The World of Deities Chapter 163: Honest Su Ye

The girl looked at the door silently.

Just now, that bright smile was extremely clear.

Palos gritted her teeth, replaced her legs with her hands, rubbing outward little by little.

Su Ye took the flame goblin to the door.

The alert bell right in front was triggered and eliminated by dark magic.

In Su Ye’s field of vision, he could only see a corner of clothing behind a tree.

“Strong and experienced enemies should be dealt with first…”

Su Ye thought to himself, chanting the spells of the magic armor and the rock skin, and saw that all the skin of the whole body, except for the face, slowly turned grayish white, as if coated with a layer of cement. There is also a layer of light blue transparent robe outside the clothes, which is covered from head to toe.


Three flame goblins screamed loudly at the same time, aggressively, and the three of them looked like a large team.

“Floating brilliance.”

Su Ye’s index finger pointed upward, and a ball of light with the size of a human head was suspended in the air.

Su Ye looked at the hillside, trees and weeds below.

“Friends in the distance, come out and say something.” Su Yelang said.

The other side was motionless.

“The eyes of the magician will not be hidden by trees.” Su Ye said with a smile on his face.

After a while, a man in a leather jacket with a black cloak walked out, holding a three-section staff.

“Come out, he should be Su Ye.” A slightly old voice came from the black cloak.

Three people walked out from behind the tree and walked towards Su Ye with the old mage.

The three warriors wore simple leather armor, two held shields and spears, one held a large sword, and the swordsman was carrying a large bow behind his back.

Su Ye’s eyes moved when he saw the big bow.

Divine power bows and arrows are the nightmare of ordinary wizards.

Furthermore, this swordsman seemed to be familiar. When the stadium was assembled, part of them were students from the school, and the other part were from other schools. This swordsman seemed to be among the people from other schools. It’s just that there were so many people at the time that Su Ye didn’t deliberately remember it, so he was uncertain.

Su Ye scanned everyone’s left hands, and they all had magic marks on their hands.

Su Ye smiled again and said, “Why do I see more than four people in my eyes?”

The four stopped and looked at each other.

“Come out.” The old mage’s voice was a little helpless.

The fifth man walked out holding a two-section staff.

“I seem to have seen other people.” Su Ye continued.

While moving forward, the old mage said peacefully, “There is no need to continue to deceive us. Five people are the limit we can gather at this stage. After all, this is the plane of divine power, not Athens.”

The five people walked up slowly, and finally stopped 30 meters away from Su Ye.

Five people looked at Su Ye, and Su Ye also looked at them.

“Such a young shining magician is really enviable.” Part of the old magician’s face was hidden by the black cloak.

Su Ye smiled slightly and said, “Dear senior, I don’t know why you are here.”

The old mage smiled indifferently, and said, “Su Ye, Palos’s deskmate, a magic apprentice who has recently emerged from Plato Academy, is good at magic ropes, has a strong body, and is suspected of practicing combat skills. He once defeated You with his magical eruption talent. Jin, of course, is a Dark Iron Mage now. Am I right?”

“Awesome, it seems that we have come prepared. All are correct.” Su Ye said in his heart, it is not magic eruption, it is magic surging.

The old mage glanced over the three flame goblins and looked at Su Yedao. “Obviously, he has hidden his strength. Not only is he lucky enough to obtain the flame goblin remains, but also the king of the flame goblin. This apprentice servant should be better than ordinary apprentice servants. A big chunk.”

“You are too polite. Compared with you, I’m just an ordinary black iron novice. You should talk about the subject, those black iron warrior friends are about to rush over.” Su Ye said.

The old mage nodded and said, “Leaving here, we shall not have seen it at all.”

“It’s pretty good here.” Su Ye said.

“Hand over Palos, I won’t want to fight with the five of us.” The old mage’s attitude was extremely calm from beginning to end.

Su Ye sighed and said, “You are a wise man, so you will not fight meaninglessly, even if you face a little newcomer, Black Iron. I may not be wise enough, but I am an ordinary person after all. Sophistry, I am her deskmate, a student of Plato Academy, I can’t just give up my deskmate like this.”

Palos was leaning against the wall behind the door with a slight smile on her lips.

“It seems that the worst choice was made.” The old mage took a few steps forward, and the others slowly approached, nearly twenty meters away.

Su Ye’s face seemed to flash with anxiety, and he hurriedly said, “But, I need to convince myself. Dear Master Mage, I hope to have a fair contest between the Dark Iron Mage with you, if I lose Now, I choose to leave.”

The few people on the opposite side looked at each other and smiled, stopped, and the soldiers looked at Su Ye with disdain, then looked at the old mage.

The old mage gave a faint smile and said, “Very good, the courage I admire very much, there are not many young people who know how to advance and retreat like this. Rest assured, I will give a fair battle between mages and give a sufficient excuse .”

Several soldiers laughed and let their guard down.

Palos’ hands were shaking, and her body was shaking.

The blood on her face was slowly wiped off by the paleness.

“The so-called tablemate…”

Palos lowered her head, her long hair slowly flowing down her shoulders, covering her face.

Her right hand, tightly holding the gold Medusa necklace on her chest.

The little girl in her heart fell into the abyss with only the whistling wind in her ears, about to be completely swallowed by darkness.

Su Ye sternly said, “In the name of magic, I challenge you to be fair. In this battle, no magic weapon can be used except for the staff.”

The old mage glanced at the magic tool on Su Ye with a little dread, then showed a touch of appreciation, nodded, and said, “In the name of magic, the challenge I accept, in this battle, except for the staff, I also don’t use any magic devices.”

The smiles on the faces of the other four people were even bigger when they heard that the two sides did not use magical tools. They simply stopped being alert, and gathered together to chat in a low voice, laughed at Su Ye, and praised the old mage by the way.

Su Yedao, “Let’s stand at a distance of 20 meters. It hasn’t been long since I was promoted to Black Iron. I may need to use apprentice magic.”

A soldier couldn’t help laughing.

The old mage nodded ~ “The magic rope I know is very powerful, well, I promise.”

Two people walked to a place 20 meters apart, while the other four stood on both sides of the old mage, less than three meters away from the old mage.

Su Ye saluted the old mage and said, “This is the first official battle since I was promoted to Dark Iron Mage. Please be merciful to my seniors.”

The old mage smiled slightly and said, “Don’t worry, I rarely kill my younger generations. By the way…The king of the flame goblin can also take action. After all, I can’t bully the small with big things.”

“You are really a noble predecessor.” Su Ye said in a stern face, using the apprentice servant summoning technique, using magic power to secretly transmit sound to Di Aotian.

The old mage raised his head slightly and said, “Come first.”

The other four people looked at Su Ye with weird eyes. This old mage could not be promoted to bronze for a lifetime, but the black iron spells were supernatural, and the casting speed of several spells even exceeded the limit.



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