There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 649|Fifty-fifth dragon scales (nine)

Fifty-fifth dragon scales (nine)

“Tsk.” Linglong sighed, “You have no capital, no loss, no loss. To put it bluntly, you are a liar.”

The system said dully: “It’s a bit ugly to say something about a liar… After all, fair trade, fair trade!”

It said in a tentative tone, for fear that Linglong would be dissatisfied and would not agree to be bound to him. The so-called binding force is not strong. How can the system survive for so long? People who don’t know – no, I don’t know how many hosts have been bound, and I still have a keen sense of crisis. Like the new host Linglong, it actually felt that something was wrong, but this girl seemed to be poisonous.

The main reason is that the host doesn’t seem to need anything for herself, just like she said, she is young, beautiful and rich, and she is a winner in life. It can be said that she was born in Rome. What else can she imagine? failed? At most, this world will be ruled by its tail, and the next world will be beautiful together with the host.

After handing over all of your old knowledge, the system will not dare to talk nonsense with Linglong, nor will it dare to release tasks at will. It is not a winless person like Yi Mu, and people who shouldn’t be offended will always be flattering.

He Yao was in a bad mood when Linglong poured a big glass of water in the name of children drinking more water. He did not know what was going on. Come to pick him up, the two may not be able to play together in the future, but she shouldn’t be so bad that she adds ingredients to the water he drinks… Isn’t she such a person? ? ?

He Yao, who came home and rolled on the bed with a stomachache and was in a cold sweat, couldn’t even call anyone. The image in his stomach was that someone was punching and kicking, slashing his internal organs with a knife, and the pain was about to explode. Finally, a white light flashed before his eyes, and he fainted completely.

Outside the door, He Yang was walking back and forth, and the little uncle locked the door. No matter how he knocked on the door, it would not open. In the morning, he thought that the little uncle was angry with him because he didn’t want to leave the Su family, but It’s all night, so it’s not like you don’t eat three meals a day, right? Breakfast and lunch are still at the door!

He Yang called a few more times, but no one answered. After thinking about it, he went to find the backup key, but usually he would not open the door of his uncle’s room unless he had to. The backup key was also hidden in a safe where only he knew the password.

With a “click”, the door opened. He Yang shouted a few words and his uncle walked in boldly without getting a response. The room he prepared for He Yao was quite luxurious, no less than the president of a five-star hotel. Suite, but for He Yao, no matter how luxurious the environment may be, it is not as good as having someone to accompany him. He Yang is too busy, and he is his junior, how could He Yao be so embarrassed to say that he needs company in front of the junior? Isn’t that a line that only empty nesters have? Although he is very old, he looks very young!

He Yang saw the bulge on the bed as soon as he entered the door–obviously, such a big bulge is definitely not something that a three-year-old baby can hold out. A lot of dangerous social news, his little uncle is so cute and cute, who knows if he will be attracted by some perverts? Then I took this opportunity to touch the He family… After thinking about it, He Yang scared himself!

He tiptoed over, took a deep breath, pinched his two fingers, and the horns slammed open with a squeak, opening his mouth and eyes at random with exaggerated exaggeration—who is going to tell him who this is? !

Under the quilt is a very pale, beautiful boy. The reason why he was said to be pale was because his skin was extremely pale, his face was also extremely pale, his brows were furrowed, and he occasionally trembled, as if he was still immersed in pain. Even a middle-aged and old man like He Yang, who has seen countless temptations with his heart, can’t help but relax his tone and actions, “Hey, wake up, wake up.”

He Yao was awakened by the sound, and subconsciously wanted to cover his stomach again, and then realized that the pain was no longer there. He was stunned for a while, and suddenly saw a face enlarged in front of him. This face belongs to his nephew with a wrinkled face, which can be said to be quite hot, so He Yao subconsciously threw a right uppercut——


With a shrill scream, He Yao said speechlessly: “What are you doing, it doesn’t hurt at all, what are you pretending to be?”

He Yang said angrily: “If it doesn’t hurt, try it!”

Speaking of putting down the hand covering his eyes, He Yao was surprised to find that the eye was actually dark. He… how can he have that much energy? No matter how hard the three-year-old child is, the pain won’t go anywhere. Besides, his stomach has been hurting all the time last night… Wait a minute, these hands!

What did he see? !

A pair of normal human-sized hands!

He Yang was rubbing the panda’s eye, but the boy who hit him suddenly cried, and even startled He Yang. What’s the point of being beaten but not crying? He was about to comfort him when he suddenly remembered how familiar this young man was… He just wanted to take a closer look just because he felt familiar, but he was punched before he could take a closer look. He was really wronged. Right now He Yang’s heart is full of blessings, isn’t this young man exactly the same as the young man in the old photo that his father left him before he died? Except for the pale face!

“Little little little uncle?????” He Yang was so excited that his voice broke! He Yao felt that if he could, his nephew would be able to cry. Out of shock, He Yang swallowed and asked cautiously, “Is that you, uncle? Is it you!”

He Yao hummed, still immersed in his usual hands. He looked at his hand almost obsessively, and wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. After so many years… I had given up hope, but it turned back!

He finally recovered, but his father, eldest brother, and nephew were nowhere to be seen. He Yao’s eyes were red and sour, all kinds of tastes in his chest were intertwined, and he had mixed feelings for a while, but he didn’t know what to say, he just said thank you to He Yang.

If they hadn’t been protecting him, he would never have survived until now.

He Yang’s panda eyes don’t hurt so much anymore. Hearing He Yao said thank you, he also squinted his eyes with a smile: “Family, what are you polite?” He was already ready, if it’s time for him to die, little uncle If he can’t change back, he will let his eldest son inherit this responsibility.

However… He Yang is very jealous: “Why are all the men in our family average-looking, but you are so good-looking, little uncle?”

He Yao is simply picking on the advantages of his parents. He Yang is different. He has not inherited any good things. Fortunately, he married a beautiful wife. All the ladies just want to marry a beautiful wife to improve their bad genes. Fortunately, except for the youngest daughter, his other children are good-looking, but they are still incomparable with the younger uncle.

Being able to change back is already a gift from God. How could He Yao care if he looks good? He got out of bed and ran to the mirror in the bathroom! What was reflected in it was indeed what he looked like when he was sixteen years old, which made him feel mixed emotions, and his heart was ecstatic.

As for why she suddenly changed back… He Yao didn’t know either. He vaguely felt that it might have something to do with Linglong, but he didn’t think about her completely. Subconsciously, he didn’t want too many people. Knowing that she is special is not a good thing, as if he doesn’t want others to know that he has become a three-year-old child.

“I’ve changed back, should I be able to continue school?”

“Of course, as long as your uncle wants, you can do it anytime. But the juvenile class is a bit difficult. I’ll give you a key high school. If you want to go to the juvenile class, you can take the test yourself.”

He Yao shook his head: “It’s fine.”

In the past, he was very addicted to knowledge. Although knowledge is very important now, it is not more attractive to him than “being alive”. He wants to travel to famous mountains and rivers, to appreciate the colorful and colorful life, to experience all kinds of life, and to experience everything that he has not been able to live in all these years.

He Yang will not refuse.

He declared to the public that He Yao was his distant nephew and stayed in the He family temporarily. After all, in order to protect He Yao, it was also to prevent the potential danger of being recognized as an ordinary person. His father had long ago Destroy everything about him! Only one photo is left. In the same way, in order to give He Yao all the freedom, He Yang also prepared a house for him outside the school. Except for the aunt who was assigned to cook and clean, no one from the He family would disturb him. He Yang went to see it every few days, and was relieved to see his uncle adapting well.

He Yao became a famous person as soon as he entered the school, not to mention how outstanding he is, in a high school with a lot of talents, as soon as he entered the class, he overwhelmed the top students in the first few grades in the first monthly test. They, easily topped the throne, and won all the subsequent exams, big and small.

He is naturally the darling of teachers and the goddess of girls. If we must pick He Yao’s shortcomings, it is that his sports performance is slightly poor, but this is nothing, after all, he can also play the piano, the violin, and paint… In short, he is full of points. skills that ordinary people cannot possess. Countless girls are scrambling to fall in love with him, but Xue Shen is always a cold and ruthless love insulator, completely ignoring the girls’ favor.

Some people like him, but of course some people don’t like him. For example, because He Yao has too many fans, many boys can’t get off the list, so they formed a lovelorn alliance group and vowed to give He Yao a little Look at the color, after all, this guy is so perfect, they have absolutely no advantage in front of girls! Anyway, it’s just a harmless little joke. When everyone enters the school the next day and sees He Yao’s embarrassed appearance, let’s see if anyone still likes him!

Therefore, when He Yao finished his duty and prepared to go downstairs to go home, he found that the door on the first floor of the teaching building was locked from the outside. He calmly returned to the classroom and waited for the doorman to check the building, and the door on the first floor would naturally open. But unexpectedly, he waited until it was almost dark, and no one came.

——The boys only dared to do this when they heard that the uncle of the guard took a leave of absence today. To be honest, their school is too big, and each teaching building has many classrooms. I heard that the predecessor of No. 1 Middle School was a thousand people. Pit, the reason why the school is built on top is to suppress the yin qi underneath, and their school is really good. In summer, it is not very hot without the air conditioner. Many people say that there are ghosts in the school… the best ability Of the ten famous school horror stories, seven are from their school!

Especially at night, when the school is empty, only the dark windows are staring at you, which is really scary! He Yao’s little white face didn’t have much courage at first glance, I was afraid that he would be scared to cry and cry! Tomorrow they can laugh at him in front of the whole class!

At this time, He Yao has already determined that he is locked in the teaching building and can’t get out. He is an old man at heart, and he has received the most advanced education. , he is unwilling. So he Shi Shiran took out his mobile phone and didn’t call He Yang, his aunt at home, nor his teacher, but Linglong.

Speaking of which, they hadn’t seen each other for a long time. No. 1 Middle School and University Town were completely in opposite directions, and high school was heavy. He Yao refused to admit that he would miss the guy who always pinched his face, poked his **** and rubbed him. Tender demon girl’s!

The first time Linglong answered the phone, the system uttered in her mind: [Host! Host! Detected abnormal soul fluctuations in the school! Is the host willing to slay demons and demons, contribute to the construction of socialist modernization, and contribute their own strength? ! ]

Linglong said lazily: “If you have it, you will have it.”

Since it was revealed that it is not a system, the system is still trying to pretend to be a system. Now it is in a hurry. It is not known how many years it will be until Liu Qin and Su Liuyi die. With its current weak situation, of course Is it possible to eat one is one, maybe if you eat too much, you can open the next world? [Host! I beg you! In fact, I want to eat that ghost… I beg the host to help me! If we eat enough, we can travel freely between worlds without the souls of Liu Qin’s mother and daughter! ]

This Linglong is curious about what kind of world the system can bring her to do tasks, she thought for a while: “Okay then.”

The system is so moved that it can be considered a little bit of understanding of the host’s character after getting along for so long. I didn’t expect that such a ruthless, cold-hearted, and unreasonable host would actually be willing to run this trip for himself! It is indeed the most unrequited host!

When I got to the school, the system snorted to me in my heart. It really knows how to put money on its own face. Where is the host here to catch ghosts?

He Yao was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Linglong, and then her two small hands immediately reached over, pinched his cheeks, and after a few seconds, disgustedly parted: “Hey, I don’t feel any more. , it’s not fun to be an adult.”

He Yao said angrily: “I’m only sixteen! There’s still baby fat! You can squeeze it again for me!”

Linglong satisfied him and gave him a pinch—it seemed that it was probably better than before, and I don’t know if it was my own illusion. She let go of her hand and asked, “You’re not going home so late, waiting to feed the ghosts at school?”

If He Yao, who was obsessed with academics in the juvenile class in the past, would definitely be dismissive of such ghosts and gods, but when such a strange thing happened to himself, he would not dare to be stubborn, and he didn’t know why, obviously young When she was in child form, it was natural to face Linglong. After she changed back, when she thought about her, it felt weird and a little hot, so he never dared to contact her. He was locked in the teaching building this time, and he wanted to try it. Try it, didn’t expect her to come so fast… wait!

He Yao asked: “How did you come in?! How did you come so quickly?! If I remember correctly, your home is at least two hours’ drive from No. 1 Middle School?!”

Linglong looked at him in a relaxed manner: “Are you sure you want me to explain to you?”

He Yao was silent for a while, and after a few seconds he said, “I can change back because of you, right?”

Linglong is noncommittal.

She casually walked around the neighborhood twice, but He Yao didn’t understand what she was doing, she lost her soul with a sweet smile, the next second his waist was pinched, and he instantly rose into the air , before he could scream, the wind blowing into his mouth filled his mouth, and when his feet landed, he still hadn’t woken up from the exciting feeling of suspension, and he was dizzy for a long time, only with a smile in front of him. The Linglong is the most real.

The system is proudly telling Linglong: [The host is safe! I solved the other party! ]

Linglong didn’t pay attention to it, this system is really not very smart, and she can’t feel her dislike or care. It’s just a few unwilling ghosts, and it’s too thin to stuff the dragon girl between her teeth.

The system is still beautiful, Linglong has already left, but the school gate is also locked, and if she wants to go out, she can only climb the top of the wall. Linglong stepped on the wall and walked over easily, but she really looked at He Yao high, and after a long time, the guy couldn’t climb up, Linglong went up again and pulled him to the top of the wall, He Yao shivered and looked at The distance between the wall and the ground should be at least two meters, right? ! He dare not jump.

Linglong jumped down again, tsk tsk admiringly: “Uncle He said that you are very popular with little girls in school, why do little girls like this coward who doesn’t even dare to jump over the wall?”

He Yao said immediately: “Of course not! I, I was just calculating how much air resistance I would get when I jumped down. In fact, as long as I wanted to jump, I jumped in minutes.”

That being said, his two trembling legs seemed to have an opinion, and he still squatted there and shivered for a long time, but he didn’t dare to jump.

Until he sees Linglong’s hands open towards him.

She just stood there, smiling and always looking nonchalant. During the time she took him away from the He family, she had been playing with him and always liked to tease him, making him frazzled He was willing, but before he knew it, his gloom and irritability were soothed little by little, and after he became a normal person, he didn’t lose his temper any more.

But for such a person, she doesn’t take anyone seriously. Whether he wants him or not is all on a whim, maybe this is the main reason why he doesn’t want to contact her. Anyway, if he doesn’t contact her, she won’t take the initiative.

“Would you like to dance? I want to eat food stalls later. If you don’t dance, I’ll go.”

He Yao closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and jumped down!

Then he lay on the ground in despair. He knew how she could really catch him, the kind of romantic plot that only exists in idol dramas wouldn’t be staged on him, not to mention the hero and heroine lost one.

Lying on the ground inexorably, when she opened her eyes, she saw Linglong’s face looking down. Even at this angle of death, she was still bubbling with beauty. At this moment, He Yao was extremely frustrated. He held her outstretched hand and stood up with strength, and the two walked side by side towards the food stall near the school.

[Sure enough, the feelings of young men are always poems, even if he is a bad old man in his bones, he will still have a spring heart at the age of sixteen! ]

The system’s sleazy voice is exquisite and funny. This guy really does not forget to covet He Yao all the time. Unfortunately, He Yao is the one that she likes. There is no first come and last arrival, only the person with the big fist has the final say.

Of course, the system wouldn’t dare to argue with Linglong, it just wanted to see He Yao solve his cravings.

[Host, we will continue to subdue demons and demons in the future, the socialist modernization construction cannot be separated from everyone’s dedication…]

Linglong blocked it directly. She was so noisy sometimes that she wanted to take it out and beat it.

He Yao Xiaolu jumped around and ate food stalls with Linglong, and insisted on being a gentleman to send Linglong home first, as if he forgot who was the weaker one. He has already decided to go to the gym. He can’t even have no abdominal muscles, can he? !

However, he forgot how well his stomach was raised. Even the cooking auntie cooked it lightly, with less oil and less salt, but the food stalls were heavy, salty and spicy, and his stomach began to feel uncomfortable on the way. Now, I originally wanted to watch Linglong go in and find another place to solve it, but unfortunately my health didn’t allow it, so I could only stagger to catch up, and hug Linglong’s shoulders with a pale face: “…borrow me from your bathroom. “

In the living room, Su Chao inexplicably looked at He Yao who had swept past him and rushed into the bathroom for a long time but couldn’t get out, and wondered, “Is our toilet smells better than the outside?”

Linglong sat next to her old father at will, and the two shared a banana, “Who knows!”

He Yao was pulled in the dark and almost dehydrated. When he got up, he was shaking with two tremors while walking. Su Chao couldn’t bear to see it: “Well, He Yang’s little uncle, why don’t you do it today? Don’t leave late, I’ve asked the doctor to come over, take some medicine and get some rest.”

I am very happy to stay at Su’s house, and I feel that diarrhea is worth it. Although his image has been shattered, He Yao still wanted to perform well in front of Su Chao. He said politely, “Now my identity is He Yang’s distant nephew. If Mr. Su doesn’t mind, just call me by my name… …”

Gululu’s stomach is screaming, this time He Yao turned his back and walked towards the bathroom with a very tragic figure.

Su Chao said with emotion: “It’s really not easy, Lao He’s tutor is really good, how long has it been, and he is so polite…”

Ling Long smiled without saying a word.

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