The World of Deities Chapter 461: Running Magician

“Hehe, they want to see us unlucky.”

“Remember the terrain this time, and run a few more times to speed up.”

“Su Ye thinks so too.”

Suddenly, Gerner’s voice appeared.

“I have another bad feeling.”

Next, screamed again and again in the mist.

A dark figure rushed into the white mist and ran at full speed.

“What is it!”


“It’s Su Ye!”

“Su Ye, I will kill you!”

“Su Ye, how many golden eagles do you want, I will give it to you, you can withdraw!”

“It’s super second time, I don’t want to live anymore…”

A bunch of players want to cry without tears.

Most viewers can’t see the scene in the fog, but they can guess what is happening only by listening to the sound.

An atmosphere of joy reverberates in the Pythias arena.

Slowly, the echelon of the team split again.

It was difficult to get through the lava river, and the nine people of the third echelon slowly moved forward in the misty area.

“Oh, fortunately. If we meet Su Ye twice in the section of the magma river, we will never be able to look up again.”

“Yes, but why do I want to laugh?”

“Point your face.”

“However, it is said that the slowest one is the sea of ​​ice floes. Our wish to be overtaken twice in the same area may be realized.”

“You can shut up!”

The audience who heard their conversation burst into laughter.

“Don’t talk about these useless things, remember the terrain first, and speed up next time.”

“The problem now is that if we can’t remember the terrain slowly on the first lap, and we can’t speed up later, the ranking will fall behind. But if our first lap takes too long, we will be overtaken by Su Ye for nine consecutive laps. Before finishing the first lap, Su Ye had already won the trail running championship.”

“I think it is most important to stick to ourselves. We are here for the competition, not to escape Su Ye…”

“The problem now is that I can’t hold on to myself.”

“Just you beep a lot!”


Suddenly, everyone in the third echelon stopped.

Because of a slight sound coming from behind, it gradually increased.

“What is it?”

“The bad-hearted referees won’t release the undead in the dark mist to scare us?”

“No, it should be…”


A familiar figure broke through the fog, passed them, and rushed forward at high speed.

“It’s Su Ye!”

“The third time!”

Everyone gritted their teeth and watched Su Ye’s back disappear into the mist.

“What terrain is the next few paragraphs?”

“Poisonous bees, living vines, and poisonous snakes. These three places, you can rush past with pain!”

“For the sake of our reputation and the city-state, we must survive the first lap first. Even if we fail, we cannot let Su Ye pass nine times in a row!”


People from all the city-states in the audience roared.

“Our city-state does not have players like you!”

“You have been expelled from the city-state!”

“You will be exiled at the end of the game!”

The members of the second echelon who rushed out of the poison bee forest stared at the first echelon standing in front of them in amazement.

It took a long time for the two sides to come out, but the members of the first echelon were still in pairs.

In the first echelon, except for Eugene, Gorner and a few others who have strong protective talents, they can avoid most of the poisonous needles, but the fragile places such as the eyes are still swollen into peaches, and the eyes are squinted. A seam. Their scalp and face are also swollen.

“The poisonous bee colony is too vicious!”

“In front of a swarm of venomous bees, the ability to heal wounds is useless. Toxic resistance talent is needed. Who has it?”

The crowd glanced at each other with their hearts.

There is no one, everyone is a big red envelope.

“Eugene, why don’t you guys run away?” one asked.

“We must accumulate energy for the next. We only have a chance to rest when pulling the bee sting, otherwise the referee’s whip will have been drawn.”

“Hey, pull it out slowly. If you don’t pull it out, run ten laps with bee stings, no one can stand it.”

“In the last few laps, I am not going to pull it out. After the end, let the priest help to purify it.”


A figure rushed out of the poisonous bee forest and rushed into the land of the vines.

“Damn, it’s Su Ye!”

Everyone looked ahead, four or five-meter-long pitch-black rattans were everywhere, dancing all over the sky, making the air crackling, and the dust on the ground was flying.

Many rattans fell on Su Ye, but Su Ye seemed unaware of it, and did not even change the color of his skin.

In a short while, Su Ye rushed out of the land of canes and entered the land of poisonous snakes.

“This madman!”

“Why is he not afraid of pain!”

“Go forward or rest?”

“I’m going to try!” A warrior suddenly strode towards the cane land.

“Don’t, the bee thorns on your body are not finished yet!”

In the eyes of everyone’s doubts, the warrior rushed into the land of the cane.

Papa Papa…

The sky cane was drawn on his body, and red blood stains were quickly floating on his body, and there was even blood overflowing.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…


The soldier finally screamed and ran back.

Everyone is even more puzzled. It hurts to pull a cane of this degree, but any fighter can withstand it.

Everyone looked carefully, and saw that the soldier was shaking slightly, his face twisted, his hands were constantly scratching his body, but he hurriedly stopped, but quickly couldn’t stop scratching.

At the same time, he made a cry of ecstasy.

Finally, the soldier walked over in a daze, crying: “Help me pull out the bee sting, I’m going crazy…”

Everyone suddenly realized that the bee thorns on his body were drawn into the flesh by the vines, and they fell deeper, more toxic, and more red and swollen. Once this kind of place is drawn by the vines, the sourness can be imagined. .

Eugene and Gerner, who have very little redness and swelling on their bodies, also appeared helpless.

“These priests are too bad.”

“There is no way, this is a cross-country race, every time I kill all kinds of tricks, it is impossible to prevent.”

“The off-road race was originally designed to test how fighters deal with complex environments, but now it has become a tragic observation in the world.”

“Hey… continue to pull out the bee sting, and then it will get dark.”

Everyone raised their heads helplessly and looked at the early morning sun.

Finally, the team divided again, forming four echelons.

Eugene, Gerner, and Holt, who have few stings on their bodies, set off ahead of schedule and rushed straight into the slashing cane jungle.

Pure pain can’t stop them, and everyone has no fear on their faces.

The rattan entangled in the ankles and legs is too disgusting, so I should avoid damage from time to time to avoid falling, and it is impossible to speed up.

Passing through the vines and looking at the densely densely venomous snakes on the grass and bushes ahead, everyone can’t calm down.

As a powerful warrior, no one is afraid of these poisonous snakes. What’s more, they are specially cultivated and will not kill. Even if the poison enters the body, it is just all kinds of pain and numbness. Even if the poison is too deep, it will only produce mild Hallucinations.

The problem is that there are too many venomous snakes ahead.

There are densely packed, even if you use divine power now, you can’t avoid them all, you can only use divine power to protect your body and resist.

Can’t use supernatural power.

“Everyone pray to the gods, I will rush first, the people behind may be less stressed. If I accidentally get stunned by the poison of a poisonous snake, remember one sentence, defeat Su Ye!” Eugene roared half-jokingly. In one sentence, rushed into the snake land.

His hiss…

The densely packed venomous snake bounced into the air like long legs, glide like wings, and pounced fiercely at Eugene.

Because of the rules of the game, you can only run and block, and you can’t attack and counterattack. You can only start when you are completely bitten. Eugene can’t catch the viper and wave it around to block. He can only run while protecting with his arms. Head and face.

The eyes are already swollen. If you are bitten by a poisonous snake on your face, the upper and lower eyelids will be inseparable.

One after another venomous snakes pounced on Eugene, opened his mouth wide, exposing his fangs, and bit down.

Eugene is very talented, more than half of the venomous snakes are difficult to bite, and some venomous snakes cannot penetrate the skin. Only a few venomous snakes can bite, but they are either quickly thrown away or quickly by Eugene. Catch and throw away.

Even so, there are more and more venomous snakes biting Eugene.

The players behind immediately followed.

The players of the first echelon ran wildly among the poisonous snakes, and the poisonous snakes kept biting wildly.

Seeing what happened to these people, the audience clearly realized the power of Su Ye.

After Su Ye rushed into the group of snakes, there were so many venomous snakes, but most of the venomous snakes would slip off after a bite. It was difficult to bite, and even if they bite, they could not bite through Su Ye’s skin.

But these players are different. There are more and more venomous snakes biting them, and their hands are already too busy.

Finally, they rushed out of the snake jungle, covered with dense snakes, and with extremely avant-garde costumes, they were colorful and squirming gently.

They endured the nausea and helped each other to pull the poisonous snake out of each other.

The hissing sound is endless, no longer the sound of poisonous snakes, but their whispers.

Soon, many viewers put down their magic glasses and were afraid to see these players.

Each player was covered with dense wounds, and every wound was swollen, and it was bruised.

The worst person was as swollen as a dead body that had been soaked in water for half a year.

Everyone’s eyes were blurred, and their bodies shook slightly.


“Don’t stop, squeeze through the swelling quickly, otherwise it will be more difficult!” Eugene gritted his teeth, squeezing through the wound with his hands, and pus mixed with venom and blood spurted out.

Everyone helps each other.

Squeezed halfway, a figure suddenly passed by, and several snakes slipped off the figure.

“The fourth time.”

Everyone said silently in their hearts.

However, no one is impatient. If the snake venom cannot be dealt with properly, the next three areas in the water will become nightmares.

Not long members of the first echelon deal with most of the serious snake venom, and then enter the chest-deep water together, the 15th lot.

The sun is warm and the water is cold.

Even if many people have healing talents, there are too many wounds, such as bee stings, vines, snake bites, etc., which are so dense that they cannot be healed in a short time when there is no supernatural power.

As soon as the cold water came into contact with the wound, everyone made a sound of ecstasy, rolling their eyes with ecstasy.

The itching, soreness, and pain seem to penetrate into the flesh and bones, into the bone marrow, as if there are worms burrowing around in the brain, and the whole body is hairy.

The water is too deep. People who don’t have the talent for water element can’t run or swim. They can only move forward slowly in the water step by step, and use their arms to stroke hard.


Before he got ashore, there was a violent splash of water behind him.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, the water splashed brightly under the sun, and the familiar evil spirit descended into the world like a dark night.


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