The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1119: Departure, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

A passenger ship sailing from Jinling to the Far East Road arrived at Ezo Port.

This is a private passenger ship that has been sailing on the vast sea for two full months.

This passenger ship carried more than 800 people, of which 300 were sailors and boatmen, and the remaining 500 were servants.

They served Yu Shurong, the eldest princess of the former Yu Dynasty, and Sakura, the princess of the former Liu Kingdom.

The eldest princess Yu Shurong sold all her property in Jinling in exchange for a boatload of gold and silver jewelry. She and Sakura came to the Far East Road. This may or may not be where she belongs.

Yu Shurong and Yinghua finally set foot on land. What she saw was a busy dock and a large busy dock further away.

Sakura has already written a letter to Fujiwara Noriho, and it is Fujiwara Noriho who is waiting for them here with three servants.

The moment Sakura saw Fujiwara Noriho, her eyes tightened. Fujiwara Noriho was holding a baby in his arms!

“Are you married?”

Fujiwara Norihiro smiled brightly and nodded after a moment.

“When did you get married?”

“…November last year.”

“How old is the child?”

“It’s only been two months… Let’s go. According to your wishes, I bought a yard for you in Ezo, not far from where I live. The yard is nice, with mountains and water. I’ll wait and see if there’s anything else I’m missing. Tell me…who is this?”

Yu Shurong looked at Fujiwara Jixiang and smiled slightly, “I am Sakura’s friend, Yu Shurong.”

“Oh, you brought a lot of things. Actually, it’s not necessary. Now Ezo is much more prosperous than before. Whether it’s things from Kanun City or Jinling, you can now buy them here, even Nishiyama Tian We have good wine and it’s not expensive. After you have some rest, I’ll take you for a walk.”

“Thank you sister.”

“Your Highness, please don’t be polite to me. No matter what, we are good friends who grew up together.”

“Don’t call me Your Highness again, the Liu Kingdom… has been dead for a long time.”

This is a sad topic. Fujiwara Norihiro smiled apologetically and changed his words, “Sister Sakura, please get in the car.”

“Okay, please ask sister Ji Xiang to lead the way.”

The mighty motorcade drove out from the Ezo Pier, wandered around Ezo City for a full hour, and came to a quiet street and stopped in front of the gate of a courtyard. .

“This is it. The whole street here is built in the Jiangnan style. There are five courtyards inside and outside the courtyard. It is beautifully decorated. The price is a bit more expensive, but you can live comfortably. My courtyard is right here. The fifth room, we can visit frequently from now on.”

“Are all the people who buy these yards from Ezo?” Yu Shurong asked curiously.

“No, they are all businessmen from the interior of Daxia. Next door to you is the Sima family, which has the largest silk business in Daxia, but they rarely live here. By the way, I’m afraid you are still here when you first arrive. I don’t know, there’s going to be another war on the sea.”

Yu Shurong was startled, “Fighting? With whom?”

“I heard from my father that he was fighting Franky… the same Franky who once destroyed the Ryukyu Kingdom. The battle report has not been sent back yet, and I don’t know if our Daxia navy and Franky have met. ”

With Daxia’s national power, Yu Shurong firmly believed that Daxia’s army was invincible on land, but at sea…

This was the first time Yu Shurong saw the sea, and she realized that the sea was unimaginably huge.

It is necessary to fight at sea through battleships. The Daxia Navy has only been established for just three years and has only had one actual battle. Although it won, I heard that the casualties were also quite heavy.

I don’t know how many enemies have come this time. Can the Daxia Navy defeat them?

If it cannot be defeated, this Frankie battleship sails into the Far East Road, and this place will probably be devastated again.

It seems the time is not right.

“Go in, don’t worry, we are watching Daxia’s first fleet training. Father said that although we have a few fewer battleships, we will definitely be able to win.”

Obviously, these three women did not have much in-depth understanding of the war. They put their worries behind them and followed Fujiwara Noriho into the courtyard.

Sure enough, it is still the familiar Jiangnan flavor.

Yu Shurong ordered people to move in boxes of gold and silver jewelry, and the three of them came to rest under the pavilion next to the lotus pond in the main courtyard.

Sakura looked around and suddenly found that there was no trace of the original Ryukoku in such a yard.

She has been to Ezo before. It was very poor at that time and almost all the people living there were fishermen who made a living by fishing all year round. But what about now?

“I heard that you opened a canning workshop here?” Sakura asked.

Fujiwara Noriho smiled lightly, “Originally there was only one location, but now… there are five locations now.”

“Made a lot of money?”

“It’s okay, but it’s mainly because Daxia Jinfeng Group invested a lot of money, otherwise it wouldn’t have developed so fast.”

Yu Shurong was slightly startled. Daxia Jinfeng Group’s properties in the mainland were already very large. Even her properties in Nanshan were sold to Daxia Jinfeng Group.

She always felt that there was a shadow of Fu Xiaoguan in this, but then she thought, Fu Xiaoguan is now the emperor of Daxia, why should he be like this.

So who is behind the Jinfeng Group?

“I remember that almost everyone in Ezo is fishermen.”

“Well, it is the same now, but they go ashore and no longer have a boat for a lifetime like before. The men still go to the sea to fish, but the women stay at home. In my workshop, there are mostly women. , their income is not less than that of their men, so many former fishermen also bought houses in Ezo City and settled down.”

“When their children reach the age of six, they must also attend school. I think that in another generation or two, the craft of fishing may be lost.”

Yinghua listened silently, and she also thought of Fu Xiaoguan.

The lives of the people in Far East Road are getting better day by day, probably many times better than in the Liu Kingdom era.

With such good days, how could the people of the Far East Road remember that this place was once called Liu Country.

“Everything has passed, and now is a new chapter. Sister Sakura, please live here. If you are willing, you can also do other businesses. There are quite a lot of people coming from Daxia. In fact, now, No one calls themselves Liu people anymore.”

Sakura nodded and forced a smile, “Who is your husband-in-law? He must be the son of a high official.”

The corners of Fujiwara Norihiro’s mouth curled up slightly. She raised her head and looked at the blue sky. Yes, he was indeed the son of a high official.

“He is very busy and rarely comes back. I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to see him.”

“Then you have to be careful. This man is just like a cat when he is not around, always stealing food!”

Fujiwara Jixiang looked at the baby in his arms and laughed at himself: “What can be done about this? Who knows that he is so capable that I can’t stop.”

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