There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea: 121. The Twelfth Dragon Scale (1)

The twelfth dragon scale (1)

“What? Suddenly an intimacy scene was added? It’s not that you don’t know that we, Chu Lue, don’t play this kind of scene! It was also written in the original contract—”

“Okay Du Wen.” It was Chu Lue, who had already changed into his costume, who interrupted him. He glanced at his manager Du Wen lightly. “It is also written in the contract that Director Zhang has the right to change the plot, and the actors must obey unconditionally.”

“But!” Du Wen was furious, “Chu Lue!”

Chu Lue’s expression is still indifferent. He seems to be like this to everything. He doesn’t pay too much attention, and he doesn’t ignore it too much. Even though Du Wen has been with him for more than ten years, he still doesn’t treat him coldly. It’s not hot, in fact, this is already good. Du Wen is a friend he grew up with since he was a child. Because he chose to be an actor, he insisted on being his manager. Although Chu Lue didn’t say it, he still remembered it in his heart. , Every holiday, Du Wen’s birthday, he will do his best. The only bad thing is that Du Wen is always too cautious.

Director Zhang is a national treasure director and Chu Lue’s Bole. For Director Zhang to make an exception, Chu Lue doesn’t think there is anything wrong, not to mention that he knows that Director Zhang knows.

This is a martial arts movie, adapted from the martial arts novel “Sick Soul” of the same name. Chu Lue plays the protagonist Wukong Monk. For this reason, he also shaved his head. As soon as the monk’s robe wears a fragrant scar, just sitting there makes people feel that they are far away and cannot be approached, and the fairy air is floating, which makes people admire and feel ashamed.

Chu Lue can definitely be said to be the most amazing actor in the entertainment industry. He debuted in his early years and successfully won the first movie and became the youngest actor in the country. In the following two years, he successfully won a grand slam and thoroughly Established his status as a top-tier actor. In recent years, there has been very little exposure, and the frequency of one film a year has been maintained. In fact, he came from a very good background. Now that he is thirty-five and his parents are older, he has already accepted the family business, but he is not known.

Everyone knows that the chairman of Donghuang Group is surnamed Chu, but no one thinks of this person to Chu Lue.

Only Du Wen knew, so he was very nervous about Chulue’s communication, for fear that he would be deceived. In fact, Chu Lue is too sophisticated and too insightful, that’s why he always looks like this.

Nevertheless, his popularity is not lost to the popular top-traffic niche students. There is no other reason. Chu Lue is so handsome. He has never even had a girlfriend at the age of thirty-five. The cooperating actresses are all hostile. Five years ago, Chu Lue didn’t look like he was refusing people thousands of miles away. He used to be very gentle and easy to talk to, but there was a girl who took a photo with him and attended a banquet together and was insulted by so-called fans. , making it uneasy.

The girl who experienced cyberbullying soon developed depression and committed suicide under the circumstances.

This is also the reason why Chu Lue’s fans are afraid to be so public. Chu Lue didn’t like them picking up the plane or supporting them. He only filmed and did not participate in all the publicity roadshows after that. He completely cut off contact with fans. I don’t want to hear those two words.

This is also one of the reasons why Chu Lue tries to avoid intimacy scenes. Without him, that group of so-called “fans” are full of hostility towards any woman who is close to him, whether it is a partner or relatives and friends, once Chu Lue His cousin came to look for him and was accidentally photographed by the paparazzi, which turned the world upside down, which made Chu Lue full of disgust with fans. He doesn’t like any social software, and he doesn’t like to shoot any magazine blockbusters. If he didn’t really like acting, he would have quit the circle long ago.

Director Zhang walked over with a smile, Du Wen couldn’t hold back his anger, but he was an agent after all, and he also took into account the fact that he was a big man in the circle, so he held back his anger: “Director Zhang, what’s going on? We didn’t say it before, Chu Lue doesn’t do this kind of drama, why are you-“

“Don’t worry.” Director Zhang waved his hand and asked Chu Lue, “I’ll just shoot it later, can I do it?”

It’s not that I have no confidence in Chu Lue’s acting skills, but I doubt whether Chu Lue can make intimate scenes or not. Chu Lue snorted softly, and Director Zhang was satisfied, “Okay, the actors will be wearing makeup right away, let’s start!”

Du Wen was so angry that his arms crossed his chest, staring at Chu Lue, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, dressed in a white monk’s robe, and a little cinnabar between his eyebrows, which made him more handsome and unparalleled in the world. He was meditating. This scene was originally deleted. I don’t know what Director Zhang was thinking, but he created another actress to shoot. What’s the point?

Chu Lue was calm and closed his eyes and recited the scriptures. In order to play the monk Wukong well, he made a lot of preparations. It is mentioned in the novel that the monk Wukong often recites the scriptures. He can wear gangs. The previous episode was to fight against people in the demon sect and inhale the mind-bending fragrance, so what he recited was the meditation mantra.

At this moment, a pair of snow-white lotus roots wrapped in bright red gauze suddenly stretched out from behind, enchantingly hugging his neck, the girl’s moving fragrance entangled in his nose, and a soft and tender back was also covered The body, soft, wrapped around him as if it had no bones.

“Master, what kind of mantra are you chanting with such a beautiful scenery, why don’t you go to Wushan with me?”

Even the voice is sweet like honey, the red skirt and the white monk’s clothes are entangled, the mountain breeze blows up, the girl’s head is full of blue silk, she doesn’t even tie her hair, it’s as simple as that, And intrigue again.

The girl’s face appeared in the camera, even Du Wen couldn’t help gasping, not to mention the person who met this actress for the first time except Director Zhang.

Where in the world can such a beauty come from!

Looking at her age, she is only sixteen or seventeen, but she is so beautiful that words can’t describe it. Those so-called stunning people in the entertainment industry are almost weak in front of her! Where did Director Zhang find such a peerless beauty!

Director Zhang nodded with satisfaction. Although he had seen this face before, he couldn’t adapt to it until now. How could this look like a human being? He hurriedly shook his head and shook his head. At first, he was shocked by the beauty of the girl, but later he was truly amazed and praised. She said that it was her first time filming and that she had never been an actor before, but looking at the feeling, the position, and the angle, she was born for the camera!

Linglong put her arms around Chu Lue’s neck. Her hands were thin and white. She never even had a callus. At this moment, the hands that were dyed with bright red Kodan had already disappeared into the monk’s robe. In terms of temptation, Linglong said that second, no one dared to say first. She is most aware of the inferiority in the human soul. This pair of dragon eyes can see through the hearts of all people. She knows exactly what they desire, hate, and fear.

She is like Pandora’s Box, always able to unravel the hypocrisy of human beings, forcing them to face up to their ugly or dirty hearts.

Of course, except for the one she’s holding.

A good-looking person with a clean soul is always rare.

Chu Lue froze. This scene was deleted by Director Zhang because he couldn’t find a suitable actor. He had read the script, but there was no movement of the other party reaching out to his chest. Those little hands were cold and soft. It’s nice, Chu Lue, who has never been close to a woman, looks like a hairy boy.

How can the vulgar and vulgar fans in the world be compared with the dragon girl, she wants to seduce people, it is really simple.

She is more beautiful, sweeter, softer, more innocent and crueler than all women.

She said yes, she must.

“Mr. Chu, have you ever had a girlfriend?” Linglong lightly bit Chu Lue’s ear, and her snow-white teeth gnawed at the white earlobe. This is where Chu Lue is very sensitive. He subconsciously trembled slightly. Until now, he hadn’t seen Linglong’s face, but it didn’t affect his feeling that she was different.

This kind of seduction, without the slightest self-depreciation or greed, is full of sweetness.

Chu Lue is still chanting the meditation mantra.

Because this scene was too beautiful, it was obviously over. According to the plot, the monk should grab the demon girl’s hand and push her away, but there was no time, and Director Zhang also forgot to stop. Everyone present was staring intently at these two flirting, whether men or women, unconsciously took the place of Monk Wukong, oh my god, such a demon girl can’t hold back at all!

Where did Director Zhang find such a monster? !

Dragon Girl blew lightly into Chulue’s ear, and touched his smooth scalp playfully, “Your bald head is also very good-looking, I like it very much.”

Chu Lue’s forehead began to appear as large as beads of sweat. I don’t know why, she was just talking to him, but he felt as if he had been stripped naked and exposed in front of her, allowing her to enjoy and play with it.

Close your eyes, but make your senses more intense. Chu Lue opened his eyes suddenly, and before he turned his head, he saw a delicate and delicate face appear in front of him.

Humans are always more inclined towards beautiful creatures, and if they are not fond of them, it is because they are not beautiful enough. With such a face as a dragon girl, Yan Shi still has to nod when she sees it, let alone a human being.

She’s beautiful, she’s strong, she’s bad, that’s why she’s loved.

She is lawless and unscrupulous. Chu Lue has never seen such a girl in his life. The women who appear in front of him are all shy, gentle, virtuous and intellectual. It seems that for women, Linglong’s character is a sin.

Clearly seeing the surprise in Chu Lue’s black eyes and the momentary sluggishness, Linglong gave him a wink, “Don’t continue to play? Remember to take me home at night.”

After she finished speaking, she had already used her strength to step back, making a gesture of being pushed away by monk Wukong. It was only at this moment that the staff of the crew came back to their senses.

This is filming, not watching!

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