The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 729: Plan a plot, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

On October 25th of the 10th year of Xuan Li, Fu Xiaoguan left Wofeng City and inspected Wofeng Road for the first time.

Accompanying him was Zhuo Donglai, and of course his bodyguards Ning Siyan and Xu Xinyan were also there, while Zhang Peier stayed in Wofeng City.

“The strength of a country lies in nothing more than its economy, politics and military.”

“The economic base determines the superstructure, so the economy is the foundation of a country’s strength.”

“But economy is closely related to politics. Even if the same economic means are used in different political systems, the final results will be very different…The so-called liberation of productive forces is essentially about breaking down political barriers.”

“It’s like loosening up the economy. Under the unstable, unclear and loose political structure, no one dares to invest or consume.”

In the carriage, Fu Xiaoguan and Zhuo Donglai were sitting opposite each other, and he was talking.

“The businessmen of the Yu Dynasty dared to come to Wofeng Road to invest and build factories on a large scale. This is the confidence based on the reform measures of the Yu Dynasty. As long as this policy remains unchanged, the revitalization and prosperity of the Yu Dynasty is inevitable.”

Zhuo Donglai listened very carefully. The reform measures of the Yu Dynasty were promoted by the His Highness in front of him. In fact, the businessmen of the Yu Dynasty dared to invest because they believed in Fu Xiaoguan to a greater extent.

So he thought for a while and said: “If you go back, these businessmen are afraid…”

Fu Xiaoguan waved his hand, “No, it may be due to my factors now, but in at least one year, when the merchants on Wofeng Road really make money, more people will come to Wofeng Road. And my influence will gradually decrease, and eventually, all these behaviors will fall under the rule of law… Law is the rule, the criterion, the bottom line and the rules.”

“As long as the law does not change, it means that the rules will not change. So if anyone changes to Wo Fengdao in the future, as long as he does not follow the law, everything will proceed step by step.”

“So whether it’s a country or a country, the rule of law is the foundation, and the rule of man… will produce variables due to the replacement of people. This is instability, so I want to legislate for business, and I want Xi Xunmei to Refine the method.

These laws have now been implemented in the Wu Dynasty. You may not see much effect now, but when the businessmen of the Wu Dynasty are familiar with it, the business reforms in the Wu Dynasty will be more effective with half the effort, especially as there are Wo Fengdao exists of this role model. ”

Zhuo Donglai looked at Fu Xiaoguan blankly. He naturally knew the commercial laws implemented by the Wu Dynasty. He even knew that Sitong Bank had been established in Guanyun City.

In this way, His Highness has already been planning for the Wu Dynasty and has made a chess piece.

In a daze, he felt that His Highness was a little strange.

He is completely different from the young man who once participated in the literary society in Wu Dynasty!

What he is talking about is not poetry and articles, but the way to govern the country!

This way of governing the country refreshed Zhuo Donglai’s understanding. Only at this moment did he understand the importance of the economy to a country, and only then did he understand the meaning of Fu Xiaoguan’s creation of so many detailed laws.

What he is promoting is an unprecedented major change – changing the entire society from a rule of men to a rule of law!

Can this really be achieved?

After all, there is only one person at the pinnacle of power in any country!

This man is above the law!

He said that as long as he is a human being, changes may occur. If the person holding the authority negates the law and changes the rules… wouldn’t everything he has done be wiped out in an instant?

The so-called wise king generally means that he doesn’t mess around. If he can relax his power, he can be called a saint king.

But if we look closely at the history of various countries for thousands of years, there are very few emperors who did not bother.

“Power is like a feast. Sitting in that position and watching the feast without taking action requires a strong ability of self-control. Such people are really rare, even if I am sitting there In terms of location, I’m afraid it’s hard to resist the huge temptation.

So… we have to put that gluttonous meal in a cage so that people can’t eat it even if they want to. Only when they can’t eat it will they give up and move their eyes to other places, which is too far away. , now let me tell you what you are going to do next. ”

Zhuo Donglai didn’t understand how to keep the big meal in a cage, but he vaguely felt that Fu Xiaoguan’s words were very meaningful, but Fu Xiaoguan did not elaborate on him.

“Now all ten of you have the status of the Secretariat and the Inspectorate. With this status, you can freely go to any county. Throughout next year, you should watch more!”

“What are you looking at? Of course you are not watching the excitement. What you want to see is the essence of business! You must see the reasons that restrict the rapid development of business, find these reasons, and try to solve them.”

“All means must serve the economy. Economy is a big subject. It is not just as simple as setting up a workshop to produce and sell. It involves all aspects of the entire society.”

Fu Xiaoguan taught Zhuo Donglai as if giving his last words. At this moment, Zhuo Donglai once again felt his own insignificance and Fu Xiaoguan’s highness.

This made him ashamed.

The boy’s once proud head bowed completely in front of Fu Xiaoguan.

That is a person who makes the world dance!

This ability that I once thought was incredible is simply nothing in front of him!

He was open-minded and listened very attentively. He could not digest many concepts, but he engraved them in his mind. This is a good way to learn. Afterwards, he will verify them one by one, and he will gain more knowledge. profound.

Fu Xiaoguan talked for a full hour, instilling the importance of economy into Zhuo Donglai.

Zhuo Donglai was silent for a long time before looking up at Fu Xiaoguan,

“Next year…can you not go to fight the deserters yourself? There are many uncertain factors in war, and the Wu Dynasty needs you!”

This sentence comes from the bottom of his heart. Zhuo Donglai really doesn’t want anything to happen to Fu Xiaoguan.

Fu Xiaoguan grinned and looked out the window.

The autumn mood outside the window is a little stronger, but the wild chrysanthemums are still in full bloom, dyeing the vast wilderness yellow.

“Military… The Shenjian Army has thirty thousand people in Xishan, and Emperor Xuan will train one hundred thousand such troops next year. Now the military strength between the two countries seems to be equal, but in fact the military strength of the Yu Dynasty has exceeded Wu Dynasty.

The soldiers of the Divine Sword Army are from the Yu Dynasty, and this must be included in the military strength of the Yu Dynasty. Now the Yu Dynasty’s army has been equipped with at least 60,000 flintlock guns… and must fight against the deserters.

If I go to the battlefield, this battle will be more exciting.

In addition… I also called Yi Guo to see, I don’t like the two-headed grass. ”

Fu Xiaoguan said these words a bit awkwardly, but Zhuo Donglai understood clearly that Fu Xiaoguan wanted to weaken Yu Chao’s combat effectiveness!

Especially weakening the combat effectiveness of the Divine Sword Army!

“They… were created by you yourself!”

“So I need them to build a big empire for Yu Dynasty! This is the last thing I do for Yu Dynasty.”

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