The Wizard World: 637 Thousand-headed bird 2

Running forward for a few minutes, the birds’ heads around were almost cleared, and two teams suddenly appeared facing each other.

Only one dark-skinned man on one side, blocking in front to prevent others from passing.

On the other side are four guardians, including Atlanta and Medusa.

“Access is forbidden here.” The dark-skinned man yelled at Angele who had just arrived. “The front is an assembly of at least twenty or thirty bird heads. You used to die for nothing.”

Atlanta also noticed Angele, his eyes flashed, and nodded at him.

“A few guardians with all their heads attracted by special methods.

Angele noticed that Atlanta’s right arm had completely turned green, and blue light and green were fighting fiercely, apparently being injured by the green fog bird’s head.

The other guardians present were also seriously injured. Only Angle was safe and sound, and everyone immediately noticed him.

The dark-skinned man frowned slightly, noticing this detail.

Angele hadn’t seen this strong man in the Palace of Stars just now. Zhangkou just wanted to speak, and suddenly his face changed slightly, looking forward to a distance.

Wow! !! !!

The sharper baby cries suddenly. On the ground far away, a black tide rushed towards everyone. At the same time, the huge and heavy pressure kept pressing several guardians who wanted to fly.

The black tide is rushing towards the crowd. Before it reaches, the suppression wave released by the light will entrap the guardian who wants to escape, just like a magnet.

“The coincidence of hundreds of bird heads !!”

I don’t know who can’t help shouting.

Everyone’s face has changed, and the attack power of this wave has far exceeded Level 7, and even Level 8 cannot be reached. When the tide was nearly blinking, everyone saw that flesh-colored spheres were still faintly revealed inside, and the jagged mouth opened in the tide and growled.

These **** are one person tall, have no eyes, noses, ears, only a big mouth, and sharp jagged teeth like sharks.

“Come on !!! Star Palace!” a guardian shouted.

The silver light quickly fell from the sky. But it was still one step behind.

Boom, everyone was entangled in the black wave, and drowned in a blink of an eye and disappeared.

Angel snorted and reached out to grab Atlanto and Medusa, and the blood flew forward. When it gets bigger, it is blocked in front by the same wall.

A strong vibration. The blood face fanned the three behind him, while a layer of blood light completely blocked the tide.

“This is it?” Atlanta swallowed and swept up from the ground, staring at the blood with an inconsistent look.

“My unique magic weapon.” Angele explained casually. “Okay. We will go forward until the black wave passes. This wave is not an accident, and no one is obviously the aftermath of the attack.”

It seemed like Atlanta had met Angle for the first time, and he was silent for a while before speaking again. “If it weren’t for the Black Witch King, you might have pulled me back. I think it would be difficult for me to resist this wave just now. At least serious injuries are inevitable. I owe you one time this time! I will give you the seal to release the potion.

“Thanks.” Angell smiled. Looking back at Medusa. “Right, where is the spiny whale?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t come to the meeting and place. Maybe something happened and was taken away by the Star Palace.” Medusa answered hard, her belly had a blood hole, and she could see the back directly from the front. . It’s terrifying. The red flesh around the blood hole is rapidly twisting and growing, trying to repair the wound.

“I owe you a life this time,” Medusa said in a deep voice.

The black water surged past the three of them, and it only slowly weakened after more than ten minutes. disappear.

Angele removed his **** face and looked around.

The previous guardians didn’t know what was going on. The ground was full of black tide remnants.

The three didn’t say much, and continued to rush forward, rushing in the direction of the scream.

Encountered two overlapping bird heads on the way. They were all blocked by Anglieu, and they were crystallized together.

But as the screams got closer, the bird’s heads overlapped more and more, from ten to twenty. To thirty.

Atlanta finally couldn’t hold it anymore.

“Dark Witch King, although it is difficult to speak. But the current flower is really important to me. I hope to get as much share as possible. So everything may depend on you. Rest assured, as long as you have Enough share, I will give the potion of imprints with both hands! “

“What do you mean?” Angelle frowned slightly. “Olivia has no use for me. Are you trying to punch me with a potion of imprint? If you don’t have enough share, you don’t want to give me a potion, do you?” Although he had magic weapons, Kao Kunji and others were extremely powerful. Even if he didn’t have the slightest assurance, an improper treatment might still be in danger.

Atlanto was fierce in his heart, knowing that he had annoyed Angele, and simply focused on it. “One-fifth share! As long as one-fifth! Go back and get the potion for you!” As long as he goes back, with the help of the power of the world, he is confident that he will not lose to Angle. Nor was he afraid of revenge afterwards.

The two eyes are facing each other, and they look at each other without giving up.

“Okay, one-fifth of a share. I promise you!” Angle slowly spoke.

After this incident, even looking at Atlanta with Medusa became a bit scornful. She directly let the star palace lower the silver light and drag her up. Don’t want to mess with the two.

The two continue to move forward. On the large plain in front, there is a black pool the size of a lake.

The black water tumbles in the pool, a huge yellow snake head is standing in the middle, and the pupils stare coldly at the people in front of them.

On the edge of the pool, Sacred King Kunji, Kao Wingya, and a middle-aged man play snails facing each other in a triangle. The shadow demon is sluggish on the side, and the black body has faded a lot.

Angel’s approach to Atlanta immediately caught everyone’s attention. The hearts of all four were stunned.

“I didn’t expect that there could be a guardian to come here. Five of our worlds are now left. Other failures are not eligible to participate in the allocation of ocean current flowers.” Kao sneered.

Neither Atlanta nor Angle expected to inexplicably gain a one-fifth share.

“That being the case, I only need one fifth of our share, and the rest of you …”

“A quarter!” Atlanto interrupted Angele with a short breath, bloodshot in his eyes, “Dark Witch King! I changed my mind! As long as you earn a quarter share , I’ll give you the potions when I go back !!! “

Boom! !!

Angele slaps on Atlanta’s head with a slap, and the streamer follows him instantly, stepping on the desired Atlanta.

“You guy …”

Atlanta isn’t resisting either, just let Angele stop him. There was a smile on his face.

“A quarter share! It will never be added! We have signed a covenant!”

“It’s really ugly and ugly.” Sacred King Kunji slowly stroked his long sword at his waist, glancing scornfully across Atlanta. “Dark Witch King? What potion do you need?”

“Seal eliminates potion, eliminates the seal of the ancestor.” Angle didn’t bother to care about Atlanta, and stepped forward a while, his eyes swept across the crowd at the same time.

Kun Ji frowned slightly. “Ancestral Mark … a little trouble. How long do you need?”

“It’s best within ten years.”

“I’m sorry.” Kun Ji shrugged. Stop talking.

Atlanto smiled proudly. “The potion that lifted the ancestor’s mark has already been configured. It is impossible for other worlds to prepare it for you in a short time! You can rest assured that as long as the share is successful, the potion will be given with both hands!”

Angel’s manic red light fainted from him, and this irritating feeling made him very irritable. How long has it been like this. He has long lost track of it.

“You, as long as you can come up with a potion to remove the imprint, I can give up the share and help him fight for the current flower!”

All beings present are breathing slightly, everyone knows. After the previous screening and elimination, those who can stand here are definitely not simple characters.

Atlanta is also obviously nervous.

Suddenly, a black ring hits Angele directly.


He caught the ring exactly, and looked at the place where he was looking.

The ring is actually a huge thousand bird from the center of the pool.

A thousand birds flickered. “My sacrifice ring can help you remove the mark, Dark Witch King, what is your answer?”

No one expected that the thousand-headed bird would suddenly come in.

Angele froze. “How to use it?”

“Eat it.”

Angel scanned the lower circle and bit it up without hesitation.

The ring actually shrinks quickly and becomes the size of a fist. Swallowed by Angele.

Woo …..

A layer of black-purple gauze slowly emerged from behind Angele, with countless eyes blinking on it. Gradually, Saree disappeared slowly, and Angler suddenly felt as relaxed as ever.

“It’s that simple?” He stretched out his hand, unbelievably, and rolled up his sleeves. The purple eyes on his arm had completely disappeared.

“It wasn’t difficult at first. It just requires a little ingenuity.” The Thousand Birds answered lightly.

Angele took a deep breath and looked up at the Thousand Birds.

“My answer is, I quit the current competition, and I can help you directly if you need it. But you should also be clear. The few people present are not ordinary characters. Even if you add me, you are very troublesome. “

Thousand-headed birds nodded: “This is natural. After the ocean current flower matures, it will be opened once every one hundred years. Everyone who has a share of the presence will have a share, one fifth of the party.”

Angele interrupted it: “My share is gone, let me give you.”

The others were a little stunned, but immediately guessed that Angele might not be a marine aquatic creature, so don’t say much.

“Passionate.” The thousand-headed bird winked, and nodded gently. A black light spewed out of the mouth, fell into Angliel’s hands and turned into a triangular piece of red copper. “This is a connector, I will have the opportunity to contact in the future.”

Angel smiled and put away the copper piece. Turning his head to look at Atlanta. Suddenly found that he had already run a long distance silently. It’s hard to catch up at the speed he just recovered.

“Atlanta, don’t let me see you in the future!” Coldly threw out a sentence, he finally nodded towards Thousand Birds and Kunji, turned and turned into a flame and disappeared in place.

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