The World of Deities Chapter 339: This is the laurel crown?


Su Ye’s complexion sank. I’ve heard of this kind of thing more than once.

Crimella smiled again: “But you can rest assured that a mere gladiatorial match will not lead to the incarnation of the gods. Basically, only in the event of a war that can change the city-state or even the situation in Greece, the gods incarnate. Only then will they participate in the war invisibly. Of course, they can’t do it directly, they can only help indirectly, unless one party commits a blasphemous crime. It is said, but it is said that once a major war breaks out on the ground, then there will be a war in the gods.”

Su Ye nodded, this guess is very likely.

“In the face of Menelaus, you must not only pay attention to his demigod bloodline, but also pay attention to the family behind him, the lineage of the Mycenaean royal family. Their family’s wealth is far higher than that of ordinary demigod families. In other words, the complete set of top-level magic resistance gold equipment is not worth mentioning.” Klimera said.

Su Ye nodded and said: “I have also considered this issue. No surprise, Menelaus will be dressed like a magic resistance warrior tomorrow.”

“The magic resistance armor of the demigod family is far more powerful than ordinary magic resistance fighters. You must pay more attention to it. If possible, try your best.” Clemera said.

Su Ye smiled and said: “Listen to what you mean. Compared with the nobles, you seem to want me to win?”

“Of course, you are my most beloved teacher. Of course I hope you win the battle and be promoted to the gladiator king. After that, I can claim to be the first disciple of the magic gladiator!” Crimella grinned .

Next, Clemella told Su Ye about some important matters about the bloodline of the demigod and the family of the demigod, and Su Ye carefully studied and wrote down.

After the class, I send Climella away, and Su Ye goes to Commodes.

Comodes doesn’t know so much demigod knowledge, but he also carefully tells every opponent of the demigod bloodline he has encountered.

“Leonida is simply a dragon. His strength lies not in any skill, but in his indomitable momentum. I have fought with countless people, only when I faced him, I did not fight first. Shy. He is a giant who can hold up the sky, and his future is limitless. Let me talk about his skills in detail…”

“Sisyphus is very handsome and weird. He and Leonidas are completely different types. He has the same appearance and is more feminine, but his eyes are very weird, as if he thinks of everyone. Little things that are not worth mentioning… Forgive my vocabulary is not as rich as your magicians. It is more appropriate to use the metaphor of a Spartan warrior. His eyes look like everyone is saying that you are a xxl hair…”

“I played against Agamemnon, but it was not an official gladiator match, because he was very unlucky. He took part in the gladiatorial match under the pseudonym. In that year, he met Leonidas in the gladiator match and was beaten by Leonidas. They became pig heads, but the two became good friends. Of course, Agamemnon’s character is well known in the world, arrogant, insatiable, narrow-minded, and desperate… so that I had to give up in the private fight. Therefore, you should understand why I tried my best to help you deal with his brother Menelaus. Since Menelaus is the younger brother of Agamemnon, he naturally also learned the combat skills of the Mycenaean royal family. Their family’s combat skills are very powerful. . Back then, Agamemnon was obviously only a silver warrior, but his’Lion Gate Combat System’ has already completed the first stage and mastered the combat technique called’Enlightened Spear’.”

“Legend, the Lions Gate combat technique is actually a simplified magical technique. Menelaus is not as talented as Agamemnon. He probably hasn’t fully mastered the Spear of Enlightenment, but he can barely use it…”

The two people talked for two hours.

Thanks to Comodes, Su Ye walked back to the house while thinking, then took out the sealed cage, summoned Di Aotian and Wang Sledgehammer, and entered the ruined space.

The altar in the ruined space is filled with all kinds of laurels.

Most of the laurels are stacked randomly, and only two laurels are placed separately, one is the laurels of the Dispute Tournament, and the other is the laurels of the Infinite Fighting Tournament.

Su Ye waved his hand, and the small piles of laurel crowns were neatly stacked on top of each other.

A winning streak every five games in a row, and now there are 33 laurels.

Su Ye has won 166 consecutive games, becoming the gladiator with the most consecutive wins in a month.

“It’s my favorite link again…”

Su Ye put an ordinary winning streak crown on the altar.


Artistic talent: keen color.

Battle body talent: flexible hands.

Warrior talent: proficient in combat skills.

“That’s it?” Su Ye stared blankly at the three talented elves above the altar, and wanted to wake them up and ask what was going on.

What else can I do? Keep putting the second one.

There are still three talents, one artistic talent, one combat talent, and one warrior talent.

? ? ?

Su Ye meditated for a long time, and put the third, fourth, fifth, sixth…

Until the ninth, Su Ye didn’t think anymore.

Most of them have an artistic talent, a warrior talent, and a warrior talent. When you are unlucky, you don’t even have the warrior talent, and there will be two warrior talents.

The weird thing is that some of these talents are second-tier and some are third-tier, which is not constant at all.

“It seems that one side of the water and soil raises the other side, and there is no magician in this place in Sparta.” Su Ye was a little sad in his heart.

“Why don’t I spend money to hold a ‘magic gladiator match’ in Athens, and then collect victory laurels and trophies, will the altar jump up and beat me?”

“Forget it, these combat talents and warrior talents should be used to fund my participation in the Pythia Contest.”

Su Ye began to choose the appropriate warrior talent or warrior talent.

In the end, a total of 26 new combat talents or warrior talents were selected.

Twelve choices for battle body talents: Swift Body, Insightful Eyes, Dark Vision, Flexible Hands, Reinforced Iron Bones, Metal Skin, Sound of Wind, Internal Healing, Wound Solidification, Absolute Balance, Hand of Mastery, and Super Jump .

13 talent choices for warriors: quick reaction, mastery of combat skills, mastery of weapons, stable figure, toughened skin, fast dodge, mastery of throwing, steady breathing, physical recovery, physical burst, disease resistance, necrotic erosion resistance, and Darkness erodes resistance.

The remaining talents are integrated into a four-ring talent, and long stamina, which is also very useful for wizards, is chosen.

Su Ye did not want to choose combat skill proficiency and weapon proficiency before, but suddenly realized that sports such as discus and javelin can actually be strengthened by weapon proficiency. More importantly, he wants to better defeat fighters and gain a deeper understanding of warfare. Skills and weapons are good choices.

After leaving the altar to allow his body to absorb the talent, Su Ye entered again.

Put on the crown of the Goddess of Discord tournament.

“Give me a magical talent.”

Su Ye closed his eyes, then opened them slowly, expressionless.

Artistic talent: master clarinet.

Battle body talent: the body of gold.

Warrior talent: weapon expert.

There is nothing to hesitate, the body of gold.

Leaving the ruined space, his body became fiery, Su Ye closed his eyes and slowly experienced the changes in his body.

The two servants looked at each other, then looked down at their bodies, ecstatic.

How long has it been since you had a body of gold?

These talents have made little improvement to Su Ye’s own, but they have improved Di Aotian and Wang Sledgehammer especially.

Wang Dahammer whispered: “I can easily single out the Silver Warrior now.”

Di Aotian was five centimeters taller than himself and Wang Dahui’s height on this day!

Then the two servants looked at Su Ye. Su Ye’s body increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his muscles swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly becoming a full circle thicker than before.

But the ratio is excellent, and it looks even more mighty.

As powerful as a warrior.

Di Aotian and Wang Dahui looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

Could it be that the master didn’t lie, and really wanted to cultivate both magic and martial arts?

After absorbing the power of the golden body, Su Ye once again entered the ruin space and put the crown of the final infinite gladiatorial competition on it.

I’m too lazy to close my eyes and pray this time. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, the altar is a dead pig and I am not afraid of boiling water.

They are all four ring talents.

Artistic talent: Master of Shiqin.

Warrior talent: fighting frenzy.

Warrior Talent: Destruction stacking.

Su Ye sighed softly.

The bad news is that you don’t give magicians any talent. The good news is that your servants are blessed.

Destruction stack is an extremely powerful warrior talent. After attacking the enemy once, attacking the same part in a short period of time, the second attack will provoke double power to form a double attack.

Cooperating with two combo combat skills, it will become a nightmare for the enemy.

This talent is only effective for melee attacks. It is useless whether it is throwing spears, shooting arrows or magic.

“Hey… it seems to be used in boxing and fighting. For me, pure athletic talent. But it’s different for those two little guys.”

Su Ye looked at the laurel crowns on the ground, with a look of disgust, and with a move of his fingers, all the laurel crowns flew to the edge, and they should be regarded as collectibles.

After that, Su Ye looked at the scroll of Giant Hills.

After leaving Athens, he has opened the Giant Hills plane three times, and obtained a large amount of herbs from it, all piled in the ruin space.

The meditation effect of the three power planes is also very good, and the magic tree is steadily improved.

I don’t know how long it will take to fully control this plane of divine power.

Leaving the ruin plane, Su Ye looked at the ecstatic Di Aotian and Wang Dahammer, and asked, “Are you happy?”

“Your Majesty, you are really strong and unfathomable! In front of you, we are simply ants on the ground. We can’t climb on your knees even after we have spent our entire life climbing.” Wang Sledgehammer praised him numbly~ IndoMTL. com~叽叽叽學! “Di Aotian held up the piercing bone stick, his body propped the close-fitting armor into a can.

Su Ye sighed and said: “31 talents in combat body, 20 talents in fighters, plus your own talents, you two are simply supermen.”

“Don’t forget to rebuild a suit of armor for Di Aotian, go, let’s go out and adapt to the new body.”

The three of them walked out of the room together, looking for the gladiators who were still practicing in the field.

Su Ye yelled to practice free fighting for a partner, and someone immediately stepped forward.

As a result, the poor gladiators were beaten up with bruises and swollen faces by three people.

A few silver fighters were full of confidence. They could easily fight against Su Ye a few days ago, but today they were hit by Su Ye’s old fist.

Without the use of divine power, most silver fighters can no longer hold up Su Ye’s attack.

The chief trainer Augusto came to be interested and fought against Su Ye in the end.

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