The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 979: Jie Luo Shang, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

“What? Your Majesty is back?”

At Nangong Yiyu’s residence, Meng Changping hurriedly walked in, his words arrived before anyone arrived.

“Yes, Your Majesty entered the palace at the time of Shen.”

Nangong Yiyu frowned slightly, “Master Meng, please sit down… Your Majesty, it will be great if he comes back. Is there any other news?”

“Great news!”

Meng Changping sat opposite Nangong Yiyu, stroking his beard and his face was filled with excitement. He leaned over and said with flying eyebrows, “Liu Kingdom… no longer exists!”

Nangong Yiyu was shocked. His Majesty once said that a fleet from far away was attacking the Liu Kingdom. Due to the domestic war, Daxia’s fleet went to Jinling and could not be rescued. In this way, the Liu Kingdom was destroyed by foreign enemies. ?

But this is not good news!

In any case, there were some exchanges between the Liu Kingdom and the former Wu Dynasty. This Liu Kingdom has always been proud of learning the culture of the Wu Dynasty. This guy was destroyed… He was suddenly startled, and his eyes widened, ” You mean… Your Majesty eliminated the invaders and conquered the Liu Kingdom?”

Meng Changping slapped his thigh and said, “No, your Majesty has compiled the Liu Kingdom into the 18th Daxia Daxia, named the Far East Dao!”

That place is quite far away.

Nangong Yiyu showed a smile. This guy, the territory of Daxia suddenly expanded to the sea, but… his smile gradually faded away, “I heard that it takes more than a month to sail there, not to mention that the place is so Poor, doesn’t this require investing a lot of money?”

“It is still unclear about His Majesty’s policy towards the Far East Road… I came to visit today, firstly, to tell the boss the good news, and secondly… Secondly, the Ministry of Rites recently received some credentials, which are… Now some countries around Daxia have sent envoys. The credentials say that their kings want to come to Guanyun City to pay homage to our Majesty…”

“I didn’t take this matter seriously at first. What are those small countries worth visiting? But just yesterday, I met the Crown Prince Wen Xingzhou Wenlao in the palace and chatted casually about this matter. What was his opinion? I have changed my mind. I just want to discuss this with you, Mr. Boss.”

Nangong Yiyu knew about this, but he didn’t take it to heart – everyone is so busy now, and he is also very busy, so how can he have time to pay attention to these people.

When he heard this, he asked: “What did Master Wen say?”

“Lao Wen said… Since Daxia is a superior state, these subordinate countries want to come to see your majesty. This is a good opportunity to show the prestige of the superior state to the world and promote your majesty’s reputation.”

Meng Changping paused and then said: “Mr. Wen also said that Daxia, as the highest existence of Eastern civilization, has the obligation to educate the lower countries. If these lower countries can be brought back to their hearts, they can become a barrier for Daxia. . This sentence made me think for a long time. Since there are enemies on the other side of the sea, there must be enemies on the other side of the mountain. ”

“These countries are all located around Daxia. If there is a foreign invasion…even if they are unable to resist, they can still send us a message so that we can be prepared, right?”

“So I think… His Majesty is back, isn’t he? He will probably go to the imperial study tomorrow. Let’s ask His Majesty what he wants. If he wants to see these kings, please ask him to set a time. After all, this is It’s a big event, and it needs to be well organized to receive and publicize it.”

Nangong Yiyu nodded slightly, Old Master Wen’s words were indeed insightful.

In the past, I thought that the furthest place was Liu Country, but now it seems that is obviously not the case.

In the past, it was thought that the five countries in this area were hostile to each other. Now it seems that there are probably many unknown enemies.

“Which countries have submitted their credentials?”

“Luzon, Persia, Dashi, Korea, and the Xixia and Liao dynasties in the north. Among them, the Liao dynasty is the most powerful and has the most vast territory. The thing is like this, Xixia is at war with the Liao dynasty, Xixia They were defeated by the Liao Dynasty and sent letters of credence to ask for help from Daxia. After the Liao Dynasty found out, they also sent letters of credence and hoped that we, Daxia, would not interfere in the war between them.”

“The Xixia envoy is very anxious about this matter. I don’t want to pay attention to it. If I hand these credentials to His Majesty… will His Majesty be in trouble?”

Nangong Yiyu thought for a moment, “It doesn’t matter, it’s up to His Majesty to decide. Whether he will see these monarchs is still unknown.”

When Nangong Yiyu thinks about it, these subordinate countries are dispensable. Although they can enhance the national prestige of Great Xia… Do they still need other subordinate countries to promote this national prestige?

He took a sip of tea and talked about other things:

“It’s almost the end of the year, and the progress of exchanging old currency with new ones is still a little slow. How about adding a few more banks?”

Meng Changping nodded, “Daxia silver notes are being printed in four places at the same time. The problem is still that there are too few exchange points. A few days ago, I discussed this issue with the president Li Jindou, and he said Please help colleagues from various commercial bureaus… There are only five banks in total, and it is extremely inconvenient for people to exchange these banknotes.”

“Li Jindou and I went to see Yun Xiyan last month, and this matter has been implemented. The bank will count the banknotes and hand them to the commerce bureau of each county, and the commerce bureau will open an exchange window. I think there will be no problem. Too big.”

“This is a good method. We will have to raise this issue with His Majesty tomorrow. The bank has too few points. In order to facilitate the masses, it should also be transferred to the county-level administrative agencies.”

Business in Daxia is developing rapidly now. Only five banks in such a large country cannot meet the needs of businessmen. It is time for urgent solutions.

“In this case, this bank may have to become an institution like the Ministry of Commerce, which requires a lot of people… In the autumn of this year, His Majesty is not here. According to the official vacancies reported by various local channels, I only took There are more than a hundred people, I wish I had known more.”

In the autumn of this year, Fu Xiaoguan went to sea, led by Nangong Yiyu and Meng Changping, and presided over by Wen Canghai. They did not dare to take too much. His Majesty left in a hurry and did not leave any instructions on this matter. If there is more Select three to two hundred to become so-called reserve cadres. If Your Majesty does not need them, how will you explain this to the selected students?

“It’s okay. I’ll ask your Majesty to issue a decree tomorrow to recruit students from the eliminated students according to their rankings. By the way, Mr. Meng, why did I hear that before going to sea, your Majesty gave Chang’an…that is, the North Road of Beijing? The original Wofeng City allocated a huge sum of money, what is he going to do?”

Meng Changping looked confused, “You won’t believe it. Your Majesty, the Ministry of Household Affairs allocated 30 million taels of silver to Chang’an and asked Qin Mowen to expand Chang’an City. He said that Chang’an City would be built to accommodate a population of more than three million. The metropolis…”

Nangong Yiyu frowned, why expand Chang’an?

Shouldn’t Guanyun City be expanded?

Seeing that Guanyun City can no longer accommodate more people, as the administrative center of Daxia, it should become a metropolis that can accommodate a population of more than three million.

“Perhaps…didn’t His Majesty once work as a platform on Wofeng Road? He has feelings for that place, otherwise why would Wofeng City be renamed Chang’an?”

“I’m afraid it’s for long-term peace and stability!”

Nangong Yiyu always felt that something was wrong, but he didn’t know what the problem was.

He didn’t think about it anymore, “Then tomorrow I will have to propose to His Majesty the expansion of Guanyun City.”

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