There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 168. The sixteenth dragon scale (four)

The sixteenth dragon scale (four)

Qin Xuelu was kidnapped. Linglong is naturally not to worry about this matter. The Qin family’s parents let her stay at home with peace of mind, and Linglong was not happy about the situation on He Xiuzhen’s side. To be fair, she didn’t care about Qin Xuelu’s life or death.

When she left the living room, she gave Sun Yu a meaningful look. The other party held his head in both hands, and the whole person fell into a deep pain and resentment. When she saw him before, she looked like she was about to eat Linglong. Linglong thought it was her who killed Qin Xuelu. Humans really are creatures that bully the soft and fear the hard, why didn’t Sun Yu dare to yell at the Qin family or He Xiuzhen? He dared to jump up and grab He Xiuzhen’s sleeve and said that you must rescue Xue Lu, otherwise, if I can’t stop talking to you, Linglong respects him as a man.

She went back to her room and slept well, but she hadn’t woken up yet. The nurse who brought the sisters and sisters since she was a child knocked on the door, saying that the eldest lady had been rescued safely, but she was injured. After rushing to the hospital, let Linglong eat and sleep well, and arrange the residence of He Shaoshuai by the way.

It seems that He Xiuzhen rescued the person. With such an incident, the cooperation between the Qin and He family is basically a sure thing. You can see that the Qin family’s parents have left the person in the Qin mansion. full of gratitude.

Linglong didn’t get enough sleep this night, but she got up from the bed obediently, and the nanny felt distressed when she saw her sleepy eyes: “Miss, please continue to sleep, the nanny will greet Shaoshuai He, look , I can’t even open my eyes, the lotus seed soup that you love is simmering in the kitchen, sleep a little longer, and the nanny will call you when the soup is ready.”

Linglong yawned with tears in her eyes, “No need for nanny, you have to listen to what Mom and Dad say.” What is He Xiuzhen’s identity? Really hid in the room to sleep and asked the servants to greet Shaoshuai He, but it was really bad to hear it. The Qin family’s love for Linglong is real, and she doesn’t care about such trivial matters.

The nanny wiped her face and combed her hair. Because she was at home, she changed into a cheongsam with brighter colors. The girl’s beautiful figure was undoubtedly highlighted. When she walked downstairs, He Xiuzhen was sitting in the living room. There was an instant surprise. At home, Linglong didn’t wear a top hat, and her hair was loosely braided on her chest. She was obviously a young girl for her age, but somehow revealed a squeamish aura.

The Qin mansion has a special guest room. Linglong led He Xiuzhen over there. The nanny over there had already called someone to clean it. He Xiuzhen was tall and had long legs, and one step was worth two steps by Linglong. Tired, he reached out and grabbed the hem of his military uniform: “Can you walk slower, I can’t keep up.”

So He Xiuzhen slowed down and took elegant small steps. If he hadn’t bumped into her before, He Xiuzhen would have thought that she was a woman in the traditional sense. The new-age women who are popular today are very different.

He thought about it and felt that he should talk to Linglong: “After the matter of Miss Qin is over, I want to ask Ling Zun Lingtang to marry the second lady. I wonder if the second lady is willing?”

Linglong looked at him lazily: “I don’t have the final say whether I want it or not. I have a fiancé, don’t you know?”

“I know.” He Xiuzhen said indifferently, “Now he is guarding Miss Qin in the hospital, and he refuses to leave no matter what.”

Linglong’s eyes widened: “Wow, exposed?”

Her almond eyes are wide open, very cute, and she is innocent and childish that an adult will never have. From a certain point of view, the dragon girl is indeed as innocent as a child. Although she did not plan to marry Sun Yu, she still wanted to Take this engagement to torture the true love for a while.

He Xiuzhen chuckled: “It makes Zunlingtang very angry, but I still have to wait for Miss Qin to wake up before dealing with it. I think the second Miss is better.”

It’s almost as if he’s the better one.

Linglong can understand He Xiuzhen’s request to marry her. It’s very simple. The Qin and He families want to cooperate, so there is nothing more stable than marriage, especially since the Qin family only has two daughters and no sons. Daughter loves like a treasure. As long as He Xiuzhen is kind to the Qin family’s daughter, the Qin family’s husband and wife will always support them. But judging from He Xiuzhen’s appearance, he should have wanted to marry Qin Xuelu, but there was a misunderstanding. And the real sister was ambushed and died, the two must have collapsed, not to mention the possibility of marriage.

“If you want to marry, it depends on whether I want to marry or not.” Linglong tilted her head and said, “You have to show some sincerity? I think, even if I don’t want to marry, my parents will support me for the rest of my life. .”

He Xiuzhen nodded: “This is nature.”

He never asked Linglong why she didn’t express her concern and concern to her sister from beginning to end, and Linglong didn’t hide it in front of him. Just as she walked to the guest house, Linglong suddenly remembered something: “That’s right, Xiuzhen.”

“Xiuzhen” frowned, she didn’t like the name very much, “I have words, you can call me—”

“Xiuzhen.” Linglong repeated again, not interested in his words at all, “I heard that your father, Dashuai He, has seven, seven, forty-nine concubines, is that true? There are so many? If there is, then you better not marry me.”


“Because I am very possessive, I do not allow others to meddle in my things. Besides, I am so good-looking, but you have to marry another concubine, isn’t it denying my charm?”

The little girl’s plausible appearance amused the unsmiling Young Shuai He, and his voice became a little gentler: “Second Miss, you can rest assured, I won’t marry a concubine, and my father is not forty. Out of nine concubines, there are only thirty-six.”

…Sleep a day and a month to spare a few, what a waste, thought Linglong.

The little look in her disgusting eyes made Shaoshuai He feel happy again. He entered the room and said to Linglong, “I want to take a shower and change my clothes first. I wonder if I’ll be honored to invite Second Miss to go for a walk later?”

Linglong puffed up her cheeks and thought for two seconds: “You should change your clothes first. After changing, I will see if he is handsome or not before making a decision.”

The essence of face-seeing is exposed.

He Xiuzhen’s smile is even deeper this time. He is twenty-nine years old this year, and the country has never been peaceful. For many years, he has not even succeeded in the war. His half-brother has a lot of children, but he still A lonely man, he originally wanted to take this opportunity to beat the invaders out, but he never thought that he would encounter such a treasure.

Most of the women he has met, whether they are sweet or lively, will try to be kind and upright. Linglong is the only accident. She doesn’t hide her ill feelings towards people or things she doesn’t like. Apart from being obedient and obedient in front of his parents, he couldn’t scare her with his cold face all the year round, and he even dared to bargain with him, something He Xiuzhen had never seen before.

Changed from his military uniform and put on the more popular suits. The man who had been cold and cold in his half-life military also appeared to be a little gentle. Linglong sat on the sofa in the living room and drank lotus seed soup. He Xiuzhen who changed into casual clothes was very excited satisfy. It’s enough just to look better than Sun Yu. That kind of dry and thin reporter can smell the sour gas from a distance of 108,000 miles. Sun Yu can also write poetry. Linglong read it in the newspaper. A few songs, relying on the promotion of the vernacular, are written in a nonsense, I really don’t know what kind of talent Qin Xuelu sees in him.

Compared with the war-torn north, the south is relatively stable for the time being. All countries have concessions here, and they can check and balance each other for a while, and people can live peacefully. Because of the relationship between the Qin family and the warlords of various places, Qiucheng has always been It is the most stable one in the southern city. But as long as the Qin family chooses to stand in line, Qiucheng will no longer be stable.

He Xiuzhen wants to be the one who can calm down the war, and the Qin family is willing to help him. No matter what the final result is, being able to die for the country is also a heart for this land.

But now, Qiucheng is still very peaceful. There are many western-style pastry shops, video studios, and music clubs emerging on the streets… I heard that even the largest dance hall in Qiucheng has now been changed to Western music accompaniment. This kind of local three religions and nine styles, Linglong has always been strictly forbidden to approach.

But now that He Xiuzhen is around, she becomes presumptuous.

He Xiuzhen was actually not very happy to bring her into the ballroom. She was very tall. Even if the black veil covered half of her face, she was still attractive. The singer who sang on the stage couldn’t compare to her. She was so small. After a while, I don’t know how many people deliberately walked past their table, but Linglong didn’t realize it, and looked around, like a happy bird just out of its cage.

There is no way. The Qin family is very nervous about her safety, and they dare not let her go out casually. You see, she was almost kidnapped when she went out, and they don’t know how to look at her in the future.

It’s not a loss to play around with He Xiuzhen, Linglong has always been very rambunctious when someone protects her.

She rested her chin with one hand, and a waitress came over. The ballroom was a loose place for women to work. The waitresses all wore cheongsams with concave | convex | I was immersed in my eyes and ears, and I got a lot of tips, and even my mind became enlightened.

Linglong pushes the coffee away: “I don’t want to drink this, I want to drink tea.”

He Xiuzhen spoiled her and said to the waitress, “Please change a pot of tea.”

The waitress frowned slightly. She has a beautiful appearance and has always been sought after in the ballroom. The guests also like to chat with her, and she is also highly respected by Western culture. Hearing Linglong say that he doesn’t want to drink coffee and wants to drink tea, he immediately said: “Miss, coffee is very popular these days. In our place, drinking tea is to be laughed at.”

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