There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 746|Sixty-fourth dragon scales (four)

The sixty-fourth dragon scale (four)

Three days later the county exam will be released, and Linglong will undoubtedly be at the top of the list, but he is not proud, because passing the county exam is nothing, not even Tongsheng! Only after taking the hospital exam in April and passing it can you be considered a “children” and be eligible to participate in the rural exam. And after passing the township exam, one is a “scholar”. Just a scholar will have to take the exam three times. Among them, just reading the book and handing over to the master is a sum of money, not to mention other expenses. The most important thing is, You have worked hard, but you may not be able to pass the exam. Therefore, supporting a scholar is very time-consuming and money-consuming.

Mr. Mei was afraid of Linglong’s pride, so he deliberately brought him to his side. First, he praised him for his good grades, and then taught him earnestly, telling him that the county exam was only for scholars from Tongping County, and the government The test is a higher level. At that time, it will gather scholars from all counties under the administration of the government. The conditions for employment will become difficult, and there will be many fewer people who can pass the test. .

Linglong said that she was obedient.

He is quite good at pretending to be obedient, even if he doesn’t agree with him, he will act obediently. The main thing is that Mr. Mei really loves him, and Linglong has always been obedient to those who love him.

Old man Liu and the shopkeeper Fang didn’t understand this, so they felt that the little guy was very good at the first test. Old man Liu was also excited with tears in his eyes, thinking about how difficult it was at home at the time! I can’t give birth to a son, and I can’t get enough to eat. Now life is getting better and better, and my son is studying and reading. It’s really green smoke from the grave!

He discussed with Mrs. Wang that he would return to Daliushu Village in two days to give his ancestors a treat. Mrs. Wang shook his head and said no, staring at Liubao going to take the Kaofu exam in April, and the township exam in August. I’ll talk about it after the exam this year, because I’m afraid that he will be too excited to show off to the villagers and put pressure on his son.

Old man Liu was honestly told by his mother-in-law. From then on, he did not dare to speak aloud until the government examination began, for fear of disturbing his son’s reading, and even the shopkeeper was held down by him. Peanut made another roast chicken and drank it privately. Quan should be celebrating the Six Treasures for them.

Long Long: ?

It’s okay to celebrate for me, why didn’t I eat a bite of roast chicken? !

Mr. Mei attaches great importance to Linglong. His disciple is born with the material for reading, and he can never forget it at all times.

Therefore, Mr. Mei is not worried about the government test.

In April, Linglong, accompanied by Mr. Mei and the shopkeeper Fang, left Tongping County to go to Qingxiang House. The prefectural examination will be held in Qingxiang House, presided over by the prefect. It is extra strict, and the body search is also more precise, obviously several times more careful than the county test. However, no one carried cheat sheets, and basically they went in honestly.

Linglong is at the top of the list when the government test is released. The candidates who came to the test are very unfamiliar with this name. They come from various counties, and they are basically classmates. They know the level of their classmates very well, but I have never heard the name Liu Linglong before, how can it be like a girl’s family.

Wait for the shopkeeper Fang to look at the list, and found that his precious godson had won the first place in the test again, he immediately laughed, picked up Linglong, and put it on his neck like he did when he was a child!

Linglong, who is ten years old, is not at all embarrassed, but thinks that the view is very good, and the air above is fresher than below.

All the candidates were shocked when they saw that it was a ten-year-old baby. They all asked him who he studied under. Linglong said proudly: “My husband’s surname is Mei, and he is a scholar from Tongping County!”

All the candidates immediately understood that they had heard of Mr. Mei’s name, and they were very talented, but unfortunately they were not from Tongping County, otherwise they would have gone to Mr. Mei’s door.

Waiting for the June school exam, she will still be taking the exam at the government office, and Linglong still won the first place in the exam, officially becoming a scholar! In this way, the county examination, the prefectural examination, and the hospital examination are three consecutive cases. This time everyone knows that this “Little Sanyuan” who shocked the village is actually a ten-year-old prodigy! Even the private school with Mr. Mei was crowded with students from other counties, all of whom studied with Mr. Mei. The old man Liu was so excited that he went back to Daliushu Village to lay the grave of his ancestors, and finally a scholar was born in their family!

In this case, until the August township examination, Mr. Mei could not accompany him if he wanted to teach, so the shopkeeper Fang accompanied Liu Laohan and sent Linglong to Chongzhou Prefecture, which is affiliated to Qingxiang Prefecture, where the township examination was held. This time, Linglong saw someone carrying a cheat sheet and was found before entering the examination room, and was arrested by the yamen on the spot.

Someone beside him said regretfully: “This Youxiu is my fellow countryman. We belong to the same government. The township exam is held every three years. This is the fourth time he has taken the exam this year. The coffin has already been used up, so it’s no wonder that his sword was slanted and he made such a foolish move.”

It can be seen that everything is inferior, only reading is high.

Even if you don’t have fame, if you tell people that you can read and read a book for a few days, others will look at you differently. They all say that a noble child comes from a poor family, but this is just like modern human society, a middle-class child. They are always better educated than ordinary children in the countryside. Although there are only a few noble children from poor families, many people still desperately want to pass the exam. The wealth, honor, fame and fortune are all in the cold window of the past ten years.

Someone sighed next to him. Most of the candidates were from poor backgrounds. Seeing Scholar You like this, they felt a sense of sadness.

Linglong, who is not tall in the crowd, doesn’t take it seriously.

If you don’t take the exam, you can’t survive. They all say that the college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge. The ancient scientific exam is actually similar. That You Xiucai has not even passed the exam for seven years. It can be seen that he has already passed the exam. limit. But after taking the exam for so many years, he dragged down the old parents in the family, and could not recognize his own strength. Even if he gave up early and did not take the exam, he would learn from others to run a school. Let his parents’ coffins be used on him.

You deserve to be caught cheating.

But he’s just a little bean, and he’s not too old, so others won’t take the initiative to talk to him.

He was born beautifully, and he looked like a pink and jade carving. Even the guards who searched his body spoke softly to him. In Qingxiang Mansion, Linglong Xiaosanyuan’s name was very loud, but in Chongzhou Mansion It’s not so conspicuous, because although the small three yuan is rare, it is not absent.

Originally, Mr. Mei didn’t want Linglong to go out this year. After the college exam, Mr. Mei wanted to press him for three years. Because this year’s township exam is just around the corner, wait another three years. , He is not afraid to wait when he is young, but he is afraid that he will be complacent and complacent.

But Linglong wanted to take the test himself. He assured Mr. Mei that no matter how good the test was, he would not be arrogant.

Mr. Mei knows his student. If he is not allowed to take the test, he will definitely make a fuss. Children are like this. If they don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back, let Linglong take the test. Before Linglong left, he repeatedly told him that he must Take it easy and don’t get dazzled by the glory ahead.

Linglong listened obediently, hey, can he be fascinated by such a small honor? In the past, he was called a “national treasure-level scientist” and “the brightest pearl of this century” when he engaged in scientific research, but he was not proud! However, the husband is really doing it for his own good. Linglong knows this clearly, so he plans to go home and stay comfortable for a few years after taking the first place in the hometown exam, and then continue to take the exam.

Mr. Mei himself was born in a high school, but he failed many times in the test, so he did not take the test again. He taught a ten-year-old Xiaosan, and he became famous in Qingxiang Mansion. How many people sent their children to his private school Go, but there is only one Mr. Mei He, who has taught a student like Linglong, and his requirements have become higher. He only looks at his talent and does not show his identity, otherwise his private school will be crowded!

After the exam started, Linglong heard another movement. He had a good ear and heard the pleading and crying of the scholar. He knew that he somehow escaped the body search and brought the cheat sheet in, but was caught by the inspector. On the spot, the person who canceled the test paper was also dragged out.

I feel that I will not be caught cheating. Is it worth it to ruin my future for such a little luck? You must know that those who come to take the rural exam are all talented and famous, but once they are caught cheating, they will not be allowed to go to jail for the scientific examination from now on.

This point, the examiner in charge had already made it clear before the test, but there was someone who didn’t believe in evil who wanted to challenge it, and then regretted begging for mercy when it was revealed.

That Xiucai cried very badly, Linglong clearly noticed that the mood of the candidates around him were fluctuating – he was very sensitive to the aura and emotions of others, but it was none of his business, anyway, they were all divided into sheds Yes, no one can see who, he doesn’t care.

There are three tests for the township test, each for three days. That is to say, Linglong has to stay in the test room for three full days, and can’t leave until the first test is over.

And when the second session begins, the seats of the candidates will be re-arranged, so it is difficult to do anything. Linglong is not bad, mainly because his godfather is a master chef, and everything he cooks is delicious, but some food can’t be put in for three days after the exam. The shopkeeper Fang, with the encouragement and inspiration of his precious godson, came up with “Crispy Noodles”. It’s a pity that the officer who searched the body was too careful and crushed all his dough… What a relief, I thought, the officer searched so many people, and he was not in good spirits at first sight. After his crispy noodles were all crushed, there was obvious improvement.

Each candidate is assigned a numbered room. The numbered room is narrow with only two wooden boards used as desks and chairs. When sleeping at night, these two boards are put together to form a bed. You have to stay there for three full days, so Linglong can’t stand it, and she can’t submit the papers in advance!

Mr. Mei doesn’t want him to come. Apart from various factors, the most important thing is that Linglong is young and has not grown very long. After nine days like this, people with a little poor health will get a serious illness after the exam!

If you are unlucky, no one will know if you die in it.

In addition, a charcoal pot and a candle are also prepared for candidates in the numbered room. It is up to the candidates to cook or keep warm. This charcoal pot is absolutely amazing. I don’t know where I got the black-hearted charcoal. Like wolf smoke, it suffocates a person to death, the smell is particularly bad, and the candles are also of poor quality.

Linglong suddenly began to miss her life when she was an empress. At that time, he made great efforts to improve the conditions of the examination room, and everyone who was studying was healthy and safe. Look at today, even his heels are not as good as skin.

But it really isn’t a thing these days.

Although Mr. Mei will fail the test, he is also disheartened and unwilling to take the test for some reason. Today, he is narrow-minded and suspicious. The throne was snatched from his own brother. In the future, I will try to have a good reputation. Not to mention adding officials and titles to the sons and daughters of the late emperor, at least they should be well raised. No, today I will be cut off by others!

Maybe it was also retribution. Today, there are countless concubines and concubines in the harem. So far, there are no sons and half daughters.

He not only killed his brothers and nephews, but even the ministers. He suspected that any subject who was loyal to the late emperor would do everything possible to kill people.

Otherwise the common people would not be so poor.

The people are not only poor, but also bearable. Although the taxes are getting higher and higher every year, and the days are getting harder every day, they can continue to endure without the emperor’s life or oppression to the extreme.

Fortunately, although the emperor is suspicious and cruel, many of the officials in the court are sincerely serving the country and the people. With their support, the country can barely maintain peace.

Anyone with a long-term perspective knows that this is nothing but the calm that the building will lean forward.

The content of the three rural exams is different, but the changes remain the same. Linglong adapts very well. The only thing that can’t stand him is the candidate in the room next to him. Maybe he ate too many carrots. Stop farting!

After finally waiting for the first exam, Linglong ran out of the exam room and plunged into his father’s arms.

Old man Liu pinched his son up and down, and he was neither thin nor injured, just a little haggard, and couldn’t help but feel distressed: “You should listen to Mr. Mei, we will pass the test in three years! Is it a question? It’s too difficult to write? It’s okay, we focus on participating!”

The shopkeeper Fang knows his son too well, and it’s not because of the test questions that he can make the little guy who is alive and kicking like this. “Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired? Godfather has reserved a table for you, let’s go, let’s take a shower and change your clothes!”

The **** is pitiful, his clean and beautiful godson has a strange smell…

Linglong said angrily, “It’s all the fault of the guy next to me! What did he eat to fart for three days in a row!”

He looked back viciously, but unfortunately too many candidates came out, and he didn’t know who was sitting next to him.

The shopkeeper Fang resisted the urge to laugh, and coaxed Linglong not to be angry. When they got to the restaurant, he and Liu Laohan kept serving Linglong with food. Linglong, who changed into clean clothes after taking a shower, was in a good mood. Much better.

After returning to the inn, I slept for a whole day, and the next day I had to enter the examination room.

After three consecutive exams, Linglong was completely depressed.

It wasn’t the exam torture, it was his front, back, left and right candidates.

It’s all in there, as well as the smoke from the charcoal basin and the low-quality candles… Imagine what it’s like to combine these flavors! Linglong ate the whole meal for the first time and lasted for three days. He would never allow himself to eat with this disgusting taste!

Wait for him to become a prince and become a prime minister, and he must immediately improve the environment of the imperial examination room! The imminent kind!

The examiners in charge of the examinations for each state’s township examinations are all officials appointed by the emperor himself, so the number of papers is large, the time is long, and they are very meticulous. By the time the rankings are released, the osmanthus flowers are blooming all over the state, and the fragrance of the whole prefecture is floating for ten miles. The candidates did not care about the beauty and elegance of the fragrance of the sweet-scented osmanthus, and the gate of the prefecture was crowded with people, all waiting to release the list.

“Come out!”


The gate of the prefectural government opened, and a few messengers walked out from it. The two in the middle were holding the red list, and the rest were responsible for blocking the crowd.

The red list is posted, some people are happy and some are sad, some people laugh and some howl.

Old man Liu and the shopkeeper Fang wanted to squeeze, but Linglong grabbed them and told them not to worry.

The shopkeeper, who has always loved him like an eyeball, knocked on his head for the first time, and then suddenly thought that his son’s head was for reading, and hurriedly hugged him into his arms and blew, for fear of taking this smart The melon seeds in the head were stupid, and he said: “What nonsense! You have to watch! You wait here, I’ll go with your father, don’t run!”

The shopkeeper Fang is shrewd, and Mr. Mei has experience in the township examination. They came early, and the inn they stayed in was very close to the prefecture. A pot of tea, eat cakes, drink tea, etc.

The view from the second floor is good. As soon as the messenger who posted the list came out, the shopkeeper and the old man Liu became excited. After the two rushed out, Linglong blinked and let them go. Unless the examiner knows who he is and has a deep hatred with him, he will be the leader of the case.

Old man Liu does farm work all the year round, and the shopkeeper of the house is a big spoon all the year round. How can this group of scholars crowd them? The two old brothers pushed through the crowd and pushed them to the front. The shopkeeper was cautious. Looking from the bottom up, the old man Liu trusted his Liubao fans. From the top down, he didn’t recognize many words, but Recognizing the name of his own six treasures, before the shopkeeper in the room had read a few, the old man Liu shouted excitedly: “I’ve hit it! My family’s six treasures have hit it!”

“What what!” The shopkeeper Fang was excited, “Nah!”

“Liu Bao is the first!”

The old man Liu shouted, and the scholars next to him all looked at him when he heard it. The poor man who was guarding the red list also heard it and smiled: “It was Master Xie Yuan’s father, congratulations!” /

The old man Liu only cared about the fun, while the shopkeeper Fang took out some red envelopes from his pocket and distributed them to the messengers. This is happy money and can be received. The messengers all smile when they receive it. Exaggerated, but the old brothers kept nodding.

Linglong walked out of the teahouse, with his hands behind his back, calmly looking at the crowded crowd in front of him, his father and godfather came out, okay, his father lost a shoe, and his godfather’s hair turned into a bird Wo, the two of them laughed out loud, obviously they didn’t expect Linglong to be the first in the exam.

Linglong took the Xiaosanyuan exam in front of him, but Mr. Mei wanted to push him, but he had to continue the exam. Mr. Mei told the shopkeeper Liu Laohanfang privately, no matter what, relax, don’t ask too much of your child, and pass the exam Of course it’s good, it’s okay to fail the test, the baby is still small!

Old man Liu agrees. He sent his son to take the exam. Some of the candidates look older than him! There are many people who have not passed the exam for most of their life. His son is a prodigy, but he is not omnipotent. You must know that Mr. Mei said that there are people outside the mountains and people outside the mountains!

This time Linglong took the first place in the exam. Old man Liu was so happy that he was incoherent. Even the stable shopkeeper didn’t care about his bird’s nest head. mouth!

Actually, when Linglong grows up, the family won’t pinch him and kiss him. After all, he is a little man, and he will stand upright in the future. How bad is it for people to see such intimacy?

But today is really fun!

After the two discussed it, it was decided that the old man Liu would go back to announce the good news, and the shopkeeper Fang stayed to accompany Linglong, because the people in the middle of the class were going to attend the Luming Banquet hosted by the chief examiner.

The three of them were talking together, and the people around them gradually realized that the young beanie in front of them was Liu Linglong, the leader of the township test, and some people exclaimed: “Liu Jieyuan is so small!”

These words attracted the attention of many people. Everyone turned their heads in unison, only to see the tall and majestic shopkeeper and the black and thin old man Liu… Neither of them looked like Xie Yuan, their eyes moved down… Everyone Stunned, dumbfounded.

Linglong calmly bowed to them: “Hello everyone.”

This is too small!

Not to mention how people talk about how Xie Yuan is only ten years old this time, Linglong went back to the inn and slept in the dark. The shopkeeper knew that Liubao was exhausted, so he asked the inn to borrow the kitchen , personally cooked Linglong a table of his favorite dishes. He took Linglong to a ready-to-wear shop, and three days later, he had to dress decently for the banquet.

Already born well and exquisite, wearing a well-fitting brocade robe, he is more like the young son of a noble family. The more he looks at it, the more he loves it, and he thinks that he has a good vision! I recognized such a promising and painful child as my son!

Three days later, he sent Linglong to the prefectural government for a banquet. The registered servant asked the accompanying manager Fang who was Xie Yuan. Before Linglong could answer, the manager of the room took the lead: “He’s the servant who serves the young master.”

Linglong was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what the shopkeeper meant.

In the past, when he was a poor boy in Daliushu Village, the shopkeeper Fang was a wealthy restaurant shopkeeper. He recognized him as his godson and took advantage of him, but now he is a scholar, and scholars hate the smell of copper the most. Being in the company of a businessman is inevitably disgusting. A businessman is at the bottom of the top nine and cannot be compared with a scholar. Godfather is afraid that others will know that he recognizes a shopkeeper as a godfather. It’s a shame!

He answered bluntly: “This is my father! Because I was young and sent me here, please rest assured.”

Speaking and stuffing a red seal.

Since the Liu family moved to the town, Mr. Mei taught him to recite poetry and compose poems, and the shopkeeper Fang taught him to communicate with others. Today, the shopkeeper Fang also prepared some red seals for him. When he learned that he was chosen, the shopkeeper of the inn I came to him personally to congratulate him, how could it be possible without a red envelope around me?

The shopkeeper Fang warmed his heart. He had lived for most of his life, and sand would get into his eyes.

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