The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1337: Blind Cat, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

“Boy, what’s your name? Which division do you belong to?”

The seventh team was walking through the streets, and a veteran of about forty years suddenly asked., the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

“Oh, my name is Zhong Wu, I am from the 2nd Division, 3rd Brigade, 8th Regiment, 6th Battalion and 4th Platoon. What about you?”

“Boy, what’s your name? Which division do you belong to?”

“Zhao Shusheng, Seventh Division, Second Brigade and Seventh Regiment…where are you going to take us?”

The seventh team was walking through the streets and alleys, and a veteran about forty years old suddenly asked.

“I don’t know either. Didn’t we agree to move freely?”

“Oh, my name is Zhong Wu, I am from the 2nd Division, 3rd Brigade, 8th Regiment, 6th Battalion and 4th Platoon. What about you?”

Zhao Shusheng grinned. The seventh team was supposed to go to the northwest of the city, but this kid led everyone to the southeast in a daze.

“Zhao Shusheng, Seventh Division, Second Brigade and Seventh Regiment…where are you going to take us?”

It doesn’t matter, there is only one purpose, hoping to meet spies from Tianji Pavilion and obtain the city’s military deployment information.

“I don’t know either. Didn’t we agree to move freely?”

“Boy, if we want to meet the spies from Tianji Pavilion, they are the only ones who come to us, so do we have to make some noise?”

Zhao Shusheng grinned. The seventh team was supposed to go to the northwest of the city, but this kid led everyone to the southeast in a daze.

Zhong Wu was startled, “Don’t call me kid, I’m twenty-two years old!”

It doesn’t matter, there is only one purpose, hoping to meet spies from Tianji Pavilion and obtain the city’s military deployment information.

“Okay, boy, are you married?”

“Boy, if we want to meet the spies from Tianji Pavilion, they are the only ones who come to us, so do we have to make some noise?”

“…Not yet, but my wife has said it, she has said it for almost four years. If we are from the same village, if we are lucky enough to come back alive this time, we will get married.”

Zhong Wu was startled, “Don’t call me kid, I’m twenty-two years old!”

“Aren’t you worried that your wife won’t be able to wait for you for so long?”

“Okay, boy, are you married?”

“No, I went back before this expedition and she promised to wait for me for five years. What about you? Your children must be very old, right?”

“…Not yet, but my wife has said it, she has said it for almost four years. If we are from the same village, if we are lucky enough to come back alive this time, we will get married.”

Zhao Shusheng had an unspeakable look on his face, but no one was paying attention to the conversation at this time.

“Aren’t you worried that your wife won’t be able to wait for you for so long?”

“No, I went back before this expedition and she promised to wait for me for five years. What about you? Your children must be very old, right?”

He did not answer Zhong Wu’s question, but smiled and said: “After we get married, we will retire from the army?”

Zhao Shusheng had an unspeakable look on his face, but no one was paying attention to the conversation at this time.

“Not necessarily, we will see when the time comes. I have been a soldier since I was fourteen, and it has been six years in the blink of an eye. I have been holding this gun for a long time and I can’t bear to put it down… How many years have you been a soldier?”

He did not answer Zhong Wu’s question, but smiled and said: “After we get married, we will retire from the army?”

“I…have been fourteen years!”

“Not necessarily, we will see when the time comes. I have been a soldier since I was fourteen, and it has been six years in the blink of an eye. I have been holding this gun for a long time and I can’t bear to put it down… How many years have you been a soldier?”

Zhong Wu was startled and turned to look at Zhao Shusheng, “Have you participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain?”

“I…have been fourteen years!”

The Battle of Huazhong Plain took place ten years ago. It was the largest battle known as the Battle of Dingding during the Wu Dynasty’s unification of the five kingdoms and the establishment of Daxia.

Zhong Wu was startled and turned to look at Zhao Shusheng, “Have you participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain?”

Among the military, those who participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain are real veterans! And he is a veteran who definitely deserves to be respected!

The Battle of Huazhong Plain took place ten years ago. It was the largest battle known as the Battle of Dingding during the Wu Dynasty’s unification of the five kingdoms and the establishment of Daxia.

Such a soldier has usually been promoted, and no matter how bad he is, he is still a platoon leader.

Among the military, those who participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain are real veterans! And he is a veteran who definitely deserves to be respected!

Zhao Shusheng nodded and said one word: “Yes.”

Such a soldier has usually been promoted, and no matter how bad he is, he is still a platoon leader.

In fact, Zhao Shusheng not only participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plains in the third year of Tiande, he also participated in the earlier Battle of Xiaoheyuan!

Zhao Shusheng nodded and said one word: “Yes.”

The Battle of Xiaoheyuan was a battle between the Divine Sword Army led by Fu Xiaoguan personally against the Desolate Kingdom in the eleventh year of Xuan Li!

In fact, Zhao Shusheng not only participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plains in the third year of Tiande, he also participated in the earlier Battle of Xiaoheyuan!

At that time, he was a new recruit, assigned to Chen Po’s command of the First Army of the Divine Sword Army. Of course, he was a pawn. But now, he is actually the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division!

The Battle of Xiaoheyuan was a battle between the Divine Sword Army led by Fu Xiaoguan personally against the Desolate Kingdom in the eleventh year of Xuan Li!

Peng Cheng took a careful look at the unattractive Zhao Shusheng, thinking that he was probably an old veteran, the kind who cheated and cheated on the battlefield, so he had been a soldier for fourteen years and still could not be reused.

At that time, he was a new recruit, assigned to Chen Po’s command of the First Army of the Divine Sword Army. Of course, he was a pawn. But now, he is actually the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division!

This commando team was selected from very skilled soldiers. I don’t know how this veteran was selected.

Peng Cheng took a careful look at the unattractive Zhao Shusheng, thinking that he was probably an old veteran, the kind who cheated and cheated on the battlefield, so he had been a soldier for fourteen years and still could not be reused.

Thinking like this, he didn’t say anything anymore, feeling a little contempt for Zhao Shusheng in his heart.

This commando team was selected from very skilled soldiers. I don’t know how this veteran was selected.

The eight people speeded up and were about to reach the end of the alley along the alley. Zhao Shusheng suddenly said: “Slow… stop… hide!”

Thinking like this, he didn’t say anything anymore, feeling a little contempt for Zhao Shusheng in his heart.

Zhong Wu was surprised, “What’s wrong?”

The eight people speeded up and were about to reach the end of the alley along the alley. Zhao Shusheng suddenly said: “Slow… stop… hide!”

“There is an enemy! Hurry and take cover!”

Zhong Wu was surprised, “What’s wrong?”

Zhong Wu looked around and then heard the sound of rapid footsteps. When he looked back, he saw that Zhao Shusheng had already opened the door of a room, “Come in!”

“There is an enemy! Hurry and take cover!”

The seven people did not hesitate. They hid in the door of the room. Zhao Shusheng closed the door. After a while, the footsteps outside became increasingly clear.

Zhong Wu looked around and then heard the sound of rapid footsteps. When he looked back, he saw that Zhao Shusheng had already opened the door of a room, “Come in!”

The footsteps were very chaotic, and they gradually faded away after a cup of tea.

The seven people did not hesitate. They hid in the door of the room. Zhao Shusheng closed the door. After a while, the footsteps outside became increasingly clear.

“It’s roughly a team of a thousand people,” Zhao Shusheng wiped his sweat and said, “There are only eight of us, so be careful. Looking at how young you all are, I’m afraid you haven’t married yet, right?”

“If you want to destroy the enemy and go back with your life, be careful. Let’s go!”

The footsteps were very chaotic, and they gradually faded away after a cup of tea.

Zhong Wu couldn’t help but look at the veteran a few more times. The room was dark and he couldn’t see clearly, but Zhong Wu felt a little more admiration in his heart.

“It’s roughly a team of a thousand people,” Zhao Shusheng wiped his sweat and said, “There are only eight of us, so be careful. Looking at how young you all are, I’m afraid you haven’t married yet, right?”

The eight people from the seventh team were running through the streets again. Zhong Wu was much more careful. He led the seven people to avoid three patrols, and finally came to the huge brightly lit place he saw when he was in the air. architecture.

“If you want to destroy the enemy and go back with your life, be careful. Let’s go!”

Eight people jumped onto a roof and lay down on the roof.

Zhong Wu couldn’t help but look at the veteran a few more times. The room was dark and he couldn’t see clearly, but Zhong Wu felt a little more admiration in his heart.

“Is this where you brought us?” Zhao Shusheng asked.

The eight people from the seventh team were running through the streets again. Zhong Wu was much more careful. He led the seven people to avoid three patrols, and finally came to the huge brightly lit place he saw when he was in the air. architecture.

“Well,” Zhong Wu looked at the huge building, with a touch of excitement on his face: “Didn’t Commander Guan give the order before setting off? This place is a dark place for us, so we can only judge for ourselves. ”

Eight people jumped onto a roof and lay down on the roof.

“How do you judge?”

“Is this where you brought us?” Zhao Shusheng asked.

“I think there might be a big fish hiding in here! Think about it, there are not many bright lights in this whole city, why is this place so bright?”

“Well,” Zhong Wu looked at the huge building, with a touch of excitement on his face: “Didn’t Commander Guan give the order before setting off? This place is a dark place for us, so we can only judge for ourselves. ”

Peng Wu paused and then analyzed: “We passed six streets and alleys, but we didn’t hear the voices of the people. We also entered five houses, and they were all empty. This shows that the city is well prepared. Very fully, knowing that Daxia is going to bomb this city, so the people must have been relocated to other places.”

“How do you judge?”

“Everyone, take a look at this building again. It is different from other buildings. It has a wide wall, and there are defenders on the wall and it is heavily guarded. Then this place must be the enemy’s command center!”

“I think there might be a big fish hiding in here! Think about it, there are not many bright lights in this whole city, why is this place so bright?”

“Hey,” Zhong Wu grinned and whispered: “You said that if we raided this command center and captured all the generals inside, would we have achieved the strategic purpose of this airborne landing? ”

Peng Wu paused and then analyzed: “We passed six streets and alleys, but we didn’t hear the voices of the people. We also entered five houses, and they were all empty. This shows that the city is well prepared. Very fully, knowing that Daxia is going to bomb this city, so the people must have been relocated to other places.”

Zhao Shusheng also took a second look at Zhong Wu at this moment and felt that this kid’s analysis was quite reasonable.

“Everyone, take a look at this building again. It is different from other buildings. It has a wide wall, and there are defenders on the wall and it is heavily guarded. Then this place must be the enemy’s command center!”

He took out the telescope, carefully observed the defense on the city wall, and handed the telescope to Zhong Wu: “Look, you are the leader of our seventh team, can you tell us how to raid this place? ”

“Hey,” Zhong Wu grinned and whispered: “You said that if we raided this command center and captured all the generals inside, would we have achieved the strategic purpose of this airborne landing? ”

Zhong Wu took a look at the binoculars and immediately took a breath of cold air – there were not only soldiers on duty on the city wall, but also watchtowers and towers!

Zhao Shusheng also took a second look at Zhong Wu at this moment and felt that this kid’s analysis was quite reasonable.

Although this can prove that this place must be an important place, the question is, how can one enter this wall without anyone noticing?

He took out the telescope, carefully observed the defense on the city wall, and handed the telescope to Zhong Wu: “Look, you are the leader of our seventh team, can you tell us how to raid this place? ”

The seventh team only has eight people, and there are almost a hundred people visible on the city wall. It is unknown what the situation is inside.

Zhong Wu took a look at the binoculars and immediately took a breath of cold air – there were not only soldiers on duty on the city wall, but also watchtowers and towers!

Zhong Wu thought for a moment, touched the hook around his waist and the two hanging hands and thunder, and issued the first order in his life——

Although this can prove that this place must be an important place, the question is, how can one enter this wall without anyone noticing?

“You guys wait here, I’ll go around to the west and find an opening to climb the city wall from the north to launch a surprise attack.”

The seventh team only has eight people, and there are almost a hundred people visible on the city wall. It is unknown what the situation is inside.

“The enemies in the southwest will definitely be attracted. You should also find an opportunity to climb over the city wall, but do not participate in the battle!”

Zhong Wu thought for a moment, touched the hook around his waist and the two hanging hands and thunder, and issued the first order in his life——

“You go in and go directly to the high building. If you find the coach, of course he will capture it. If you can’t find him…after half an hour, everyone will retreat and gather here!”

“You guys wait here, I’ll go around to the west and find an opening to climb the city wall from the north to launch a surprise attack.”

Zhao Shusheng thought for a while, “I’ll lure the enemies away, and you lead them in.”

“The enemies in the southwest will definitely be attracted. You should also find an opportunity to climb over the city wall, but do not participate in the battle!”

“I am the captain, I have the final say!”

“You go in and go directly to the high building. If you find the coach, of course he will capture it. If you can’t find him…after half an hour, everyone will retreat and gather here!”

Zhao Shusheng grinned: “I am the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division! Soldier, follow the orders of my commander!”

Zhao Shusheng thought for a while, “I’ll lure the enemies away, and you lead them in.”

“I am the captain, I have the final say!”

Zhao Shusheng grinned: “I am the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division! Soldier, follow the orders of my commander!”

The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1337: Blind Cat, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

“Boy, what’s your name? Which division do you belong to?”

The seventh team was walking through the streets, and a veteran of about forty years suddenly asked., the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

“Oh, my name is Zhong Wu, I am from the 2nd Division, 3rd Brigade, 8th Regiment, 6th Battalion and 4th Platoon. What about you?”

“Boy, what’s your name? Which division do you belong to?”

“Zhao Shusheng, Seventh Division, Second Brigade and Seventh Regiment…where are you going to take us?”

The seventh team was walking through the streets and alleys, and a veteran about forty years old suddenly asked.

“I don’t know either. Didn’t we agree to move freely?”

“Oh, my name is Zhong Wu, I am from the 2nd Division, 3rd Brigade, 8th Regiment, 6th Battalion and 4th Platoon. What about you?”

Zhao Shusheng grinned. The seventh team was supposed to go to the northwest of the city, but this kid led everyone to the southeast in a daze.

“Zhao Shusheng, Seventh Division, Second Brigade and Seventh Regiment…where are you going to take us?”

It doesn’t matter, there is only one purpose, hoping to meet spies from Tianji Pavilion and obtain the city’s military deployment information.

“I don’t know either. Didn’t we agree to move freely?”

“Boy, if we want to meet the spies from Tianji Pavilion, they are the only ones who come to us, so do we have to make some noise?”

Zhao Shusheng grinned. The seventh team was supposed to go to the northwest of the city, but this kid led everyone to the southeast in a daze.

Zhong Wu was startled, “Don’t call me kid, I’m twenty-two years old!”

It doesn’t matter, there is only one purpose, hoping to meet spies from Tianji Pavilion and obtain the city’s military deployment information.

“Okay, boy, are you married?”

“Boy, if we want to meet the spies from Tianji Pavilion, they are the only ones who come to us, so do we have to make some noise?”

“…Not yet, but my wife has said it, she has said it for almost four years. If we are from the same village, if we are lucky enough to come back alive this time, we will get married.”

Zhong Wu was startled, “Don’t call me kid, I’m twenty-two years old!”

“Aren’t you worried that your wife won’t be able to wait for you for so long?”

“Okay, boy, are you married?”

“No, I went back before this expedition and she promised to wait for me for five years. What about you? Your children must be very old, right?”

“…Not yet, but my wife has said it, she has said it for almost four years. If we are from the same village, if we are lucky enough to come back alive this time, we will get married.”

Zhao Shusheng had an unspeakable look on his face, but no one was paying attention to the conversation at this time.

“Aren’t you worried that your wife won’t be able to wait for you for so long?”

“No, I went back before this expedition and she promised to wait for me for five years. What about you? Your children must be very old, right?”

He did not answer Zhong Wu’s question, but smiled and said: “After we get married, we will retire from the army?”

Zhao Shusheng had an unspeakable look on his face, but no one was paying attention to the conversation at this time.

“Not necessarily, we will see when the time comes. I have been a soldier since I was fourteen, and it has been six years in the blink of an eye. I have been holding this gun for a long time and I can’t bear to put it down… How many years have you been a soldier?”

He did not answer Zhong Wu’s question, but smiled and said: “After we get married, we will retire from the army?”

“I…have been fourteen years!”

“Not necessarily, we will see when the time comes. I have been a soldier since I was fourteen, and it has been six years in the blink of an eye. I have been holding this gun for a long time and I can’t bear to put it down… How many years have you been a soldier?”

Zhong Wu was startled and turned to look at Zhao Shusheng, “Have you participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain?”

“I…have been fourteen years!”

The Battle of Huazhong Plain took place ten years ago. It was the largest battle known as the Battle of Dingding during the Wu Dynasty’s unification of the five kingdoms and the establishment of Daxia.

Zhong Wu was startled and turned to look at Zhao Shusheng, “Have you participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain?”

Among the military, those who participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain are real veterans! And he is a veteran who definitely deserves to be respected!

The Battle of Huazhong Plain took place ten years ago. It was the largest battle known as the Battle of Dingding during the Wu Dynasty’s unification of the five kingdoms and the establishment of Daxia.

Such a soldier has usually been promoted, and no matter how bad he is, he is still a platoon leader.

Among the military, those who participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plain are real veterans! And he is a veteran who definitely deserves to be respected!

Zhao Shusheng nodded and said one word: “Yes.”

Such a soldier has usually been promoted, and no matter how bad he is, he is still a platoon leader.

In fact, Zhao Shusheng not only participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plains in the third year of Tiande, he also participated in the earlier Battle of Xiaoheyuan!

Zhao Shusheng nodded and said one word: “Yes.”

The Battle of Xiaoheyuan was a battle between the Divine Sword Army led by Fu Xiaoguan personally against the Desolate Kingdom in the eleventh year of Xuan Li!

In fact, Zhao Shusheng not only participated in the Battle of Huazhong Plains in the third year of Tiande, he also participated in the earlier Battle of Xiaoheyuan!

At that time, he was a new recruit, assigned to Chen Po’s command of the First Army of the Divine Sword Army. Of course, he was a pawn. But now, he is actually the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division!

The Battle of Xiaoheyuan was a battle between the Divine Sword Army led by Fu Xiaoguan personally against the Desolate Kingdom in the eleventh year of Xuan Li!

Peng Cheng took a careful look at the unattractive Zhao Shusheng, thinking that he was probably an old veteran, the kind who cheated and cheated on the battlefield, so he had been a soldier for fourteen years and still could not be reused.

At that time, he was a new recruit, assigned to Chen Po’s command of the First Army of the Divine Sword Army. Of course, he was a pawn. But now, he is actually the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division!

This commando team was selected from very skilled soldiers. I don’t know how this veteran was selected.

Peng Cheng took a careful look at the unattractive Zhao Shusheng, thinking that he was probably an old veteran, the kind who cheated and cheated on the battlefield, so he had been a soldier for fourteen years and still could not be reused.

Thinking like this, he didn’t say anything anymore, feeling a little contempt for Zhao Shusheng in his heart.

This commando team was selected from very skilled soldiers. I don’t know how this veteran was selected.

The eight people speeded up and were about to reach the end of the alley along the alley. Zhao Shusheng suddenly said: “Slow… stop… hide!”

Thinking like this, he didn’t say anything anymore, feeling a little contempt for Zhao Shusheng in his heart.

Zhong Wu was surprised, “What’s wrong?”

The eight people speeded up and were about to reach the end of the alley along the alley. Zhao Shusheng suddenly said: “Slow… stop… hide!”

“There is an enemy! Hurry and take cover!”

Zhong Wu was surprised, “What’s wrong?”

Zhong Wu looked around and then heard the sound of rapid footsteps. When he looked back, he saw that Zhao Shusheng had already opened the door of a room, “Come in!”

“There is an enemy! Hurry and take cover!”

The seven people did not hesitate. They hid in the door of the room. Zhao Shusheng closed the door. After a while, the footsteps outside became increasingly clear.

Zhong Wu looked around and then heard the sound of rapid footsteps. When he looked back, he saw that Zhao Shusheng had already opened the door of a room, “Come in!”

The footsteps were very chaotic, and they gradually faded away after a cup of tea.

The seven people did not hesitate. They hid in the door of the room. Zhao Shusheng closed the door. After a while, the footsteps outside became increasingly clear.

“It’s roughly a team of a thousand people,” Zhao Shusheng wiped his sweat and said, “There are only eight of us, so be careful. Looking at how young you all are, I’m afraid you haven’t married yet, right?”

“If you want to destroy the enemy and go back with your life, be careful. Let’s go!”

The footsteps were very chaotic, and they gradually faded away after a cup of tea.

Zhong Wu couldn’t help but look at the veteran a few more times. The room was dark and he couldn’t see clearly, but Zhong Wu felt a little more admiration in his heart.

“It’s roughly a team of a thousand people,” Zhao Shusheng wiped his sweat and said, “There are only eight of us, so be careful. Looking at how young you all are, I’m afraid you haven’t married yet, right?”

The eight people from the seventh team were running through the streets again. Zhong Wu was much more careful. He led the seven people to avoid three patrols, and finally came to the huge brightly lit place he saw when he was in the air. architecture.

“If you want to destroy the enemy and go back with your life, be careful. Let’s go!”

Eight people jumped onto a roof and lay down on the roof.

Zhong Wu couldn’t help but look at the veteran a few more times. The room was dark and he couldn’t see clearly, but Zhong Wu felt a little more admiration in his heart.

“Is this where you brought us?” Zhao Shusheng asked.

The eight people from the seventh team were running through the streets again. Zhong Wu was much more careful. He led the seven people to avoid three patrols, and finally came to the huge brightly lit place he saw when he was in the air. architecture.

“Well,” Zhong Wu looked at the huge building, with a touch of excitement on his face: “Didn’t Commander Guan give the order before setting off? This place is a dark place for us, so we can only judge for ourselves. ”

Eight people jumped onto a roof and lay down on the roof.

“How do you judge?”

“Is this where you brought us?” Zhao Shusheng asked.

“I think there might be a big fish hiding in here! Think about it, there are not many bright lights in this whole city, why is this place so bright?”

“Well,” Zhong Wu looked at the huge building, with a touch of excitement on his face: “Didn’t Commander Guan give the order before setting off? This place is a dark place for us, so we can only judge for ourselves. ”

Peng Wu paused and then analyzed: “We passed six streets and alleys, but we didn’t hear the voices of the people. We also entered five houses, and they were all empty. This shows that the city is well prepared. Very fully, knowing that Daxia is going to bomb this city, so the people must have been relocated to other places.”

“How do you judge?”

“Everyone, take a look at this building again. It is different from other buildings. It has a wide wall, and there are defenders on the wall and it is heavily guarded. Then this place must be the enemy’s command center!”

“I think there might be a big fish hiding in here! Think about it, there are not many bright lights in this whole city, why is this place so bright?”

“Hey,” Zhong Wu grinned and whispered: “You said that if we raided this command center and captured all the generals inside, would we have achieved the strategic purpose of this airborne landing? ”

Peng Wu paused and then analyzed: “We passed six streets and alleys, but we didn’t hear the voices of the people. We also entered five houses, and they were all empty. This shows that the city is well prepared. Very fully, knowing that Daxia is going to bomb this city, so the people must have been relocated to other places.”

Zhao Shusheng also took a second look at Zhong Wu at this moment and felt that this kid’s analysis was quite reasonable.

“Everyone, take a look at this building again. It is different from other buildings. It has a wide wall, and there are defenders on the wall and it is heavily guarded. Then this place must be the enemy’s command center!”

He took out the telescope, carefully observed the defense on the city wall, and handed the telescope to Zhong Wu: “Look, you are the leader of our seventh team, can you tell us how to raid this place? ”

“Hey,” Zhong Wu grinned and whispered: “You said that if we raided this command center and captured all the generals inside, would we have achieved the strategic purpose of this airborne landing? ”

Zhong Wu took a look at the binoculars and immediately took a breath of cold air – there were not only soldiers on duty on the city wall, but also watchtowers and towers!

Zhao Shusheng also took a second look at Zhong Wu at this moment and felt that this kid’s analysis was quite reasonable.

Although this can prove that this place must be an important place, the question is, how can one enter this wall without anyone noticing?

He took out the telescope, carefully observed the defense on the city wall, and handed the telescope to Zhong Wu: “Look, you are the leader of our seventh team, can you tell us how to raid this place? ”

The seventh team only has eight people, and there are almost a hundred people visible on the city wall. It is unknown what the situation is inside.

Zhong Wu took a look at the binoculars and immediately took a breath of cold air – there were not only soldiers on duty on the city wall, but also watchtowers and towers!

Zhong Wu thought for a moment, touched the hook around his waist and the two hanging hands and thunder, and issued the first order in his life——

Although this can prove that this place must be an important place, the question is, how can one enter this wall without anyone noticing?

“You guys wait here, I’ll go around to the west and find an opening to climb the city wall from the north to launch a surprise attack.”

The seventh team only has eight people, and there are almost a hundred people visible on the city wall. It is unknown what the situation is inside.

“The enemies in the southwest will definitely be attracted. You should also find an opportunity to climb over the city wall, but do not participate in the battle!”

Zhong Wu thought for a moment, touched the hook around his waist and the two hanging hands and thunder, and issued the first order in his life——

“You go in and go directly to the high building. If you find the coach, of course he will capture it. If you can’t find him…after half an hour, everyone will retreat and gather here!”

“You guys wait here, I’ll go around to the west and find an opening to climb the city wall from the north to launch a surprise attack.”

Zhao Shusheng thought for a while, “I’ll lure the enemies away, and you lead them in.”

“The enemies in the southwest will definitely be attracted. You should also find an opportunity to climb over the city wall, but do not participate in the battle!”

“I am the captain, I have the final say!”

“You go in and go directly to the high building. If you find the coach, of course he will capture it. If you can’t find him…after half an hour, everyone will retreat and gather here!”

Zhao Shusheng grinned: “I am the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division! Soldier, follow the orders of my commander!”

Zhao Shusheng thought for a while, “I’ll lure the enemies away, and you lead them in.”

“I am the captain, I have the final say!”

Zhao Shusheng grinned: “I am the commander of the seventh regiment of the second brigade of the seventh division! Soldier, follow the orders of my commander!”

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