The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 752: Go home, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

The wintersweet blooms in the garden behind Dieyi Palace.

The wintersweet flowers in the trees are like clusters of flames. They bloom in the white snow and are extremely beautiful at first glance.

At dusk, Emperor Xuan and Queen Shang were wandering among the flowers and trees.

Empress Shang seemed to have returned to her daughter’s time. From time to time she climbed down a plum branch and went to the flower to smell it.

But Emperor Xuan didn’t seem to have much leisure and leisure. His face was a bit like the low leaden sky in the snowy dusk.

“Fu Xiaoguan went straight from Wofeng Road to Fenglin Mountain. There he awarded a military flag to the First Army of the Excalibur, composed a military song, and appointed a group of generals. There was even a meeting…”

Emperor Xuan stood still and looked up at the low sky, “He is preparing to launch a war against the desolate people without my permission!”

“The 30,000 Divine Sword Army has now all left Fenglin Mountain and headed for Pingling…”

Queen Shang let go of a plum blossom and turned to look at Emperor Xuan.

“Bai Yulian is not in the army!… I have told him a long time ago that next spring, Bai Yulian will train an army of 100,000 for me, but Bai Yulian is not in the army!”

He repeated this sentence twice, with a very serious tone, and Queen Shang’s heart sank.

Emperor Xuan suddenly laughed, and he turned to look at Empress Shang, “Tell me, where is Bai Yulian at this moment?”

“Didn’t Dao’er come back with him? Dao’er has mastered the training method of the Divine Sword Army. He can also train such an army.”

Emperor Xuan was noncommittal, “The heavy snow has not stopped since the beginning of winter this year, so it must be a year of famine. If he provokes the Huang people at such a time, the Huang people will inevitably go south, and the northern frontier troops will have to move, forcing me to do the same. Mobilizing a huge amount of food and grass to the northern frontier army… What is he thinking?”

Emperor Xuan frowned with a serious look on his face, “He is my son-in-law. Why don’t you discuss such a big matter with me?”

Queen Shang knew something was wrong when she learned that the First Excalibur Army was heading to Pingling Mountain.

The bad thing is that Fu Xiaoguan didn’t inform Emperor Xuan!

This guy has always been cautious, so why was he so reckless this time?

This is the Yu Dynasty after all!

No matter what, you should give the emperor some face.

But he actually did this, which really makes the emperor unhappy.

“I’m afraid… I think he is worried that your Majesty will not agree to send troops to the desert.”


Emperor Xuan did not argue with Queen Shang. Perhaps this sentence shocked Queen Shang.

“Your Majesty thinks he will be detrimental to the Yu Dynasty?” Queen Shang asked casually.

“Look, this wintersweet is chosen to bloom in this ice and snow to show its nobility… In fact, in this season, people have no flowers to enjoy. If you remove the wintersweet in the garden, in fact, The vast white snow scene is just as beautiful! ”

Empress Shang was silent for a long time, and Emperor Xuan grinned, “I don’t want to see any wintersweet in this yard tomorrow! Not even one!”

He turned and left. Queen Shang looked at his back and stood in the wind and snow for a long time!



December 28, the tenth year of the Xuan calendar.

Fu Xiaoguan and his party arrived in Jinling.

He waved goodbye to Yu Daodao, Yan Xiwen and Zhuo Liuyun, and returned to Ding’an Bo Mansion with Ning Siyan and others.

Ding’anbo’s mansion suddenly became more lively at this moment. He teased his three children and sat by the stove with his wife and fiancee. After saying a few words, he saw Jia Nanxing walk in.

“Your Highness, the eldest princess is here.”

Fu Xiaoguan was stunned for a moment, and had no choice but to leave the main house apologetically and came to Li Chenxuan.

“I thought you wouldn’t see me.”

Fu Xiaoguan was stunned, “Why did my aunt say this?”

Yu Shurong’s face turned cold, “Now that you don’t even take the emperor seriously, shouldn’t you, my aunt, take it even less seriously?”

Fu Xiaoguan looked at Yu Shurong carefully and understood the reason.

He smiled lightly. “Auntie, please sit down.”

Yu Shurong sat down and said, “The patch of wintersweet in the Queen’s garden is gone now!”

Fu Xiaoguan cooked a pot of tea without raising his head, “The Emperor is not happy?”

“You also know that the emperor is not happy!”

“I have said before that I will not do anything that harms the interests of the Yu Dynasty.”

“My aunt believes it, my empress believes it, but you have to make your majesty believe it even more!…”

Yu Shurong took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “He is the emperor of the Yu Dynasty after all! You are his son-in-law after all!”

“I thought he would trust me since I was his son-in-law.”

“So you are testing?”

Fu Xiaoguan grinned, “Auntie is right.”

Yu Shurong was shocked. She didn’t expect Fu Xiaoguan to admit so frankly – “Do you have to use this method to test? Aren’t you afraid that he will chop off your head regardless of the consequences?”

Yu Shurong sat up straight, his chest heaving up and down, “If you die, even if the Yu Dynasty is buried with you, you are already dead after all! What’s more… will the Wu Dynasty really hurt both the Yu Dynasty and the Yu Dynasty for you? ”

Fu Xiaoguan didn’t speak. He was boiling a pot of tea very seriously. After a moment of silence, he poured a cup of tea for the eldest princess and then spoke:

“I have just come back. It has been a long and dusty journey. I haven’t bathed yet, and I haven’t said a few words to my wife and children yet…”

He looked up at Yu Shurong and said seriously: “I am very busy, really very busy! Please tell His Majesty a word, and you will tell him that I will finally give him a large territory, and he will , or not?”

Yu Shurong was suddenly shocked. She looked at Fu Xiaoguan dumbfounded, “You…you want to destroy the desert people? Just rely on the 30,000 divine sword army?”

“Of course, we need the cooperation of the northern frontier army. I have already sent a letter to General Peng. So, if Your Majesty wants it, please ask him to give General Peng a decree. All I need is that General Peng cooperates with me. The vast land of the deserter belongs to him!”

“Why didn’t you tell His Majesty earlier?”

Fu Xiaoguan touched his nose and showed a bright smile, “As aunt said, I was testing. Now I roughly understand, thank you aunt!”

Yu Shurong’s heart skipped a beat, “Don’t make random guesses! He is your father-in-law after all!”

Fu Xiaoguan picked up the teacup and took a sip, “Look, I didn’t even have time to drink a sip of water along the way… It’s a pity for the plum trees in that yard.”

So…the rift between the father-in-law and son-in-law is irreparable?

Yu Shurong closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “… Yu Wendao is the next emperor of the Yu Dynasty!”

“I know, he is my brother-in-law.”

“I am your aunt too!”

“My nephew will always remember my aunt… Everything my nephew did was for the Yu Dynasty… Of course, it was also for myself.”

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