The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1208: Biyefang, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

The Sifang Building in Chang’an City was moved from Wofeng District to No. 378 Zhuque Street.

This place also has a name, called Qidao Bridge – Xiushui River passes through the city around the palace. There are four bridges connecting the palace, and then along Zhuque Street, there are Wudao Bridge and Six Bridges from south to north. Bridge to Jiudao Bridge.

Qidao Bridge is at the northern end of Zhuque Street. Across the Qidao Bridge is the Night Market on Chang’an Street. There is no curfew in Chang’an City. As the name suggests, Night Market is a city without nights.

How do the residents of Chang’an spend their nights?

The night life of rich people is actually quite rich. Women will meet up with their friends and best friends to play mahjong at home, while men… more often drink and go to brothels to have tea.

Buyefang is the center where brothels emerged in Chang’an City.

This location is also excellent. It is connected to Zhuque Street through Qidao Bridge. It is still a central location in Chang’an City.

The location of Sifang Building is of course better. It is at the end of Qidao Bridge, facing the wide Zhuque Street, with Xiushui River at its back. Standing on the third floor and looking towards Night Square, you might be able to see someone on the top of the building. The lady who comes to relax in the breeze.

If you have a telescope… you might even be able to peek at some beautiful spring flowers and autumn moon.

At this moment, Yan Xiwen and others were standing on the third floor of Sifang Building.

This is the platform on the roof of the building. It is huge and even has a rockery pavilion on it.

Standing on this platform, Yan Xiwen pointed to the brightly lit Evernight Square and said with a smile: “Look, such a big city is full of lively and fragrant places. Compared with the one in Jinling, The Qinhuai River is a lot more lively! ā€

As he said this, he turned to look at Qin Mowen, “Brother Mowen must have thought about diverting a branch of the Xiushui River to Buyyefang when he built Chang’an City. This is simply a stroke of genius!”

“You actually named that river Rouge River…Brother Mo Wen, did you design Nightclub as a brothel gathering place back then?”

Qin Mowen gave a wry smile, “This is not my idea, this is His Majesty’s idea. As for the Rouge River, I named it, but the original intention of building that river was not to use for those brothels to house painting boats.”

“What is that used for?”

“Your Majesty said it was used to prevent fire.”

Yun Xiyan burst out laughing when he heard this, “Who can be so angry? Is it possible that there are so many young ladies in Yifang who can’t put out the fire?”

Of course his words were nonsense, but they made everyone laugh.

“I’ve been in Chang’an for half a year, don’t say that I just realized that there is such a good place right under our noses…” Yun Xiyan looked at Huo Huaijin, “Commander Huo, this is yours Let me tell you guys, among the hundreds of brothels in Buyefang, which one is the most famous?”

Huo Huaijin glared at Yun Xiyan when he heard this: “You guys came here a long time before me. Besides… I really don’t believe that you, Yun Shangshu, have never been to Sleepless Night!”

Yun Xiyan spread his hands and said, “You have really wronged me. Since taking over the household department, I have really been working on two points and one line. I was so busy that I merged the household department and the commercial department. The accounts should be sorted out, otherwise, Sifanglou might not even bother to come.”

This is true. Whether it is Yan Xiwen, Ning Yuchun, Qin Mowen, etc., the new leadership team in Daxia today are so busy that the brothels in Buyefang have not received a few so far. This official of Chang’an City.

So there were rumors that the Emperor of Great Xia had banned officials from coming to Evernight, and there were also rumors that the new officials had taken office three times, and His Majesty was in Chang’an, so they dared not go anywhere.

The fact is that Fu Xiaoguan did not ban it, but these officials really did not have time.

I am as tired as a dog during the day, and my mind is full of things from the DPRK and China. Coupled with the birth of a new power structure, officials from various departments must work together and cooperate. After work, I will visit each department. Department heads, please make it easier for your departments.

This is temporary. When Daxia’s new power structure is functioning normally, and when everyone is familiar with their positions, they will have free time, and they will naturally invite friends to spend some time in the nightclub.

“I’m afraid I won’t have time this year, but now everything is on track. I guess next year… next year we will have time to drink and listen to music.”

Ning Yuchun looked at the place where singing and dancing flourished, and said with a smile: “I heard that Jinling’s national beauty and Tianxiang and Guanyun City’s Liuyuntai both spent huge sums of money to build their respective brothels here. , it is said that the facilities are first-class, and oirans from all over the country gather here, and the winner has not yet been decided.”

“I heard that the 380 Brothel of Night Palace has agreed to hold an oiran competition on March 3 next year. I’m afraid it will be a grand event in Chang’an!”

When Yan Xiwen heard this, his eyes lit up, “That’s a good relationship. If we have time then, let’s go and join in the fun.”

Yun Xiyan said with a smile: “Once the courtesan is out of the competition, I am afraid that his worth will double, and the worth of other ladies will also be raised. It seems… I have to go to Nightclub to have fun as soon as possible, next year Iā€™m afraid the price will go up.ā€

While everyone was joking, Fu Xiaoguan, Liu Jin and Ning Siyan walked into the square building and went up to the second floor.

The second floor was full of private rooms. Fu Xiaoguan didn’t know which private room Huo Huaijin and the others were in, so he sent Liu Jin to knock on the doors one by one.

It was dinner time, and the private room on the second floor was already full.

When Liu Jin knocked on the door of the fifth private room, looked inside, and even slightly apologized, there was a roar from the door:

“Who the **** are you? You have no eyes!”

“…Ah, sir, I’m sorry, I’m looking for someone to disturb you!”

Just as Liu Jin was about to exit, Fu Xiaoguan heard another scolding coming from inside: “Looking for someone who came to my room? Do you know who are sitting here? Get out!”

Liu Jin really got out.

The man inside kicked Liu Jin in the abdomen and kicked him out alive from the door.

Liu Jin cried while holding her stomach. He crawled to Fu Xiaoguan’s side and hugged Fu Xiaoguan’s thigh: “Your Majesty, Master, I have embarrassed you!”

It depends on the owner to beat a dog. Are people nowadays so arrogant?

Ning Siyan looked at Fu Xiaoguan’s face. Fu Xiaoguan’s face was a little dark.

He walked over and came to the door of Nayajian. He raised his leg and kicked it.


The door was kicked to pieces by Ning Siyan. The people inside seemed to be startled, and then a voice suddenly sounded:

“Who are you? Do you want to rebel? Come here, arrest him and beat him until you don’t even recognize his mother!”

Ning Siyan stood calmly and realized that there were actually six extremely strong foreign men standing in this private room.

They are not Han people, but more like barbarians from Cilechuan or Xixia Autonomous Region.

The six men, with nine-ringed swords hanging on their waists, walked towards Ning Siyan with long strides.

“Forget it, Mr. Tuoba, this is Chang’an after all, and there is still little trouble under the emperor’s feet.”

“What about the emperor’s feet? I am the son of the governor of the Xixia Autonomous Region. These untouchables come to disturb me again and again. If it were in Xixia, I would have killed these untouchables long ago!”

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