The World of Deities Chapter 1: Sober

  Autumn in the city of Athens, Greece, the blue sky is majestic and the clouds flow long.

On an ordinary street in    workshop area, dozens of people were blocking the door of a gray-white residential building, craned their necks and looked inside.

   They looked sympathetically at the boy who collapsed on the ground.

   The shiny machete was put away from the boy’s neck, and a very shallow trace of blood slowly slid down from the wound, and it solidified before it hit the ground.

   “I just scared him, I didn’t use force, I just scratched the skin… I won’t die…” The knife holder muttered to himself, holding his breath, turning his head to look at the brown-haired man beside him. The panic in his eyes spread slowly.

   The scar is like a centipede lying on the left face of the brunette man, crawling from the corner of his mouth to under the eyes, he snorted coldly, and the centipede twisted slightly as if it was alive.

   Suddenly, the boy’s hands trembled slightly.

   “This **** seems to have moved…” The knife holder hurriedly said.

   Su Ye is having a long dream.

   Su Ye dreamed that he lived on a planet called Blue Star. He was very ordinary from childhood to most, and learning was the only theme when he was a child.

  As long as you work hard, your grades will improve. Once you relax, your grades will drop immediately.

  Until the family changed drastically, Su Ye in the dream could not bear it, became confused and helpless, unwilling to study, and finally graduated in a muddle-headed manner, working in a muddle-headed manner, and the whole person seemed to be moving forward in the dark mist.

   However, in Su Ye’s heart, the flame of unyielding never ceased.

   On the day when his father was seriously ill and he couldn’t even get a few thousand dollars, Su Ye finally sobered up.

  The mist has receded.

   Su Ye started an unprecedented effort, even harder than when he was a student.

   Fortunately, it was an era of knowledge explosion, and a huge amount of information was readily available. After experiencing self-study, Su Ye, who was dissatisfied, joined the tide of paying for knowledge and became a leek with a high degree of knowledge anxiety.

   Su Ye moved forward with a clear goal. After continuous learning, he grew up steadily, became more experienced, worked more actively, had better thinking, improved performance, and was promoted in just a few years, even at the company’s annual meeting. Lucky draw rewards for visiting Central Greece.

   After arriving in Greece, Su Ye stood on the cruise ship while enjoying the beautiful scenery, while thinking about his promotion and salary increase, becoming general manager, CEO, and reaching the pinnacle of life…

  The tsunami struck, drowning everything.

   Su Ye vaguely saw himself being swept into the ancient ruins under the sea, and then plunged into the darkness, desperate, and the world in his dream suddenly changed.

   Su Ye dreamed of becoming a boy in Athens in the ancient Greek era.

   The two dream worlds are completely different. The Su Ye of the new world cannot remember the last world, but the pronunciation of the two Su Ye’s names is exactly the same.

  The new Su Ye also grew up in a muddle.

   Su Ye’s parents are bakers and they are very busy. Su Ye was unconstrained since he was a child, and often wandered around in Athens. The place where he went most often was the largest port in Athens, the Port of Lions.

   Last year, Su Ye was fifteen years old. His parents exhausted their life savings and bought a student quota at Plato Academy and sent Su Ye to Plato Academy to study magic.

   Su Ye is still confused, and his academic performance is extremely poor, but under the influence of Plato Academy, he still grows up and spends a year safely as a scumbag and enters the summer vacation.

   At the end of the summer vacation, Su Ye was preparing for the second year of study at Plato College, and the bad news came.

   Seven days ago, the parents and servants who went out were attacked by a band of thieves, and there were no bones left.

   Six days ago, the infamous “centipede” Lawvens appeared, showed his parents’ IOU in front of the tearful Su Ye, and then searched for something to pay off the debt at Su Ye’s house, and finally found only one golden eagle coin. Forty silver peacock coins and more than two hundred copper owl coins

   It turned out that Su Ye’s parents wanted to expand their business, sell the old shop, and borrowed a hundred eagle coins with a house worth three hundred eagle coins as collateral. It is a pity that they have been miserable before they can buy a new store.

   Lawvens told Su Ye that he would either give up the house or die.

   Today, Lawvens came again, and brought a person who should have died.

  , the servant of Su Yejia Bakery, Ke Luo.

   No matter what Su Ye said, Ke Luo retorted with his understanding of Su Ye’s family, which led to Su Ye’s finding that he had nowhere to go except to give up the house.

   Su Ye said in grief and indignation! You were a slave and you were about to die. My parents kindly bought you to redeem your life and make you a free citizen! Unexpectedly, you in turn harmed me ! Why did my parents go out with your servants, they were killed, but you were unscathed?”

   “This is a long story. You should listen to Master Lawvens and give up the house. If Master Lawvens is happy, maybe he will reward you with a few golden eagles.” Old Corro smiled, his face More honest and honest.

   “You…you know that our family is a Gentile. If we don’t have a house, we can’t study at Plato Academy! What’s more, my parents have passed away and no house, what should I do?”

   Ke Luo still has a simple look, but his eyes flashed with strong malice, revealing yellow teeth full of gaps, and slowly smiled: “You can sell yourself as a slave!”

   Lawvens suddenly said: “Old Ke Luo, I will not fight back when I am insulted. It seems that you still miss the kindness of their family.”

   Ke Luo was taken aback, rushed over, punched and kicked Su Ye, and laughed and cursed while beating, “I wanted to teach you this little bastard!”

   Su Ye resisted instinctively, but Ke Luo reached out and drew a scimitar from a big man, and slashed it over.

   Su Ye was shocked, and hurried back, his body unbalanced and fell, and his head hit the ground hard.

   Ke Luo immediately placed the knife on Su Ye’s neck, and when the knife cut through the skin, he discovered that Su Ye was in a coma.

   Su Ye had a headache, and the two dream worlds began to merge, discovering that the two worlds were more and more different.

   This is an ancient world with gods.

   There are not only the gods of Greece and Rome, but also the gods of Egypt, Northern Europe and Persia.

  At this time,

  The shadow of the Titans enveloped Greece.

  Apophis, the dragon of destruction, stares at the Sunship.

  The evil **** lurks in the two rivers.

   The Serpent of Doom and the Wolf of Twilight are about to awaken.

  At this time,

  Hercules has become famous in Greece and Rome.

   Gilgamesh and Darius share Persia.

   Beowulf succeeded the lord of the North Sea.

   The ancient Egyptian pharaohs are resurrected collectively every few decades to fight for the true king. The current pharaoh is Ramses II. On the day he sat on the throne of the Pharaoh for the third time, his sister in this life returned to Thebes. She was a heroic king, known as Cleopatra…

   Socrates is not only a great philosopher, but also the only great mage who has set foot on the path of a demigod.

   “The Ideal” Plato was promoted to a legend after Socrates’ death, and he founded the Plato Academy. He was silent for many years, as if he neither wanted to be promoted to a hero, nor did he intend to advance to a higher demigod.

   “Recorder” Thucydides served as the deputy dean of Plato College.

  ”Geometry King” Pythagoras has been perfecting magical geometry since he was promoted to the legendary archmage.

   “The King of Water” Thales became acquainted with the Lord of the Water Elements. He once defeated the heroic warrior as a legend, and even rumored that he has the strength of a heroic king.

   Homer, the “great prophet,” appears and disappears from time to time, and Hesiod, the “god-seeker” who is as famous as Homer, lives in the mountains.

  At this time,

   Aristotle has a small reputation.

   Euclid is distressed for promotion to the sanctuary.

   Archimedes has no intention of practicing, playing with things and losing his ambition.

  Alexander is working hard, because if he doesn’t work hard, he can only return to his hometown to be the heir of the king…

   Su Ye did not expect that these heroes and celebrities who were distributed in different historical periods would appear in the same era.

   The world of the gods, originally there were only gods, and then there were humans.

   And modern humans only know their own time, but Hesiod, the “God Peeper”, has published a discovery to the world.

   It turns out that the gods created different humans one after another, the first being the humans of the Golden Age, the humans of the Silver Age, and then the humans of the Bronze Age.

   Each generation of humans is worse than the previous generation, and modern humans are called “humans of the Black Iron Age” by Hesiod, and they are the worst generation of humans.

   However, there are some people who are born different from ordinary people.

   The blood of the gods is flowing through them.

  They are descendants of God.

   Since their birth, they have had the divine power that only gods possess. Although that divine power is very weak, as they continue to practice, their divine power continues to increase, and they may even be promoted to the true **** and possess the power of the true god.

   As humans continue to multiply, the descendants of divine power continue to increase, but the blood of divine power is getting thinner and thinner, and eventually every newborn cannot directly possess divine power.

   However, mankind is constantly making progress. With the help of the great prophet Homer and the God-seeker Hesiod, mankind has created a method of cultivating divine power, allowing mankind to refine divine power step by step and continuously improve strength.

   Hesiod believes that human beings’ increasing power is equal to tracing back to the old age, so he named the lowest level of warrior the Dark Iron Warrior, and kept going back to the times, and then named the Bronze Warrior, Silver Warrior, Golden Warrior…

   Su Ye’s dreams are changing faster and faster.

  ”Cough cough…cough cough…”

   Su Ye coughed violently and woke up suddenly. When he opened his eyes, he saw the blue sky, and Ke Luo, Lawvens and others in the afterglow.

   Su Ye had difficulty breathing, so he got up instinctively, breathing heavily while supporting the ground with both hands. After a while, he stood up slowly and looked ahead.

  The nearest is Koro with a machete.

Behind    Ke Luo, the grim-faced Lawvens looked over coldly.

  Behind Lawvens, four burly men, two heads taller than Su Ye, stood up, folded their arms around their chests, and raised their chins high, with threats in their eyes.

   Those big guys blocked the view, and Su Ye couldn’t see the people outside the door.

   Su Ye frowned slightly, and many memories poured into his mind.

   In the next moment, Su Ye’s right thumb and index finger gently double-tap twice, his body slowly straightened, his shoulders stretched back, his arms opened to the sides, his chest was raised up, and he took a deep breath at the same time.

   The other people were puzzled. Lawvens’s cold eyes became extremely sharp. He found that after Su Ye stood upright, his eyes were misty, but in a blink of an eye, the mist dissipated and his eyes were clear, like night. As bright as a At this moment, Su Ye seemed to be a different person.



   Important notes for this book:

   has been thinking for a long time. In order to avoid reading obstacles to readers due to western names, nouns, etc., I will shorten the names as much as possible and try not to exceed four characters.

   There are also some words, such as “Drachma” and other words, I will try to change them into a way that is easier to remember.

   For example, Hephaestus, the craftsman and flame **** of ancient Greece, whose name is too long, I cut it directly into “Vulcan”. And Vulcan is what ancient Rome called Hephaestus. In this world, the gods of Rome and Greece belong to one family (the gods of ancient Rome originally used Greek directly), so this name is reasonable.

“  ” like “忒” will always be changed to “special” which is more familiar to readers.

   The eight-character names like “Herma Phroditos” that I have a headache, are directly chopped into “Herma”.

   Aristotle and Pythagoras are well-known, but they really cannot be changed.

   Ancient Greeks are single names, the names are generally longer, ancient Rome is more exaggerated, the common name is 20 or 30, so I will not deliberately use the names of the time, simple priority (author of conscience, give up water online Word count).

   Moreover, different books have different translations, which can be said to be very messy. I can only choose one.

  The common sense of ancient Greece is not suitable for the world of gods. For example, the original city of Athens was actually very small. At that time, there were no professional soldiers or people to maintain law and order, but this book cannot be written like that.

   and so on, I won’t explain them one by one in the future.

  Compared with restoring the ancient Greek world, I prefer to let readers finish the novel easily.



   Finally, welcome to the world of the gods.


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