The World of Deities Chapter 758: Deify the Dragon Egg!

  The sound of the dragon’s heart was louder than before, and it shook the magma pool constantly.

   Su Ye put his right hand on the lava flowing dome, closed his eyes, and made a bold attempt.

   Deified Diamond, Deified Dragon Egg!

   put in the first deified gemstone, the golden light on the surface of the dragon egg flashed, and the gemstone disappeared.

   Su Ye laughed happily and absorbed it smoothly!

   try again.

   The second one, absorb it.

   The third one, absorb it.

   The fourth one cannot be absorbed.

   It seems that three stars are the limit.




   Medea’s heartbeat suddenly increased, and its frequency increased, as if a giant punched the mountain.

   Su Ye stroked the dragon egg, and could even feel a feeling of attachment from the dragon egg, as if a little girl nestled in her arms and acted like a baby.

  ” It looks like you can be born within three days at most. I can’t let you out for the time being. Then you will practice in the Dragon Valley and the volcano plane. When the time is right, I will take you to the deep hell. Take a stroll.”

   Pat the dragon egg, Su Ye left the Dragon Valley.

   Su Ye had a hunch that he inherited Medea’s talent and soul, absorbed so much power, and was deified by three deified gemstones, and the red dragon had already assumed the posture of being a god.

   will soon be able to witness the birth of the strongest red dragon in history.

   Back to the volcanic plane, Su Ye found Di Aotian.

   Su Ye patted Aotian on the head, and said: “In a few days, Little Medea will be born. She should like the volcano plane very much. Remember to protect this little sister.”

   Aotian nodded as if he didn’t understand, and patted his chest hard.


   Su Ye smiled and left the volcanic plane.

  The Dragon Valley.

  In the magma pool, with a click, the dragon egg cracked fine cracks.

   The rift is expanding at a very slow rate.

   A strong heroic breath permeates the magma pool.

   On the volcanic plane connected to the Dragon Valley, Di Aotian learned the appearance of the King Sledgehammer and reviewed the new men.

   Now, he has nine lava goblins under him.

   One gold, four silver, and four bronze.

   Summon servants, formally evolve into Summon Squad servants.

  The flame goblin clan of apprentice level is also officially promoted to the dark iron level lava goblin clan.

   God Realm.

   Cyrus’s elbow pressed the armrest, his head was supported with his fist, his body was tilted, his eyes closed and his mind was refreshed.

   Under the seat of God, Cambyses stood quietly.

Outside the    Shrine, the gods and people are slowly building bare gods.

   Suddenly, Cyrus opened his eyes and sat up straight.

   The mighty divine power dissipated, the golden light flashed randomly, and the shrine hall roared.

   Many gods and people hurriedly knelt and prayed.

   “Father, did you find that plane?” Cambyses was overjoyed.

   Cyrus smiled and shook his head: “I didn’t find that plane, but right in front of the two large divine power planes, I found a medium divine power plane that just emerged from the void in the inner ring.”

  ”Congratulations father! This kind of power plane is either an accidental masterless power plane, or a new god’s power plane, which is suitable for your power plane to swallow.”

   Cyrus nodded slightly, and said: “However, this time, I can’t be as careless as the last time. This time, I will jointly devour, and let two large divine power planes attack at the same time, and before the attack, First perform the divine gift, and then isolate the plane to prevent all accidents.”

   “Father is the **** of conquest. In terms of strategy and tactics, you are number one in the world!” Cambyses said.

   Cyrus smiled, a plane fishing rod emerged in his hand, and he slammed into the empty round hole in front of him.

  Lizardman plane.

   Outside the rough stone temple, a total of 20,000 lizardmen knelt on the ground, praying loudly.

   These lizardmen are covered with bony scales all over the body, their legs stand upright, their long tails swaying lightly, and most of them are naked, with their vertical pupils and eyes like enlarged snake eyes.

  Five legendary lizardmen knelt inside the temple, and muttered to the statue of Cyrus in the form of lizardmen.

   Suddenly, a great divine light fell on the altar in front of the statue.

   I saw a keel staff floating in the air.

   The staff is like shrinking and straightening the whole black dragon’s white bones, from the tip of the tail to the head, it is very complete, the bone wings are open, each claw is holding a gem, the eyes of the dragon’s head And in the mouth, the same holds the gems.

   Seven gems of different colors exude a powerful elemental atmosphere.

   The largest red gem in the dragon’s mouth is a sea of ​​flame magic power.

   The five legendary lizardmen were stunned, and they all bowed together.

   Finally, the lizardman wizard grabbed the demi-artifact dragon bone staff and walked out of the temple with the remaining four legends, and then raised the staff high.

  ”For the **** Cyrus!”

  ”For the **** Cyrus!”

   All the lizardmen yelled frantically, and their black vertical pupils were shining with fanaticism.

   “Prepare, fight!” The legendary wizard held up the Black Dragon Bone Staff.


  The lizards immediately picked up the spears, spears, slings, bows and arrows and other weapons around them.

   Orc plane.

  The crude orc form of Cyrus statue stands on the plain.

   There are more than fifty thousand green-skinned orcs holding hands, forming a circle after another, singing and dancing around the statue of Cyrus, singing loudly.

  The strong orc smell permeates the air

   Seven legendary orcs knelt before the idol and prayed loudly.

   Suddenly, a divine light descended on the altar.

  The legendary orc glanced intently, his face showing ecstasy.

   A giant stick of bone rippling with supernatural power floats on the altar.

   The white bone giant rod is surrounded by golden **** patterns on the surface, thick and thin on the top, like the bones of some kind of god-level behemoth, and looks very simple.

   Every legendary orc can feel the surging power from the bone stick.

   The orc high priest held the bone stick in both hands and held it up to face the other orcs.

   “Thank my **** for the half artifact!”

   “Half artifact!”

   “Half artifact!”

  The orcs danced wildly primitive dances and yelled loudly.

   “Pick up weapons and fight for my god!”

   The orcs screamed and picked up all kinds of crude and primitive weapons.

   a huge stone axe, a rough iron rod, a thick spear, a slender bone rod…

   God Realm.

   Cyrus let out a long breath.

   “Father, the lizardmen and orcs are already militant races, plus two semi-artifacts, you will definitely win!” Cambyses said.

   Cyrus shook his head and said: “In order to bestow a semi-artifact, it not only consumes a lot of divine power, but also consumes part of its credibility, which delays the road to promotion.”

  ”This medium-sized plane may be very common, but there must be some secret hidden in that small plane. I firmly believe that as long as you swallow that small plane, there must be surprises.”

  ”Very well, you are farsighted. The reason why I did not hesitate to expend my faith and divine power to initiate vengeance on that small plane is because I suspect that there are secrets hidden in it. Unfortunately, I am not the main **** and cannot penetrate the double ring void. Seeing the course of the battle clearly, I don’t know what happened in that battle.” Cyrus Road.

   “No matter what happened in that battle, but in this battle, the victory must belong to you, the great conqueror Cyrus.” Cambyses said.

   Cyrus suddenly shook his wrist, and the plane’s fishing rod moved lightly.

   Aotian looked at the nine new subordinates in front of him with satisfaction, and nodded vigorously.

   “Chuckling!” He said, holding up the bone stick.

   “Keep chuckle!” The nine new subordinates also responded with their bone sticks.

   After training, Di Aotian was about to rest, suddenly looked up at the sky, his complexion changed drastically.

   Two huge white thick lines descended from the sky, sank into the volcanic plane and disappeared.


   Aotian was shocked, thinking that something similar had happened in the Giant Hills.

   I saw two huge black shadows, rushing to the volcano plane from the left and right side respectively

   Aotian hurriedly sent a message to Su Ye.

   However, he found that his communication was blocked by invisible power and could not notify the owner.


A ruthless color flashed in    Aotian’s eyes, holding up the sharp bone stick, taking a deep breath, and his body swelled suddenly.

  The heroic spirit calls.

   Aotian inspires the power of the ancestors. He, who has been strengthened and deified by the plane, directly breaks through the sanctuary and is promoted to the legend.

   Di Aotian’s eyes are like lava lakes, staring at the front.

   If the enemy this time is the same as the last time, even if there are two legendary bear goblins, he is not afraid.

   Aotian felt that he possessed power beyond ordinary legends.

   This is a gift from your majesty!

   Aotian raised his chest and looked at two huge shadows.



   Two huge black shadows seem to pierce through the misty peaks and rush to the land on the volcanic plane.

  The volcanic plane shakes the mountain.

   Aotian widened his eyes, watching the incredible scene.

   Above two high mountains, tens of thousands of lizardmen or orcs stand.

   A total of twelve legendary auras rushed into the sky, like giants on a mountain, looking down on the world.

   Aotian gritted his teeth, if there are only twelve legends, he still has a chance.

   Suddenly, two divine lights burst into the sky, shining hundreds of miles.

   Aotian dumbly looked at the two semi-artifacts surrounded by colorful lights, and was stunned.

   There is a legend of a semi-artifact, it is no longer a legend.

   Aotian looked at his body, and there was indeed a legendary fire ring, but the fire aura of the opponent’s black keel staff was two ranks higher than himself!

   Aotian took a deep breath and pointed forward suddenly.

  The legendary ring flashed.

  Legendary Magic, Hellfire Fall!

  The dark shadows covered all the lizardmen and orcs, and huge **** fireballs with a diameter of more than three meters fell from the sky, densely packed and endless.

   One hundred thousand hellfire, like a shooting star, burns a whole world.

  The lizardman wizard gently waved the black dragon bone and saw the red flame magic power in the dragon’s mouth spreading a red mask overseas, covering all the orcs and lizardmen.

  The terrifying legendary magic fell on the red mask, and it quickly weakened into a small flame as big as a soybean, and then quickly extinguished.

  The lizardman wizard laughed and said: “Poor little goblin, before the fire magic sea, all the legendary fire magic is not worth mentioning!”

A ruthless color flashed in    Aotian’s eyes, and the other seven legendary rings flashed continuously.

   boom… boom… boom…

   Three huge meteors with a diameter of 100 meters fell from the sky.

   Great Meteorite.

   Then, the second round of Hellfire fell.

   Finally, in the fall of the hellfire, three meteorites with a diameter of 30 meters fell from the sky.

  The lizardman wizard said loudly: “You guys can defeat these magic with all your strength, and the magic tool in his hand can only be used for one round!”

  All the legends shot together.

   I saw the legendary orc holding a demi-god bone stick, jumping high, aiming at a falling meteorite of 100 meters.


   The 100-meter meteorite burst, and countless fragments flew into the sky, continuously cracking, and gradually extinguishing.

   Another meteorite was crushed by the rest of the team.


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