There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 899|Eighty Dragon Scales (Nine)

Eighty dragon scales (nine)

This nonsense from the eldest lady caused the new emperor and Duke Wu’an to change their faces together. Seeing this, the eldest lady’s heart that has been asking for nothing since she lived her whole life, finally got comfort at this moment— You see, the two most honorable and powerful men in the world didn’t tell her to make a big change in her face?

She knew that she had no hope of becoming that high-ranking concubine in this life, but if she couldn’t do it, neither could the seventh lady!

So she explained how she lived a new life, and how she changed the characters of herself and Qi Niangzi, so that Qi Niangzi could explain the process of marrying into the public mansion, with a smile on her face to the new emperor and the emperor. Duke Wu An talked about how the new emperor and the noble concubine were in love with each other in the previous life, but unfortunately in this life, the noble concubine became the woman of Duke Wu An, and Duke Wu An!

The man that the eldest lady has hated all her life, she pointed to the tip of his nose and scolded: “If you weren’t partial, good and bad, how could I have ended up like that! You didn’t hurt me enough for a lifetime. , and come to harm my second life!”

The Duke of Wu An was scolded and confused, not to mention whether what the eldest lady said is true or false, it is true, what does it have to do with him in this life? Is this life also his harm? What did he do?

It’s a real man sitting on a pot at home and coming from the sky.

He remembered the little lady in his family, looked at the girl in front of him again, and said lightly: “If you don’t tell me, I can’t tell that you are sisters.”

When the eldest lady heard it, she was struck by lightning. Obviously, she had heard this sentence in her previous life.

“Looking at your appearance, your mind is not right, no matter whether this past life or this life is true or not, you are to blame for your fall into such a field.” Xindi said.

The eldest lady looked at these two people in disbelief. One was her husband in her previous life, and she couldn’t win his favor with all her brains. No matter what she did, he would not respond coldly. The other was The person she wanted to marry madly in her life ended up only making fun of her and never caring about her at all. So where is the meaning of her rebirth?

“If it’s true as you said, when a person dies and returns to a young age, it is a great benefit. It proves that you are favored by the gods and will give you a chance to come back again, but how did you do it?” Wu An Gong was slightly sarcastic, “I exchanged my tragic fate for others, robbed others of their lives, and gave me the virtue of being kind and not reciprocating. Let me ask you, do you still have the four words of courtesy, righteousness, and honor in your heart? That is Your own sister, if you can treat her like this, who will believe your sincerity? The emperor said that your mind is not right, and these four characters fit you. Sex is related, what about both talent and beauty? I have seen countless beauties with the emperor, so if she is a beauty, she will be attracted to her?”

The eldest lady’s lips were trembling when she said it. She wanted to say that it was not the case. She wanted to say that all this was just random speculation by the two of them. How could she be wrong? She married into the mansion and became the lady of the mansion. Shouldn’t she do the work of the mansion? She is doing the sequel, which stepmother in the world can treat the first lady’s child as her own? Although she thought about trying to spar with the pair of siblings, she never thought about killing them, but how did they treat her?

Looking at the eldest lady’s expression, she knew that she definitely did not reflect, too, if she did, it would not be like this.

Such a woman is just one of the vulgar fans in the world. Talking to her so much has given her enough face.

When the eldest lady was being dragged out, she was still shouting, and Duke Wu An motioned to block her mouth. No matter whether the words in her mouth were true or false, shouting them out would damage the reputation of the little lady in his family.

The new emperor smiled and said, “Did you hear that, that beauty should have been my woman.”

The Duke of Wu An glanced at him: “How can it be wrong, now she is my woman.”

The new emperor said again: “Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. You can ask the little lady if she is willing to enter the palace to be a noble concubine.”

He doesn’t believe the eldest lady’s words, because he is very clear about his own thoughts. He grew up in the palace since childhood. If he falls in love with a woman, he will definitely not just call her a noble concubine. He is tired of intrigue between women. If he really married Qi Niangzi in his previous life, it must have been because of her gentle and considerate character, very much like his mother, and he was willing to do everything in his power to protect her.

What’s more, the eldest lady is talking nonsense at all. The seventh lady in her mouth is completely different from the seventh lady in this life. She can’t even tell lies. In this way, the little lady’s family, after reading a lot of storybooks, really believe that there is a rebirth or resurrection in the world?

The new emperor shook his head and decided that if he has a daughter in the future, he must educate him well, and he must not let her indulge in the storybook.

Emperor Wu An was finally driven home. He did not trust the late emperor, but he had a deep relationship with Jin Shang. However, no matter how deep the relationship is, it also needs management and care, so as soon as the new emperor ascends the throne, he will return the military talisman. The new emperor also made a face with him and asked him if he felt that he would not trust him, or because of his different identities, his relationship had faded.

When Duke Wu An reasoned with him, it was not because the relationship was weak, but because of their different identities. Even if they were brothers and sisters, they needed to respect each other. He used to hold on to military power in order to find a way to survive. Now the new emperor treats him generously. Like a brother, what’s so scary about him? If he needs to go to the battlefield in the future, he is still obliged.

The two enjoyed the wine and were so drunk that when Duke Wu’an was sent back to the mansion, he smelled of alcohol all over his body.

Linglong was so disgusted that he was about to die, so he was thrown into the room to fend for himself, so on the second day he went to three poles, Wu An Gong woke up with a headache, and found that his whole body was going to be rancid. Just can’t imagine. He leaned close to his sleeve and smelled it, almost spitting it out.

I haven’t had a day like this for many years.

He rubbed his temples and called for someone. It was his personal soldiers who came in outside. Although he returned the military power, the new emperor would not let such a handyman sit idle and put him in the military department, but He was also given a month’s leave to let him get along with the little lady at home and cultivate his relationship. I heard that the two of them didn’t even have a house, which was really miserable, and the new emperor shed tears of sympathy for it.

After learning from the personal soldiers that she had been sent back last night, the wife glanced at it and turned around and left. The two little ones didn’t have much nostalgia for them. Duke Wu An’s face turned green. Can you respect him!

Hurry up to wash and change clothes, and finally I can go out refreshed and refreshed. These early summer days are already very hot for an adult man like him, so he wears less clothes. When he arrives at the exquisite yard, he finds that she is talking The two children were swinging together, and there was a stone table not far from the three of them. On the stone table were all kinds of fruits, all washed, cut, and drenched with a layer of thick milk. Just looking at them made one’s index finger. Big move.

Linglong’s attitude towards the male host who finally returned to the house is to treat him as a roommate who is not very important. As long as he doesn’t come to harass him, everyone will be fine, but if she wants to find fault, she is definitely not easy to mess with .

Wu An Gong came over to chat up: “What are you playing?”

Linglong raised one eyelid: “Can’t you see for yourself when you have eyes?”

The Wu An Gong who was slapped back was a little embarrassed, thinking that this little lady doesn’t seem to like her very much! He knew that he was in the wrong. After returning to Beijing, Butler Xue also told him many things, whether it was Lu Fuling or Xiao’s mother, because they were left by the former wife, he was willing to believe them, but in the end he almost hurt himself His sons and daughters went astray. Fortunately, he was exquisite and tactful to deal with those two people, and he taught the two children so well. No matter how he thought about it, he owed him.

As a result, the attitude became better and better, it could be called low-pitched – if the eldest lady saw this, she would be mad again. color?

“Are you on a swing? Let me rock it for you!”

Speaking, he has already stood behind the swing, looking attentive.

However, he had never shaken anyone on a swing in his life, so he couldn’t hold back his energy at all. The young master and the county owner went to eat fruit and fish. Linglong grabbed the swing tightly, and 10,000 grass and mud horses were racing in his heart. They were arranged in an S shape for a while, and a B shape for a while. The Duke of Wu An behind him didn’t even notice that he was very strong. He only felt that the little lady’s skirt was graceful, and when she flew high, she was like a butterfly with wings, beautiful and fairy. , He wants to please the more and more, and the strength in his hand is getting bigger and bigger.

Linglong didn’t hold on to one, and really flew out…

She scolded a hundred idiots in her heart, and everyone in the yard was stunned. The little man with half a strawberry in his mouth had a round mouth, mother, he really can fly…

The watermelon on Xiaoxianzhu’s fork fell on the table with a clatter, and it flew up, and she flew up!

Emperor Wu An was also startled. He didn’t expect the little lady to be so light. To be honest, when he pushed her on the swing, he didn’t feel that she had any weight. It was just that the more she flew, the more beautiful she was, the more he thought about it. I worked hard, but I didn’t expect to sell too much, and I almost sold my life!

Fortunately, his physical fitness and reaction ability have been top-notch in the military for many years. He rushed over before Linglong landed to try to catch someone, and used his body as a pad for her, so he didn’t let her fall. A flattering and embarrassing smile appeared on his face: “Are you all right?”

Linglong asked: “What do you think?”

Gong Wu An took a guilt and sniffed: “I’ll help you get up.”

She pushed him away angrily: “Stay away from me! Don’t come near me!”

Gong Wu An was very sad immediately. Obviously, the little lady didn’t like him at all. She didn’t even want to approach him. She even gave him a blank look and went back to the house to change clothes. After rolling on the ground, there was dust everywhere, what did this big fool come back for?

“Oh, my father made Nyon angry.” The young master said gloatingly, “Father is miserable.”

He and his sister still remember how scary the mother was when she got angry, and now they know it honestly.

Wu An Gong said: “What do children know, don’t talk nonsense!”

After speaking, Pi Dian Dian chased after him, leaving the siblings to make faces at his back.

Although Linglong is fierce towards children, it is only limited to bear children, cute and obedient children, her tolerance is very high, so this little brother and sister did not kill the child’s nature, just changed Losing the bad side of his temper, he no longer shouted and killed at will, and he also deducted money from their small warehouse to compensate the slave family members who had been treated badly in the past. Gradually, the two children became more lively. Although they were still mischievous, they were measured.

After listening to Butler Xue’s retelling, Mr. Shen Rui, the Duke of Wu’an, who imagined how angry his sons and daughters would be, is naturally grateful to Linglong.

In order not to arouse the fear of the late emperor, he could not even go back home. He was afraid that the children would grow crooked, so he carefully selected people to serve them. Who would have raised a heart like Lu Fuling and Mama Xiao, his own people After being dealt with, Wu An Gong naturally also knew that in addition to Lu Fuling and others, there was also the handwriting of the late emperor.

It’s just that he can’t be in a hurry, he has to wait for the Sixth Highness to complete the event before he can educate the children.

I didn’t expect that the little lady who was forced to marry into the door gave him such a big surprise, even the late emperor couldn’t do anything to her, and the accident helped him a lot.

However, as soon as he caught up and entered the door, he saw a beautiful white back, delicate and white, with butterfly bones about to fly, and the nostrils of Wu Angong, who had been unfeminine for many years, became hot, and Qiu was about to drive him out. Mom screamed: “Grandpa has a nosebleed—”

Linglong casually draped her shirt to cover the spring light and not allowed to peep. Seeing that Duke Wu An’s eyes were still staring at her, she sneered, grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it over his head: “Look again, Let’s gouge out your eyeballs!”

Who knew that this person was shameless and let other people go out, so he rubbed himself over: “It’s okay to dig it out and hang it on the little lady, and watch the little lady every day.”

Linglong: “Do you still want a face?”

Wu An Gong, who is in a very good mood and has no worries at all, shook his head honestly: “Little lady is willing to let me be close, even if you don’t have eyes, you can also don’t have a face.”

As he spoke, he reached out to her slightly exposed shoulders. The finger pads that have been holding the weapon all the year round have rough calluses, which are completely different from the delicate and delicate skin. He doesn’t dare to push hard like a swing. Light and light, for fear of hurting her.

She thought this was the third time the two met, but it wasn’t. He had observed her secretly for a long time, and thought she was cute, beautiful, and likable, and she was the wife he was marrying. Where should the husband and wife be avoided? Of course he wanted to live a good life with her.

Hearing what Duke Wu An said that the matchmaker was getting married, Linglong felt that his mind was quite bad: “You weren’t there on the day of the marriage, and we didn’t even worship the court, so what kind of matchmaker is marrying?”

When Duke Wu An heard this, he immediately felt guilty, Linglong took advantage of the situation to kick him with his legs, trying to kick him off the bed, but the man who was on the march all the year round and was assassinated all the year round was very clever, grabbed her slender ankle and sighed. , This little lady’s body is soft and boneless, and even her feet are tender and soft. He didn’t dare to exert too much force, and rubbed the creamy skin with his fingertips, almost wanting to kneel down and worship her.

“Would you like to hold another wedding for you?” Wu An Gong approached her and said in a low voice, “I will give you everything that should be given to you. Don’t dislike me.”

Linglong refused without thinking: “No.”

“Why not?”

“Why?” Linglong asked him, “It’s easy for you to be the groom, why don’t you try wearing a phoenix crown that weighs dozens of pounds? Don’t move all day, from morning to night, you’re exhausted to death, you have to make up. Make up for it yourself, anyway, when I came here, I was born alone, so you can too.”

She deliberately tried to embarrass him, “If you can do it, I’ll stay. If you can’t do it, don’t bother me in the future. We don’t make water from the well. If you’re short of women, you can bring it in at will. It is.”

This is completely different from what Wu An Gong imagined. He thought that he could grow old with the little lady and have a few more babies, but he never thought that people really didn’t like him. .

But he likes her!

Linglong just said it casually. What she never expected was that this person actually held a wedding as she said, and he was the only one!

I have never seen such a groom in the past. Even the new emperor wanted to join in the fun when he heard about it. Duke Wu An didn’t feel ashamed, so he just told everyone that when his wife got married and couldn’t come back, she should have given her a wedding. , but I didn’t want her to be tired again, so I did it by myself.

The world was in an uproar.

Linglong didn’t expect him to actually do it, she just said it casually, which shows that this person really wants to live a good life with her, but she still has to say some things first, and wants her to be the same as the previous lady It is impossible to be delicate and gentle, and it is impossible to have another child. She has been so free and undisciplined all her life, and I don’t know if someone like him can’t stand it.

Wu An Gong received all the photos, what can’t stand it, as a man, he didn’t want to lie about his deceased wife, but just told Linglong that the relationship between him and the first lady was not what she thought, and she was still his first time Heart-wrenching little lady, she can do whatever she wants, and the family doesn’t need her to make a living. As long as she is happy, it doesn’t matter if she rides on his neck every day.

“You don’t need to ride on the neck.” Linglong smiled and looked at the man in a happy suit in front of him. He was very handsome, tall and burly. From the appearance alone, it was quite in line with her taste.

Mr. Wu An subconsciously thought that this sentence was a rejection, and there was a look of disappointment between his eyebrows. Who knew that the next second, the little lady would wrap his arms around his neck and whispered in his ear: “It’s still better to ride on the waist. Yes.”

He blushed with shame in an instant!

What a formality this, this, this is!

But he had to admit that he actually loved this tune to death. Linglong bit his ear and said he was sullen, but Lord Wu An refused to admit it. What does sullen mean? It doesn’t sound like a good word! He is mighty and strong, how could he be associated with Sao Zi?

What is ecstasy and bone erosion, Yunyu Wushan, Wu Angong finally understood after having a father in Fangze. The next morning, the next morning, the Wuangong, who insisted on getting up early to practice martial arts for more than 20 years, never slept in late, successfully lay in the gentle village Not willing to get up.

During the period, he repeatedly asked himself to get up and exercise, but the beauties didn’t need to be held back, so he found a reason for himself – shouldn’t he accompany his wife on the first day of the wedding? He has a month off!

When I get busy, I have to stay home sooner or later. Naturally, these days cannot be wasted, but I have to spend more time with my beloved wife.

However, he was too clingy and hugged her tightly. Although it wasn’t too hot this season, men tended to sweat easily and stained her, so she wanted to kick him off.

Wu An Gong, who was used to being kicked, already knew where her beautiful legs came from without looking at it. He grabbed it with one hand and kissed Bai Nen’s calf. Seeing that she disliked her stinky sweat, he deliberately stepped forward to play with her. She narrowed her eyes, with a posture that you are not afraid of death, and immediately persuaded again, got up to wash up, washed clean and then went to bed.

Linglong opened one eye to look at him, thinking that he was annoying, turned his back to him, separated by the Yangtze River moat, but this person came over again, and took her into his arms from behind, like her It’s a large doll, and her two long legs still encircle her. Linglong has never been able to bear it. She sits up and slaps the sturdy chest muscles of Lord Wu An: “Go out.”


“Get out!”

Seeing that she was really unhappy, he raised his hands, but he was reluctant to go out: “I won’t touch you, I promise not to touch you, I promise, don’t drive me away.”

She stared at him for a while, before laying down again, and soon fell asleep with the quilt in her arms. Wu An Gong quietly approached her, and saw that her snow-white face was sleeping with petal-like pink I was dizzy, I couldn’t help loving it, I couldn’t help kissing, and then I immediately felt my stubble, which I shaved only yesterday, and it grew back after I slept all night.

He didn’t dare to touch her at will, so he had to grab a lock of her long hair with his hands, put it on his nose like an idiot, sniff it hard, and then tied it with his own hair and had a lot of fun.

The young master and the county magistrate started to knock on the door outside the door. Wu An Gong was afraid that they would wake up Linglong, so he would get out of bed when he got up, but only after hearing a hurried scream, he remembered to tie them together hair forgot to untie.

Linglong was really angry this time. She kicked Wu An Gong, who was wearing only trousers, out of bed. Her big eyes were full of anger: “Get out of here!”

Wu An Gong begged for mercy again and again, quickly put on clothes, sneaked a kiss on her lips, and ran out. What?”

“You’re seven years old.” His father answered nonsense, and bent over to pick up both him and his sister, “Children from other families, at the age of seven, recite the four books and five classics, and men and women do not sit at the age of seven, you don’t know this. It seems that you are a little too indulgent. From today onwards, you will study with your husband. Don’t laugh, the little lady should enrich yourself, so as not to read some nonsense books all day long, and you two brothers and sisters will be in trouble in the future. When reading together, no one is allowed to be lazy.”

The two brothers and sisters, who had been happy for less than ten years, were dumbfounded.


Thinking of those gentlemen my father stayed in the mansion, they frowned every day as fierce as earthworms, they looked at each other, and immediately began to struggle, and frantically called for Linglong, but Wu An Gong walked faster , while sandwiching a swiftly away.

Cry? It’s no use crying, the old father’s heart is made of stone.

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