The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 906: What does he want to do?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

The three wives at home are about to give birth, and Fu Xiaoguan is really anxious.

Xu Xinyan gave birth in April. At that time, he was busy with oil affairs in Siyang County. He did not go back, but only sent back a letter home, which made him feel extremely apologetic.

If he misses the birth of his three wives again this time, he may feel guilty for the rest of his life.

I don’t know whose future Jiang Shan belongs to, but his wife must be his.

He is not very interested in this country, but he cannot bear to be left out in the cold to any of his ten wives.

Son or daughter, they will all have their own lives in the future. Only his wife can accompany him throughout his life.

Fu Xiaoguan, who never had a girlfriend in his previous life, cherished his ten wives very much.

Think about Chun Xiu’s nervousness when she was pregnant, Su Su’s childlike surprise when she had a baby, and Zhang Pei’er even burst into tears when she found out she had a baby – it’s not easy for them. As their men, if they can Being by their side when they give birth is probably the greatest comfort to them.

He didn’t know that the officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs who were thoroughly investigating the officialdom had arrived just as he was leaving Nanping County. He also didn’t know that Zuo Zhongtan had taken down Pan County Magistrate and captured Pan County in three days. All the charges against the order were collected neatly.

On the way to Guanyun City, Magistrate Pan will be interrogated by the Criminal Department.

Of course, those escorted away were Magistrate Pan’s family, and Pan Qian’er, the woman who was going to be the daughter-in-law of Lord Zhizhou of Wuyuan Prefecture, would spend the rest of her life in Jiaofangsi.

The officials captured Pan County Magistrate, and the news reached Wuyuan City as quickly as possible.

Chen Yang, the magistrate of Wuyuan Prefecture, received three pieces of news at the same time:

First, the emperor returned home.

Second, Magistrate Pan was arrested and escorted to Guanyun City.

Thirdly…his son Chen Zheng died in Nanping Temple.

After learning these three pieces of news, Chen Yang seemed to have aged ten years.

He stayed alone in the study for a long time. When he came out, there were no tears on his face, and he could not see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

He issued an order to his cronies – to intercept County Magistrate Pan and never let him go to Guanyun City alive!

As for his son, let him be buried in Nanping Temple.

Isn’t it said that the Nanping Evening Bell is extremely spiritual?

Perhaps by listening to the bell, he can be reincarnated as a human being as soon as possible.

“Father…” His eldest son Chen Zheng bowed and said, “My condolences…”

“Son, tomorrow you will take your wife and children and set off to the Yu Dynasty.”

This matter has been decided for a long time, but Chen Zheng did not expect it to be so urgent.

“After leaving this time, I’m afraid it will take a long time to come back…” Chen Yang raised his head and looked at the sunset on the horizon, feeling that he was like the sunset now, “Before you leave, you need to do something thing.”

“Father, please speak!”

“There is a jar of good wine in my study. Take that jar of wine, take your wife, and go have a drink with your father-in-law tonight to say goodbye.”

“My child obeys!”

Chen Yang narrowed his eyes and took out a small paper bag from his sleeve pocket, “Take this with you, remember, put it in your father-in-law’s cup, don’t let your wife know.”

Chen Zheng was suddenly shocked. This was obviously poison. What his father did… Why did his father do this?

“Don’t ask me why. Only if a few more people die can my father see the rising sun.”

Chen Zheng took the small paper bag and lowered his head.

“Don’t have any psychological burden. This poison will take effect in three days. No one will know that it was you who poisoned it. Go ahead.”

“Father,” Chen Zheng did not go, but asked: “I heard that the people from the official department have arrived in Nanping County, and the people from Yuli Tai have also secretly investigated in Wuyuan Prefecture. How about… together Go?”

Chen Yang smiled faintly and shook his head. He raised his eyes to look at Chen Zheng and ordered extremely seriously: “Remember, you are a descendant of the Chen family of the seven thousand-year-old sects of the Wu Dynasty! When you go to the Yu Dynasty, your uncles and brothers will We will welcome you and put you in place.”

“It’s a good life for the time being in the Yu Dynasty. Maybe it won’t be long before I have a chance to come back.”

“Dad can’t leave. He still has a lot of things to do. Go ahead. It’s getting late. It’s a good time to have a few drinks with your father-in-law.”

Chen Zheng turned and left. Chen Yang looked at the setting sun again, frowning, but what he was thinking about was the news from the Yu Dynasty – lobbying the Emperor of the Yu Dynasty to prepare troops to attack the Wu Dynasty, but there has been no progress so far.

The young emperor of the Yu Dynasty seemed to have little interest in conquering the Wu Dynasty, or he did not have the courage. What should he do?

Based on the 100,000 troops trained in the Yi Kingdom, it would be impossible to conquer the Wu Dynasty.

The only way is to win over the Yu Dynasty. The Yu Dynasty now has an army of 300,000 soldiers!

In addition to the 100,000 new troops of the Yi State, the army of 400,000 will fight against the little emperor’s army of 200,000… The armies are all trained in the same way, and a lot of flintlock guns were bought from the Yu Dynasty. If everyone It is not impossible to work together to take down the Wu Dynasty in one fell swoop while the young emperor is at sea, because there are key people inside and outside, which is many times stronger than the coup launched by the Queen Mother Xi.

How can Yu Daodao strengthen his determination?

Fu Xiaoguan must die!

For my son, and for Mrs. Chen.

Just when he was thinking and extremely confused, a piece of paper flew over, as sharp as a blade.

He suddenly turned around, stretched out a hand, and clamped the paper, but he could not see the person who issued the paper.

His eyes fell on this piece of paper. There was only one line of words on it: The treasure of Confucius Temple is under the star-catching platform!

Chen Yang was shocked. Everyone knew about the treasures in the previous dynasty of Yu Dynasty. A few years ago, Emperor Xuan ordered Fu Xiaoguan to blow up the Confucius Temple, but the treasures underneath disappeared, which also caused a lot of uproar.

The treasure is actually under the Wu Dynasty’s star-catching platform? !

How could it come to Wu Dynasty silently?

This thought only flashed through Chen Yang’s mind. This is not the point. The point is the intention of the person who sent him this news – this intention is very obvious, and he sent the best one just when he needed it most. information.

He believed that if he told Yu Wendao about this news through the people in Jinling, Yu Wendao would never be able to sit still.

The Yu Dynasty was short of money, a lot of money!

Limited by the emptiness of the treasury, Yu Wendao did not dare to raise troops easily, but if he knew that the golden mountain that should have belonged to him was now in Fu Xiaoguan’s hands… could he still sit still?

No wonder the little emperor dared to print banknotes on a large scale. It turned out that he also hid a gold mountain.

This little emperor is also powerful, so what other tricks does he have that he has not revealed?

This news was sent to the Yu Dynasty that night. Three days later, Chen Yang, the magistrate of Wuyuan Prefecture, investigated and prosecuted the river governor Ge Su for corruption. Ge Su committed suicide in fear of the crime.

On the same day, Magistrate Pan, who was escorting to Guanyun City, was assassinated.

Two days later, this piece of paper was placed in front of Yu Wenwen.

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