This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 12: Grassy parking lot, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

After thinking about it for a long time, Chu Guang couldn’t come up with a result.

Although the principle of a generator is very simple, all junior high school students know that it is nothing more than “the movement of a conductor cutting magnetic field lines.” But it is not that simple to turn this sentence into a 10KW power generator.

Ask Du Niang, all she pushed to him were purchase links.


If I can shop online, do I still need you to teach me which one to buy?


After spending a lot of time, Chu Guang finally found some reliable tutorials, but considering the lack of supplies, none of these materials could really be used.

The time soon arrived at six o’clock.

With the sound of the hatch opening, the four players woke up.

“We’ll study it later.”

Chu Guang put down his legs on the table, straightened his appearance in front of the mirror he picked up, and walked calmly to the next room.

When he walked into the room, four players were checking their attributes through the display screen of the training cabin.

“Sure enough, my genetic sequence is the strength system…the initial value is 7 points of strength, but the intelligence attribute is only 3? But I don’t feel stupid.”

“This sentence doesn’t sound very smart…your beard grows too fast.”

Lao Bai’s beard is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Yesterday there was still stubble, today it is as long as a fingernail.

“I don’t know what’s going on. Is there a razor here?”

“Obviously not, why don’t you try it with an axe?”

“Get out.”

“By the way, I am actually from the agility system. I thought I was from the intelligence system.” Fang Chang pinched his chin and fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking about something.

“I am intelligence,” Kuang Feng smiled bitterly and raised his hand, “Is 3 points of strength too low? 7 points of intelligence… I don’t feel like I’m getting smarter either.”

“I am a perceptual person. What’s the use of perceptual attributes? Can I predict the future?” Ye Shi was a little depressed.

Rather than having such ambiguous attributes, he hopes to have better performance in strength or agility.

No matter how poor his physique is, he can at least be a tank.

“It should be an intuition of the crisis. Have you forgotten how you escaped the sneak attack of the alien species yesterday?” Fang Chang thought and said, “If you use this attribute well, it might be quite a bug… in your hands. What a pity.”

“Get lost.”


Chu Guang walked into the room and coughed, interrupting the players’ conversation.

Perhaps because he talked to them about favorability last night as a planner, the four players looked at him differently.

For the sake of the players’ sense of involvement, Chu Guang decided to continue to maintain his majestic image and continued seriously.

“Time is tight, I will keep my story short.”

“There is a mountain of work to be done, but we don’t have much time left. In order not to affect subsequent plans, we must complete our outpost on the surface before winter comes.”

“Food, drinking water, fuel… these all require reserves, as well as the construction of defenses and surface shelters.”

“I have put all the work that needs to be done on the schedule. You can check it on the notice board at the entrance of the nursing home.”

The players’ eyes lit up, and expressions of eagerness appeared on their faces.

Is the task system complete?

“That’s the basic situation. Is there anything else you want to ask? If not, we’ll set off.”

“Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Manager!”


Ye Shi blushed and raised his hands.

“Please, please, where is the toilet?”



This is indeed a problem.

The B1 floor of Vault 404 is more like a reception area. Although there are compartments for cultivating cells, there are no living facilities inside.

Looking at the players rushing out of the sanatorium after arriving on the surface, Chu Guang suddenly realized that with the influx of players, not only eating and drinking would be a problem, but pooping would soon become a big problem.

There are public toilets on Beit Street, and human and animal feces are collected and said to be sold to the nearby Brown Farm.

After arriving at the sanatorium in the Wetland Park, Chu Guang has been looking for a safe place in the forest to solve the problem, but he has not considered the issue of pulling and sleeping with a hundred people.

I don’t know if it was due to a bad stomach, but the four players were all limping when they came back.

“It’s so uncomfortable not having a latrine.”

“There was no paper, so I wiped it with leaves…I almost didn’t scratch it until it bled.”


“Hey, why do I feel so hot…do you feel it?”


“Did you wipe your **** with nettle leaves…”

“What, what is nettle leaf?”

“It’s nothing, just be patient and it will pass.”


Chu Guang looked embarrassed when he heard this.

He seems to have forgotten to tell these guys that they can use Tess to wipe their butts. This is also a little knowledge he learned from the survivors of Beit Street.

However, they didn’t seem to give him a chance to speak.

Be patient.

This is how it all came about.

“Master Manager,” Fang Chang limped up to Chu Guang and said in a respectful tone, “I suggest that we build a toilet.”

Ye Shi: “Reconsideration!”

Lao Bai: “I agree, and with the toilet, we can also dig a big pit, collect the feces, and mix plant ash and sawdust compost into it, so that aerobic bacteria and fungi can decompose organic matter, generate heat, and kill Disease-causing microorganisms and pathogens in feces to make fertilizer.”

Fang Chang: “Yes, and not only produce fertilizer, we can also mix and seal part of the feces and organic matter residues, and let anaerobic bacteria convert them into flammable methane! The biogas digester in my hometown is In this way, the biogas produced can be used for lighting and power generation.”

“This is a good idea, you can adopt it.” Chu Guang nodded approvingly.


He had been worrying about survival before, but he had forgotten about this.

In my impression, although there is no biogas digester on Bate Street, there is one at the Brown Farm next door.

Seeing the expression of approval on the manager’s face, the four players became more energetic and began to brainstorm ideas.

It is not difficult to build a toilet, and even a biogas pool is not difficult. The only trouble is the sealing and gas storage materials.

Fortunately, everything is lacking in this wasteland, except plastic.

Especially drink bottles and garbage bags.

Because burning will produce toxic gases, few survivors burn this thing. At most, they use it as a kindling.

If you look carefully, you should be able to find quite a few in nearby cities and suburbs.

Ever since, there was another rubbish-picking task on the task board – collecting plastic bags and bottles and cans.

“Master Manager, I have an idea about the generator.” Kuangfeng, who had been silent before, suddenly said.

Chu Guang looked at him.

“Tell me about it.”

Bangfeng said.

“Generally, cars will have on-board generators. I would like to know if there is a road nearby? Or a parking lot. If a car can be found, this problem should be easily solved.”

Chu Guang said.

“Cars are not hard to find. There is a parking lot near the wetland park where we are, but I have seen all the cars there and there is nothing worth recycling.”

“I want to give it a try,” Guangfeng said without giving up. “If we find a working generator, our outpost on the surface will be able to use electricity!”

“Then you go, but I can’t let you go alone,” Chu Guang glanced at the players in front of him, and his eyes fell on Ye Shi, “You and Kuang Feng go to the parking lot to have a look.”

Ye Shi said enthusiastically.


Ye Shi’s genetic sequence is of the perception system, and his intuition for crises can come in handy.

Before setting off, Chu Guang asked them to bring two short knives for cutting grass. These tools were easier to use than heavy axes when encountering alien species.

In addition, Chu Guang also repeatedly told them that if they encounter alien species, they must avoid fighting and run away if they can.

But if the other party has discovered it and shown obvious hostility, do not leave your back to the enemy under any circumstances.

Doing so is tantamount to committing suicide…

With a map of the wetland park and a simple guide, Guangfeng took Ye Shi out of the sanatorium.

Lao Bai and Fang Chang who stayed behind looked at Chu Guang and asked.

“Master Manager, should we continue cutting down trees now, or?”

Chu Guang glanced around and counted the dozens of untreated logs on the ground.

“We won’t be cutting down the trees today. We have to solve the toilet problem first… In this case, you go get the shovel and ax first, and I will teach you how to do it.”


The parking lot is southeast of the sanatorium.

No one cared about it for two hundred years.

Nature has completely swallowed this place.

The roots of the trees broke through the hard concrete ground, and the shrubs and weeds were overgrown, already as high as the knees.

The rusty vehicle was covered with vines, and through the broken windows, one could even see moss covering the seats and air-conditioning vents.

Seeing all this, Bang Feng finally understood what the manager said.

There really is nothing worth recycling here.

Ye Shi also looked troubled.

Now that it looks like this, you can still find a **** generator.

“Do you want to go back?”

Bangfeng was silent for a while, then stepped forward without believing anything.

“It’s all here.”

Ye Shi shrugged and followed.

After knowing him for so many years, his biggest impression of this netizen is that he is stubborn and doesn’t know what he does in reality.

Many cars in the parking lot have hoods that are rusty and cannot be opened at all. Guangfeng searched around the parking lot before finding one that could barely open the lid.

But after opening the hood, he was stunned.

This is…


“What’s wrong?” Ye Shi came over and asked.

“It seems to be an electric engine…but it doesn’t seem to be the case,” Kuangfeng frowned and said, “Do you know anything about cars?”

“I haven’t even taken the driver’s license test, so how can I understand this?” Ye Shihan said, “Haven’t you been working for many years and haven’t bought a car?”

“I live in the work dormitory and only have a bicycle.”

Bang Feng continued to rummage around in the hood without giving up, even went around to the back of the car, lay down under the car… and checked everything he could.

But suddenly, his hand stopped.

Noting the expression on his face, Ye Shi asked.

“What happened again?”

“It’s a bit strange…I can’t find the power supply.” Wiping the muddy water on his face, Fengfeng frowned and thought hard for a long time, “I can roughly find the engine, but…I can’t find the power supply.”

“Could it have been demolished?” Ye Shi raised a possibility, “After all, this has been a wasteland for two hundred years, so it is normal for survivors to visit here.”

“This possibility cannot be ruled out.”

Having closed the hood out of habit and looking at the abandoned cars in the parking lot, Fengfeng felt mixed.

In fact, there is another possibility.

In the background setting of the game, the technological level of pre-war society was sufficiently advanced that it might have reached the point where remote power sources could be used to replace fixed power sources.

But no matter which possibility it is, it is not a good thing for him.

It seems impossible to find a generator from a scrap car body now…


The other side.

The construction of toilets has made new progress.

Under Chu Guang’s command, Lao Bai and Fang Chang first dug a pit two meters wide and three meters long, enough to bury a person, in the open space outside the nursing home, and then sawed it short. Logs were inserted around the pit as walls, and then some gravel and leaves were padded inside.

After the cesspit is repaired, the toilet will be much simpler.

Chu Guang directly asked the two of them to build two simple sheds on the edge of the cesspit, and used plastic hoses removed from the outer wall of the nursing home to connect to the cesspit next to them.

In this way, a simple toilet is completed.

“Feces and urine must be stored separately. Mixing together can easily form mud. Moreover, urine is sterile and can be used to water crops directly… But that’s it for today,” looking at the results of the two people’s work all morning, Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

Lao Bai and Fang Chang, holding the shovel and panting, looked at each other with helpless expressions on their faces.

Although it is a 100% realistic virtual reality game, does it really need to be so real?

“There is also a problem with bathing… There is a water source within one kilometer nearby, but there are many alien species near the water source, so you have to be extra careful when fetching water.”

Let’s build a bathhouse then.

If the smell is not a big deal, getting sick can become a big problem.

“Master Manager.” Fang Chang raised his hand.

Chu Guang looked at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think we should consider safety issues,” Fang Chang said. “Judging from the alien species we encountered yesterday, this wasteland is not safe.”


You don’t have to say that.

“I know, but the issue of hygiene cannot be underestimated. There are not enough medicine reserves in the shelter. If an infectious disease occurs, the consequences will be serious.”

Safety issues are not that urgent. The alien species in the wetland park are not as active as in the city. There are no survivors nearby. Even if there is danger, you can still hide in the shelter.

The hygiene of more than a hundred people is a big problem.

Every household on Beit Street fills water in iron buckets, puts it on the roof to heat and disinfect, and scrubs the body every two or three days. It’s not because the people there are so particular, but if you smell too much, you will be kicked out.

Fang Chang and Lao Bai looked at each other.

Does this manager have mysophobia in his AI settings?

Please pay attention to this in the future.

“Speaking of which… there is a question I have always wanted to ask, why does such a large shelter not have any supplies at all?” Lao Bai interjected, “And we have been on the B1 floor, what about the other floors?”

“Other floors are not open for the time being and will be open in the future.”

Chu Guang did not explain the reason, but simply stated the facts.

Although the two players were curious, they couldn’t ask questions, so they didn’t persist and just regarded it as a setting.

At this time, Ye Shi and Kuang Feng, who had gone out to explore, came back.

Looking at Guangfeng, who was covered in mud, Chu Guang asked.

“How’s it going? Did you find the generator?”

“Nothing was found, but it was not completely fruitless.”

As he spoke, Guangfeng opened a plastic bag he picked up from an unknown trash can, which contained a bag full of blue mushrooms.

These mushrooms are not big, only as long as an index finger, and have small translucent cilia on their surface. You can see a colorful sheen when you follow the lines.

Chu Guang took a look, with a surprised expression on his face.

“Where did you find this thing?”

With a hint of pride on his face, Guangfeng reported the report truthfully.

“There is a concrete sewer pipe near the parking lot. It is about as tall as two people. There are a lot of these mushrooms growing in the pipe. I am not sure whether I can eat it, so I picked some and brought them back.”

Actually, he wanted to take a bite at first, but the game was so realistic that he hesitated for a long time without taking a bite.

“Its name is the blue mushroom, and its scientific name is ‘blue angel’. I heard that people who eat it can see real angels in up to an hour.”

“There is no doubt that unless you are a mutant who is invulnerable to all poisons, you definitely cannot eat this thing.”

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