The World of Deities Chapter 912: Light chaser

As for why the gods are unwilling to learn philosophy, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, once made an assertion.

“It is not ignorance that hinders the progress of the gods, but arrogance.”

What philosophy needs most is humility.

Soon, some half-truths began to circulate.

Why a certain **** king threw into the fire after reading “On the Magic Array”, saying that this was just a magician’s analysis of the power of the gods.

What a certain evil **** believer had a whim, sacrificed this book, and as a result, his strength increased greatly and he was promoted to a demigod.

Su Ye turned a blind eye to some external voices.

Because, even Su Ye himself knows the most in-depth principle in this “On Magic Array”, but he doesn’t know why, so he needs to study in depth.

Su Ye continued to figure out the magic array system while creating new pseudo-god-level magic.

The construction direction of the pseudo-god-level magic is very clear, and there are also theories, but the specific operation level is difficult.

Many of the details are unprecedented and require continuous experimentation and demonstration.

Su Ye did not shrink at all. Theory and practice are the foundation of magic. Both require a little bit of thinking, action, and accumulation, and there is no shortcut.

The more solid the foundation, the farther and broader the road to the future.

In the following days, Su Ye continued to transform the demi-god-level spells of various ethnic groups into pseudo-god-level spells in the form of magic arrays. These are the prototypes of future god-level magic.

As for the god-level spells, there is currently no way to modify them.

There are very few god-level spells themselves.

And all god-level spells, even the Crimson Pope’s god-level spells, are a kind of “power of the gods and their race”, not a method of casting that can be learned directly.

The structure of all current god-level spells is very complicated.

Magic spells are much purer, completely constructed from magic arrays, even if the magic array uses various principles, but the only materials constructed are magic arrays, magic leaves, and magic, which are very pure.

A magician of any race can master it.

The transformation of the gods’ ability into a general god-level spellcasting method is a big project no less than creating a magic array.

However, Su Ye believes that as long as he has a deep enough understanding of magic, he can completely abandon the power of the gods and directly create a new form of magic.

After trying various false gods, Su Ye chose another legendary spell and arrayed its magic.

Su Ye looked at this spell, his heart fluctuated a little.

Light chaser.

Legendary magic improved by Aristotle.

“Then change to a light chaser.”

Su Ye sighed lightly, and began to transform the light chaser from the original magic tree shape into the magic array shape.

Soon, the transformation of the light chaser entered a bottleneck.

After several hours of thinking, Su Ye still had no eyebrows, and immediately switched to the fire magic “Great Meteorite”. After the transformation of the Great Meteorite became difficult, he quietly thought, and then turned around to transform the light chaser. .

In the following time, Su Ye’s work and rest will no longer be like a high-level magician who never sleeps, but like an ordinary person, sleeping at least six hours a day.

This is rare among high-level magicians.

This is the price of studying God-level power. The brain must be fully rested, otherwise there will not be enough energy at all.

After getting up every morning, Su Ye will summon a new batch of souls and demigods to the Titan Camp.

400 souls and demigods, seemingly small, but 400 per day, 12,000 a month.

The Titan Camp recruited troops from all planes, and the total number of demigods was only two thousand.

With these spirits and demigods, Su Ye’s prestige has been rising steadily. Almost all the Titans call Su Ye as the most loyal partner of the Titans.

However, the defenders of Hell Fortress are miserable.

Soul demigods are more difficult to deal with than powerful demigods because they explode themselves at any time.

Olympus gods are well prepared, the number of angels is endless, and they are not afraid of consumption.

But the Greeks are afraid of consumption.

War equipment, magic equipment and puppets are afraid of consumption.

So far, the fortress defenders have not been able to solve the demigod.

Exile power is useless, because Su Ye has dimensional shelter and void territory.

Dissolving power, dispelling, dissociating, and demonizing are useless, because they are talents at the mid-level **** level.

The collapse type is useful, but the legendary magician of the temple has been killed in the Battle of Plato. The collapse type combat skills of the warrior type need to be close to be effective, but they often wait for the soul to explode before it approaches.

The destructive power of the pseudo-god-level is useful, but the number is too small, and even the pseudo-god-level is easily injured by the demigod soul. Now the sanatorium below the deep fortress has sixteen false gods that have been injured.

There is no way, only hard consumption.

In addition to the war of attrition in the deep fortress, the Persian and Greek gods also started a big hunt in the Shuanghuan Void.

Other Greek gods can hide from the double ring void, but the heirs of Ares, the **** of war, suffocated their stomachs.

Their brother, the incarnation of the **** of panic, was killed by Su Ye.

Now, the Persian gods have framed the Greek gods again.

As the eldest brother, the **** of fear does not allow them to participate in the war. Instead of staying in Shenfeng City and waiting for the Titans to attack the door, it is better to participate in the united plane to swallow.

Shuanghuan Void.

A total of seven planes of divine power fly side by side, and the fishing lines of the seven planes hang high in the air, stabilizing the seven planes of divine power.

One super giant, three large and three medium divine power planes form a united swallowing team.

In the largest super-giant plane of power, the incarnation of the trembling god, the incarnation of the panic, the incarnation of the goddess of ruin, the incarnation of the **** of melee, the incarnation of the **** of fighting, the incarnation of the **** of killing, and the violent death The incarnation of the **** of dispute and the incarnation of the **** of dispute, gathered together.

The eight avatars of the gods are located in the palaces belonging to the avatars of the trembling gods, drinking and chatting.

Only the goddess of ruining the city leaned indifferently on the huge white stone pillar, looking into the distance.

On the wine table, the gods of melee, fighting, killing, violent death, and disputes continue to flatter the gods of trembling and panic.

Their five gods were originally not a member of the Zeus **** system, but members of the old **** system, the night **** system, and the descendants of the night goddess Nix.

Zeus was promoted to the Queen of Gods, demonstrating powerful power and tough methods, to seal the Titan God System, sweep the Giant God System, defeat the Night God System, slaughter the Old Sea God System, clean up all the old God System, and destroy the entire Greek Gods. The tie is firmly in your own hands.

He gives both grace and power, ruthlessly destroys the enemy, and generously accepts old gods who are willing to surrender.

The Olympus **** system led by Zeus has a large number of outer gods.

In the past, the Greek gods were composed of major gods, but now, the gods acquiesce that the Greek gods are Olympus gods and Zeus gods.

These five are the five famous battle gods of the Night Gods. Except for the **** of slaughter, which is the middle god, the other four are all lower gods.

In order to consolidate his position, the five gods went to Ares, the **** of war, a lunatic who doesn’t like thinking but loves to fight.

After the five battle gods of the Night God system joined the God of War system, they exhausted their conspiracy and finally gained the trust of the God of War Ares, and their status gradually became firmer.

In addition, their brothers Dream God and Sleep God won the trust of Zeus and Hera, and gradually gained a firm foothold.

Choose the God of War system, there is a drawback.

Never shrink back.

In front of Ares, you can be injured, you can fail, but in any battle, you must throw your brains away and fight heroically.

Suddenly, the goddess of ruined the city left the stone pillar back, folded her arms around her chest, and looked up high.

“My ontology discovered that there is a non-divine medium divine power plane not far away. We are turning to fly over. Who of you will take the shot?”

The incarnation of the trembling **** laughed and said: “A medium-sized divine power plane can breed a legend at most. The trembling fist, after facing the collision, you can solve it. The **** of killing, this medium-sized divine power plane, It’s your turn to swallow.”

“Thanks to His Highness the Trembling God.” The Slaughter God smiled.

“Come, come, and celebrate in advance the devouring of the new plane of power! The next step is to jointly swallow the **** Persian united plane of power! Cheers!”

The avatars of the gods toasted and drank.

The Destroyed City Goddess glanced coldly at the incarnations of the gods, and quietly looked at the medium-level divine power plane in front of her.

Unlike her crazy brothers, and even her father Ares, the goddess of Destroyed City prefers to use the correct tactics to win the war, and then destroy everything about the enemy!

She quietly looked at the direction of that plane, even if she knew she would win, she would not allow herself to underestimate the enemy.

The two sides are getting closer and closer.


Seven combined planes collided on that intermediate plane.

Wind and clouds flooded the plane, blocking everyone’s sight.

“It turned out to be a plane of wind power, let’s go.” The trembling **** incarnate said.

The Fist of Terror led an army of ten demigods and tens of thousands of orcs into that plane.

A few seconds later, the incarnation of the trembling **** stood up abruptly and looked ahead in horror. Bright red wine poured out from the corner of his mouth.

“What’s wrong?” the avatars hurriedly asked.

“Fist of trembling, dead…”


All **** incarnations are like falling into the ice cave. Unless they carry divine power, the **** incarnation is only a false god, and it is impossible to kill a false **** in a few seconds.

The Fist of Tremor is trained by the God of Tremor. After many battles, it is absolutely stronger than ordinary false gods.

“What to do?”

“No matter who it is, since the **** who killed me, he must bear the price of death! It seems that that plane is a trap of the Persian gods! Prepare for war!”

“Prepare for war!” All **** incarnations and false gods roared.

“Prepare for battle!” The orcs of the entire super-giant plane roared loudly.

The golden light flickered, condensed into a **** spear.

The avatar of the trembling **** grabbed the spear, stepped on the golden light, and flew forward.

The rest of the incarnation of the gods and slave gods followed closely.

Eight incarnations of gods, six pseudo-god-level gods ~ hundreds of half-gods, rose into the air and landed at the junction of the Cloud of Wind and the Seventh Plane.

“The Persian gods who hide their heads and show their tails, come out!” The trembling **** incarnation roared loudly, and the surging gods turned into golden waves, surging like a country of wind and clouds.

“Who told you that we are Persian gods?”

The voice of the rage king sounded, and the blue-gold god’s magic power spread, crushing the golden wave.

Among the clouds, the Wrath King and the Hungry King came out smiling.

Fake gods and souls followed one after another.

Especially the steel front dragon in the costume of the lower god-level Titan, is larger, more powerful, and more eye-catching than the two demon gods.

The eight avatars of the gods are dumbfounded.

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