This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 667: Build a few more settlements, don’t be polite, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

[Dear Administrator, when you read this email, our Niuma cargo airship has arrived over the Baiyue Strait and established our base here on the north shore of the seaport leading to the southern sea. ’s first base. 】

[To be honest, the situation here is more complicated than we imagined. All traces of civilization have been washed away by the sea. The nearest survivor settlement is on an island more than a hundred nautical miles away from us. , which means that we cannot get empirical help from local survivors and have to rely on ourselves. 】

[More than that, the suitable climate allows the mutated creatures here to evolve at an incredible speed, and the rainforest is filled with alien species we have never seen before. On our first day here, we encountered a lizard bigger than a crocodile, a crocodile as big as a dinosaur, a giant python that could swallow a two-headed cow, as well as baby-sized bats and half-human-tall scorpions and rats. ······Even plants that eat people! 】

[Of course, the most incredible thing for us is that we found wild “Naguo” locally. Not surprisingly, it may be the most primitive strain! And what is puzzling is that our enemies did not The improved nacho was transplanted to this area and turned it into a hotbed for the reproduction of nacho bacteria. We can’t help but wonder if this is because there is some ulterior secret. In any case, we have no idea about the strain. A sample has been taken and it will be sent to Dawn City on the latest return flight.]

[Getting back to the subject, a series of troubles caused a lot of casualties to our exploration team who went deep into the jungle to find water sources. Fortunately, we only lost twenty-two lives and found out the ten-mile radius around the landing point. area within 1 km, and a relatively safe open space has been cleared on the shore. 】

[Next we plan to wall off the camp, remove the rainforest near us, and replace our tents with something like this. For this we need a lot of building materials, more transport airships and the help of jungle corps. It would be great if you are willing to provide some help for the alliance’s future ports. Our strength is too thin and it will take a long, long time to complete this work relying only on our own strength. 】

[In addition, following your teachings, we have launched peaceful contacts with nearby survivor settlements and avoided direct military conflicts as much as possible. Thanks to the help of the crew of the Meat, the governor of the round island expressed his willingness to start trade with us, and if we can solve the fresh water problem, they agreed to help us produce some tools we need. 】【I think this is a good breakthrough. If we can prove that our method is better than the Torch method, maybe we can unite some islands to join our camp, thus weakening the influence of the Torch Church in the southern seas, and even Bring local survivors

Watch all the local survivors onto our tanks and encircle the Torch Church from the south! 】

[We will eventually have a battle with the Torch Church, and I can feel that the final battle is not far away, I believe

, I believe you must think so too and have been preparing for that day. I am extremely certain that the outcome of that decisive battle will be related to our future and the future of our civilization! 】

[To this end, we again implore you to give us more help. In addition to resource and manpower support, we also need professional biologists to help us solve the troubles we encounter on this land. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed with this investment! 】

[—Your most loyal subordinate has a long future ahead] Not bad.

Progress is coming.

Looking at the mail – or pie – on the holographic screen, Chu Guang couldn’t help but have a faint smile on his face.

It has always been his identity as a dog planner who has always been at odds with the players.

Now that his little players have finally learned his best skills, they are beginning to give him a thumbs up as the manager of the alliance.

This email was written by Brother Fang after he went offline, and was sent to him through the mission system of the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

But I have to say, this cake is quite tempting.

If his little players can really unite the survivors in the southern sea and set fire to it

The influence of the Torch Church is removed from the southern sea area, and the Alliance can form a siege on the Torch Church from the north and south, blocking all escape routes for this cockroach.

At least, it can prevent them from escaping south and sneaking to other places in the wasteland to continue causing trouble…

After reading the email twice, Chu Guang tapped his index finger on the table, thought for a long time and then spoke.


“Here you are, Master.” Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, raised her right hand high and looked at him with an expectant expression.

Looking at the energetic look, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile, stretched out his index finger and gently rubbed the top of its head and said.

“Help me edit a reply and I will write it for you.”

After saying that, Chu Guang leaned back on the sofa, stared at the ceiling of the browsing room, thought for a moment and then spoke.

“I am very pleased to see your growth. You have learned how to take the initiative to strengthen our power and how to spread the light of order to more distant places…and this is more than I imagined. It’s early, you let me see that I’m still alive

The hope of realizing ideals in the year. “I will give you all the necessary support. The Jungle Corps will immediately transfer and deploy to Baiyue Province by airship. At the same time, a research team composed of biological experts will go to the settlement when the situation is suitable.” Stationed.”

“You need to ensure that the local area has a stable supply of electricity, fresh water, food and basic living supplies, and achieve a balance of income and expenditure. Not only that, you also need to help local survivors establish order and guide them to spontaneously participate in In our career, we are not opening our mouths to wait for your feeding or support.”

“This is not an easy task, but I believe that with so much ready-made experience to refer to, you will be able to complete this arduous and glorious task.”

“Finally, give this future pearl of the sea a name. It will follow us to the new era, so please spend more time and think about it carefully!

At the same time that Chu Guang finished reading, Xiao Qi also completed editing the email and automatically helped him polish it.

“Do you want to send it now?”

Looking at Xiao Qi who asked him, Chu Guang thought for a while and said.

“Send it now. In addition, edit a mission for me later and send it to the Jungle Corps and Burning Corps, so that they can deploy to the Baiyue Strait.

Build a military complex with airport facilities locally “We need to build it locally

As a base, support the construction of local survivor settlements and ensure the safety of settlements when necessary. After the military base is built, a few reliable officers will be transferred from the staff department to serve as NPCs to issue tasks. For operations with the corps as the main body, it is more appropriate for us to issue tasks. ”

After writing down Chu Guang’s instructions completely, Xiao Qi nodded seriously.


Southern waters, North Island, Presidential Palace.

A man of about thirty years old stood by the wall hanging a chart of the southern seas, staring intently at the thirteen islands and the markers of different colors on the chart.

He is tall, wearing an old-style Air Force uniform, his eyebrows are twisted into a gray line, and his two gray eyes are bright.

His name is Mongo, he is the first president of the Southern Islands Federation and the supreme commander of the Federation Navy.

Standing behind him at this moment is Charas, the Director of the President’s Office and Chief of Staff of the Federal Navy, who is also his most trusted aide.

The Federation of the Southern Islands has only been established for two months, and the organizational structure is still very crude. The formation of Neiyang has only been completed in a short time, and the parliament is even more prepared. However, the war with Vault 70 waits for no one.

Therefore, the federal navy is currently under the direct command of the Presidential Palace, and most people in the Presidential Palace also hold naval positions.

Looking at the expressionless president, Charas reported the report seriously.

“… The submarines in Shelter 70 are still continuing to attack our ships. Yesterday, another cargo ship was sunk two hundred nautical miles east of the North Island. All fifteen crew members on board were killed. .We will pick it up

After receiving the distress signal, we immediately dispatched warships to search nearby waters, but unfortunately the attackers had already escaped by the time we arrived. “Meng Ge didn’t speak, but stared intently at the red circle in the upper right corner of the chart and the small number fifteen next to the red circle. That cargo ship was different from other cargo ships. It did not carry too much cargo, only some daily necessities and tools for setting up a camp. In addition to the eight seafarers on board, there are also five experts in the fields of geological exploration and biology, and two taxis responsible for their safety

Ben’s plan is

Go to the northwest border of Haiya Province, beach the cargo ship on the shore, and find a suitable area to establish a research station in the unoccupied coastal mountainous area.

The reason for doing this is to search for fresh water and minerals on the land and prepare for the establishment of land settlements in the Southern Islands Federation. On the other hand, it is to examine the actual situation in Haiya Province to see what the “Kingdom of Heaven” there is really like and whether it is really as beautiful as the Torch Church says.

After all, some things cannot be understood at a glance. Only long-term contact can reveal their true appearance.

Meng Ge did not fully believe in the Torch Church and the “Kingdom of Heaven” he described, even though he had gone to the shore to see with his own eyes the land where people and nature live in harmony.

Rather than letting the Torch Church unilaterally export its experience in controlling mutant slime molds and alien species to them, he hopes to send some experts to Haiya Province for on-the-spot investigation.

Even on the outskirts of heaven.

In this way, the Southern Islands Federation can take the initiative in introducing technology and avoid being completely led by the other party.

However, someone seems to be preventing them from doing this. This is the third cargo ship to be sunk.

Although judging from various clues, those three attacks were all the work of Vault 70, Meng Ge still couldn’t help but have a suspicion in his heart.

He is very familiar with the residents of Vault 70.

The biggest characteristic of those people, like other blue coats, is their confidence

One may be said to be almost arrogant.

This conceit stems from the time they remember, and

Modern knowledge, experience and methods. Although this makes them seem a little incompatible with the Wasteland Era, they have no doubt that they are the most correct.

In other words, they are more dismissive than fearful of the Torch Church’s plan.

Even if they can’t come up with a better solution, they are 100% confident that the Torch Church’s method will definitely not work. Therefore, Vault 70 does not object to the contact between the survivors in the southern sea and the people of the Torch Church. In the past twenty years, the survivor settlements in the southern sea have never closed their ports to people from the north.

It has nothing to do with pure right or wrong. A guy who is extremely confident will not care about the nonsense of people who go against him.

Because to that guy, it was just the gibberish of a lunatic before his death.

If attacking the cargo ship of the Federation of Southern Islands is a reasonable method during war, the reason for attacking the research ship seems a bit far-fetched.

They should hope that the survivors in the southern seas can see the faces of those guys as soon as possible, so why do they prevent the research ship of the Federation of Southern Islands from going to Haiya Province to understand the situation in depth?

Three consecutive sinkings occurred when these cargo ships clearly deviated from the trade route.

To say this was an accident would be too far-fetched.

“…It seems they are planning to fight this war to the end.”

Seeing President Mongo, who was silent, suddenly speak, Charas, who was standing not far behind him, quickly echoed.

“Indeed, the scope of their attacks is getting wider and wider

The encirclement is getting bigger and bigger, and it has reached the point where there is no difference. We must be prepared to fight against them for a long time.

Withdrawing his gaze from the map, Mengge turned to look at his staff and asked.

“Do you have any good suggestions?”

Charas cleared his throat and spoke carefully.

“I’m afraid it will be difficult to win with our strength alone

In this war…their submarines are elusive. If they are allowed to continue to be used up like this, we will probably have no ships available except warships in the next two months. And they can stay in the shelter forever without the burden of a huge population. The longer this war drags on, the worse it will be for us. “When he said this, Charas changed the subject and continued.

“Just recently, news came from the Torch Church that they are willing to take over the underwater settlement near Shelter 70 and set up a safe zone in the nearby sea… We might as well move Coral City to King District

Leave it to them. In this way, the safety of nearby ocean current power stations, submarine transmission cables, seawater desalination devices and other facilities is also guaranteed. ”

“If we can ensure the supply of electricity and fresh water, the federal islands will be more confident in our war with Vault 70.”

Coral City is the fourteenth settlement in the Commonwealth of the Southern Islands and the only underwater settlement directly under the jurisdiction of Vault 70. The local resident population is about 30,000. It is located next to the entrance and exit of Shelter 70 and only five kilometers away from the ruins of the Tianting space station.

The settlement is home to the residents of Vault 70 and some experts trained by the residents of the Vault, who are mainly responsible for the maritime affairs

‘s development work and research on the mother nest of the Tianting space station. Prior to the establishment of the Federation of the Southern Islands, most offshore installations in the Southern Seas were operated by experts from Coral City.

After the war broke out, Vault 70 completely broke with the survivors outside the shelter, including the survivors of Coral City. In order to punish the so-called traitors, the blue jackets of Vault 70 brutally blew up the nearby Ocean Current Power Station, cut off the power supply and oxygen supply system of Coral City, and almost buried the 30,000 survivors at the bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, the Federation of the Southern Islands provided timely support, restarted the entrance and exit facilities of Coral City, and transferred the survivors of Coral City before the oxygen was exhausted

Beidao, Bawei Island, Anle Island, etc. in the northern part of the federation were moved to the northern part of the federation

On the island.

Coral City is the closest settlement to the Mother Nest, and there are a large number of ready-made scientific research facilities and research materials that can be used.

Mongo was not surprised at all that the Torch Church wanted to take over the abandoned Coral City settlement, and was even completely expected. They’ve been eyeing that place for a while, and this isn’t something that just happened recently.

They had proposed a long time ago that they hoped to enter the Coral City settlement,

, Cooperate with Vault 70 to study the mother nest of the Tianting space station.

It was just rejected at the time.

It’s just that those people asked so directly, Meng Ge couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly and said with a half-smile.

“Is there such a good thing?” Charas said respectfully. “They may not have good intentions

For a moment. After all, you know that the settlement is currently in an abandoned state without maintenance. If water leakage or other accidents occur over time, it may not be able to house people in the future. ”

“If the Torch is willing to take over that settlement, our defense pressure at sea will also be reduced a lot. If the submarine in Vault 70 attacks the facilities promised to be protected by the Torch Church, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to declaring war on the church… ·Whether they have the guts to do that or not, it’s a win-win for us.

Meng Ge said expressionlessly.

“We will resolve the conflict between us and Vault 70 ourselves, and we won’t bother them with the matter of Coral City.” Seeing that the President showed no intention of letting go, Chara wanted to say something else. Si had no choice but to give up the persuasion and nodded. “In compliance with your arrangement, I am just providing you with a feasible option… Of course, I still recommend that you reconsider my suggestion.”

“Let’s talk about it, I will consider it.”

Withdrawing his gaze from the staff member, Mengge looked at the chart hanging on the wall again and continued.

“Is there anything else you want to report? Charas nodded quickly and said.

“Yes.” Mengge: “Say.” Charas said immediately.

The flight meal from the Strait Alliance arrived at the Baiyue Alliance located to the southwest of us…

Meng Ge’s eyes narrowed slightly. He’d heard of those guys.

It seems that there is a rising power in the southern part of the River Valley Province. It is more than 2,000 kilometers away from here. Only a few merchants from Silver Moon Bay have been there, and the rumors about that place are also various, making it difficult to tell the truth. Fake.

“What do they want to do?”

Charas hesitated for a moment and said.

“It’s unclear at the moment. The governor of the ring island reported to us that those people seem to be planning to build a settlement in the Baiyue Strait… There are currently about three hundred people there, but this is yesterday’s number, today It’s unclear how much is left.”

Hearing this interesting statement, Meng Ge couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He put his right fist to his lips and coughed dryly.

Charas also smiled and continued.

“They have no hostile behavior for the time being, but I feel that their motives for coming here are not simple… This morning, they asked the Governor’s Palace on the roundabout to send us a telegram.”

Meng Ge stretched out his hand. “Show me.”

Charas nodded, quickly took out the telegraph newspaper from the folder under his elbow, and presented it respectfully.

Meng Ge reached out and took the piece of paper and glanced at it roughly.

The content of the telegram was very short, so short that it could be summarized in two sentences. The first was to extend cordial and friendly greetings to the neighbors, and the second was to declare the alliance’s ownership of that area.

Meng Ge didn’t care much about these two sentences, and even found them interesting.

More than a month ago, he proposed to the Torch Church that he hoped they would establish a “cooperation pilot” on the east coast of Baiyue Province. After all, the climate conditions there are actually similar to those in the southern sea.

However, the latter rejected their proposal due to the complicated situation in Baiyue Province, and insisted on conducting research on islands or submarine settlements in the southern seas.

Obviously not only Vault 70, but also the Torch Church has no way to take over that land for the time being. Mengge doesn’t think those guys who are more than two thousand kilometers apart can have any better ideas.

Especially when he saw the signature on the last line of the telegram, he couldn’t help laughing for the second time.

“.······French Port. What is the name of the bird.

Are these guys serious?

Charas also smiled in cooperation and said teasingly. “Sounds like a joke.”

“Whether it’s a joke or not, it would be more appropriate for us to give a formal reply.”

Mongo, who was holding the telegram, thought for two seconds, threw it back into Chalas’ hand, cleared his throat and continued.

“Send them a telegram and say… I wish you have fun in the woods. If you don’t mind, I hope you can build more settlements in Baiyue Province. Don’t You’re welcome.”

“When you go back, remember to say hello to your manager for me.

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