The World of Deities Chapter 115: Look forward

   “So…” Su Ye lowered his head and thought.

   No surprises, the next step is the trial of black iron. If it is a trial of ordinary black iron, it doesn’t matter. If it is to enter the plane of divine power, it will be even more dangerous.

  There are many ways to reduce the danger, such as deterring the enemy in advance, and keeping those ordinary enemies away from oneself completely. After all, no matter how small the power is, it may cause the butterfly effect.

   For example, show the strength in advance to let the Academy pay attention to it. If it encounters danger, let the Academy be willing to pay a higher price for rescue.

   For example, show some strength but hide some strength, misleading the enemy who will definitely take action.

   For example, earn more magic tools, put them on your body to increase your strength, and you can also sacrifice for talents. This is double the benefit.

   The altar appeared in Su Ye’s mind. No matter what angle you look at, with this altar, you have to take the initiative to attack frequently. After all, you double the benefits. In case there is a particularly good talented spirit or even a new reward, it may be Three times, four times, or even ten times more profit.

   It seems that there is such an opportunity before me today.

   It’s not that you don’t want to be low-key, it’s the need of the altar.

   After a while, Su Ye asked: “Can I avoid Eugene’s challenge?”

   Luolong smiled bitterly: “As far as I know, you either lose to Eugene or fight Eugene. No one can avoid his challenge. Someone ran to Miletus across the Aegean Sea in order to avoid him. As a result, Eugene actually chased Miletus to challenge. That person was also a ruthless character, and went to Syracuse in Sicily, almost across the country of Greece, but still couldn’t avoid it and had to fight. I suspect that Eugene was originally against You are not interested. After all, you are just a magic apprentice, but someone keeps provoking and don’t know what will happen.”

   Su Ye looked at Lake and said, “Did you hear that? Eugene will shoot me regardless of whether you and Hult are present. The reason why you two met Eugene should be a small accident. Or, Anyone I am familiar with may encounter this kind of accident.”

   Lake nodded, Hult felt a little confused.

   “Shall we hide in Plato Academy?” Hult said.

   “Yes, as long as you don’t go to private competitions, as long as you don’t leave Plato Academy. Then, if we walk out of the school, will we meet him?” Su Ye asked.

   “Will…” Hout said helplessly.

  ”When we met him outside the school, can we still avoid it?” Su Ye asked.

   “Yes, we can just run.” Hult said.

   “Why do you think that someone you can’t even touch with your attack will run slower than you?” Su Ye asked.

   Holt said nothing.

  ”If, I mean, if, a few days later, Lake is seriously ill at home and needs a pot of potion to save his life, we have to send him. Eugene is outside, as long as there is a delay of ten seconds, Lake will die .So, do you think Lake will die?” Su Ye asked.

   Holt was speechless.

   Su Ye asked: “This time Eugene used the two of you to force me to come forward, who will he hurt next time? Next time? I can’t see my deskmate, my friend, the person I care about. I was beaten to death one by one, and I came out to clean up the mess.”

  Rek’s forehead suddenly burst into dense cold sweat, saying: “If he threatens me with his sister, let me lead you out…”

   Su Ye sighed, patted Leike’s shoulder, and said, “Don’t always think about avoiding, but how to take the initiative to solve it. Because avoiding will become a habit, when we encounter difficulties, we will retract into our own world and lick Wounds. Until one day, when you meet the thing you most want to have in your life, or that person, you will habitually escape, habitually retract into your own world. When you find that you have completely lost, regret it, and then continue. Shrunk in your own world and spent your whole life regretting it. At that time, even if someone exhausted all their strength, they even used his life to smash your small world, reach out to you, want to pull you out…”

   Su Ye looked at the tablemates, the warmth in his eyes was enough to melt the cold winter and slowly make up for the last words.

   “You will also fail to see because you lowered your head.”

  Rek slowly lowered his head, gritted his teeth, trying to control his emotions.

   Albert also lowered his head.

   Luo Long turned his head and looked out the window.

  Palos looked at the magic book quietly, mist intertwined in her eyes.

   A touch of self-deprecating appeared at the corner of Jimmy’s mouth, and then quickly dispersed.

   The classroom is quiet.

   Everyone feels that they understand something, but they don’t seem to understand anything.

  Only Hult was thinking hard, but he couldn’t think about anything.

   Su Ye smiled gently and said, “So, when we encounter difficulties, we should raise our heads, try to take a small step, and then take a small step, even if we fail, we must continue to raise our heads and look forward. Only then can we see the hand reaching us. Right?”

   Holt nodded vigorously.

   Su Yedao: “So, I take a small step now, for example, take the initiative to fight with Eugene.”

   “I think so too.” Luo Long nodded.

   Su Ye smiled and turned his head to look at Leike, and said, “Did you see it? Luo Long said the same.”

   “He’s also a nobleman.” Rick said grimly, but some didn’t dare to look at Luo Long.

   Luolong seems to be used to it, arms folded, too lazy to pay attention to Rick.

   A smile appeared on Su Ye’s face, and said: “I happened to be out of office today, and I will solve this matter first when I leave is also a good way.”

   Su Ye said to Lake again: “You find someone to send a magic letter to Eugene and the others, first compensate you with 50 golden eagles. If you don’t agree, you will say that I will never accept Eugene’s challenge. If you agree, today After self-study in the evening, wait for me outside the gate of Plato Academy for a fair fight. In addition, I Su Ye is the top student of Plato Academy, the king of three consecutive victories against the nobles, and the first person in the magic rope. I am not a cat or a dog. It can be challenged. Bring a bronze magic tool, take it back if you win, and stay if you lose.”

   Everyone looked at Su Ye blankly. Although they knew they were joking,…the top student? Do you have any misunderstanding of the term honor student?

   “Are you sure?” Lake asked.

   “I will fight this duel for myself.” Su Yedao.

   Lake did not see any reluctance in Su Ye’s eyes.

   “What’s more, he shouldn’t hurt my deskmate!” Su Ye’s voice was very soft, but powerful.

  The students looked at Su Ye with emotion.

   “Okay, I will contact the other party now!” Reck said.


   The class bell rang, and everyone returned to their seats.

   After the first get out of class, Niedern had just left the house, and a group of male classmates came to the fifth table hurriedly.

   “How about, did the other party agree?”

   “I must not dare to see the other party!”

  ”Eugene is not Su Ye’s opponent at all.”

   Lake said helplessly: “Don’t talk nonsense. Eugene has already agreed. He will arrive early and wait outside the school. He brought 50 golden eagles and a bronze magical device, and even wore a restraining wristband. , So that his divine power level can only be maintained at the warrior apprentice level, and will not use the power of the black iron warrior.”

   “Su Ye is set to win!”

   Many classmates cheered.

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