The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 855: Under two decrees, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

As soon as Fu Xiaoguan finished speaking, all the officials were shocked.

Given the Emperor’s Sword… The Emperor’s Sword can kill hundreds of officials. Wen Canghai is upright and upright. He has a very clean status in this dynasty and has nothing to do with the seven thousand-year-old sects. His Majesty gave him the Emperor’s Sword. The intention is obvious – to put an end to this. Someone wants to use Wen Canghai to intervene in the imperial examination!

Given the goldfish pendant… Wen Canghai can enter the harem to meet the emperor at any time. There are hundreds of civil and military officials in the dynasty. Only Zhuo Yixing, Nangong Yiyu and Meng Changpin have the goldfish pendant given by your majesty. Now your majesty will go to university Shiwen Canghai mentioned the height of the Three Dukes, so obviously the imperial examination is an extremely important national policy in His Majesty’s heart!

This move directly cut off the original thoughts of many ministers. The lists of recommended persons that have been sent to their homes… seem to be invalidated, and the monetary gifts that have been received must be returned as soon as possible. .

“I have a close friendship with Mr. Wen Xingzhou. Mr. Wen is so upright and upright that I admire him. He is a bachelor of Wen University. Please help me bring a message to Mr. Wen after the court. I will invite him to come to the palace for dinner tonight. A simple meal.”

Wen Canghai has been very excited. His long-cherished wish has come true today!

So many memorials have come to nothing, and I thought it was because His Majesty was afraid, but now it seems that His Majesty is just waiting for such an opportunity.

He took two steps forward and knelt down with a pop: “Thank you, Your Majesty! I am determined to fulfill my mission, revive the third-level scientific examination, and hold the autumn of this year!”

“On behalf of my father, I would like to thank your Majesty for the invitation. If your Majesty kills a pig… please give me a piece of pork!”

“…” Fu Xiaoguan’s eyes widened. This Wen Canghai didn’t play according to the routine, “Pingshen.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Jia Nanxing held the jade box and handed the Emperor’s Sword and the Goldfish Pendant to Wen Canghai. Wen Canghai held the jade box high and looked crazy: “The rise of the imperial examination is now! The future of students all over the world is promising! On behalf of the students all over the world, I thank Your Majesty!” ”

“Okay, you finish this errand first… By the way, Bachelor of Arts mentioned pork just now. This second decree is about this pig.”

Fu Xiaoguan took two steps on the stage and said, “Last night I invited some people to taste the pork. Everyone thought the pork was delicious, so Peng Fang, the Minister of Agriculture, said,”

Peng Fang stepped out of the queue and bowed in salute: “My lord, Peng Fang, listen to the holy words!”

“For the sake of the people’s livelihood, I ordered Peng Fang, the Minister of Agriculture, to take charge of the national promotion strategy of Xiangzhu No. 1. Today next year, I want all the people across the country to be able to eat pork.”

“I obey the order! I promise that today next year, everyone in the Wu Dynasty will be able to eat pork!”

“Okay, but I want to tell you a few points. First, encourage people to raise pigs. At the same time, sweet potato cultivation will be promoted on a large scale next year. This thing is perfectly combined with pig raising. Second, encourage private capital to raise pigs. Pigs, allow them to establish breeding farms in remote places. Third, I suggest you find some people who are good at raising pigs to establish a pig breeding base and improve the Xiangzhu No. 1 breed.”

“Minister, please remember!”

“Well, step back…” Fu Xiaoguan took a deep breath and looked at the ministers, “I know that many of you may be dissatisfied with these two policies today, especially the first one. But. It’s good that you didn’t raise any objection on the spot, which shows that you still take the overall situation into consideration.”

“Everyone, you must remember that taking official positions for the country is for the long-term peace and stability of the country, and for the prosperity of the country! I have said long ago that I disdain to compete with the people for profit, and I even disdain to compete with you. Strive for profit. But I hope you also understand that you must never put your hands into the interests of the country, otherwise, I will definitely cut off this hand with my sword, no ambiguity!”

“It is not easy for ordinary people’s children to study. If they can’t see any hope of studying, how many people in the world will go to study?”

“The cornerstone of the Wu Dynasty lies in the people and not in the clan. I can say this to all of you, the clan may fall and the country may perish, but the people will survive forever!”

“If the people are stable, the world will be safe; if the people are abundant, the country will be rich; if the people are educated, the country will be wise!”

“Only when the children of common people in the world can see the hope of studying, will they study hard, and will they pass the fair imperial examination and become the pillars of the country!”

“The times have changed. Everyone… I hope you can change your thinking and keep up with the situation, otherwise… you will be wiped out by the tide of the times!”

“By the way, Liu Jin, go kill two pigs and share them with the ministers here.”



Royal study room.

Fu Xiaoguan is worrying about money, and now he is spending a lot of money. Wu Dynasty’s tax revenue cannot keep up with the speed of his spending.

Of course, he could have taken his time and figured it out, but that would have been a waste of time.

At this moment, what he had in front of him were the nautical charts that Wen Hui had obtained from the Embassy of Liu, Li and Luzon.

His eyes were rolling. The primitive accumulation of capital was inherently **** and cruel. If the Wu Dynasty wanted to develop faster, it had to cheat!

He needs to grab money and resources. This idea has long been formed in his mind, but he can’t do it yet.

The second-generation battleships are stuck on steam power. The first-generation three-masted battleships are still under construction, and now there are only two more including the Dreadnaught training ship.

To go to the ocean to grab at least five such warships, we have to wait for General Bai Yulian to complete his naval training.

According to the speed of shipbuilding at Linjiang Shipyard, it is estimated that all five warships will be completed and form combat effectiveness by this time next year. Alas… haste is not speed, and we will have to wait.

At this moment, Zhou Tongtong walked in.

“Your Majesty, please review the information from Fengyang County.”

Fu Xiaoguan took it and took a look:

“Chen Linshen, the 28th generation eldest grandson of the Chen clan in Fengyang County, Baizhou, one of the eight southern states, and Zhou Yudan, the 30th generation eldest grandson of the Zhou clan, in Qingshan County, Lizhou, Lizhou, Yu Tiande, They got married on the first day of the seventh month of the first year.

On the same day, Lu Zexi, the 26th generation grandson of the Lu family in Jiangzhou City, married Han Huier, the 31st generation granddaughter of the Han family in Ruoxi Prefecture.

Ant colony analysis believes that these four major clans are uniting to deal with His Majesty’s commercial siege.

In addition, the ant colony obtained it. This strategy was the work of a counselor who claimed to be from Xianyun Mountain. I have not yet met him and do not know his real name.

Your Majesty, please be careful! ”

People from Xianyun Mountain?

Fu Xiaoguan had never heard of it. He raised his head and looked at Zhou Tongtong and said with a smile: “I heard… you are also from the Zhou family in Qingshan County?”

Zhou Tongtong quickly raised his hand and replied: “Your Majesty, I do come from the Zhou family in Qingshan County, but I am a side branch. Counting the Yang lineage, I have not had much contact with the main clan three hundred years ago.”

“But I still need you to go to Qingshan County.”

Zhou Tongtong was surprised, “I… obey the order! I don’t know what to do?”

“Going to send a late gift,” Fu Xiaoguan stood up and stretched his waist. “In any case, the marriage between these two families is a big event, and I, as the emperor, should express my gratitude.”

“…Do you want Jiangzhou Lu to send it as a gift?”

“No, but let them know.”

“I understand!”

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