There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 605|The fifty-first dragon scale (nine)

The fifty-first dragon scale (nine)

Looking at Ke Miao’s mentally retarded face, Linglong knew that he didn’t understand, she thought about it, and put it another way: “This hotel doesn’t actually exist, and the people who can see him are not just Coincidence, for example, you can ask the person who brought you what he did.”

Ke Miao, Yan Yueyi, and Liu Zhiyang all looked at Zhuang Rui. Zhuang Rui was stunned, he covered his ruined half face and said loudly: “What are you looking at? What can I do? I just wanted to bring you here because of the beautiful scenery here, don’t forget that the money is mine. Pay!”

Linglong’s warm reminder: “If you don’t tell the truth, you will be eaten.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t notice, the black mist had wrapped half of his legs, he screamed shrilly, startling everyone else.

Linglong looked around without emotion: “Then I think you all should have a good idea of ​​why you are here, right? The mountain hotel is only open to those who have done bad things, and those who are eaten are eaten. No one is innocent. Of course, it is also a chicken thief. It doesn’t matter how many people it invites guests to bring. Anyway, in this horror game, the dark side of human hearts will be inspired, and the good people will also want to kill other people. People let themselves live.”

The mountain hotel is “alive”, but it has no consciousness. It has amazing abilities because of the dark side of human beings, and condenses countless black fog that eats people. The black fog itself has no intelligence, but when it is put on Human skin, you can get all the memory of that person, and can imitate the other person’s speech vividly. It lured those people with dark hearts to come here and feed on them. From a mouth point of view, it was similar to Linglong, except that the hotel ate meat, and human flesh could not satisfy Linglong’s appetite.

Zhuang Rui couldn’t speak because of the pain, so Linglong said for him: “This food chosen by the hotel is not the biological child of his rich parents, he was adopted from a very young age. , When he was in high school, his adoptive mother was pregnant, and he was afraid that he would not be able to inherit the family’s property and that he would lose the love of his adoptive parents, so he smeared wax on the steps that his adoptive mother had to go through every day.”

“The adoptive mother died twice, and the adoptive father was the only relative left. He regarded him as a pain in the eye. That’s why you have seen Zhuang Rui.”

Zhuang Rui roared when he heard Linglong’s words: “You are talking nonsense! That’s not the case! You are spreading rumors!”

“You know whether I made a rumor or not. I’m not here to be a judge.” Linglong shrugged and looked at the mother and son. The woman didn’t dare to look at Linglong, she avoided her eyes timidly, and Linglong mocked, “Don’t look at the child in her arms is now weak, pitiful and helpless, he took the neighbor’s three-month-old little sister from her. It’s not like this when the seventh floor is thrown down.”

Ke Miao has begun to doubt life. He can’t imagine that the person he wants to protect has done such a vicious and inhuman thing. He is not grateful for being adopted, and he also killed his adoptive mother and adoptive mother’s womb. A 10-year-old kid, who can actually drop a baby from a tall building… The black mist eating people didn’t bring him such fear and chill, and he even felt that ghosts were far less scary than people.

The woman listened and hugged her son tighter.

“Not to mention this great mother, kneeling in front of the media for a young couple who lost their child, crying and crying, swearing that she would educate her child well, turning her head and laughing She had to think about making a braised pork meal for her son. When she saw a cat of a precious breed that accidentally ran out of the house, she took it home. The son cut open the cat’s abdomen, and she also threw the cat back to the door… tsk tsk tsk. “

Linglong sighed with emotion, “It’s really not that the whole family doesn’t enter the house. A man molested a high school **** the subway, and was caught showing off his strength and wanting to beat a little girl. The woman slapped the little girl and blamed her for wearing a short skirt. Ah, these eyes of mine.”

Miao Ke:……

He seems to be listening to biblical stories.

“As for the one who lost his little brother, let alone what he has done, you can see what he is missing now, right?”

Miao Ke:……

Linglong asked him with a smile: “Hello, now I want to interview you, do you still want to save them out?”

Miao Ke was speechless.

“I have to remind you, first of all, if they go out well, Zhuang Rui just smeared wax on the steps, the adoptive mother stepped on it herself, and there has been no evidence for so many years; secondly, this child this year At the age of eleven, he is still not legally responsible; in the end, everyone here has directly or indirectly destroyed the life of one person or even several people. If they go out, no one will be punished. Do you still want to sacrifice your life? Righteousness to save them?”

To save or not to save? Ke Miao was at a loss. At this time, Yan Yueyi pulled him desperately with her intact hand, “Save me! Save me! I haven’t done anything!”


When Ke Miao heard this, she immediately looked at Linglong.

Linglong asked Yan Yueyi: “Are you sure you haven’t done anything?”

Yan Yueyi’s eyes blinked very fast, she remembered something she had long forgotten…

“Why don’t I talk to you.” Linglong especially likes to expose people’s scars, especially when the other party is tough. “Your goddess came from an ordinary background, but she once had a good friend who was inseparable. When she graduated from junior high school, your goddess’s family didn’t want her to go to school, so they arranged a marriage for her…”

“Shut up! Shut up! You’re not allowed to say more! Shut up!”

Yan Yueyi suddenly screamed sharply, even breaking her voice, but Linglong didn’t care, she raised her finger and sealed her mouth, still saying: “She doesn’t want to marry, and she doesn’t dare to provoke her family, so she finds her in private. How can the man be willing to break off the marriage? Who would be foolish to not want such a watery little daughter-in-law?”

She paused and asked Ke Miao, “Guess how she got out?”

Without waiting for Ke Miao’s answer, Linglong laughed out loud: “This person actually deceived a good friend who thought of her wholeheartedly and took her family’s money to sneak her away into a man’s house.”

They’re all pretty girls, who would say no?

“If you steal money from your family, you will be beaten. You have no other choice but to get married. But they have more backbone than your goddess, and they would rather jump off a building than be forced to marry. “

Linglong asked Yan Yueyi: “Do you still insist that you have done nothing?”

To be honest, Yan Yueyi really didn’t do anything. She just lied a couple of words to deceive her good friend into that man’s house. She was not the one who raped the girl, and she was not the one who forced the girl to marry. , what does it have to do with her? Of course, she took this opportunity to continue to go to school and work hard to get into a good university, and then marry a tall, rich and handsome person and go to the pinnacle of her life!

Yan Yueyi burst into tears when she was told a secret she had deliberately forgotten in her heart, but she didn’t know whether she regretted doing that thing, or whether she regretted not doing it and kept it a little more hidden.

After a long time, Ke Miao asked dumbly, “Isn’t there anyone here who hasn’t harmed anyone?”

Linglong blinked: “You.”

“Liu Zhiyang…”

“Neither did he, but he would have.”

Ke Miao did not understand this sentence, and did not understand what Linglong meant.

Linglong kindly explained to him, after all, the old blind man has done good deeds all his life, and his soul is very sweet. “If it weren’t for me, Liu Zhiyang, as a sports student and dog licker, would have pushed you to the ground and helped others to take all your blood.”

But because of her presence, none of that will happen.

“You should thank your foster father, without him you would die today.”

“My dad? My dad, isn’t he a liar?”

Linglong wondered where did this silly kid come from? “Your father counts for tens of thousands of dollars. Do you think he is a liar under the overpass for ten dollars a hexagram?”

Miao Ke: ? ? ?

Isn’t it?

Of course not, the old blind fortune-telling is very accurate, and he can really exorcise ghosts, and the fees are not cheap, but he just donates all the money he has every time, relying on the thirty-five . He didn’t want Ke Miao to follow his old path. Anyone who saw the secret could not avoid the five evils and three deficiencies. He was a blind man who couldn’t keep his money, and he didn’t want his adopted son to be like himself. The reason why I never leave money is because I want to accumulate virtue for my adopted son, so that this child can live in peace.

He figured out that Ke Miao was going to die, so he tried his best to do good deeds. Who knew that when he met a ghost stronger than himself, he jumped into a river and died after being possessed. After his death, he also remembered Ke Miao’s death.

If Linglong doesn’t come, Ke Miao is destined to die at the hands of these travelers, who will drain his blood and push his body into the black mist. The mountain hotel doesn’t matter whether you have darkness in your heart, the reason why Ke Miao’s blood works is not because he is a rookie, but because there is only light in his heart, so he cannot hurt him and is afraid of him.

Linglong thought about it for a while, stretched out her finger and tapped on Ke Miao’s eyebrows, and the pain instantly became severe. Ke Miao hugged her head and knelt on the ground. After ten seconds, he raised his head, and two lines of hot tears were gurgling down.

Linglong gave the old blind man’s memory as a gift. As for Ke Miao’s willingness to accept it… Does he have the qualifications to refuse what she sent?


Ke Miao burst into tears. He was so grief-stricken and his tears were raging. The memory of his adoptive father revolved rapidly in his mind. All his father’s joys, sorrows and joys were born for him. Even when he was possessed by a ghost and jumped into the river, his father thought to himself All that is left is the death calamity that he has not yet come.

“How about these people, do you still want to save them?”

Ke Miao looked at Linglong with red eyes and nodded: “Yes.”

Not waiting for those people to be happy, he added: “They need legal sanctions, I will find evidence, as for those that the law can’t punish…” He looked at Linglong nervously, “You will do it, right? ?”

Linglong is noncommittal: “Who knows?”

“Although in the future you see, Liu Zhiyang will be involved in killing me, but now he hasn’t done anything bad, and he still has a chance to correct it.” Ke Miao wiped her tears and said seriously , “I think if my dad were alive, he would have done the same.”

Linglong has no objection at all. She is so kind to Ke Miao because the old blind man’s soul is very delicious. This is her decision to Ke Miao. Since he has decided, naturally everything will be according to what he said.

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