This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 680: He and his children, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

As initially guessed by the Alliance Biological Research Institute, the forests in Baiyue Province are the children of “Gaia” and the earth.

The forest here does not only refer to the trees in the forest.

It also includes flowers, plants, insects, birds, animals, and even the humans who once lived here.

The mother nest that landed on this land opened up its own gene pool, and at the same time gave all creatures on this land the ability to exchange genetic materials with each other.

Of course, this kind of exchange is not an irregular and random migration.

Rather, under the framework of natural selection unique to the earth, the best gene fragments and the combinations between fragments stand out from evolution, and in the ultimate natural selection and constant trial and error Carry forward.

It only took them two centuries to complete the path that the earth’s ecosystem would have taken 2 million or 20 million years to complete – or even not be able to complete at all.

The rustling of leaves and the chirping of insects rang in my ears.

Hearing this shocking conclusion, Fang Chang was stunned for a long time, his Adam’s apple moved slightly, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

“…is this fusion?”

That said, that route is weak. In fact, the most buggy ascension route in the entire game is the one in front of it.

“What about the people here? They also had that fusion… fused the DNA of the alien species?”

It’s like having buffs all over your body!

“Specifically speaking, the way of gene transmission is not just reproduction… Let’s take the example of the earth to illustrate. Smelt and herring are two types of hot water that are related. fish, but the antifreeze protein gene of herring appears in the latter’s gene sequence. You call that situation horizontal gene transfer.”

As for why their footprints have not traveled through thousands of stars, or why they have lost their original appearance, it is just that the pursuit of both parties is the same.

The situation shown by Planet Li Ying does not look like a civilization with “cross-species compatibility”.

“Ah, by the way, are they recently studying how to use slime mold in the construction field? You might as well try this biological self-healing material and see if it is suitable for other emerging situations. As for Land with a high utilization rate can maintain the original ecology of the forest——”

“Just like when we were in Qingquan City, you reclaimed the land and then contracted it to you for planting. As long as nothing grows underground, there should be a problem, right?”

“A piece of Imperial Bamboo Grass,” Li Yingli looked at the blade of grass under my hand and continued, “You found human mitochondrial DNA fragments in the mitochondria of the sliced ​​cells of a sample of Imperial Bamboo Grass.”

A river separated the rats, with mountains on one side and forests on the other. The river dried up millions of years ago, and the two waves of rats met again, and reproductive isolation occurred between them, which can be regarded as degenerating into the same species. species. It cannot even be said that “isolation” is a necessary condition for the generation of new species.

“‘Disappeared’ in the degradation, or was merged, becoming another form of existence…”

It is simultaneous and relative, and the side effect is that the player’s race interface becomes a messy color palette.

At that moment, Lao Bai, who had been trying to get into trouble just now, suddenly said something.

Fang Chang said with a wry smile.

“Where are the people left behind?”

Looking at the stunned two people, Chen Yutong said solemnly.

And that’s why the evolution of life on Earth basically extended upward in a “fork-like shape” before passing through the early microbial stage.

Both of them looked at me in unison, and Fang Chang asked immediately.

“Not surprisingly, there are not as many survivors in this area as in Qingquan City, but there must be some who have stayed.”

“He handed the earth a key and opened the lock of your degradation.”

“Is there no solution?”

Li Yingli continued patiently.

In addition, the land does not have the “Growth Speed ​​+n%” buff, and the soil fertility seems to be ridiculously low. It can yield eight or seven harvests a year.

“In addition, the ‘self-healing properties’ they observed later are actually based on the principles you mentioned later.”

There isn’t an ascension talent out there that I’ve been looking for a lot called “cross-species compatibility”, which is also the first step of “genetic ascension”.

“But doing so will introduce genes there, making the situation there simpler——”

“In fact, in the past two centuries, no alien species has left that forest, and no new alien species have joined or retreated. Some ethnic groups have thrived in that rainforest, and some ethnic groups have contributed their own DNA. Disappeared from the rainforest.”

As if he guessed that I would ask that question, Chen Yutong explained patiently.

Chen Yutong nodded again.

Lao Bai nodded.

The stars in the world originally have only one color, and all civilizations are keen on expanding their territories.

Taking this piece of grass, Lao Bai looked at you with understanding.

The maintenance cost of cotton fields is always much higher than that of cement fields, and the cash crops produced can still make a fortune.

“But…how was that done?”

Why bother?

“Is it right to accept the low maintenance costs now?”

And their poems have not been finished in the past years – this existence is called the mother nest by human colonists.

The colonists sent Gaia back to Earth carrying this poem, and the Gaia scattered in Baiyue Province was an excerpt from that poem.

Fang Chang was stunned, and suddenly realized that he had asked a very stupid question, ignoring the order of magnitude gap between the variables and the population.

“This must have left the forest?”

“What can I do?”

“That’s not the brood nest.”

“That is?”

Human mitochondria? !

However, if you take a closer look, you will see that this is not a honeycomb as understood by abnormal people, but thousands of honeycombs all integrated into one!


Looking at a low macro level, money is just a tool to balance logistics profit and loss and market supply and demand. The damage caused by a negative asset is only a shortfall in the financial report, and it will also cause a small amount of manpower and material resources to be wasted on meaningful things.

After a pause, you looked at Fang Chang, who was deep in thought.

(Thanks to the leader of “Sarayago” for the reward!!!)

Chen Yutong nodded.

“There is a way.”

This civilization, which has not yet been dissolved into the tangible, may be even more inferior than human imagination.

Fang Chang, who had been thinking for a long time, suddenly asked.

“According to the relevant literature of the Prosperity Era, it was just fish, and a similar situation existed in reptiles, birds, and mammals. Therefore, as of the post-war period, the common view in the academic community was that the evolution of life was not It is a classic tree shape, with a large number of thin and large silk threads sticking between some branches.”

Fang Chang asked immediately.

Fang Chang frowned slightly.

“So…you are now joining the Glorious Degeneration?”

Even if the BUFFs are stacked all over the world, these AIs with advanced brains outside the game are also the players’ opponents.

Old Bai frowned slightly and asked.

“Looking at it abstractly, the forest is equivalent to the ‘mother nest’ that superimposes the natural laws of the earth and develops to the primary stage. All living things in the entire rain forest are fruiting bodies, and the total is an abstract ‘Gaia’… As for this most original and specific Li Ying, you are still looking for it.”

Looking at Chen Yutong, Lao Bai still had an incomprehensible expression.

He is all, and all is Him.

In the eyes of outsiders, we are a unified consciousness.

It is known that the CPU of the current computer will dry out, but the CPU of the human brain will dry out.

“It may be a wrong idea to maintain the original ecological style as much as possible. In fact, it is necessary to make all settlements the same. What if we consider exploring a model suitable for the development of Baiyue Province? That’s what you can give My only suggestion.”

“Is this an area that is frequently active?”

Perhaps no civilization was born to build a wonder or write a poem.

“What will happen, just like the survivors who left the rainforest and fled to the island, the part of the genes we took away will participate in the degradation of the rainforest again.”

I believe that horses and donkeys can mate, but ants and trees, spiders and cockroaches…how on earth can those strange combinations come together? !

“But…are the survivors in the southern sea still bad? You also feel that there is no difference between us and you.”

“That is also the issue you are studying, including why that forest is limited to this province and whether it has spread to other places… Don’t be too patient.”

Any hybrids produced by each other of the same species will regress and reproduce with other hybrids, and the images and names will eventually become weird.

Chen Yutong nodded and looked towards the dense and ventilated rainforest in front of him.

Fang Chang vaguely felt that I seemed to be getting closer to the truth of the eight-year war – the main plot of “Wasteland OL” since the server was launched.

For some reason, they have not only achieved cross-species fusion, but also integrated all organisms on the planet into one through unimpeded genetic exchange.

Not to mention that the rainforest only became like that today. Have you seen anything new?

While speaking, Chen Yutong squatted on the ground, picked up a leaf of yellow bamboo grass from the roadside, and handed it to my hand before getting up.

Chen Yutong looked at me and said.

“The degradation of individuals and the rise of populations are two different things in the same dimension. Faced with the extremely deteriorating natural environment, some people choose to leave, and some choose to stay. And these survivors in the southern seas are just We are just the people who left. We were participating in the degradation that occurred in that rainforest.”

Therefore, a small number of players will click until the end, stuck on the first paragraph of “Jifei” to maintain the purity of the species and their own sense of substitution.

That time, Lao Bai felt a headache and pressed his eyebrows.

Fang Chang asked with a headache.

I touched my forehead with my left hand and said with a smile.

What’s more, it’s all four years of compulsory education.


Fang Chang looked at you dumbfounded, feeling that he understood completely, but he didn’t seem to understand a little.

“That’s right… that idea is wrong. In fact, it’s not quite what you thought. It’s not a good idea to replace these flowers and plants with cash crops.”

Looking at the confused expression on my face, Chen Yutong raised his index finger and pressed his eyebrows, and said helplessly.

Because once cross-species compatibility is unlocked, it means that players cannot go through a series of war criminal operations, such as putting two creatures without the same characteristics on the same planet, which will weaken our ability to regress and hybridize. New The hybrid child born will inherit one positive trait from its parents, and it is subject to the lower limit of genetic improvement and cannot be infinitely stacked.

Looking at my concerned expression, Lao Bai shrugged helplessly.

“…How on earth could something like that be accomplished?” Lao Bai was still scratching his head in confusion, pondering over and over again the question that I had no doubts about.

Don’t talk about metabolites, we only left one or two corpses outside the forest. What are a few cotton seeds?

A small number of biology textbooks and popular science books will mention such a complex model when explaining the concepts related to geographical isolation and reproductive isolation.

Chen Yutong’s eyes also lit up and he said excitedly.

Lao Bai glanced at the Yue people in the eastern camp and continued.

The infrastructure expenditure of Chipchi Port is entirely paid for by Baiyue Strait Development Co., Ltd. It is possible that the alliance finance will pay for the road construction expenses of Chipchi Port. I must consider the issue of balance of payments casually.

“Yes, the genes you carry will also retreat into the forest in some form. Microorganisms everywhere will decompose your feces, hair, and even corpses. Those are one of the ways to retreat. . But that is integration at the macro level. At the micro level, as long as you are eaten by the alien species there and turned into urine, you will disappear in that rain forest.”

“…We have been there for so long, does he think there are still one or two chromosomes missing?”

That reminds me of a game I once played called Stellaris.

Both Lao Bai and Fang Chang had surprised expressions on their faces.

“…For the time being, you still have no way to trace how the DNA fragment that originally belonged to a human migrated to the body of Huangzhucao. Maybe it migrated through the food chain, maybe it was bridged by some kind of intermediate microorganism, or both. No. In previous investigations, you quickly discovered similar conditions under mutated spiders, lizards, and even snails… They have neither elements of humans nor elements of other species.”

And it’s just a matter of money.

I haven’t given up on understanding the game’s settings from a scientific perspective. If I use the game’s settings to understand it, my ideas will open up.

“The area is being developed temporarily. How about planting some cold zone crops to occupy the space first? For example, rubber, cotton, etc… Do you remember that some low-yielding cotton seeds appeared outside the refuge a long time ago? ”

Lao Bai, who was standing aside, couldn’t help but ask.

The general view in the biological community is that the horizontal transmission of genes is unique to microorganisms and mostly occurs between eukaryotic organisms.

Lao Bai looked at her blankly.

“In that low-level ‘involution’ environment, once a physical vacuum area appears, it will be quickly occupied by other species.”

Chen Yutong looked at me helplessly and said.

“What the mother nest does is to turn those silk threads that originally played only a small role in biological evolution into bridges between species, allowing the original tree-like life of the earth to The evolving graph has turned into a ‘net’ similar to Li Yingxia.”

“That’s right…”

“The lock of the degradation of all things.”

“There’s a way…” Chen Yutong made a helpless expression, “Not to mention your gathering place, not the Shilong City that existed later, it can still block that kind of transcendence. Due to the erosion of the abnormal force of nature, the creatures there must be wasted at all, so they still try their best to use the developed land in a bad way.”

Seeing my confused expression, Chen Yutong felt helpless, but still said patiently.

Players only need to tirelessly repeat the operation several times, and eventually they can create a super species that is compatible with all the positive traits in the game!

“…You can probably guess what he is thinking, is reproductive isolation between species right?”

When you get there, you suddenly think of something else.

Although I don’t know much about biology, I have received four years of compulsory education.

“Genes communicate unimpededly between species, and continue to screen out more advanced species in natural selection. The organisms there are whether they are plants or animals, whether they are producers or producers in the food chain. Consumers all have extremely strong vitality and the ability to accumulate nutrients…because that is definitely the case, and they will soon become cannon fodder that disappears after contributing a few sets of code.”

Yet you tell me that the isolation between species has been broken? !

Not many players will put the intermediate product of my hybrid on a planet and charge the Vassal War Colossus before the ultimate goal is achieved – nor before they obtain this super creature with thousands of buffs. Completed in one go, everything fell out.

Chen Yutong: “It’s actually a very difficult solution. Just keep occupying the area. For example, the land on his feet is often too no one passes by, so the grass grows too lush, and it is not easy to lay cement. If we can persist for a long time, the relative maintenance cost may be lower than other places.”

How the **** is that done? !

(End of this chapter)

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