There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 826|The seventy-second dragon scale (2)

Seventy-second dragon scales (2)

Xie Ji felt that after leaving that village, everything was going in a good direction. First, the heavy snow that had been falling for several days stopped completely, and the sun came out. However, due to the first melting of the snow, the ground was muddy and difficult to walk on. The melted snow was frozen again, and the entire ground was frozen hard, but in this case, the road would be easy to walk.

He wants to go a little further. As soon as the snow stops, people in the village will definitely come out to visit. Their thatched hut has been burnt down. They can’t waste time. His eyeliner will not inform those behind the scenes, and if he can’t escape, the days to come will still be as difficult as before.

Fortunately, it was no longer snowing heavily, so Xie Ji chose to leave when the sun was at its fullest, otherwise he was afraid that his sister would get sick again.

Linglong always wanted to go by herself, but Xie Ji disagreed. He had to carry her on his back. Before leaving home, he dismantled the only remaining quilt in the house and wrapped Linglong in it like a baby. , and then sewed the four corners with rope, and left a piece for her to put on her head. At this moment, Linglong was lying on his back and basking in the sun…

The boy who was carrying her was obviously already eleven years old, but he was only seven or eight years old. He had no flesh on his body. He could feel his bones through the quilt. Of course, Linglong himself did not. How good is it, but when the mother Liang was still alive, the food in the family was all close to her, and the mother loved her brother. Although she lived a hard life, she never felt sad, and even became a prostitute many years later. She still has a love for warmth in her heart.

Xie Ji’s physical strength is limited. After walking for more than half an hour, he was out of breath. Behind him was his sister and in front of him was his luggage. Because he was tired, he found a tree to rest and carefully carried his sister on his back into his arms. In the middle, he first let out a breath to warm his hands, then touched his sister’s forehead to make sure the temperature was normal, and then he relaxed a little.

It will get better, it will definitely get better, he didn’t protect his mother, but he will definitely protect his sister so that she won’t get sick again, and won’t let her suffer any more.

Xie Ji swears.

The two brothers and sisters cuddled together and basked in the sun. Xie Ji took this opportunity to take out the dry food that he carried with him. He was afraid that his sister would get sick after drinking cold water, so he found some useful dead branches nearby. Before leaving He brought the small pot at home. Although it couldn’t cook much, it was just enough to boil some hot water for his sister, and even toss the frozen buns into it to soak them until soft.

Linglong didn’t eat much, and Xie Ji didn’t pay much attention to himself. He swallowed the buns directly with the cold water in the water bag. , He had to continue to set off. When he packed up his things and carried his sister on his back, a magical scene happened!

A gray hare came flying like an arrow from the string, Xie Ji was startled, but before he could catch it, the hare slammed into the tree where their brother and sister were resting just now… and snapped He fell to the ground, his hind limbs twitched awkwardly, and he didn’t move.

Xie Ji:……

He hasn’t lived a stable life for many years, and he doesn’t know that there is still a good thing about pie in the sky? After a long while, Xie Ji approached the hare and poked it with her hand. The hare killed herself for some reason… and it seemed to have something in her mouth, which my mother taught me when she was still alive. Xie Ji could read and write. When his grandfather was alive, he opened a medicine hall. Xie Ji naturally recognized that it was wild ginseng, but the question was why the rabbit had wild ginseng in its mouth, and why did it crash and die here? !

This sample of wild ginseng is worth dozens of taels at least!

After realizing this, Xie Ji’s eyes lit up! Dozens of taels of silver! Enough for him to rent a better yard and buy some furniture to live! You don’t have to worry about not having money to buy medicine for your sister, you can also buy clothes for her without patches!

He hurriedly unpacked the bag in his arms, put the hare in, and took out the wild ginseng. The wild ginseng that the rabbit somehow obtained was complete with roots and hairs, without the slightest defect. Sell ​​some more!

Xie Ji is very happy. If the wild ginseng can be sold, the rabbit can peel the skin and eat the meat. My sister is too thin and needs to eat more.

Children need to eat more to grow taller.

In the evening, Xie Ji finally arrived in front of a city, and before the curfew time, he entered the city smoothly. Linglong has long discovered that this country does not strictly control the household registration of the people. The two children have traveled such a long distance. There are no documents to guide them along the way, and no one has checked them. However, this is a good thing for them, because the control is lax, Therefore, the population is highly mobile, and even if the people behind the scenes quickly realize that their siblings have escaped, they will not even try to find them for a while.

When you go to a smaller county town and save some silver taels, you will be able to clear up the household registration officer, give them a household registration, and settle down directly there. In a few years, the brothers and sisters will naturally grow up, and one child will be a day. Change, and no one will recognize it.

Xie Ji asked an old man for directions, the old man pointed him to the most famous medicine hall in the county, and Xie Ji went there, but he was in rags, and had a lot of things on his back and back, looking at Dirty and dark like a little beggar, the little brother in the medicine hall saw his face turned green and wanted to drive him away. Xie Ji quickly said that he was here to sell medicine, and the little brother heard it. A little interested, when Xie Ji took out the wild ginseng, the little brother immediately jumped up and called the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper is knowledgeable and kind, and offered Xie Ji a price of one hundred taels of silver. He also exchanged the one hundred taels for Xie Ji with broken pieces, and gave Xie Ji a few copper plates. Xie Ji hurriedly surrendered. Thank you, he is not the kind of stingy character, but he will not waste it, so he bought a hot big meat bun for his sister and wrapped it in oil paper for her to eat.

Linglong licked the skin of the steamed buns. The steamed buns were made very big, and the stuffing inside was so full that it would be oily when she took a bite. , push it to Xie Ji.

Xie Ji swallowed and said, “Brother is not hungry.”

Linglong was very persistent. Xie Ji couldn’t beat her, so she had to eat the rest. Linglong looked at him and smiled, and her thin and disembodied face instantly glowed, making Xie Ji’s eyes warm. He quickly lowered his head, wiped his face, and devoured the last bite, ready to find a place to spend the night.

They are just children, and they have a lot of money on their bodies. Xie Ji understands the truth that the wealth is not revealed. When they lived in the village before, because their mother had a good hand, the women in the village often came to the door. But they are stupid and can’t learn, so they gossip about mothers behind their backs, say that mothers are not careful to teach them, and say that good embroiderers like mothers, I am afraid that some big family escaped, those people always say Some heart-breaking remarks, my mother would cry at the beginning, but gradually she got used to it, and she also dragged the angry Xie Ji and did not tell him to go out. Mother said, as long as you live in peace, one day, father Will be back to pick them up.

Is Daddy really coming back?

Before my sister was born, Xie Ji also believed like her mother that her father would come back, but now he doesn’t believe it at all, and even one day, when that person appears in front of him, he will no longer have love in his heart, and there is only one thing left that cannot be cut off hate.

For whatever reason, for whatever reason, he hates him! Hate him deeply and unforgivably!

Because Xie Ji was very careful and took care not to leave any traces, he managed to bring such a large sum of money all the way north to Fengcheng. Fengcheng is located in the north and is completely different from their hometown. Xie Ji planned to stay here. Settle down and raise my sister.

He walked on only two legs for more than a year. When he arrived in Fengcheng, he was thirteen years old and his sister was eight years old.

In ancient times, the transportation was inconvenient. Xie Ji reluctantly bought a small donkey, so the journey was several times faster. Otherwise, he would have been asked to carry his sister all the way.

Fengcheng is not far from the border. The folk customs here are simple and straightforward, and the people are born tall. Xie Ji quickly rented a small yard, located close to the yamen. Although it is a bit expensive, it costs half a tael of silver a month. He will go out to find work in the future, and his sister is at home alone, so he must pay attention to safety, and it is better to live near the yamen.

After that, he bought some cakes and distributed them to the neighbors, and asked them to take good care of his sister. Thirteen-year-old Xie Ji was no longer as black and thin as before, with a faint juvenile appearance, and the neighbors were very enthusiastic. Tell him where to buy vegetables is cheaper on weekdays, and which butcher shop is more affordable, Xie Ji wrote them down one by one. He has no other skills, better than being able to read and write. During the past two years on the road, he He also often uses branches to teach his sister to read on the ground. Even if he can’t find a good job, at least he can stop doing rough work.

With their own home, it will be different from before. The first thing the brothers and sisters do is to enshrine their mother’s ashes. Xie Ji bought an incense burner, kowtowed to her mother with her sister, and lit it on Xiang, and then started cleaning, and it was clean inside and out. Xie Ji also brought a puppy from the outside, and the milk was whirring, saying that it was a nursing home.

Xie Ji really noticed that their luck has improved. Since that time, the brothers and sisters have often picked up good things on the road since they picked up a rabbit biting wild ginseng. Now Xie Ji has bought daily necessities and purchased Quilts, tables and other utensils, rice noodles and vegetables were prepared, and there were more than two hundred taels of silver on him.

It’s hard to sit and eat. They are not on the road now, so naturally it is difficult to pick up good things again. Everything has to be done on their own. Thirteen-year-olds are already quite old, but it is not easy to find a job, because the big In some shops, people looking for a cashier and other short-term children who need to read, will not consider young children, but some shops are willing to accept apprentices, but the apprentices can’t get money, but they only learn skills, and they have to serve the master’s family. Xie Ji unwilling.

How can I buy new clothes for my sister if I can’t make money? It is also impossible for him to serve at the master’s house all day long. For Xie Ji, nothing is more important than his sister. For her, he can sacrifice everything, including his own life.

They are two of the most intimate and inseparable people in the world, with the same blood flowing through them, and no one can separate them.

So after half a month, Xie Ji couldn’t find a suitable job. He was vaguely anxious, and he seemed absent-minded at home. Linglong asked him to buy more than a dozen chicks before, and the two brothers and sisters were there There is a chicken ring in the yard. Linglong will go to the vegetable market every day to pick up the leaves that others don’t want, and chop them up and feed them to the chicks. They also grow very fast, and it is estimated that they will be able to eat them at home soon. Eggs out.

Although I don’t panic when I have money, it’s not a problem if I can’t find a job. Xie Ji didn’t want to worry her sister, so she lied that she found a job and worked as a cashier in a dim sum shop.

Although Linglong showed a look of admiration and joy, she actually didn’t believe it at all.

Xie Ji didn’t lie to her, but it could only be said that he was half and half, because he did find a job, but instead of being a cashier in a dim sum shop, he went to move goods for others. Because of his short stature and young age, he does as much work as people, but only gets half the money.

Afraid that the clothes on her body would be torn and worn by Linglong, Xie Ji specially took the tattered clothes from the house and hid them in a nearby alley. Clothes, I just don’t want Linglong to know that he is not an accountant at all, but a mover.

He is not afraid of his sister’s dislike, but afraid of her crying.

Sister is fragile and needs protection. He will guard her under his wings as a brother throughout his life, so that she will not be harmed in the slightest.

But there is no airtight wall under the sky. Today, Xie Ji, who returned home after more than an hour of delay due to the overstocked goods, found herself hiding in the alley in the cracks of the stones with clean clothes covered with inconspicuous stones gone!

He is wearing the same outfit he had just arrived in Fengcheng, which is dirty and scary, because today’s work is very tiring, and he is covered in dust.

Xie Ji suddenly panicked. He hesitated back and forth at the door of his house. The old man who passed by saw him standing at the door of his house but didn’t go in. He smiled and said, “Why is Xie’s boy standing here? The old lady went out together, and came back to buy a lot of things, I heard that I even pulled cloth for you to make new clothes!”

Others don’t know what Xie Ji is doing, they only know that he is not idle, and Linglong will not take the initiative to brag. In that case, it would be a shame for my brother to be exposed! Ah, she is such a good and understanding sister!

In the end, Xie Ji bravely went home. As soon as he entered the house, he saw the familiar clothes hanging in the yard… Isn’t that the one he wears every day…

My younger sister was sitting on the threshold of the main house, stroking the little milk dog. The little milk dog was a little bigger than before, but she screamed at Xie Jing, and Linglong raised her eyes: “Brother is back, look, bean bag. I don’t even recognize you.”

Beanbag is the name of the puppy.

Xie Ji was dirty and gray, so how could she dare to answer when she felt guilty? Linglong said naturally: “The hot water is in the pot, the food is still warm, and the clothes are placed in my brother’s room. Let’s take a shower and eat first.”

Xie Ji said obediently, walked towards the kitchen, took a step to take a peek at her sister, saw that her sister was still playing with Doubao, and seemed not to be angry at all, so she quietly exhaled.

After he took a bath, he splashed the bath water in the yard and carried the tub back to the house. A west house, in addition to a stove room, and a small room connected to the stove room, where some daily utensils are placed, the yard is divided into two, except for the stone road from the main house to the door, both sides are still open. One side of the muddy area was converted into chicken pens and kennels, while the other side was planted with vegetables.

Xie Ji lives in the West Room and Linglong lives in the East Room. Both brothers and sisters love cleanliness, so they bought a tub for taking a bath, but every time Xie Ji comes home to boil water, it’s true that he came back late today.

Dinner is cooked by Linglong, who told them that they are so poor now that they have no one to serve and have to do it themselves? Xie Ji finished the meal very quietly, and there was always a feeling of breathlessness. In the end, he had nothing to do, “Long’er, brother can explain.”

“Then brother can start.”

Xie Ji was suddenly choked, and she didn’t know what to say for a long time. Linglong calmly said: “Today, Aunt Zhu next door asked me to go out. I thought to myself that my brother always bought me cloth, but I wore two sets of clothes back and forth. I wanted to pull a piece of cloth back to make clothes for my brother, but when I took a shortcut, a few stones fell off, and when I looked up, I saw my brother’s clothes. /

Xie Ji lowered her head and dared not speak.

“Is there anything my brother wants to tell me?”

Of course Xie Ji does! He hurriedly said: “Brother really didn’t mean to hide from you, I was just afraid that you would be worried…”

“My brother was really afraid that I was worried, so he listened to me and stopped looking for work.”

In fact, Linglong has said this before. Instead of looking for a job, it is better to go to the yamen to clear things up while you still have money, get a household registration and officially settle in Fengcheng, and then go to study. For ordinary people, there is no better, faster and easier way to get ahead than reading, especially Xie Ji is extremely smart, and he can hardly forget it. It is a good material for reading.

But Xie Jing disagrees.

It costs more to read! Not to mention bundle repairs, just the pen, ink, paper and inkstone is an expense. Yes, they still have more than 200 taels of silver, but how can they have enough money? You need money for food, clothing, housing and transportation, money for rent when you are sick, and money for everything! Xie Ji really went to study, the two hundred taels of silver won’t last long before it’s over, not to mention that my sister is getting older, how can I do it without money on hand?

Seeing Xie Ji’s disapproval, Linglong knew that he didn’t agree, she didn’t speak, she didn’t get angry, she just started to drop golden beans, teardrops smashed down one by one, like a broken thread Pearl, pitiful and cute, and her nose turned red because of this, Xie Ji was so heartbroken!

He hurriedly came over and hugged his sister to comfort him, but no matter how he said Linglong, he refused to stop crying. In the end, Xie Ji was defeated in this offensive of tears: “Tomorrow, tomorrow, brother will go to sign up! Brother swears !”

Linglong sniffed her nose and said with a weeping voice, “That brother is not allowed to pretend that he knows nothing.”

“Of course.” Xie Ji nodded, “If my brother promised you, he will never go back on it.”

Linglong thought about it for a while, and then made a request: “Then I’ll go too.”

She has to watch it with her own eyes to prevent her brother from acting in a bad way. This guy’s head is turning so fast, Linglong has enough reasons to suspect that he will tease her. Maybe she will sign up for a study, just walk around the door of someone’s private school and come back, and then Tell her that Mr. does not accept apprentices.

No way!

Students like Xie Ji, who wouldn’t rush to accept them? He has a flexible mind and is not pedantic, can adapt to changes and has quick thinking, and is far superior to ordinary people in terms of creativity, imagination and thinking ability, not to mention that he can never forget it.

Xie Ji:……

He sighed deeply: “Okay, okay, listen to Longer, so Longer don’t cry, okay? You cry so much that your brother’s heart is broken.”

Her tears are the best weapon. Xie Ji had countless ideals to tell her in her heart, but as soon as my sister’s tears fell, he died instantly and couldn’t say anything. He just wanted to rely on her for everything. , he listens to what she says.

If my sister accompanies you to sign up, then you can’t pretend to be an idiot, but are you really going to study? How can they have so much money? No matter how smart he is, he still needs to work hard. In that case, he will have no time to work, and what should he do if he can’t make money?

Xie Ji felt embarrassed, Linglong arched her into his arms, asked him to hold her, raised his head and said, “Brother is so smart, he will definitely be able to take the championship and become a high-ranking official in the future! For the sake of a better life in the future, now It’s okay to suffer a little bit, and my mother taught me that I was a girl. I can make money by embroidering handkerchief clothes at home. As long as we save some money, my brother can go to study! I believe my brother, and my brother should not belittle himself.”

Don’t Xie Ji want to study? Of course, he also knew that reading was the only way out. Should he just accept his fate like this, bear his breath, ignore the gangsters behind the scenes, and endure the humiliation for the rest of his life?

No, he doesn’t want to.

Should he just ignore it and pretend nothing happened? No, he doesn’t want to. He wants to find the man and take his mother’s ashes. Before she died, she was worried about their brother and sister, so she regretted not being able to see that man again. It was the man who owed her mother, and he had to. return.

Who is harming them? Who made them cornered? Who made them leave their hometowns and make a hard life?

Xie Ji is not only modest, but also quite vengeful.

Early the next morning, Linglong woke up early, but not as early as Xie Ji, as long as Xie Ji was at home on weekdays, she didn’t have to do any work, so her skin gradually improved, looking white and tender, with After the flesh is gone, the facial features are becoming more and more delicate and beautiful. Xie Ji has such a sister, and she dare not ask her to go out and see others at will. He is still too weak and not strong enough, and there is no way to protect her from leaking.

Usually Linglong is also very good at home and doesn’t go out very often, even when she goes out with her acquainted neighbors, but this time is different. This time she is sending her brother to school. If she doesn’t follow her to supervise, Xie Ji will definitely Go to the private school and come back, and then prevaricate her by saying that the husband does not like it or that the money he brought is not enough.

Don’t even think about it!

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