems to have this technology, and it is used on their battleships.

In the past, they did not pay attention to the group of fishermen in the southern waters, but with the arrival of the alliance, the group of starfish huddled on the island suddenly became frightened and now began to move out.

Once these technologies spread, the advantages the Legion has had over the past century and a half will be gone!

To deal with this unprecedented threat, they should at least break away from the design ideas of the “Conqueror” series and develop brand-new equipment based on new “tactical needs.”

These preparations should have been made before the war started, but what he saw was that they were not.

While their opponents were seriously considering their equipment, the top brass of the legion simply purchased a batch of “Conqueror” No. 10 from the Eastern Legion.

Perhaps the senior management still holds other trump cards in their hands, or in other words, they did not expect to win by relying on the superiority of the armored forces from the beginning, but instead put their chips on other trump cards, but the current battle situation does make him feel a little worried. .

Although he also had no doubt that the Wilantes would win the final victory, he couldn’t help but worry that they were a little overconfident and even ignored the objective laws of development of things.

Even if I never say it less.

“…It’s just a tactical threat,” the adjutant corrected, grinned, and continued disapprovingly, “When it comes to strategy, it’s another matter. Just like now, whether it’s an electromagnetic gun or something Well, in the end there was only a puddle of molten iron left. They won ten times, and the Lion City is now in our hands.”

In terms of firepower, the Southern Army will not lose to anyone!

He has absolute confidence in this.

Even if the opponent’s electromagnetic gun is stronger, it can’t fill the gap in firepower between the two sides!

“That’s correct,” the staff officer did not refute his statement, but asked, “But what if they want other trump cards?”

The adjutant smiled.

“You mean phaser cannon? That kind of thing is indeed a threat, but we are not unprepared.”

The staff officer shook his head.

“I’m afraid it’s something else.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know.”

Hearing this ambiguous answer, the adjutant was stunned for a moment.

“Don’t know?”

The staff officer nodded and said solemnly.

“Not knowing is the scariest thing… Haven’t you discovered yet? Our opponents know us, but we have never tried to understand them.”

He always had a feeling that the alliance had penetrated into them.

This is not surprising.

There are many people in Willant who are hostile to the Alliance, but there are also many who have a favorable impression of them.

These people are the easiest to bribe.

Those people were even willing to help them without bribery.

Whether they admit it or not, this type of group exists in the Legion, and as their actions become more and more crazy, this resistance is also growing.

Looking at the Legion, let alone bribery, it is difficult to even hire a brewmaster from Dawn City to work in Yavente…


The boiling flames turned the enemy into ashes, finally dispelling the anger in everyone’s hearts.

Not only did the commander in the command car relax his frown, but the soldiers of the 360,000th Corps also relaxed their tense shoulders and suppressed the raised muzzles of their guns.

It was really a brutal battle. The sudden flashing arc in the darkness and the turret flying into the sky almost became a lingering nightmare in their hearts.

The flames in the distance gradually extinguished.

Just when everyone was about to close the team, a stumbling figure suddenly appeared in the dark wilderness.

The man’s arms were tightly tied with ropes, and he was walking on the muddy ground with a disbelieving pace, as if he might fall to the ground at any time.

The frontline reconnaissance team discovered him first.

Several Wilant soldiers standing next to the reconnaissance vehicle exchanged glances, and invariably saw surprise in each other’s eyes.

Is there anyone alive? !

“Captain, there is a living person!”

“…seems to be one of ours.”

The captain sitting in the car frowned and looked through the magnifying glass of the electric machine gun.

The man’s body was covered with mud, his face was stained, and his pants were wet, like a wild dog rolling out of a mud pit.

Whether it is the tall nose or the military uniform, they all tell his identity.

This guy is his compatriot.

Although he desperately hoped not.


When the man approached, the tenth captain got out of the car himself and pointed his gun at him to signal him to stop.

“I…ahem! My name is Quincy…I am one of our own!”

The face of the young man named Quincy was full of fear, his eyes were as empty as briquettes, and his gray-headed face looked like a slug.

He doesn’t want this either.

But he was frightened.

Not only because the guy shot him with his mouth before, but also because of the artillery fire that fell from the sky.

That was completely different from the scene seen in the exercise. It was not him charging towards the cannonballs, but the cannonballs all over the sky hitting him.

The burning white phosphorus almost touched the heels of his shoes, and he almost died in the hands of his own people after escaping from the tiger’s mouth!

“Your number.”

The captain stared at him intently, looking at the cowardly look with contempt written in his eyes.

“The 34th Mechanical Infantry Team of 10,000 people…the 3,000th person…”

“What about the third thousandth person? Don’t you even know your serial number?” The ten-capion commander stared at him coldly, lowering the muzzle of the gun in his hand, “And your exoskeleton, your equipment, Where the **** did you go? Did you give it away?”

“…Yes, maybe in the fire.” Quincy swallowed hard, not daring to say that it might have been picked up by the guerrillas.

The tenth captain didn’t pay attention at all, he just looked at him with contempt.

“Oh, really, then why aren’t you in there?”


“I’m so ashamed of you, a weak **** like you is actually one of our compatriots.”

The tenth captain pulled out a captured pistol from the waist of one of his subordinates, threw it in front of the wild dog-like guy, and said with a look of disgust.

“Our 360,000th team doesn’t have a coward like you. We would rather die on the battlefield than surrender.”

He said nothing, but as if he had said everything, he quietly looked at the frightened young man in front of him.

The same goes for the Weirant people next to them.

At first they sympathized with the poor guy, but after hearing what the captain said, they were no longer so sympathetic.

This coward is actually from Wilante?

It’s really dirty their noble blood!

It is better to kill yourself and die in the hands of the enemy, and you can be considered a warrior for the time being.

Quincy tremblingly picked up the pistol on the ground and put it against his chin. However, his index finger seemed to be filled with lead, and he didn’t have the courage to pick it out after shaking for a long time.

He looked pleadingly at the compatriots standing around him, hoping that they would stop him, but found that they were just looking at him playfully, as if urging him to hurry up.

Why is this?

He was obviously fighting for the land where the Weiland people could live under the sun, but why did he become the enemy of the Weiland people after escaping from death?

He felt as if something was broken in his heart, and he suddenly broke down and roared.


He finally mustered up the courage and pulled the trigger with all his heart, but only heard a crisp “clang” sound.

The crisp sound made his head buzz, as if he had been kicked by a donkey.

There is no bullet in the chamber…

He was fooled.

No matter how stupid he was, he realized that these veterans were just playing with him for fun.

Quincy looked at those guys blankly, and suddenly all the strength in his body seemed to be drained, and he collapsed to the ground with a plop.

The Wilant soldiers gave the coward one last mocking look, without saying a word, turned back to the car, started the engine and drove away.

The soldier sitting in the driver’s seat had been watching, glancing at the figure disappearing in the rearview mirror, with a somewhat unbearable expression on his face.

“Don’t we care about that guy?”

Before the ten-capion spoke, another young man sitting next to him curled his lips and laughed.

“Do you want to ride in a car with that mud man?”

The fireman carrying the machine gun also laughed and teased.

“He’s already here, let him keep running, maybe he can run back to Triumph City.”


The car was filled with wild laughter.

The boys of the 360,000th team returned to the camp with the glory of annihilating the alliance’s ace, even though this tough battle cost them a lot.

At the same time, on the other side, in the northern part of Surak County, the 170,000th team stationed there finally reunited with the reinforcements from the rear and once again launched an invasion towards the Dog State in the three northern states!

The Yue Clan resistance army stationed on the Gouzhou border only put up limited resistance and withdrew from the battlefield.

As planned, they decided to use mobile warfare to counter the Legion’s offensive.

Strengthen the opponent’s supply lines as much as possible, and then use artillery and guerrillas to annihilate the opponent’s effective forces.

Just like their strategy when fighting the Gray Wolf Army on the border of Mammoth State.

But in this way, their battle report is indeed a bit ugly, and the front line is almost “collapsed at the first touch”.

Compared to Lassi, who is as steady as an old dog, Absek is obviously much more restless.

If the elite troops of the alliance had not arrived in Tiandu, he might have fled like Shah Rukh.

Tiandu is connected in all directions. To the south is his hometown of Langzhou, and to the east is Xiangzhou where the weather is good.

If you want to run away, there is still somewhere to run. If not, you can go to Kingallen Harbor to live in an apartment.

The whole Tiandu City is in panic.

And just when everyone wanted to leave, there was one person who could leave but refused to leave.

The office of the Commander-in-Chief.

Isher stood in front of the desk and looked at Absek sitting behind the desk and said.

“I want to go to the front line.”

Absak stopped writing in his hand and looked up at the young man.

He had some impression of this guy, as if he was that slippery Anwo.

A few days ago, Anwo sent a telegram to transfer his former subordinates to Golden Gallen Port to help.

He couldn’t stop him from doing such a trivial matter, and besides, he also needed someone to go to Golden Gallen Port for him to do misfortune, so he waved his hand to approve it.

What he didn’t expect was that when the day came to leave, Isher wouldn’t leave.

“Go to the front line? Have you thought clearly about going to the front line at this time?”

Looking at Abu Saik who was smiling but not smiling, Isher nodded seriously.

“I figured it out.”

“Okay, if you are ambitious! Then I won’t keep you, just follow the people of the alliance.”

After a pause, Absek rolled his eyes and then said.

“Your military rank is too low and not worthy of your ability. From now on you are the commander of ten thousand men, responsible for rebuilding the disbanded 30,000-man army!”

Isher stood up straight, holding his right fist close to his chest.

“Thank you for the promotion, Commander-in-Chief!”

Absek smiled and waved his hand.

“This is not an easy job. Don’t work too hard. Just take the new recruits and get familiar with them… Forget it, I believe you understand. Just take care of yourself.”

Isher knew what he wanted to say, and also knew why he temporarily promoted himself to captain of ten thousand men and gave him a bunch of new soldiers who needed training.

And it still uses the old number of the 30,000-person team that sacrificed the most heroically.

Although the commander-in-chief was dissatisfied with Anwo’s arbitrary actions in Xifan Port, he still regarded them as his subordinates in his heart.

In other words, it is to protect shortcomings.

Everyone knows that the current front line is a fire pit, and it is still the kind that no matter how much firewood is thrown, he will at least hint that he should not go, and if he can’t persuade him, he will also think of a way to keep him safe.

Isher nodded, expressed his gratitude sincerely, and then turned and left the office.

Looking at the young man who turned around and left, Absek, who was not that old, sighed arrogantly.

“…We are not all naughty, there are still two good guys.”

But it’s a pity.

In the land of Borneo, most good people do not end well.

A few months is not enough, and even a few years are not enough. It will take at least decades, or even hundreds of years.

The day a **** like me is held at gunpoint by a good guy, then the country of Borneo will really be saved.

Absek shook his head with a smile, picked up the pen, bent over his desk and continued writing.

[…to Cabaja, Commissioner of Education. 】

[I think the university matter has been taken care of, but there is really no money left in the Borneo treasury. You have to allow me to wait for two years, and I will treat the money as something I owe you. 】

[In addition, I heard that Mr. Rat has established a Mammoth State University in Mammoth State, which recruits students from the entire Borneo Province. In this case, we might as well borrow their classrooms and desks to start a “joint school” and use their place to teach our students. 】

[You educated people should communicate more, just like I can chat with Lacy. If you pull your face down, I think Mr. Rat will not refuse. Even if you chase me and scold me, you won’t be able to scold me for a silver coin. . 】

[With all the gunfire going on today, it is really not a place to teach and educate people. Besides, it would be a pity if the repaired teaching building was destroyed. It would be better to build it after the construction is completed. 】

[Just think that I am sure about the university. First select the students of the right age. The budget is indeed not enough to build a building, but it is still enough to organize a few exams and collect some travel expenses and living expenses. Remember to select real talents and send them to Mammoth University to learn from the teachers there. Once they have completed their studies, they will become our teachers. We are not afraid that they will not come back in the future, but we are afraid that they will go into the trenches with big guys like us and never come back… Regardless of the Borneo Kingdom or the Mammoth Kingdom, those people are our future. 】

[You are responsible for this matter alone. If any naughty guy dares to trick you into coming to me, I will definitely skin him! 】

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