There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 96. The ninth dragon scale (six)

The ninth dragon scale (six)

Qi Pan’s ears were almost deafened by the loud explosion.

For a moment, she forgot everything and her mind went blank.

What happened… what happened?

She was buried in a lot of sand, and it took a lot of effort to get out. She spit out a few mouthfuls, but there was still smoke in front of her. Qi Pan waved her hand and slowly saw what was in front of her. What a scene.

The stump was broken, the blood dripped, and the sand was soaked into blood red. Qi Pan staggered to her feet, she looked left and right blankly, and suddenly saw a familiar hand. That hand was also wearing a half-finger glove for military use. Qi Pan recognized it at a glance. That hand held her little hand and took her out of the Tang family, and also took her to take her there Primary school, held a parent-teacher conference for her, and Hai once signed the column of her guardian.

But now, there’s only one hand left.

Qi Pan ran over like crazy, and knelt on the sand. The rough sand made her tender knees hurt, but she couldn’t feel it anymore. Qi Pan stretched out his hands and wanted to touch it, but he didn’t dare to touch it. The hand is here, where is the person?

Where did the people go? !

“Little uncle…” she muttered, looking around like a nervous wreck. On the left is the mutilated corpse of Lightning, and on the right is a girl in a white dress – she is not beautiful, nor young, because Her face was blown to pieces. But Qi Pan was not afraid at all, she was looking for her little uncle in the blood and blood in this place.

Later, she found it.

Qi Pan pieced him together little by little, and the paint on his face was no longer visible, because only large pieces of skin were left, and one could imagine the trauma he suffered at that time. When the woman came here from the fire, he was the only one who noticed except Qi Pan looking at her. While protecting Qi Pan under his body, he twisted the woman’s wrist, but it was too late. The two of them were the closest to the woman, so he was the most fragmented.

“Little uncle…” Qi Pan burst into tears. She didn’t know what to do. She seemed to be back when she was a child, standing alone in the huge Tang family. Walking in front of her, no one paid attention to her. Her stepfather’s children smashed her with stones. She was so afraid at the time that she didn’t know where to put her hands and feet. “How can I save you…”

“How can I save you…”

If you are injured, I can take care of you, if you are in pain, I can accompany you, if you need bone marrow, I can also transplant you, but if you die, how can I save you?

How else can I save you?

Qi Pan kept crying, her eyes were going blind when she cried, and time was meaningless at this moment. She cried and cried, suddenly remembered something, and began to **** her body like crazy – there is no injury here, there is no injury here, there is nothing here, no, even if the little uncle protects her, the two of them are too far away from that woman It’s near, Qi Pan can’t be unscathed.

And she doesn’t have a fever anymore, and all the discomfort in her body is gone!

How can this happen? !

Why didn’t she die? !

Why is she the only one alive? !

The sound of waves crashing against the reef came from her ears. Qi Pan seemed to understand something. She slowly looked at the boundless sea, stood up and ran towards the beach, kneeling heavily! “Dragon! Why? Why am I still alive? Why is my body like this? What the **** did you do to me?!”

The waves became gentle and smooth, silent.

“Please save them, please…Dragon…” Qi Pan kowtowed desperately, not knowing how many times before she stopped slowly. “…I see.”

She gets up again and staggers towards her little uncle. Even if he is no longer handsome and fresh, she still loves him as before. Why does he think that her love is a child’s joke? She loves him so much, not because of his appearance and status, nor whether he is rich or not. What she loves is his soul, his integrity and gentleness.

“Uncle…” Qi Pan called him and looked at the other people around. She remembered the other members of the sharp blade team. They had different personalities, but they all liked to laugh. When they tracked the clown together , They always chat, think about the future, want to eat a big bowl of braised pork after returning home safely, and want to marry a daughter-in-law and have a big fat boy. They made an appointment to have a drink together, and they also said that they would compete to see who has the highest shooting level and who can be on the list in the next exercise.

Qi Pan understood that she was not a living person from the beginning.

She’s just a puppet made by the Dragon Girl.

Because the soul is injected, there are joys, sorrows, and emotions. Ordinary puppets will only continue their ordinary lives step by step, and what supports them, apart from their souls, is a dragon scale.

Right in her heart.

Dragon scales give puppets mystical powers, allowing them to grow, age, die, and die like normal humans without being discovered by any science. This is the existence created by the dragon girl, but it is only based on Qi Pan’s appearance, so she is so young and delicate. So at the beginning, she was not a gift from the clown, and the clown didn’t know her at all, otherwise the real clown wouldn’t wait until the team members sat together before starting.

Qi Pan knelt in front of Team Tang’s body. She bent down, kissed his armband reverently, and smiled.

Good, she knows how to save them.

Do you know how painful it is to dig out your own chest? As long as the dragon scale is still in the body, the soul can feel the damage from the outside world. It is precisely because there is a soul in this body that the integrity of the body is guaranteed after the bomb explodes, otherwise, as a puppet, it will only fly with flesh and blood.

Qi Pan opened his chest with a broken saber, and dug out the dazzling dragon scales exuding light from his heart.

As soon as the dragon scales leave her body, she loses all her senses.


“Team Tang, Team Tang!”

Team Tang had a splitting headache. He rubbed his temples and realized that he was about to be sunburned. Lightning woke him up. He looked left and right, and everyone lay on the ground and didn’t wake up. Before… what happened?

He couldn’t remember anything when it hurt for a while, not only him, but also the other people who were woken up. Everyone only remembered that they found the clown yesterday afternoon, and after a fierce battle, they managed to catch each other and The four surviving girls were rescued, and then… and what happened?


Not only the Tang team forgot, but no one else.

The clown bound by the rope shivered when he was pulled up. Yesterday, Team Tang was in a hurry to come back – wait a minute, why is he in such a hurry to come to the beach? According to the information, the clown is a ruthless person, and even if he is arrested, he will never be afraid of this. Team Tang later discovered that the four rescued girls didn’t seem to be very happy. When Lei Ting was talking to a girl, the other girl was trembling and couldn’t help but glance at another older girl.

What the clown took away were all underage girls, but that girl… Although there was no wrinkle or aging on her face, her skin was so smooth and firm that Team Tang suddenly had a bold idea. Turning his back to the older woman, he gestured to another trembling girl, pointing first at the woman and then at the clown, exchanging his hands.

The girl nodded invisibly while looking at the woman.

Team Tang understood immediately, he gestured to Gu Feng with his eyes, Gu Feng pretended to be close, and instantly twisted the woman’s wrist and handcuffed her, and found a new type of grenade with great lethality from her. If this thing exploded , they all have to be smashed to pieces!

Everyone was in a cold sweat, and the three girls dared to cry out, and the man who was bound was relieved. Although he was the clown’s subordinate, he didn’t want to be the scapegoat! The clown is ruthless and sinister, and he said that he would rescue him after escaping, but he also knew that he was afraid that he would be more fortunate.

At this moment, the special forces saw through, and the stone in the man’s heart fell to the ground.

“Team Tang?” The soldiers took the two criminals for a long distance. When they turned around, they found that the captain was gone, Gu Feng trotted back all the way, “Team Tang! Let’s go! The clown’s communicator was destroyed by us, so let’s answer her. Our people can’t come, and the organization sent a helicopter to pick us up, why are you still standing here?”

Team Tang looked back at the forest: “I always feel…someone is watching us.”

The wind was happy: “Where are there people? It might be an animal, let’s go, let’s go home!”

Team Tang was dragged away by him and asked, “Do you think we forgot something?”


“I always feel like something is missing.”

“What can be missing, the clown has also arrested and rescued people, our team is still alive, what can be missing?” Gu Feng laughed and their captain was unfounded. “Last night, I must have been so tired that I fell asleep, what else could it be? Hey, Tang team, didn’t you realize that our injuries are much better? It doesn’t hurt at all! Let’s go, everyone, wait. How about us!”

“The clown has a grenade on her body, why didn’t she blow it up last night and wait until today?”

Guangfeng scratched his head when asked: “I don’t know about this…Aiya, Team Tang, where did you get so many questions? Our mission is complete, don’t think about anything else!”

He pushed hard, just as the helicopter came, and several soldiers stood up and saluted. When the clown and his subordinates were escorted away, the girls got on the helicopter, and the sharp blade team also climbed up one by one.

Team Tang was the last to go up, and until he left here, he couldn’t help but look back at the forest.

The helicopter was out of sight, and a girl in a camouflage coat came out of the forest.

She looked at the sky quietly, then turned and walked in.

Never came out again.

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