There’s an Evil Spirit Here Chapter 503: Blood Curse, the fastest update, here are the latest chapters of evil spirits!

The haze is filled with layers, like a layer of silver gauze.

The mist is stirred from time to time, like being moved by a pair of invisible mysterious hands, like a terrifying monster lurking behind the mist.

At this time, in the opposite direction from the square, inside a dim building, bang!

A charred black corpse was thrown on the ground casually with a muffled sound.

Awesomely the upper body of the corpse king.

In the dim building, on the bleak, desolate stone wall, there is a black figure stretched infinitely. The owner of the figure, with a yellow big fairy stone mask on his face, is the linemaster who stole the body of the corpse king.

At this moment, the liner is squatting next to the corpse of the corpse king. The tip of his right finger seems to lightly stroke the palm of his left hand, but he easily cuts the flesh of the palm. Flowing out of the wound that came.

Tick-to-tick…The red blood kept falling on the corpse king’s painful opening, roaring with resentment, and the charred face of the corpse.

At this time, the yellow big fairy stone mask in the dark is particularly ghostly and gloomy in the dim world.

The Linker uses blood as a curse.

Starting to draw ancient spells twisting like earthworms around the corpse of the corpse king, as the liner drew more and more spells, it was originally extremely quiet and quiet in the dark building. Actually, the voice of Xixi Suosuo slowly sounded.

Listen carefully, like someone walking in the dark.

Listen more closely, again like a howling of pain.

But if you listen carefully, the sound doesn’t seem to come from one person. There are many people gathered in the darkness…

These sounds are very slight, like someone lying on your ear whispering softly, but if you listen carefully, you can’t hear anything.

As time passed, the liner drew more and more spells on the ground, and the whispering voices that had been heard before began to grow louder and louder.

“Saohe…Kaba (bò) Painie…嚩(pó) 唎儞(nǐ) Maya…醯(xī) 墀(chí) night, 醯墀夜, 醯墀夜……”

The whispering sound is getting louder and louder, it seems that there is an inexplicable existence in the air, chanting the scriptures…but there is obviously no one in the surroundings, but the scriptures in the air are still getting louder and louder.

In the faint, there seemed to be many transparent lights and shadows, and I began to walk around in the dim buildings, but these lights and shadows were too light, and the haziness caused by the darkness, it was impossible to see whether these lights and shadows were human Looks like…

I can only see these lights and shadows wandering around like evil spirits, seeming to want to rush out to the present world. But there is an invisible barrier that isolates these lights and shadows. These lights and shadows can only stare at the world greedily and viciously, wandering irritably, unable to break through the invisible barrier.

The sound of footsteps in the dark that I heard at first came from these lights and shadows.

At this time, the ground, the walls, the remaining stone tables, stone benches, and stone pillars have been filled with blood curses by the Linkmaster.

The linker doesn’t seem to care about the blood draining in his body, he is still writing a spell, wearing a face under the mask of a yellow big fairy stone, no one can see what it is. With an expression, no one can see whether the liner is pale due to excessive bleeding… can only see that the liner is still using blood as the medium, and continues to portray the next spell.

At this time, the surrounding blood curses have covered the entire confined space, and the misty and illusory lights and shadows have begun to be forced, and the scope of their activities has become narrower and narrower.

When the light and shadow finally touched a blood curse on the ground, the light and shadow disappeared, and then the blood curse turned into a mass of blood that looked like conscious blood, and actively flowed toward the body of the corpse king in the center of the blood curse.

When the two touched the moment…


There is a blood-colored ancient curse on the corpse of the corpse king, as if it was branded on the flesh by a hot red soldering iron in the air, and the flesh and flesh screamed…The red and **** curse on the brand happened to be right. It’s the blood curse that disappeared from the ground!

Next, more and more light and shadows began to touch the blood curse on the ground, walls, stone pillars…, and more and more light and shadows disappeared, and then turned into masses of flowing blood, imprinted on the body of the corpse king.

The weird scenes in front of me seem to be a very ancient ritual or sacrificial ritual, which is full of evil.

Just as the ritual entered the most critical juncture, and finally, when the last blood curse on the ground was also imprinted on the body of the corpse king, suddenly, the dome of the building in the originally enclosed space was torn open without warning.

The crack, like the heavens in the blessed land, was cracking, and like a mysterious portal with stalwart power living behind the door opened. It was a dark world, with a hat, a fur coat, and a white bone figure sitting on the bow of the ship, squeezing They were throwing into the waves, and they were all turned into individuals. They walked ashore from the bottom of the river, their expressions numb and faded away.


In the building, the wind is blowing out of thin air.

Time passed…The figure in the hat and the robes finally finished squeezing the soil, and began to shake the oars. The boat slowly approached the crack and was about to come down.

The Linker is still concentrating on what he is doing. It seems to be ignorant of the outside world. It is like not seeing the cracked portal on the top of the dome, and not seeing the boat in the dark world behind the portal.

At this time, the link master, after the last blood curse was imprinted on the body of the king of corpses, walked to the corpse of the king of corpses, holding the head of the king of corpses with resentful eyes, two thumbs, deep Press deeply into the eyes of the corpse king.

Puff! puff!

Two eyeballs exploded on the spot.

The next scene was even more awkward. I saw the runes imprinted on Shiwan’s body, and began to sink into the body of the king one by one. Then, there was a black liquid mysterious substance along the eyeball that was crushed. The two eye sockets drilled into the two thumbs of the telegrapher.

The black fluid wandered all the way quickly, passing through the wrists, arms, climbing on the neck, mask, and finally all got into the two eyeballs behind the connector’s mask.

Although I don’t know what conspiracy the linemaster is going to have, looking at the scene in front of him, it is not difficult to guess that the linemaster is sucking the king of the corpse.

At this time, the two eyes of the linker began to darken… and the boat behind the crack at this time was already close at hand, and the figure in the hat on the boat had also stood up.

A hard-bone hand, slowly poking out the cracks, and when it was about to catch the liner… At this moment, there was no longer black fluid flowing out of the corpse king’s eye sockets, and the liner’s two Only eyes were completely blackened, leaving only black pupils and no whites.


The body of the corpse king was blown up into powder, and his bones and ashes were thwarted by the linker.

Deceive the master and destroy the ancestors!

As for Linker’s completely blackened eyes, he finally raised his head and looked at the boat behind the crack.

At this moment, the cracks in the dome disappeared, the boat disappeared, the white-boned man in the hat disappeared, everything returned to the real world, and the gust of wind just disappeared.

The small boat and the figure in a hat, retreating back to the dark world behind the crack.

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