This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 502: Flame shaped pattern, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

Not far behind the Heart of Steel, a smaller airship followed closely.

Inside the bridge.

Staring at the modified Heart of Steel not far away, General McClung’s face was filled with gloom.

He still remembered the congratulations that the guy in the tin can teased him when he got off the airship.

He swore.

The humiliation I suffered here will be repaid tenfold! Standing not far next to him, Adria, the captain of the Arbitrator, frowned and pondered for a long time, and then suddenly said coldly.

“I still can’t figure out how to **** that thing off.” Compared with his Adjudicator, that guy was armed with artillery like a hedgehog. Even if he faced an army of 100,000 people head-on, The latter probably can only stare. Although this sentence was not meant to be sarcastic, it was particularly harsh in McClun’s ears, so much so that the latter’s brow couldn’t help but twitch.

“That was an accident…”

Seeing that this colleague didn’t want to talk more, Adria shrugged regretfully and did not continue to ask.

Although he has one more star on his shoulders than McClun, he has to consider the background behind this guy.

Unlike Griffin, an officer of civilian origin, McClung was a noble officer with status just like himself. Although the officers who followed the eastward expansion movement were in bad luck, he would not lose his power because of this. His experience fighting on the Eastern Front might actually become his qualifications. Political stance is one aspect, but in a place like Triumph City, identity stance is also something that cannot be ignored. We are all members of the Air Force system, so there is no need to offend others with a few words.

The silence in the bridge lasted briefly:

At this moment, McClun suddenly took the initiative and said:

“By the way, how did Griffin die?”

“Stroke.” Adria responded reflexively, but McClun glanced dismissively.

“Stop talking nonsense, I’ve never seen that idiot have any physical problems.”

Adria was silent for a moment and sighed. “Don’t embarrass me. He is from the Army system. If you are curious, you should ask Joseph. He may know something.” McClun said nothing, nodded, and stared motionlessly at the steel curtain outside the bridge. Heart number.

On the distant deck, planes were pushed onto the deck one after another. What was surprising was that those planes had neither propellers nor engine nozzles.

“A very bold idea,” Adria said approvingly, “I heard it from the captain of the Falcon Kingdom Guards. They put this kind of wooden aircraft on an airship and threw it down, using the height of the airship to provide Gliding power… This kind of aircraft can save the propeller and engine and can be produced by two carpenters.”

“Although it seems that being unable to take off from the ground is a problem, it is quite interesting as a one-time use prop.”

After he returns, he plans to talk to his acquaintances at the Air Force Equipment Manufacturing Bureau to see if he can get something similar.

But just a glider is useless.

This also involves the modification of strategic equipment such as airships. Not only does it need to convince the Air Force Command, but it also needs to find a captain who is willing to cooperate.

This may be a bit difficult.

In the final analysis, Triumph City does not believe that the indigenous equipment has any reference value, and it does not feel that this is a war with the Alliance at all, but a contest between Triumph City and Ideal City.

“Can you raise the height a little?” McClun, who was staring at the deck, suddenly said: Adria nodded and waved his hand casually.

“Rise three hundred meters.”

The adjutant standing aside stood at attention.



The Arbitrator climbed higher and reached the most popular viewing area. And in the rolling dust not far away, a long shuttle-shaped aircraft also accelerated and flew over the battlefield. Including Wu Changnian standing on the Heart of Steel: Representatives of all forces are watching the alliance’s next move. The alliance’s performance did not disappoint the onlookers: thirty gliders took off from the deck of the airship one after another, and along with the roaring and surging airflow, they attacked the battle coordinates 20 kilometers away. At the same time, under the billowing dust, the Enterprise’s 26th Commando Team had been engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the Blackstone Mutant Tribe.

Ten powered armor stations were spread out in the front row, followed by android soldiers, followed by soldiers wearing exoskeletons.

A streak of orange-yellow tracers shuttled between the ruins, just like the flying dust on the forge:

The battle situation is extremely anxious!

Although the company has power armor and powerful Gaussian weapons, the mutants have an absolute numerical advantage and physical superiority.

Unless their skulls were opened by hot metal projectiles, even if half of their mouths were blown open, they could still charge forward with chain saws and dangling jaws. “Beat them!” “Chop them into pieces! Throw them into the pan!” “No!” After shooting more than a dozen mutants, one of the short mutants rushed close by.

Yunsong decisively abandoned the Gauss rifle that was as wide as a big sword in his hand, pulled out the scimitar tied to the armor of his right leg, and split the hatchet that came towards him with a clang.

This was a gift given to him by a certain general of the Lion Kingdom. It was said to be made from the “God-given alloy” given by the spirit of the Sand Sea – which was actually armored steel for starships.

The armor steel dismantled from the starship could not be compared to the garbage picked up from the wasteland. The hatchet was directly shaken and cracked.

The mutant staggered back, with a trace of surprise written in his bloodthirsty pupils. Apparently he didn’t expect this iron lump, which was bigger than the big man, to be so sensitive.

But the surprise lasted only for a moment, and was quickly replaced by the desire for flesh and blood.


With a roar, it continued to charge forward with the cracked ax in hand, but before it took two steps, its throat was cut by a white blade struck by flowing clouds and flowing water.

Looking at the flying head, Yunsong shook off the blood on his scimitar, picked up the Gauss rifle on the ground without hesitation, and calmly stepped back while firing at the roaring mutants.

More than two hundred corpses lay scattered on the ground, while the supply of gray-black mutants who continued to be used from the ruins seemed to be endless.

“Damn…·Do these guys really only have two thousand?” Su Ming threw away the overheated barrel and inserted a new one while cursing and yelling.

“Probably? Who can say this kind of thing well…I can only make an assessment based on their rations and building scale. Maybe they grew mushrooms in the holes.” The drone operator said with a numb scalp.

The mutants in the Great Desert are completely different from those on the East Coast.

Whether it is fighting style or living habits.

If it is on the east coast, they have already called for tactical nuclear warheads or air-dropped self-propelled heavy fire robots for support.

The first line of defense composed of power armor has been in direct contact with mutants:

Three of the powered armors have drawn out their half-meter-long combat knives and are fighting with the mutants armed with hundreds of kilograms.

At this moment, the drone operator suddenly shouted loudly:

“Most of the enemy units have gathered around the bombardment coordinates! Now is the best time! Captain! How long does it take for the alliance to be there.” A calm reply came from the news channel: “The support request has been sent!”

Almost at the same time as the words fell, there was a loud bang in the distance.

The light flashing in the sand was like muffled thunder on a sunny day. Following a few whooshes in the air, streaks of white smoke fell like raindrops from directly above the battlefield.

The flames of the explosion soared into the sky, and the spreading fragments and thick smoke exploded between the two leaning buildings, instantly engulfing more than a hundred mutants.

One of the buildings was hit by several artillery shells. The twisted steel bars could no longer support it, and the entire building began to collapse downwards.

Looking at the collapsed tall building overhead, a pair of bloodthirsty pupils were finally filled with panic, but it was too late to escape.

Countless mutants could only subconsciously raise their arms to block the falling gravel and dust before being smashed into a pulp by the mountain-like building.

The collapsed building caused a chain reaction, and another building that was hit at the base also began to collapse.

The two tall buildings that fell sideways formed a huge wall that was intertwined and broken into several sections, directly dividing the battlefield from the middle.

The shock wave caused stones and debris on the ground to fly hundreds of meters away, creating undulating ripples on the quicksand surface not far away.


Su Ming, who was carrying a Gauss rifle, shook his fist excitedly and cheered happily.

“Good shot!” The sound of cannons in the distance has stopped.

However, the alliance’s offensive did not stop.

The buzzing in the air was getting closer and closer, and desert-colored crosses appeared above the heads of the 26th Commando. “What is that?” Gu Wei raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the sky, then lowered the muzzle of the gun.

“The alliance’s gliders took over the task of clearing out the mutant lairs,” Yunsong casually touched up the mutants who fell on the ground. Yun Song replied neatly in the communication channel, “Don’t just stand there stupidly. I won’t even be able to drink the hot soup after a while.” Su Ming suddenly said.

“Hot soup? You mean the ones in the mutant lair?” The communication channel was deserted for a while.

“…I’m just making a metaphor, don’t be so disgusted with me.” The retreat was cut off by the collapsed building, and the attacking mutants instantly became orphans blocked in the corner.

The 26th Commando immediately turned from defense to offense and rushed towards the mutants who were blinded by the bomb. While the wounds of those mutants had not healed, they used short knives or secondary weapons to hit them at close range.

With alien species as opponents, there is no need to hold back. Gunfire continued in the ruined Zhou Kingdom, and in just a few minutes, nearly two hundred mutants died under the guns of the 26th Commando led by Yun Song.

“The strength of the company is not weak. Other than me, their marine troops are a bunch of soft-footed shrimps.” Adria had a hint of appreciation in her eyes.

Although the equipment advantage accounts for more than half, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers themselves cannot be underestimated. They chose an enhancement route similar to that of the academy, using a large number of intelligent weapons and bionic prosthetics. However, their performance on the battlefield was completely different from the flashy equipment of the academy:

“After all, they are dealing with mutants, and they are considered experts.” The deputy standing next to Adria gave an ambiguous evaluation.

“Haha,” McClun smiled coldly and said with a hint of sarcasm, “After all, it was them who made the mess. Who is good at it if they are not good at it.”

Compared to enterprises.

He was more concerned about the wastelanders who had defeated him once… The last time they lost was too fast and too sudden, he didn’t even take a closer look at how those airborne troops defeated his armed to the teeth. Marine.

McCron stared out of the bridge, motionless, staring at the gliders that were attacking the ground. Come on·…·

Let me see what great abilities you have.

In fact, the Burning Legion did not have any great skills in the landing phase, and the landing posture of the glider could even be described as quite unskilled. Planes one after another plunged into the mutant tribe’s stronghold like a goddess scattering flowers. Their strong wings and noses were like shovels, knocking over the roofs of countless shacks. A glider landed in the pasture, its belly straight up and knocking over a hot oil pan. The mutant priest who had just delivered the baby was frightened and couldn’t figure out where these two-legged animals came from.

It put the whimpering child into a basket aside, pulled out the butcher’s knife, and howled as it rushed towards the nearest plane.

But before it could get within five steps of the plane, there were sudden bursts of gunfire and three heavily armed soldiers came out of the cabin and shot its head off.

“Gan! I almost fell into the frying pan!” After spitting blood, Ye Shi reached out and picked up the aircraft machine gun that fell to the ground, and threw it to the quit smoking man next to him. Fortunately, this plane has no fuel tanks!

Don’t worry about it even if it catches fire.

“Hahaha! I called Lao Na.” He joked with a smile as he loaded the heavy machine gun in his hand and quit smoking.

“Get out!”

Ye Shi rolled his eyes.

While he was speaking, a strong omen of crisis came to his mind. He almost subconsciously moved the muzzle of the gun, pointing the LD-50 carbine in his hand at the Jinjing partition not far away.

“Tu tu tu tu——!”

The muzzle flames sprayed out, and a series of tinkling explosions instantly left dozens of bullet holes on the metal partition.

A cloud of blood exploded behind the pierced partition, and a mutant soldier holding a rifle was immediately beaten into a sieve and fell to the dirt with a cry of pain.

Putting the tripod on the tilted iron bucket, he set up the machine gun and immediately pulled the trigger.

The muzzle of the gun spurted out hot tongues of fire, instantly opening up an airtight network of firepower in the twisting and winding alley.

In front of the 12mm heavy machine gun, both the flesh and blood of the mutants and the garbage bunkers in front of them were as fragile as paper.

Although players do not have the advanced Gauss weapons and shellless rifles like the 26th Commando, the alliance’s weapons are not inferior in terms of killing efficiency against soft targets.

The difference is just the shape of the wound on the corpse…

Nearly a hundred players landed in gliders, causing a **** storm in the Blackstone Mutant Tribe’s village.

There was no expectation that there would be a surprise attack from the rear, and the mutants in the village were caught off guard on the spot. In particular, their large forces suffered heavy casualties in the shelling and had no time to return for support. As the ranch area where the captives were held was occupied by Alliance soldiers, the Heart of Steel launched a second round of bombardment targeting the coordinates provided by the player.

Faced with strangulation from all directions and rounds of barrages, the mutant resistance was quickly disintegrated.

“What about Lao Bai? It’s almost over, why haven’t you seen anyone else yet?” Seeing that all the mutants in the village were almost dead, Ye Shi turned around and shouted.

“He parachuted down. It will probably take a while. Let’s do our work first -” Before Guangfeng could finish his words, there was a loud “boom” not far away.

I saw a black shadow slamming into a row of iron sheds. Its huge size was enough to crush the entire shack, which was more than ten meters wide: several mutants who had just reached adolescence were rolling and crawling. He escaped from the shack looking for weapons, but before he could take two steps, he was pushed to the ground by the sound of gunshots:

Soon, the cheerful voice came from the communication channel.

“What a coincidence, it seems I arrived at just the right time.”

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and joked:

“Almost, if you float in the sky for a while longer, this umbrella will be in vain.” Quit smoking: “Hahaha!”

Although the mutants of the Blackstone Tribe are far stronger than the guys that players encountered on Street 76 during the pioneering period, today’s alliance is different from the past. The fierce battle only lasted less than twenty minutes, with only the sound of Ling Xing’s gunshots and exhausting roars left inside and outside the tribe. In the very center of the village, in front of a strange altar.

Looking at the people walking down the steps, a mutant priest with a wrinkled face walked forward with rare panic and fear on his face, raising his hands.

It was wearing clothing made of animal skins, and a skull with a rope hanging around its neck.

“Wait a minute! Please let me meet your leader. There may be some misunderstanding between us——” “Bang——!”

A hot bullet penetrated its skull, interrupting the dying struggle for mercy:

Looking at the body lying on the steps, Ye Shi spit.

“I missed the hammer.”

Meet the manager?

Are you worthy? Kuangfeng gave the young man a warning look.

“Kill this guy, and let us find someone to get clues about the crew members.”

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said with a guilty conscience.

“Isn’t it what Lao Bai said about leaving no one behind…”

He admitted that when he landed just now, he was a little overwhelmed when he saw the same kind caught by mutants.

Lao Bai patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

“It’s okay, there are a lot of those guys who haven’t cooled down yet, just grab any one and ask.”

As he spoke, he walked up to the mutant priest and was about to inspect the guy’s body. However, when his eyes fell on the mutant’s clothes, he couldn’t help but frown.

The stripes of patterns are woven into an inverted triangle, like an upright torch and the swaying flames on the torch.

Lao Bai looked up at the altar in front of him and saw that the symbols carved on the stone wall were exactly the same as the symbols in his memory.


But this is a huge desert, thousands of kilometers away from the Death Coast.

Why does the Torch Church logo appear here?

Lao Bai’s frown deepened. Is it a coincidence?

However, now is not the time to think about this issue.

Using a combat knife to cut a strip of linen from the priest’s clothes, Lao Bai looked up at the altar in front of him and waved his right fist.

“Keep going!”

The mutants in the periphery have been eliminated.

No surprises.

The BOSS battle should be ahead!


However, unfortunately for players, there are no legendary super mutants in the altar. □Not even an elite monster.

But think about it.

If there really was such a terrifying thing, General Klass would have definitely used it in the previous expedition, and there was no way he would have kept this trump card until the end.

After getting rid of several mutants guarding the altar with rifles, everyone successfully entered the hall made of concrete waste.

This seems to have been a factory before. There is a backup generator with a nuclear battery in the factory, and it is still working.

Exploring along the wires, everyone soon found twelve upright cylindrical petri dishes in the side hall of the altar.

The petri dish was filled with dark green solution, and white bodies were soaked in it, with the ventilator blocking their faces.

There are bubbles floating upward from the bottom of the petri dish. It is obvious that these devices are still working.

Lao Bai frowned and walked to the console. He was about to try operating it, but he was embarrassed to find that even mutants could operate the device, but he couldn’t understand it at all. 16 If Fang Chang were here, maybe it would work… He looked at the brothers aside with embarrassment. “…This is?”

Ye Shiyi said in confusion.

“Clone synthesis device?” Recalling what he saw on Street 76, Guangfeng shook his head.

“Not like…”

“That’s the treatment cabin.”

An unfamiliar voice came from behind, interrupting the conversation of the players. Although they are in completely different languages, there is surprisingly no sense of inconsistency when interjecting into the topic. Everyone turned around and saw Yun Song, the captain of the company’s 26th Commando Team, unhooking the visor of his helmet and walking towards the side with a rifle in hand.

“Treatment cabin?” Lao Bai asked puzzledly in human couplet.

“That’s right.”

Stopping in front of one of the culture tanks, Yun Song looked at the device in front of him with a complicated expression and slowly continued.

“They will throw human females that are fertile, have good compatibility, and are suitable as mothers into the treatment cabin… and then reuse them after treatment.”

“Mutants who can use these devices are usually priests or chiefs in the tribe…this is also the case on the East Coast.”

“How did these guys learn these devices?” Lao Bai couldn’t help but ask:

“These devices are not difficult to operate. Sometimes there are simple tutorials in the program, and even AI that can be executed automatically…”

After a pause, Yun Song continued with a complicated expression,

“Of course, it’s possible that people taught them.”

It is worth mentioning that although mutants are a completely different species from humans, they are not completely unable to communicate. They even speak human-linked language, but most of them are stupid.

A few smart mutants will soon stand out from a group of fools and become priests or herders of the tribe. They know how to exchange things that humans like for what they need.

Such as slaves.

For example, tools for producing slaves.

Mutants have no concept of medicine.

Either there is a healing chamber, a cloning chamber, or a mutant chief who is skilled in the art of captivity.

Otherwise, with their barbaric midwifery techniques and the harsh environment in this area, no matter how long the individual lives are, they will never be able to reproduce on a scale of more than a thousand people. Yunsong seriously suspected that it was General Claes of the Legion who taught these mutants the technology of using the treatment cabin. After all, those Wilantes had this ability.

There is absolutely every incentive to do so. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. I am very happy to fight side by side with you…”

After staring at the burly power armor on Lao Bai, Yun Song stretched out his fist and touched his shoulder, and said with slight surprise:

“Is this the one from before? Unbelievable… you actually fixed it.”

Old Bai grinned.

“The interior has been slightly modified. It is not that advanced, but it does not affect the use.” Initially, the shareholders helped him repair it, and then the company delegation came to Qingquan City, and he bought some more from Changge Group. Accessories. Yun Song said with a rather emotional tone.

“The power armor of the Age of Prosperity is much better than the ones produced in the post-war years, but it’s a pity that we don’t have the ability to completely repair it.”

After a moment’s pause, he looked at Lao Bai seriously and continued to ask.

“I just searched, and there is no one we are looking for here. What are you going to do with these and the survivors who…have been rescued outside?”

Lao Bai glanced around and said casually: “It’s probably the old rule. After they are treated, they will be sent to the homeless home.”

Yun Song asked in confusion.

“That is?”

“A place similar to an aid station:”

Yunsong was stunned for a moment, as if he didn’t expect that the alliance actually had such a facility. After being silent for a while, he spoke.

“But I think…it might be better for them to turn off the ventilator. Very few people can come out of this hellish experience.”

At first, they would also send the rescued survivors to nearby survivor settlements, but later they found that doing so would only increase their troubles.

Most of the survivor settlements will not accept those who have been captured by mutants. Even if they are willing to do a favor for the company for the sake of money, at most they will only give them a few mouthfuls of food, and they will not find a place to live. The place that gets in the way makes them live and die in vain.

Most of the people who were rescued would not thank them, and would even hate them for not giving themselves a good time or taking themselves to the ideal city. At first, he tried to help the “trouble” that unexpectedly increased during the missions, but after a few more missions, he realized that it was just making himself uncomfortable.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, not all of them were captured, and many of them were mistakenly produced by cloning devices.

It is a kind of kindness to send away people who came to this world by mistake and let them start a new life.

Lao Bai was silent for a while and shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know, maybe you are right, but the choice is theirs, right? At least we did what we could.”

They did not leave these rescued people alone.

There are also many people who were rescued from the looters’ dungeons and finally chose to commit suicide because they couldn’t get out. But there are examples of starting over and even finding happiness in that new life.

“Maybe.” Yun Song nodded slightly to show respect, looked at Lao Bai and the alliance soldiers behind him and said, “I’ll leave this place to you.”

As he said that, he turned around and walked outside:

The battle is over.

The entrances to the Pioneer and Vault 0 are not far from this camp.

Before welcoming the arrival of the company’s top executives, he needs to lead the soldiers to carefully clean the battlefield and eliminate potential safety hazards in the vicinity.

Watching the NPC named Yun Song leave, Lao Bai suddenly thought of something and looked at Ye Shi who was standing aside. “By the way, bring in the rescued NPCs outside…if those survivors are still alive.” “Copy that.”

Understanding what my good brother meant, Ye Shi made an OK gesture, turned around and walked out the door.

Lao Bai turned his attention back to the row of treatment cabins:

Looking at the survivors floating in the nutrient solution, these culture tanks should not be able to regenerate severed limbs, but they can speed up the healing of injuries on the body.

This is similar to the training cabins used by players.

The difference is that the cultivation chamber used by the player is only effective for matching gene sequences and cannot be used by others.

This is similar to the training cabins used by players. The only difference is that the cultivation chamber used by the player is only valid for matching gene sequences and cannot be used by others or even lent to other players.

As for the lower-cost “sleep cabin”, it is only used as a save point for players and does not have the function of accelerating healing.

Although players probably won’t use it, for NPCs with only one life, this thing is still very helpful and can be recycled.

As long as you don’t die on the spot in the wasteland, even if you are seriously injured with a broken arm or leg, there are a lot of remedies.

Lao Bai suddenly discovered that there were really many treasures hidden in this vast desert. Thinking of the legendary Vault No. 0, he became more and more looking forward to it…

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