The World of Deities Chapter 874: 1 rain


Thunder densely descended from the sky, covering the realm.

One after another volcanic crater gushes from the flat ground, erupting magma.

The incandescent and orange-red are intertwined, and the catastrophe thunder and fire fills the whole small world.

Su Ye snorted softly.

I saw above the sky and below the earth, the dark blue magic power gushing out, turning into a big ball, enveloping the catastrophe thunder and fire, and shrinking suddenly.

The sun is shining, the breeze and green grass are restored within the domain.

A translucent black ball appeared in front of Su Ye. Inside the ball, thunder and fire flickered.

“Your power is strange, very strange.” Pandora frowned slightly.

The answer to her was the photo taken by the big lysate group.

Pandora shook his body, avoiding most of the Rainbow Falls.

In an instant, the Rainbow Falls came again, and after being touched by a few big cracking techniques, Pandora flew again to dodge.

150 legendary avatars kept casting spells, and Pandora kept flying, like swallows full of black flowers dancing in the sky.

“In the thunder and fire, the purgatory student.”

A trace of impatience appeared on Pandora’s face.


The sky is dim and the stars are torn apart.

A crimson mountain, burning with flames and bleeding, descended from the sky, and on the mountain, countless corpses were wailing.

This mountain of purgatory is larger than the domain body, like a large millstone stuffed into a pot, about to burst the domain body.

The rainbow light of the sky’s great cracking technique fell, the flames of the mountain of purgatory went out, and the river of blood dried up.

The giants and metal generals in the domain body throw down the chessboard and swing giant fists.

In an instant, fists flew all over the sky, deafening.

Boom boom boom boom…

The mountain of Purgatory burst and shattered.

“Havoc, star fall!”

The sky vibrates and the earth shakes.

A huge fire-burning meteorite with a diameter of more than ten kilometers flew out of the space, carrying a huge roar, and bombarding the domain body under the night.

All the legendary incarnations disappeared and reappeared, all pointing towards the catastrophe star pendant.

“Dissociation technique!”

Su Ye also cast spells himself, a total of 302 legendary magic eruptions, and 302 green lights fell on the huge meteorite at the same time.

In an instant, there were 302 more huge meteorites running through the big hole. The structure of the meteorite was unbalanced, collapsed suddenly, and small meteorites fell all over the sky.

Su Ye teleported suddenly.

Well… where he was originally, a huge black mandala rose, closed, and flew into the air.

“Dissociation technique!”

The legendary incarnation casts spells one after another, and the blue light keeps appearing. The meteorites in the sky are gradually dissociated by magic, leaving only the fine stones, which are easily displaced by the domain body.

“Purgatory Star Pendant!” Pandora’s face was cold.

Extend the petals’ fingers to the sky.

At the end of the sky, thousands of space cracks slowly opened up, like huge eyes opened.

Huge meteorites burning with purgatory blood and fire fell from the sky.

Whether it is the pseudo-magic Merah, the King of Jianbang Cadmus or the rest of the heroes, they retreat frantically and run away.

“Crazy! Crazy! These meteorites are enough to sink the entire Greece!”

“It’s worthy of being a catastrophe witch, it’s terrible!”

“Su Ye is dead.”

As everyone ran, they looked back.

In the domain body, Pandora’s small snow-white face was cold, and her black petal mouth squirmed gently.

“I want to see how you solve it!”

Su Ye shrugged and said: “For the magician, this is just a math problem, a very simple math problem that does not require precise calculation.”

A large number of souls, demigods and 150 legendary incarnations flew up.

Pandora sneered coldly, but didn’t even make any more moves, it depends on Su Ye’s making a fool of himself.

Su Ye looked up to the sky, holding a magic book, writing and drawing.

The souls and demigods flew in different directions, and the legendary incarnation only performed a very common legendary magic, the wall of force field.

These invisible walls are like giant table tennis bats, cut on the edge of the giant meteorite.

The wall of the force field was completely unable to withstand such a huge impact and collapsed instantly. At the same time, the falling angle and speed of the giant meteorite changed.

In the sky, dense walls of force field appear like glass walls, and they are exploded into glass dross.

Thousands of high-altitude meteorites were changed by the walls of these force fields and concentrated towards the center.

Part of the meteorites have begun to hit, oscillate, and shatter in mid-air.

During this process, one after another, the spirits and demigods flew into the meteorite group and exploded themselves in specific places.

The self-explosion of every demigod soul is not weaker than the normal blow of a false god, enough to affect a meteorite of this degree on a large scale.

The escaping people in the distance stopped blankly and looked at the incredible scene of the sky.

Above the sky, there seems to be an invisible hand, wrapped in thousands of meteorites, like kneading dough, kneading the dense meteorites together.

When the meteorites are densely packed to a certain level, they collide, like tens of thousands of fireworks exploding at the same time.

Meteorites from the outside are still gathering in the center.

Occasionally, the meteorite group becomes chaotic. Either a demigod rushes up and explodes itself, or a dense wall of force field emerges, bringing the entire chaotic meteorite group back to order.

The huge group of meteorites kept falling and bursting, and the densely packed fine meteorites fell like a rain of fire.

Meteorite fragments smashed into the ground one large flame crater, but the Queen of Icewind blew a breath, and the meteorite fragments turned into ordinary rocks and flew far away.

Billions of fragments, none of them fall on the domain body.

In a short while, the huge meteorite fireworks called for a curtain call, and the surrounding area was covered with rubble, piled into ring-shaped hills.

Pandora looked up at the sky, as if her neck was cramping, with a dazed face until she was sprayed on her body by the pouring rain.


Pandora suddenly lowered her head, and a crack appeared in her favorite little black skirt!

Su Ye smiled slightly, and the cleavage and stripping finally worked.

Pandora raised her head suddenly, and the red stamens in the mouths of the black petals swayed fiercely like the tentacles of a butterfly.

“You are different from the casters of the past.” Pandora’s two small eyebrows were tightly furrowed.

“If you are a lower **** who can only use brute force, I may have a headache, but unfortunately, the holocaust artifact is a large-scale attack, which is difficult to concentrate. For us magicians, it is not that difficult to deal with.”

“Then, let you see what the real mass is! The dark sky, the gloomy impact!”

The night sky is dark and the stars disappear.

In an instant, billions of stars appeared in the world, and with a slight shake, the stars fell.

“Run…” the Lion of Courage roared loudly.

“This madman, I really regret bringing her here!” Cadmus’s intestines were all regretful.

Above the space, hundreds of millions of shuttle-shaped dark powers tore through the atmosphere of the old **** star and fell rapidly. Each dark shuttle is a hundred meters long, and the silver light at the tip of the shuttle flickers, dragging it long. Tail flame.

“You continue to do the math problems!” Pandora raised her small chin proudly.

“Please don’t insult mathematics, for things of this level, you don’t need to use great mathematics.”

Su Ye said, 150 legendary incarnations recovered and appeared again.

“Super Magic-Magic Augment-Great Portal!”

A strange circular magic spell flashed across Su Ye’s body, and then 150 legendary incarnations performed this legendary magic.

The huge blue portals, each over a hundred meters long and wide, lay across the air, neatly arranged.

Every blink of an eye, there are 300 huge large portals lying in the air.

The entrance of the big portal faces upwards, and the exit portal is in the sky above, also facing upwards.

These large and square portals quickly expanded and extended to cover the sky above Su Ye.

Looking around, it seems that an invisible craftsman of the gods is laying two layers of solar panels.

Su Yedao: “The length and width of the big portal is about 100 meters. For the sake of calculation, we use a large portal of 10,000 square meters to calculate, and we can lay 3 million square meters at a time. From the dark shuttle to the portal It takes about ten seconds to export. I can cover 9 million square meters in one second, and 90 million square meters in ten seconds. Do you know how large this is? 90 square kilometers, a huge area of ​​9 kilometers long by 10 kilometers long , The area of ​​a small Greek city-state.”

In Pandora’s dementia gaze, Su Ye continued: “Actually, to be on the safe side, I don’t need to lay this big at all. Level portal is fine. You see, there is no need to calculate at all, just cast spells. By the way, you should know the consequences of magic or objects entering the portal exit, right?”

Pandora nodded instinctively, then stopped.

Is this a magician or a devil?

The dark shuttle at the bottom is like a dense black rainstorm, pouring down and entering the exit of the big portal.

The big portal rippling gently, these extremely powerful dark forces, like pork in a void meat grinder, quickly disappeared.

When suffering too much inverse the big portal collapsed, the incarnation of the legend immediately made up the new portal.

The black rainstorm is all over the sky, like rainwater entering the sea, and like a spring breeze entering the forest, silent.

Su Yedao: “For ordinary legendary magicians, your power is indeed incomprehensible. But for our peak legend, there are countless ways to dissolve it. Whether nobles or gods, it’s just a group of powers. Users, like Hercules, are excellent, subtle and even perfect users of power. We magicians are the creators of power.”

“The battle of the gods, we can explain it from countless angles. From the perspective of the use of power, the battle of the gods is nothing more than a group of primitive people fighting with each other with bare hands. Of course, they are extremely powerful primitive people. We magicians are very weak, but we are armed with sharp blades of armor. We have strategic and tactical supplies before the war. We have methods and skills during the war. After the war we have summary and reflection. This is the fundamental reason why the gods fear the magicians.”

“You, Pandora, can only show off in the dark ages. In the age of magicians, let alone Socrates, Plato or me, you will never return to any larger organization of legendary magicians. Finally lay on the experimental bench and unloaded eight pieces.”

“Look, your so-called world-destroying power is nothing but rain to me, not even a torrential rain.”

“As for the hundreds of heroes before, not even rain, but a cool breeze in spring.”

Above the sky, dense black shuttles descend from the sky, continuously falling in the big portal.

The strong dark power even occasionally summons the dark element demigod, but in front of Su Ye’s massive soul demigod, it is vulnerable to a blow.

The mighty world-destroying attack, here at Su Ye, seems to be just the drizzle outside the window at dusk, which sometimes makes people irritating, but if you look closely, it can be regarded as beautiful.

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