The World of Deities Chapter 55: The real Plato

   However, a few students in the Plato Academy team were silent, without the slightest joy on their faces.

  The clothes of these non-smiling students have almost the same characteristics, the robes are extraordinarily luxurious, and they wear extremely delicate accessories.

   They are either small nobles, down-to-earth nobles, or illegitimate children of nobles, and there are a few of them with higher status.

   These people were unable to go to the Noble Academy for various reasons, so they had to retreat and choose Plato Academy.

   “It’s not what I said…” Niedern thought to himself.

  In the team at the Noble Academy opposite, the cursing against Su Ye broke out again.

   But only the young students scolded.

   The slightly older students, on the contrary, all looked at Su Ye warily.

   These older students know nothing better that they yelled before, not really angry or angry, but just to suppress the opponent’s momentum and strengthen their own momentum. This is a common method used by all parties in the competition.

   Now, this Su Ye turned the situation around with a joke, obviously smarter than they yelled indiscriminately.

   So, some older students even reminded the three magic apprentices to be careful of this man named Su Ye.

   The three aristocratic magic apprentices were neither angry nor underestimated Su Ye, but bowed their heads and talked.

  ”He is undoubtedly a new magic apprentice. If it were a secret weapon, the opposite would not react like that at first.”

   “I have a talent for listening to the ears of the wind. They said that Su Ye was second only to the silly big man Hult.”

  ”Nideen is very insidious, he will not send people indiscriminately.”

   “This person is very calm.”

  ”However, the more he uses this method, the more obvious he has no chance of winning.”

  ”Will the three of us use this method?”

  Andre finished speaking, smiled at Barçaro and Adonis, his eyes full of confidence.

   Su Ye glanced at the three of them, and then at the two nervous guys around him. He shook his head helplessly. Regardless of the level of magic, it depends on the mentality of the two sides. The opponent has already won half.

  ”The people on the other side have a good mentality, but they smell too much of aristocratic superiority.”

   Su Ye has adjusted his mentality before entering the market. The reason why he walked so slowly is that he has been constantly analyzing in his mind. Using a simplified cloud umbrella model, SWOT model, etc. to analyze the two parties and the state of affairs, they have found out Some of their own advantages.

   just started ridicule the Noble Academy. Although they didn’t make the three magic apprentices angry, they obviously contained the momentum caused by their winning streak, and let themselves reap the favor of the teachers and students of the Plato Academy. This is the most important thing.

   From the very beginning, Su Ye thought about it. Of course it’s good to win, but if you lose, how can you maximize your profits?

   Taunting the Noble Academy is one of the best choices. The key is easy to do.

   Su Ye cleared his throat again, and said: “Compared with barking opposites, our Plato people prefer to use a humorous way for opening remarks. However, each of our students at Plato also understands that to lose is to lose. There is no fluke in the victory of your noble academy. Please allow me to pay tribute to each victor. Every victory of yours is made by sweat and hard work. Victory is the fruit of your strength and the crystallization of your wisdom. The glory you deserve.”

   After finishing speaking, Su Ye lowered his head slightly to show respect.

   When Su Ye finished speaking, the students and even the teachers of Plato College nodded gently. Plato College was never a place for opportunism. Although everyone was unhappy, if you lose, you lose. There is no need to whitewash.

   Many people at the Noble Academy became milder again, and even felt that they were too much just now, and they even yelled at a second-year student.

  A second-year student is just defending the honor of his school. One is not insulting, and the other is not angry, but a humorous counterattack. This is the real Athenian. On the contrary, the aristocratic academy’s behavior is a bit like the Nordic barbarians. Or the reckless man in Sparta to the south.

   Su Ye said in a loud voice: “Our students of Plato Academy will never be discouraged by this! Be aware of the shame, and be brave to change, is the real Plato! Today, Teacher Niederen found me and said, Su Ye, we Plato Academy has experienced a losing streak. Many young students have lost their spirit of application and fighting spirit. They began to doubt the spirit of the Academy and asked if I could stand up as a second-year freshman and as the newest magic apprentice in Plato Academy. , Let us students of Plato College, witness the courage again! Witness fearlessness! Witness unyielding! I will answer now.”

  Su Ye slowly turned around, and looked at the Plato College teachers and students in awe-inspiring manner.

   “I come, I fight!”

   The warlike blood of the Athenians burned instantly.

   A group of warriors raised their arms and shouted frantically, and soon the magicians screamed.

   Even some young teachers could not control themselves, raising their arms and shouting.

  Hot’s eyes were red with excitement, and he shouted like a giant gorilla.

  ”Su Ye!”

  ”Su Ye!”

  ”Su Ye…”

  The teachers and students of Plato College chanted the name of Su Ye.

  At this moment, their spirits are students from the Noble Academy across the street saw this scene and were stunned for a long time.

  Plato means “broad-shouldered”, which is the name Socrates gave to Plato, and Plato’s original name was Aristotles, which means the highest glory.

   In Plato Academy, “True Plato” often refers to “True Supreme Glory”, equivalent to “a student of Plato Academy.”

   can be praised by the teacher as “the real Plato”, which is the highest pursuit of every student of Plato College.

   is better than everything.

   “It’s not what I said…” Nidern looked at Su Ye, the corners of his mouth moved lightly.

   Su Ye took a deep breath, smiled, turned around, looked at the aristocratic academy opposite, and his prestige was almost the same. If the performance is too big, it will not end. Next, he must be serious about the competition.

   Su Ye whispered to the magic apprentice next to him: “Help me get an apprentice wand, ask for a big wand, as large as possible. Thank you.”

   The magic apprentice was taken aback. He was one grade higher than Su Ye, but he obediently ran to the shelf where the apprentice’s staff was placed. He chose a staff that was about the same height as Su Ye and ran over. Hand it over to Su Ye.

   The aristocratic academy across from him immediately booed.

  The power of the magic wand can only be stimulated after being promoted to the Dark Iron Mage to have a second-story magic tower.

  The apprentice staff is made of ordinary wood. It just allows the apprentice to be familiar with the staff in advance, so that the apprentice is more at ease. Basically, only those apprentices who are not confident enough will use the apprentice staff in battle.

  The staff in Su Ye’s hand is made of olive wood, with a thicker top and a thinner bottom. The light yellow texture is covered with brown textures.

   Su Ye did not immediately move forward, but stood in place and recalled the results of the previous analysis, checking the gaps.

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