The World of Deities Chapter 593: Chisel through!

But after an instant, they were stunned.

Just where the **** unicorn died, a magic circle suddenly appeared.

The **** unicorn resurrected in situ.

Magic rebirth!


There was a lot of scolding around the White Elephant Palace.

The **** unicorn suddenly rushed to the protective wall formed by the Persian magician and the fate warlock, and stepped on the ground.

They can guard against the thunderball in mid-air, but they can’t guard against the **** magma spewing on the ground.


The earth shattered, **** lava erupted upward, and a large number of Persians in front of the Baixiang Palace were flooded by **** lava.

The destiny warlocks are mad. Only two of the ten destiny warlocks can know the destiny sacred flame, but the destiny sacred flame is not an ordinary magical technique.

All kinds of magic and divine arts attack the **** unicorn, but the **** unicorn has a lot of talents, the most powerful is the body of the sanctuary.

The sanctuary body of human beings and the sanctuary body of magical creatures are two kinds of sanctuary bodies.

The **** unicorn resisted various attacks and killed a large number of golden ranks before being beaten to death by a large number of golden warriors, golden magicians and golden fate warlocks.

The Destiny Warlock is the most depressed, because all their attacks on the **** unicorn have no effect except for the Sacred Flame of Destiny.

“Summon bronze servants.”

Su Ye summoned casually, the **** unicorn screamed, appeared in front of him again and again, and then bounced forward.

This time, the golden rank of Persia was secretly guided by the sanctuary and the legend, and found the best way to attack. The **** unicorn was killed before it got close.

After the resurrection, the **** unicorn only released a thunder ball and died.

Su Ye took a look from a distance. This is the power of the magician. In the event of an accident, he may be temporarily helpless, but once he finds the enemy’s law or weakness, there are various methods even if the strength gap is large. solve.

Su Ye once again summoned the **** unicorn, not to let it rush forward blindly, but to continue to help the Persians on both sides of the cavalry legion.

The number of warriors around Su Ye has decreased, and ordinary cavalry has moved away from Su Ye, leaving only golden-level warriors and magicians. However, every injured person will enter the heavenly fortress and then leave.

No matter the multiple injuries, it will heal quickly.

Under the command of the generals, some silver warriors even specially rescued those wounded gold and silver warriors or magicians, holding them and rushing into the heavenly fortress to receive treatment.

The cavalry corps has been charging, but occasionally it has been blocked by thousands of undead troops, either slowing down or having to turn around in circles, like a meat grinder, strangling all enemies.

Slowly, the golden warriors and golden mages of the entire Greek army, together with Su Ye, arrived at the tapered position of the cavalry regiment.

After the cavalry corps adjusted its formation again, Su Ye raised the six-section sanctuary staff and pointed it forward.

The Sanctuary Staff sends out dozens of huge **** of light, flying to the place where the Hundred Elephant Palace is, illuminating there, illuminating Xerxes, and illuminating the high level of the entire army.

“Face the enemy, charge!”



The melodious horn resounded across the night sky.

The originally loose cavalry regiment gathered together again and launched another charge.

All the cavalry have already felt that the physical strength of the horse has reached the limit, even if the potion is fed before the battle begins.

This time, unlike before, a large number of Golden Warriors and Golden Mage and Su Ye charged together, bringing the impact of the cavalry legion to its peak.

The Persians in front of them fell in pieces, and the light from Suye’s Heavenly Fortress became the most eye-catching arrow of the entire cavalry corps.

“For Greece, charge!”


The cavalry roared one after another, their necks flushed, and their faces flushed, inspiring the strongest force in this life.

Suddenly, the **** unicorn seemed to have discovered something and rushed towards the Baixiang Palace.

The Persian wizards and warriors had already prepared, and they all attacked the **** unicorn.

Before he died, the silver threaded horns of the **** unicorn’s forehead flashed.

All magicians are like enemies, and they don’t know what magic the **** unicorn uses.

But soon I found out that there seems to be no change.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, all the elephants hummed together.

It was deafening, and went straight into the sky.

When everyone looked back, they saw the giant elephants carrying the huge palace, their trunks up high, and they screamed loudly.

Next, all the giant elephants had red eyes and ran wildly in all directions.


The huge palace was torn to pieces, the wooden boards exploded and the dust was flying.

The Hundred Elephant Palace collapsed.

“The Palace of the Elephants collapsed! Xerxes escaped! Kill!” The Persian-speaking Greeks everywhere began to shout.

The Persian warriors looked back, looked at the elephants running around, looked at the dusty palace, panicked.

No matter how the Persian generals shouted, they couldn’t arouse the morale that was close to collapse.

The cavalry regiment accelerates suddenly!

Hell is flowing, tearing the night apart, and shattering the dark clouds!

The Persian rear army was completely penetrated.

Su Ye, once again raised his staff and pointed it forward.


The roar of horseshoes is like the sound of Persian soul-calling.

At this moment, the Persians on both sides were enveloped in great sorrow.

Some people even dropped their weapons, their knees softened, and they knelt down weakly.

After fighting for so long, it was broken by the Greeks.

In this battle, Persia invested two million troops, plus the five ace regiments, with a strength of no less than three million people.

This is already the largest single-handed battle in Persian history.

However, an army of three million men was pierced by a hundred thousand Greek cavalry!

The commanding place of the Persian army, near the Hundred Elephant Palace, is about to usher in the fire of **** and the tsunami of cavalry.

Unfortunately, Legend and Sanctuary can’t get off the court.

Legend can lose, Prince of Persia can lose, but cannot be captured.

“You will regret it, Greeks! The whole army…retreat!” Xerxes slowly rose to the sky, turned and flew away.

The trend is over.

Millions of Persians froze for a moment.

In their eyes, the whole world seems to have stagnated.

In an instant, all the Persians woke up and fled towards the city of Orusson.

Run away!

Run away!

Run away!

Some people dropped their weapons and ran desperately.

Some people ran while wiping their tears. This will be the most humiliating scene in the history of Persia and even the whole of mankind. Two million troops will be penetrated by 100,000 cavalry!

Those light infantry who were temporarily conscripted completely collapsed, from physical to mental collapse.

They cannot bear this fact.

The moment Xerxes turned around, a faint smile appeared on Su Ye’s mouth.

This Xerxes, after all, relied too much on old experience, after all, he did not understand the true horror of the cavalry.

The lethality of the cavalry is not only reflected in the powerful frontal impact.

It is also reflected in chasing and killing rout soldiers.

Especially the world of supernatural power and magic.

“Under the gold, no captives will be taken!”

Su Ye’s cold voice spread throughout the army.

The Greek soldier chilled his body, and then blood surged.




The wooden spears in the hands of all the cavalry have long since broken up. Now they have replaced them with their best weapons. The mid- to high-ranking fighters are powerful, mostly horses, one shot at a time.

The low-level warrior holds a saber or a machete and slashes frantically.

The cavalry brigade, led by the captain, carried out a merciless slaughter in the dark.

The Persians who have lost their fighting spirit thought that they had failed just like they did before and they just had to run away.

The Greeks are also humans, and the Greeks have limited physical strength, so it is impossible to chase them all the time.

What’s more, there is Gilgamesh’s army ahead, and they will definitely come to respond.

So, those golden warriors and golden magicians ran away quickly, not caring about the soldiers behind them.

Even at the beginning of the hunt, even the Greek infantry and generals breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the battle was over.

Above the city wall of Pluoguan, laughter came.

The generals talked happily.

However, as they chatted, they suddenly stopped and looked at Su Ye.

Su Ye still opened the fortress of the kingdom of heaven, and the **** unicorns still slaughtered. However, Su Ye now led an army of tens of thousands of people, continued to rush forward, and occasionally changed directions to kill the fleeing Persians with a carbine. , Has always been on the front line of the Persian army’s escape.

Due to the terrain of Greece, the road ahead is not wide, and the sides are mostly slopes and mountains. Therefore, unlike other places, the Persian soldiers can escape in all directions and can only escape in one direction.

“General, the Persians have already escaped. Should we retreat? Should Gilgamesh’s army arrive, regroup the routs and launch a counterattack, we may be defeated and defeated.”

“Yes, Su Ye was too aggressive.”

Medels frowned and said, “I am not worried about Su Ye, and the damage of the cavalry is far below my expectations. However, I am worried about the physical strength of the horse. If we continue to chase and kill tomorrow, the horse will not be enough to support a big battle tomorrow. The scale of combat.”

“Yes, now war horses are as important as human life. No, in a sense, horses are more important than humans. People can fight desperately, but if war horses lose their physical strength, they lose their will.”

“Don’t talk about horses, if this goes on, those weapons will be damaged, especially the scimitar.”

“Su Ye, he is still young after all.” A veteran sighed.

“General, retreat.”

Metaiard frowned and stared at Su Ye.

After a while, he said, “Do you still remember what Su Ye said?”

Everyone looked at Mitayad curiously.

“He said that he relied on the future, and Xerxes relied on the past, those old battlefield experiences, old tactics and strategies, old Persian power, old ideas… In essence, they are wrong. In the past. Do you think that a person who relies on the future will not see tomorrow and Gilgamesh’s reinforcements?”

The generals were taken aback for a moment, speechless.

“Actually, before you talked, I was thinking why Su Ye did this? To be honest, I didn’t figure it out, but I know…” Mitheyade said, “Since I have handed over the battlefield Su Ye, trust him.”

All the generals blush are indeed legendary generals.

The generals stood on the city wall and didn’t speak any more, but silently watched the original torrent of flames, divided into dozens of them, like giant dragons tumbling in the dark clouds of the Persians.

The dragon remains unchanged, and the dark clouds are getting thinner and fainter.

The dark clouds seem to be consumed by the flames from hell.

Even if the Greek infantry has complete armor, the physical fitness is far stronger than the Persian light infantry. What’s more, they are a group of light infantry who have eaten breadfruit for several months and have no flesh at all.

When the rout began, the Greek infantry did not stop chasing and killing, they kept rushing and killing.

In the face of the two million Persian army, the anger, grievance, and fear in their hearts have been crushed into an infinitely small point, and now, this infinitely small point has exploded.

Everyone is like an endless melting pot.

The blood of the Persians, the flesh of the Persians, the screams of the Persians, and the fear of the Persians are fuel.

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