The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 861: Reminiscing about the past, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

The winter sun breaks through the clouds and the morning fog gradually disperses.

On the eighth day of October, the only scientific expedition in the history of the Wu Dynasty with the participation of 180,000 people officially kicked off on this day.

On the top of the big Buddha in Hanling Temple, Fu Xiaoguan and Fan Tianning looked at the dark crowd of candidates below and said with a smile: “Look, no one is omnipotent. If I could have thought of such a scene earlier, I would have This exam is set to be held simultaneously in each state.”

Fan Tianning’s eyes were filled with shock!

Firstly, so many students took reference at the same time, which is unprecedented in scale. The second is that Fu Xiaoguan actually cut down the recommendation system that had been passed down for five hundred years so easily, and really realized that he could obtain official positions completely through the imperial examination!

Fan State also relies mainly on recommendations from noble families. His father, the current Emperor Fan, is also aware of the drawbacks, and has even mentioned the reform of the imperial examination several times. However, now that his father has entered the age of knowing his destiny, he still There is no way to get rid of this bad habit.

The reason is naturally that there is great resistance from the central government – this cuts off the interests of those noble clans and even cuts off their foundation!

They will inevitably resist strongly, and even civil strife is very likely.

But what about the Wu Dynasty?

Nothing is wrong!

Even the seven thousand-year-old sects of the Wu Dynasty mentioned by my father would probably make Fu Xiaoguan, the young emperor, drink a pot. What did he drink?

He did not use force against the seven sects, but now three of the seven sects have left, two have directly taken refuge with him, and there is still a Han family who is lingering on.

In front of the Sima family, the Wang family, and the weaving imported from the Yu Dynasty, Han’s weaving has long been like dead leaves in the autumn wind, and it is only a matter of time before it is swept into the dust.

“I still remember that spring two years ago, when you were still Fu Xiaoguan,”

Fu Xiaoguan turned around and glared at Fan Tianning: “I am also Fu Xiaoguan now!”

“No!” Fan Tianning shook his head firmly, “You are Emperor Dezong now! In the spring two years ago, we were also in this square, and you won the first place in the three-day literary meeting. At that time, I admired you very much. Literary talent, and now…”

Fan Tianning laughed at himself: “Actually, everyone in the world has been deceived by you. What you are really good at is not poetry, but the way of governing the country!”

“It has not been more than a year since he took the throne, less than a year! The changes in the Yu Dynasty can be said to be changing with each passing day.”

“This time I came through the five states of the Western Regions of the Wu Dynasty. The road from Hexi Prefecture to Guanyun City was about to be connected. I originally thought that even after the roads of the five states of the Western Regions and the six states of Beixiao were all connected, The two most barren states in the Wu Dynasty will not change much, because these two places are too barren, and you cannot have so many talents available.”

“I think your focus should be on the seven southern states, the eight southern states, the six northeastern provinces, and even the Chilechuan Autonomous Region. But now it seems that I was wrong. You want the Wu Dynasty to bloom in full.”

Fan Tianning pointed at the dark mass of 180,000 students below. Among these students, they ranged from fifteen or sixteen to fifty or sixty years old.

“You gave them hope! Even if you lost your reputation, you have inspired the enthusiasm of students across the country to study. From then on, the literary affairs of the Wu Dynasty became popular! It was better than the literary meeting held by Emperor Wen. How much.”

Fu Xiaoguan touched his nose and felt very embarrassed… Why did I think so much?

People who think too much are terrible!

“By the way, where did the little monk go? Why didn’t he come with you this time?”

“Ku Chan? He went to the Chilechuan Autonomous Region last year, and he sent me a few letters.”

Fu Xiaoguan was a little surprised, “Why didn’t he come to see me last year?”

Fan Tianning said with a smile: “He was originally going to Yuxiu City to find you, but he got lost and ran to Green Flag State. You can’t even guess who he met in Green Flag State.”


“Peng Yuyan!”

“…” Fu Xiaoguan’s eyes widened. Why did the wife of Southern Frontier Army General Yu Chunqiu go to Green Flag State?

“Ku Chan said in the letter that Peng Yuyan was extremely disappointed with Emperor Xuan… It was a shame that Emperor Xuan intended to kill you. This Mrs. Peng was also powerful. She left General Yu and went to Jinling to give her three The two children were all taken to the Chilechuan Autonomous Region, and they also came to Green Flag Prefecture by accident, and happened to meet a tribe named Wanyan.”

“She saved the Wanyan tribe. Ku Chan said that on the day he arrived, the remnant army of the Huang people wanted to rob the tribe’s cattle and sheep. Mrs. Peng took her two sons and killed the three of them. Killed sixty deserters.”

“That’s it. They stayed in that tribe. Ku Chan thought about it and simply stayed in the tribe to preach and preach. That’s about it.”

Fu Xiaoguan let out a long sigh, Mrs. Peng is definitely a talent!

She is extremely accomplished in literature, Taoism and martial arts. If such a person can be used to her advantage…

“Don’t go after Mrs. Peng, she will never come out again. But…her two sons, Kuchan said, are both second-rate masters. They are familiar with the art of war and have great attainments in military strategy. ,” Fan Tianning looked at Fu Xiaoguan and said with a smile, “You can take advantage of their sons.”

“Hey.” Fu Xiaoguan’s eyes were filled with joy. The Wu Dynasty’s armaments were expanding too much and he needed a lot of generals!

“Ku Chan is begging for alms in Green Flag Prefecture. The most recent letter he sent me was in August. He said that he would be able to build the first temple in Green Flag Prefecture in about two years of begging for alms. I originally wanted to sponsor him. Some were rejected by him and denied by the national teacher.”

“By the way, a middle-aged monk came to Landuo Temple last year. His dharma title is not Master, and he has an accent from the Wu Dynasty. This monk is a bit strange, and I don’t see how deep he is in Buddhism. But recently, my father often goes to the temple. We went to Tuo Temple and chatted with Master Ji for a long time.”

Fu Xiaoguan didn’t take it seriously, “As people get older, they will always seek support in their hearts. Fan State originally advocates Buddhism. Your father went to chat with a monk of similar age, perhaps to get to know him better. Just to relieve the pain of the past.”

“Maybe… Your Majesty, when can you visit Fan State?”

“Actually, I really want to go. Speaking of which, there is a manor in your Fan country that my father once bought. I don’t even know what it looks like.” Fu Xiaoguan took a deep breath and looked towards He stood out of the window, “Hey… you have seen the situation now, how can I escape?”

“Reform and opening up has just begun, and there is still a long way to go to establish a market economy. Next, the formal international trade between our countries will begin, and various legal provisions will be drafted… I will not hide it from you. Next year, I am also planning to go overseas. Come on, tell me, how can I find the time to go to Fan State?”

“I may not have time until the first five-year plan is completed.”

“Well, okay…” Fan Tianning did not mention that he would get married to Xue Yuyan, the fifth daughter of the Xue family, in March next year.

After getting married, he will be named a prince. Now the news he has heard is that his fiefdom is most likely to be in Yunzhou of Fan State – across the river from Hexi Prefecture of the Five Western Regions of the Wu Dynasty!

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