The World of Deities Chapter 957: It feels normal

“The chaos of heaven and earth, the unity of all worlds.”

“I don’t know the beginning, I don’t know the end.”

“Between heaven and earth, the first life is born.”

“My name is Pangu.”

“Pangu opened his eyes and saw the ten directions of heaven and earth closed like eggs”

“He said that when he was born as a human, he should open up the world for the human race.”

“He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the endless mighty power gathered into an axe.”

“He swings a giant axe.”

“The chaos does not move, the world does not move.”

“So, he merged blood and flesh, soul and bone into one force, and once again swung the great axe to split the chaos, tear the void, and open up the multi-universe, which is known as the world.”

“With just one wave, my life will be exhausted.”

“His body and soul burned, scattered in the multiverse.”

“Part of the filthy body and part of the spirit of clarity fall on the infinite plane…”

“The filthy body is turned into evil, and it is born strong.”

“The thoughts of clear spirits are transformed into human beings, slowly nurturing in the turbid things…”

After reading this, Little Medea was extremely excited because she always felt that she was a human being.

The demigods and false gods present were frightened.

Feared for Su Ye to fabricate a brand new God of Creation.

I was also shocked by the peculiar creation myth that this infinite plane has never heard of.

All the creation myths of the Infinite Plane have a common feature. Human beings are weak and lowly. Only the God of Creation and his direct descendants are great and can inherit the power of God of Creation.

But in Su Ye’s creation myth, the creation **** is human, and the best power of the creation **** is also transformed into human beings.

Although there are few descriptions of Pangu, it contains an indescribable grandeur.

Born to be a man, to create a world.

The more I listened, the more panic the demigods and false gods became. This Su Ye was too courageous.

Aren’t you afraid of the will backlash of the Infinite Plane?

Aren’t you afraid of those real creation gods?

Little Medea is in high spirits to continue reading.

“There is Thales-the clear spirit of jade, pioneering philosophy, creating magic, history, philosophical era…”

“There is Socrates-the clear spirit of the supreme, bringing philosophy from the sky back to the world…”

“Plato-the clear spirit of the Tai, create a world of ideas, open up an ideal country…”

Little Medea finished reading the names of the three masters, and all the demigods and false gods only felt that the world was shaken, and a strange power poured into the human world.

It’s like a drizzle like a thing silent, but it resonates with the soul.

All the gods are shocked.

Little Corgi is crying, it’s over…

The goddess of the holy lake clenched her fists, and the water of the lake was flowing along the fists, surely it was still arousing the power of the plane…

Those false gods who have traveled to the infinite planes have a hint of curiosity besides fear.

It’s okay to fabricate the creation myth, it may cause plane changes, rarely.


“With Pythagoras-the clear spirit of number, create an immortal territory where everything is counted…”

“Euclidean-the clear spirit of geometry, forging axioms, forge the foundation of eternity…”

“There is Aristotle-the clear spirit of logic, the principle of opening, the logic of definite…”

“There is Su Ye-the King of Magic, the master of masters, who opened up magic sequences and built the foundation of God-level…”

Little Medea almost laughed when she read this.

The demigods and false gods are speechless.

Little Medea continues to read.

Those famous philosophers and magicians in history are listed among them.

After establishing the pedigree of the magician, the pen sharpened.

“However, the evil Zeus, fearing the pure spirit, has repeatedly destroyed the world.”

“The evil Zeus descended on the monstrous waters. It is said that Zeus destroyed the world for the first time in history.”

“Noah, the muddy thing, was afraid, knelt down and begged for mercy, stealing the **** ship, and fleeing with only his family and food.”

“Thylus is fearless and fearless, communicates with the ancient kings, and uses the power of ancestors to incarnate Thales-Dayu to treat floods and save life.”

“The evil Zeus was unwilling to accept the plague, and it is said that Zeus destroyed the world for the second time.”

“The magic king Su Ye and Euclid joined forces to communicate with the ancient kings, and with the power of their ancestors, they became Euclid-Su Ye-Shen Nong, swept the plague, and cured all souls…”

Little Medea was taken aback, all the demigods took a breath, writing these in this kind of formal book, Zeus will naturally know that the other party is the king of gods.

Also, what is the ancient king?

They looked at each other and couldn’t sit still.

Vaguely retreat.

Little Medea continues to read.

“After Zeus descended Pandora’s Box and the army of gods, it is said that Zeus destroyed the world for the third time.”

“Su Ye, like a mortal, stood shoulder to shoulder with the gods, resisted the army of Zeus, opened a peaceful and prosperous world for two hundred years, historically known as the revival of magic…”

“Occasionally, Su Ye was on a whim and saw the dark fog in the British mainland, knowing that the evil **** was at work, so…”

Read and read, to the end.

“Su Ye conferred the gods and slashed the black witch gods.”

The “Book of Creation” is over.

Su Ye waved his hand, thousands of papers flew out, and magic power copied text on it.

“Distribute this book to all parts of the British mainland, various temples, towns, and magic schools. Starting today, the British mainland has the same text, the same pronunciation, the same track, the same line, the same currency, the same weight, but Separation of the Four Kingdoms…”

The British primitive gods looked at each other. What are these?

What is this going to do?

Little Corgi whispered: “After that, our gold coin unit will be called ‘Su’?”

“The copper coin can be called a corgi.” Guyyo said.

“You can also call it Dogecoin, and engrave little Corgi’s head on the copper coin.” The stump-armed giant joked.

“I think it’s OK! Wang!” Little Corgi was very excited.

The Laoshan God coughed slightly and said: “Your Majesty, do you…do you feel anything?”

“What does it feel? The people of Great Britain believe in the creation of Pangu, and it feels normal.” Su Ye said.

“It’s… after writing “The Book of Creation”, the feeling is different.”

“I think about it, I feel… After scolding Zeus and blowing myself, I feel more comfortable.” Su Ye smiled.

“But…Are you not repelled by the plane?” Laoshan Shinto.

“I’m so loyal and honest, and dedicated to protecting the plane, how can the plane reject me? What’s more, there is not only one creation **** or great mother **** on this plane, and unless they collectively oppose it, nothing will happen. “Su Yedao.

“I mean…you made up a creation **** named…Pangu, wouldn’t it arouse the anger of the will of the infinite plane?” The Laoshan **** is like a small stone on the side of the road, for fear of being kicked. Kicked.

Su Ye smiled slightly, looked around at the sky, then looked around at the gods, and said, “Don’t you think that the great creation **** who denies himself for man is more suitable for us as human beings than those who bite dogs? I think, If the infinite plane really has a unified will, then he must be tired of the greed of the gods and the destruction of this world, and prefer us magicians who are constantly creating value to make the world a better place.”

“That’s what I said, but… you really don’t worry at all? You are still just a demigod…” Laoshan God is helpless, why this Su Ye can’t get in.

“It doesn’t matter, now the will of the infinite plane is with me. We will make progress together and kill Zeus, who represents backward, conservative and reactionary.”

“Your Majesty, what does reaction mean?”

“Retrogressors in the inevitable historical process, the chief culprit hindering human progress.”

“Your creation lineage seems to have caused a change in the plane.” The giant tree **** said cautiously.

“I noticed this.”

“This means that your creation **** cannot be changed. Either everyone in the entire pedigree is completely destroyed and disappeared from the infinite plane, or it gradually grows and truly forms… the magic **** system.”

“There is no magic **** system, only magic man system.” Su Ye corrected.

“By doing this, you can indeed slightly change the status quo in the British mainland. In a few decades, everyone will gradually abandon their belief in foreign gods and only respect the local gods. But…what about us?” Be more cautious.

“What are you guys?”

“We don’t exist on the pedigree.” Giant Tree Shinto.

The primitive gods looked at Su Ye carefully.

“Well…you want to be on the list too?” Su Ye asked.

“We also want to integrate into the magic world and become the most loyal collaborator of magicians.” Giant Tree Shinto.

The primitive gods nodded vigorously.

“Are you now afraid that something wrong with the Book of Creation will affect you?”

The face of the giant tree god’s withered bark clumped together, and said helplessly: “When you finish writing the Book of Creation, we have no choice. Either integrate into your genealogy or be affected by the infinite plane. His will and other gods were slaughtered. Because…you, the genealogy, the primitive gods and the British continent, at that moment, have merged into one.”

The goddess of the holy lake said: “From then on, the human world will have five powers, the Nordic gods, the Persian gods, the Greek gods, the Egyptian gods, and the magician genealogy.”

Su Ye thought for a while and said: “Let you join the genealogy instead of the gods, I feel a little wronged for you.”

“Not wronged…” A group of primitive gods vaguely felt that Su Ye was going to do something big again, and they couldn’t give Su Ye an excuse.

Su Ye waved his hand and said, “That’s not okay. Let’s just create a new one, which is under the pedigree of the magician. The primitive gods of England are all included in it. They are responsible for the operation of the British gods. Our magicians will no longer interfere with England. God, how?”

“Your Majesty, please!” The primitive gods were extremely excited.

“This new pedigree, named Fengshen Bang.”



A giant lightning fell, smashing the Stonehenge.

A strong light shone, and a deafening roar shook the valley.

After a while, the confused primitive gods nodded and agreed.

“In this way, we reach an agreement.”

Su Ye said, stretched out his hand and grabbed the whip of the lower magical artifact, the whip of water charm emerged, and then, with a strong grip, infinite power poured into the whip of water charm, changed its form, and turned into a 21-section red gold whip.

In the giant hills, Wang Sledgehammer screamed and his power was exhausted.

After a long time, Wang Dahammer was resurrected, he kept touching his and then cried loudly.

“How come the **** gold hidden in my body is gone? Who stole my **** gold? The king is angry, I fight with you…”

In a short while, Wang Sledgehammer, with a blue nose and swollen face, searched all over his face.

Stonehenge Valley.

Su Ye gently stroked the Chijin long whip, and said: “This object is called the sacred whip. It is to prevent the gods and spirits from causing trouble to England. It should be held by the holy land goddess.”

Su Ye raised his hand and waved his long whip.

Slap! Boom…

The divine light is gushing, like a golden dragon, cutting open the valley.

The original Stonehenge valley had only one exit to the south, but now, the north and the south are transparent, and the valley is divided into two.

The primitive gods looked terrified, this is a real artifact.

Su Ye threw the **** whip to the goddess of the holy lake, saying: “This thing will be temporarily kept by you, and it can be handed over to the Lord of England at that time to avoid the primitive gods from ruining the world.”

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