The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 923: Command, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

In the Yangxin Hall, ten ladies gathered together, each with a child – except Nangong Piaoxue.

Nangong Piaoxue has developed penicillin and is undergoing clinical trials – this is what Fu Xiaoguan said, saying that all research results of the medical school must undergo rigorous clinical trials before they can be applied to patients.

The medical school was newly built, with Nangong Piaoxue’s teacher Shui Yunjian as the dean, and a medical research institute was established at the same time. Nangong Piaoxue spent most of the year in the medical research institute.

This made her grandfather Nangong Yiyu a little worried. As the concubine of the Wu Dynasty, should you have a child if you want to study medicine?

But Nangong Piaoxue was really obsessed with those studies, especially after Fu Xiaoguan sent a batch of ‘microscopes’ to the institute, she compared the red blood cells, white blood cells, lymphocytes that Fu Xiaoguan once talked about… , it was as if a window had been opened in front of her, allowing her to see the unimaginable structure of the human body.

She almost made the institute her home and almost forgot about her husband.

On vacation from the medical school, Shui Yunjian kicked Nangong Piaoxue out of the institute, and then she returned to the palace. Fu Xiaoguan had given her a good beating in the past two days.

Of course, this torment is also extremely wonderful, but her occupational disease seems to be a bit serious, and she has developed a mysophobia – she must clean herself when doing experiments, especially in a sterile room, which requires disinfection with alcohol several times.

So, before and after the tossing, the Concubine Jade had to throw Fu Xiaoguan into the bathroom and wash her over and over again. Fu Xiaoguan was very distressed. No matter who it was, it would be hard to accept being washed four or five times a day. .

But what can Fu Xiaoguan do? He could only endure it, thinking that things would get better after he started studying at the Medical Research Institute.

“Ms. sir, we can’t go empty-handed, right?” Yu Wenyun asked.

He Sandao is Fu Xiaoguan’s right-hand general, and the women in the harem know it very well.

In addition, He Sandao’s wife, Zhong Yu, was very good at getting things done. She kept delivering exquisite Sichuan embroidered silk and satin to the palace one by one. After this back and forth, everyone became familiar with her.

As a queen, Yu Wenyun even gave Zhongyu a piece of silver fish pendant and asked her to come to the palace to sit around, play mahjong or teach them the techniques of Shu embroidery, etc.

“Pick some of the jewelry Liu Jin brought back.”

This can be, “I think you should give Bai Yulian, He Sandao, Wei Wubing and Chen Po their wives a royal decree?”

These people are the core figures in Fu Xiaoguan’s army. They followed Fu Xiaoguan from Yu Dynasty to Chilechuan, and then from Chilechuan to Wu Dynasty. With their loyalty, Fu Xiaoguan should also give them Additional rewards.

“You are right to remind me…Liu Jin, take the imperial edict.”

“The slave obeys the order!”

Liu Jin quickly ran to the imperial study room, took four imperial edicts and returned to Yangxin Hall. Fu Xiaoguan took up his pen and wrote four imperial edicts, canonizing the four wives of them as fourth-grade imperial edicts.

He took the seal and stamped it, and then told Liu Jin: “When the court is about to begin, remember to ask the Ministry of Rites to register them and make their own clothes, and send them over.”

Liu Jin quickly agreed, and he also remembered the names of the four generals and the four imperial wives.

It is very obvious that these four generals are the direct descendants of the emperor. To be a good eunuch, one must be discerning. Not only must he hug the emperor’s lap tightly, but he must also not underestimate the emperor’s trusted ministers.

“Send these four imperial edicts to their respective homes first. After you come back for a while, follow me to He Sandao’s home.”

This was naturally a good job. Although he did not dare to accept half a penny as a reward, he showed his face in front of these four generals and their wives.

Liu Jin walked away in a hurry, got on the carriage and left the palace gate, arriving at He Sandao’s house.

He Sandao was drinking tea and chatting with Bai Yulian, Chen Po and Wei Wubing who had come earlier. Zhong Yu was busy in the kitchen. Also in the kitchen were Wen Ruoxi, Du Sanniang and Juan’er.

Zhong Yu is the sixth young lady of the famous Zhong family, and Wen Ruoxi is the granddaughter of Wen Xingzhou, a great scholar of the Wu Dynasty. These two people were born into famous families, but Du Sanniang and Juan’er came from peasant families.

This huge status gap makes Du Sanniang and Juaner extremely stressed and embarrassed.

Zhong Yu saw it and laughed and said: “Sanniang, help me cut these bamboo shoots, Juan’er, help me soak these mushrooms… The animal in my family often talks about the ones in the military. Things,”

“He said that at first in Jianmen, Wu Bing went to Fenglin Mountain earlier than him, and Wu Bing went with Guan Xiaoxi. Back then, he and Wu Bing, Guan Xiaoxi, were the best in Fenglin Mountain. Brothers, let’s learn this skill from General Chen Po.”

Zhong Yu continued while busy: “As for General Chen Po Chen, he was trained by General Bai Yulian. General Bai Yulian was trained by Fu… and his Majesty taught him the training method.”

“So today’s army, navy and marines all originated from His Majesty, which means they come from the same family. And we women standing behind them have the same relationship as sisters-in-law. ”

“Your Majesty, the Queen, and the concubines are all very easy-going people. From now on, we should move around more and never become indifferent to each other!”

Wen Ruoxi glanced at Zhong Yu, this Shu girl is so thoughtful!

She also nodded and smiled: “Two sisters, Zhongmei is right, the one in my family often mentions them, saying that they are the best generals…”

Before Wen Ruoxi finished speaking, she heard a maid running in quickly. The maid was so excited that she couldn’t contain herself, “Ladies… quickly clean your hands and go to the central hall to receive the decree!”

Accept the decree?

Zhong Yu glanced at Yi Cui and asked, “What is your order?”

“Madam, Your Majesty’s imperial edict is to confer the imperial decree on the four ladies!”

The four women were stunned for a moment, a decree?

This is a great honor!

They are all white, and suddenly they have official status, which is His Majesty’s greatest recognition of their husbands. From now on, they are also the ones receiving the royal salary!

“Oh, ladies, don’t be in a daze!”

Zhong Yu suddenly woke up and said, “Hurry and wash your hands, let’s go out.”

He Sandao and four others were also in the middle hall. For such a big event, the middle hall must be opened to receive orders.

Zhong Yu and the others came out. Liu Jin glanced at them, took out the imperial edict, coughed twice, and read out the four imperial edicts.

Du Sanniang and Juaner were like a dream.

I have seen stories like this in dramas, but now it happened to me – is this what it means for a wife to be valued by her husband?

They were originally farmers in the countryside, but suddenly they had a fourth-grade imperial edict, which made them feel too unreal.

“Please accept the order and thank the four ladies!”

“Your Majesty will arrive in a moment. Please be prepared to pick him up.”

Liu Jin delivered the imperial edict, blessed him with joy and left.

He Sandao burst out laughing at this moment, “Look, I was right, our emperor really gave you a big gift!”

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