The World of Deities Chapter 366: Tactics

“How much is it?” Su Ye hurriedly asked.

“Do you want to buy? The general did not say not to sell, he is a soldier, and keeping the remains of the miracle is not very useful…” Fast didn’t know how to answer for a while, Su Ye asked too directly.

“Since I want to hide my identity, I can’t use the original magic servant, so I want to buy a good miracle servant.” Su Yedao.

“You overuse the remains of the miracle? As far as I know, the value of the remains of the bronze miracle is between 50,000 and 80,000 gold eagles.” General Fast looked at Su Ye helplessly.

“You can ask me clearly what the remains are, and see what price General Mitaiade will offer.” Su Yedao.

“I’ll take you…no, General Mitaiard is being watched by all parties. If you go, all parties will probably pay attention. I will ask now.” Faster finished speaking and took out the command book. Send a letter to Mitayad like a magician uses a magic book.

“The general is very busy. It may take a while to reply. Let’s talk first.” Fast.

Su Ye asked: “What else is there in military exploits related to weapons and equipment? As long as metal parts are involved, I can solve them…”

“Stop! One million arrows is the limit that can give you. You have solved it. What about the other federations? What about the military service of those people in logistics? Do you think this is a school?” Fast said.

“I forgot about it.” Su Ye was thoughtful.

“In twenty days, you can only do one thing. After twenty days, I will look for relevant military merits. The remaining routes to military merits, such as frontal combat, such as obtaining important information, are all you You can do it directly.” Fast said.

“Next, we just need to defend, right?” Su Ye asked.

“To defend, but not always to defend.” Fast said.

“Afraid that the Persian magician would directly destroy the fortress?” Su Ye asked.

Fast said helplessly: “Yes. Since the magician, the method of warfare has completely changed. In the past, it was enough for us to defend the city wall. After all, soldiers who can destroy the city wall generally do not participate in direct siege wars. It is a mutual challenge. But now, let alone the golden mage, even if the silver mage’s fossil is mud, this kind of city wall can be easily solved. This fortress is not like Sparta or Athens, which is protected by temples or magical power. Fear of ordinary magic. Therefore, we can defend, but in order to prevent the Persians from jumping over the wall, we also need to take the initiative to fight.”

Su Ye suddenly remembered another marathon battle, and said: “General, I have a suggestion, a suggestion for the first battle of the Persian army.”

“You said.” Fast listened carefully.

Euclide, Commodes, and Castor looked at Su Ye curiously. This kid can fight with magic. Is it possible that he also understands strategic warfare? The legendary three repairs?

“Look at the topographic map of the Marathon Plain.” Su Ye said, extracting the three-dimensional Greek magic map from the magic book.

Commodes and Castor looked curious, neither of them had seen them.

Subsequently, Su Ye continued to adjust the magic map. Eventually, a translucent marathon plain was paved in the middle of the room. The sea, mountains, plains, and swamps were clearly visible, and even the Marathon fortress stood vividly in front of everyone.

“We can see that the Marathon Plain is in the center of the map, and the famous Death Marsh is to the north and northwest. It is very dangerous even if the Master of Sanctuary enters alone. Any army trying to cross the death marsh is a dead end. To the west is Mount Ronny and Mount Nila, which are lofty mountains. To the east is the vast and beautiful Aegean Sea. And here…”

Su Ye pointed to the location on the shore of the Marathon Plain, and said: “This bay is called Marathon Bay. The shore is flat and can be called a natural harbor. This is the main reason why the Persian army chose to land here. They There are too many people and too many warships. If we choose to land on a coast that is not wide enough, once we assault, the outcome can be imagined.”

“Our Marathon Fortress is located on the southern side of the Marathon Plain. Once the Persians break through the Marathon Fortress, they can go directly to the hinterland of Greece. They can either go south or west and become our nightmare. Therefore, we can only treat the Persians Blocked here. Since we can’t stay on the ground and want to fight, then the first battle must not only win, but also a big victory, completely defeating their spirit. Generally speaking, they will not send out the giant army or angry snake in the first battle. Descendants, War Elephant Legion or Warcraft Knights?” Su Ye asked.

Fast nodded and said: “The transportation of the Elephant Legion, the Giant Legion, and the Warcraft Knights is very difficult. They dare not take risks. They can only be transported from Euboea Island after the army has stabilized on the Marathon Plain. World War I. The descendants of the angry snakes are an army of flying monsters, which are deterrents and will not be used unless the Persians are completely defeated. Moreover, we already have the means to deal with the angry snakes. Although it will pay a lot of money, it is worth it. .”

“Sure enough, it is almost the same as I inferred. So, the first battle of the Persians should be mostly ordinary troops, and at most some undead troops will be added. The Persians are different from us Greeks. The Greeks follow the elite route. We Most of the fighters are heavy infantry. Each of them has been trained for a long time. The proportion of our fighter apprentices and dark iron fighters is far more than that of the Persians. Although Persia is an empire, the undead army and the king’s army only account for less than four points. Most of the remaining soldiers were recruited temporarily from various places. Persian generals and nobles don’t care about the life and death of ordinary soldiers. They don’t even talk about leather armor, even wearing ragged clothes, holding the most ordinary spears, and even There isn’t even a wooden shield. It’s called light infantry. Is that so?” Su Ye asked.

“Yes, it seems that you know the Persians fairly well.” Fast said.

“I have studied the previous battles of the Persians. They like to use their absolute numbers to attack the enemy. Moreover, they especially like to put the king’s army and the undead army in the middle army to pierce the enemy. However, their regular army is limited. Therefore, the light infantry on the two wings has become the biggest weakness of their battle formation.” Su Yedao.

“Go on!” Fast’s eyes beamed, and everyone could see that he was excited.

Su Yedao: “In the future wars, I dare not say that I have the means to win, but in the first war, I not only have the certainty that I will win, but I also have the confidence to give the Persian army a head-on attack and completely weaken their morale. .”

“What means?” Fast asked eagerly.

“Going the other way, we strengthened the two wings of the Greek coalition forces and took the defeat of the two wings of Persia as the key breakthrough direction. Then, our Chinese army, fully defended, as long as our Chinese army can withstand the undead army and the king’s army. The impact dragged the two wings of the Persian army to the collapse. In order to avoid being attacked by our three sides, the Persian Chinese army was bound to retreat by their two wings. But in fact, the retreat of the Persian Chinese army is always slower than the two wings, and our army can be formed. The’v’ shape keeps attacking the Persian Army from three parties…”

Su Ye looked around the people and continued: “The longer the Persian army persists, the greater their losses. At that time, we can even slow down the rhythm of the two wings, slow the impact on the two wings of Persia, and use our main energy to kill the Persian king. In the army and the undead army. The light infantry in Persia are mixed soldiers. We only need to perform saturated magic attacks on them to make their morale collapse. However, the regular army is not the same. You must imagine that they are eaten up bit by bit like bones. Only in this way can the morale and confidence of Persia be undermined, and can make them more and more jealous.”

“Once they collapsed across the board, we chased them at full speed and gave them a fatal blow. If they were not prepared, we could even rush to disperse their camp and attack their ships. We probably only have this time. Opportunity becomes an organization to eat the main force of Persia. Once their other powerful legions appear, what we have to gnaw next is not bones, but stones.”

Su Ye just simplified the actual process of another marathon.

Fast sighed and said: “I didn’t expect you to have such a vision. It seems that I should have caught you in the Athenian army before. No outsiders were there, I’m telling you the truth, Mitea The German general also wanted to use exactly the same tactics, but many people opposed it and thought it was too risky. The first battle will be held tomorrow, but they are still arguing.”

“Is there any problem?” Su Ye asked.

“Of course there is a problem. We are too few. The Persian army can directly send 100,000 or even 150,000 troops to fight tomorrow. We can only send 20,000 at This tactical requirement is that the Chinese army can defend Persia. If the regular army cannot defend…the consequences are unimaginable. What’s more, the pursuit you said is almost impossible. The army that has landed in Persia has exceeded 200,000, and our current manpower is unable to attack their camp.” Fast said.

“Twenty thousand to one hundred thousand? No problem.” Su Ye remembered another marathon battle, which was a huge disparity of ten thousand to ninety thousand. As a result, the Greek side won by an absolute advantage, and only two hundred people were killed. More than 6,000 people were killed in Persia.

“Good boy, there are too few people who have faith in the Greeks! You have not experienced our pre-war meeting, it is almost a chicken feather, the main battle faction and the Lord peace faction are full of frogs in the pond, Miteaade The general has such a good temper, holding the hilt in his last hand. You are very good, and I will definitely pass everything you say to the general.” Fast appreciated greatly.

Su Ye smiled and said: “Since we both have no objection to dispersing the two wings of the Persian army, it is how to defend the Persian Chinese army. I believe that as long as enough magicians are sent, they can be held back. We only need Delay slowly. After the two-wing army defeats the two wings of Persia, this is our chance to counterattack.”

Fast stared at the magic map and muttered to himself: “One hundred thousand Persian army, probably 20,000 kings and three thousand undead army will be dispatched. If you follow the tactics of you and the general, we will definitely have a chance to wipe them out. , Won an unprecedented victory in history.”

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