The World of Deities Chapter 17: Lazy Ants

   The main entrance of Plato College stands tall, composed of three marble arches, the large one is in the middle, and the two sides are smaller.

   Except for the arches, there are walls made of trees on both sides of the main entrance. There are no walls or guards.

   is carved with a line of characters on the doorpost of the main entrance.

   Those who don’t understand geometry are not allowed to enter.

   “It seems that there is such a sentence…”

   Su Ye thought for a while, he probably can remember some basic geometric knowledge, such as the Pythagorean theorem, and then happily stepped forward. After a few steps, he suddenly thought, how to prove the Pythagorean theorem?

   Su Ye continued to move forward, but it was not very pleasant.

   rushed into the gate, and there was a smooth marble pavement underneath, with dense lawns on both sides.

   There are countless marble statues on the side of the road.

   Su Ye’s eyes lit up and he almost whispered.

   I didn’t expect to see such a wealth of ancient Greek statues here.

   The statue closest to the main entrance is extremely simple, just a human figure, more like a piece of geometric images, but all statues have male and female characteristics. This is Su Ye’s earliest memory of ancient Greek statues, in his previous life. It appeared around 3000 BC and was named a statue of the Cyclades.

   Although these statues are simple, they have an indescribable beauty.

   The statues further forward are more familiar. These statues are full of Egyptian style. But unlike Egypt’s overly flat style, these statues have more three-dimensionality, more muscle texture, and full of vitality. However, the details are very rough.

   Su Ye continued to look at it, and his heart became more and more surprised. So many statues arranged according to the era are a sight that can’t be seen in museums in previous lives.

   The more you run forward, the more delicate the statue, the more perfect the proportions of the characters, and the more refined the details. The final statue has completely reached a new level. Almost every statue is full of joy, sorrow, sorrow, and solidification like a living person.

  Suddenly, Su Ye turned around and quickly scanned the statues on both sides, and said in his heart: local tyrant.

   Except for the early works, almost all of the statues here are made of Paros marble, which is the most precious carving material in Greece. Needless to say, every marble statue here is produced by a master.

   Unfortunately, the time is too short for Su Ye to appreciate it carefully, so he quickly left the statue area.

   A fountain with a diameter of 30 meters lies right in front of it. There are many white statues in the pool, including statues of characters, statues of legendary heroes, and statues of warcraft, which seem to build an epic poem that is heart-stirring.

In the center of the    group of statues is a statue of Hydra, like a cloud of dark clouds occupying the entire pool.

   However, Su Ye didn’t care, went straight to the fountain and started to wash his face.

   Since yesterday, he has not washed.

   washed his face and found that the water was quite clean, Su Ye ran under a Xudra snake head sprinkler, took the water with his hands and rinsed his mouth, and then ran again.

  ”Walking around the marble road is very long, and I can only run straight through the lawn and woods. However, today my feet don’t seem to be caught as easily as before. Could it be that talent has played a role?” Su Ye asked. The class ran, observing himself, and then beamed with joy.

   The former Su Ye was very thin, but now Su Ye has not only grown taller, but even has obvious muscles, no less than an ordinary warrior apprentice.

   When Su Ye walked on the lawn with his back facing the pool, all the statues in the pool slowly turned their heads, especially the Hydra Hydra, whose nine heads stared at Su Ye’s back together.

   Not far away, a teacher from Plato Academy saw this scene, rolled his eyes, and wondered who is so bold. That is the famous sea magic fountain, a legendary magical device made by Plato himself, with three seals inside. The legendary magical sea monster.

   All those who have dared to make trouble in Plato Academy these years have entered the belly of Three-Headed Sea Monster.

   Su Ye thought as he ran, there seems to be something in the pool, but unfortunately some memories have disappeared, I can’t remember, forget it.

  Plato Academy sits north facing south, and just north of the pool is the famous Plato Hall. Although it is far less gorgeous than the temple, its majesty is not bad at all.

   Su Ye rushed diagonally to the northeast of the college, where the class was held.

  Even if he didn’t walk along the road, Su Ho-guang could see the huge columns outside the magnificent Plato Hall. Unlike ordinary ones, each column here is carved into a strong male with a different shape.

   Su Shi Guang immediately remembered when he saw the male pilasters. It was not allowed to use caryatids in all parts of Greece because they were dedicated to the temple. Moreover, every male statue pillar in Plato’s hall is a sanctuary puppet.

   There are 36 male statues on both sides of the Plato Hall.

   Right above the Plato’s hall, there is a magic clock. Except for the absence of a second hand, the minute hand, hour hand and scale are particularly similar to those of the Blue Star.

   Su Ye’s heart really cannot underestimate the magician’s wisdom.

   Su Yeren are running, but they are full of nearly perfect statues. The key is not like the ones seen in the previous life are all broken and worn. The statues I saw just now are protected by magic to be perfect and full of soul shocking. beautiful.

   Even though he gained the talent of the Demon Cow Body, Su Ye started to gasp after running for so long.

  Plato Academy is too big, so big that it claims to be the largest man-made garden in Greece.

   Passing through grass and woods one after another, seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the house where the class was located, Su Ye suddenly saw a person squatting under a big tree.

   If in the past, Su Ye could not see at all, but after the body was strengthened by the body of the demon cow, his eyesight was strengthened, and he clearly saw that the person was using a branch to keep an ant in check, as if to force the ant back. Ant nest.

  ”Don’t stop the lazy ant, it will do miracles!”

   Su Ye wanted to be idle as well. After shouting, he didn’t look at the person and continued to run~ The young man squatting on the ground has a dark, slightly curly hair. He slowly raised his head and looked at Su Ye. In his eyes, there seemed to be mists churning.

  ”Lazy ants?”

   The man whispered, threw the branch away, and started staring at the ant.

   drilled out of a forest, and there were stone buildings in front of me. Some of those buildings were connected, and some were scattered around.

   Su Ye quickly found his class, stepped on the fragrance of mud and grass, and walked to the door of the class.

   Class 3 of the second grade.

   The sun was shining, and the students wearing “sheets” of different colors and shapes looked over.

   There were bursts of light laughter in the classroom.

   Teacher Nidern, who was talking about the new school year, turned to look at Su Ye.

   At the moment when I saw Teacher Nidern, a lot of memories came to Su Ye’s mind.

  Nideen is a tall red-haired old man, wearing a gray Greek robe, except for the whole body without any decoration, neat and clean. The face of the Greek is relatively three-dimensional, his face is even more angular than that of the Greek, and his huge hooked nose is particularly eye-catching.

   But if you look closely, you will notice that his eyes are slightly different.

  His left eye is a false eye.

   Every student knows that there is a saying in the college that Teacher Nedern is so kind, even the fake eye is full of warmth.

   However, Teacher Neden seldom laughs. His name for kindness stems from his tireless treatment of every student’s question.

  He often puts Socrates’ famous saying: There are no stupid questions and no stupid answers.

  Nideen looked at Su Ye quietly.



  Note: That sentence was said by Socrates in the world of gods.

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