The Wizard World: 619 Bloodline 2

Angle did not expect the family to do this, but this is also a convention, and he is not good at rejecting it. . Without leaving a trace of blood in the clan, the family will not rest assured. It is also a proof to other surrounding wizards.

After entering the bedroom, he didn’t ask the maid to light up. He directly waved out the two maids who were still organizing the room and let them go out. Then he lay directly on the white silk bed. Half asleep and half awake and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long, just when he woke up, he felt his hands engulfed in a soft, hot and humid environment, and heard the girl’s puffing voice clearly in his ear.

Open your eyes. In the dark room, two full-length girls are lying beside themselves, and one of them is holding his hand tightly under him.

Angle’s night vision ability can clearly see any part of the skin of the two girls’ bodies even without light.

“Defel? Still?”

“Dalise, my name is Dalise!” The other girl quickly said her name.

Angele hasn’t touched a woman for a long time, and her heart warmed up, gently holding the two girls in one hand, holding them up, and putting them on the big bed.

“Aren’t you afraid of me?” He looked at the two girls with interest.

“Don’t be afraid! You are the greatest person in our family! Why should we be afraid of you!” Defeel replied firmly.

“Forget it, then look at luck, maybe you can leave a little proof for the family.” Angele tore off his clothes, grabbed Defeil first, and slowly rubbed his hands around him.

Sister Deffer was exhausted all night, without the slightest effort to move, but Angelle rattled the maids in to help them out. Although their physical health and resistance are much stronger, they cannot stay with him for a long time, and they will also have problems.

This night he knows this is just the beginning. Every night, two or three girls will take turns entering the room at night. They knew that Anglia had something to deal with during the day, so rest at night was the only opportunity.

Angele has never been so bad. Thirteen girls, each of them have done at least three times with him in twenty days.

He actually wanted to leave a trace of blood for the family. This is what he promised to Vivi, not only the blood of the Leo family, but also the blood of Finnier!

But unfortunately, he is too powerful, and his body’s instinct for automatic control of energy is extremely powerful. Even after so many times, he feels less hope. Just betting on probability. Whether he can conceive or not depends on luck, and he cannot stay here all the time.

After a brief account, Angele formally opened the opened slate to Viana and several other patriarchs for joint management, and at the same time explained the dangers and inheritance of the slate. Those without family blood, once opened, will fall into all kinds of dangers, illusions, spontaneous combustion, and poisonous. The three dangers will teach any wizard who peeks into the slate book. Only the clan talents are qualified to see the content above, and at the moment they are seen, they will be forced to conclude a confidentiality contract, and it will not be allowed to pass to the second person to learn the key content.

After dealing with all this, let people reveal their whereabouts. The special book let the people of the Whitefang Castle know that Angele quietly left the port and headed straight for the first hometown. While visiting the hometown, I was also waiting for Whitefang Castle to see their response.

Calianna is impossible to surrender, so in the end, you must pull the wrench wrist to see which side is hard. If nothing else happens, there will definitely be someone directly in contact with Baiya Castle. Angell knew this very well.

After all, he is a powerful wizard who has lived for more than 800 years. It’s not worth it to provoke yourself for such a small thing, and that’s the measure.

*********************** The pale yellow grass of Anser Grasslands stretches to the edge of the horizon. Like a vast, endless yellow blanket, with the wind blowing, the upper fluffs are layered with waves.

The sky is overcast with thunder from time to time.

Oh! !!

A red meteor passing across the grassland, dragging a long red tail flame, and flew towards the Kingdom of Rudin.

After more than ten minutes, the meteor fell down and flew obliquely towards the border of the grassland below. Moving forward there, there is an endless sea of ​​dark green trees.

Red light fell on a grass field in front of the woods, and the halo dimmed, revealing a man in a Chinese suit standing inside.

The man is wearing a black red-edged robe with a silver body red-eye scorpion pattern on the left chest. A long dark red hair draped softly around the shoulders, pale skin, and not a handsome face, but those eyes had a faint sense of intrigue. As if two windows, connecting an unknown, bright and red dreamy world.

Also, there is a slight red streamer flowing in these eyes, giving a strange and mysterious feminine feeling.

This man was flying all the way from Angele in Anser steppe from the port without stopping. He left the port three days ago and flew here in one breath without any delay except eating and drinking. At the border of Anser steppe. Further forward is the endless sea of ​​trees in the Kingdom of Rudin.

Standing in front of the sea of ​​trees, there was a glimmer of nostalgia in Angele’s eyes.

He walked slowly into the woods, walking slowly in the woods, searching. Soon, he found the place where he fought with the two knights in the forest.

He can sense the strong emotional fluctuations that he left here. The wave that should have disappeared for many years, now with the achievement of the real amulet pattern, it has already condensed automatically.

As an eighth level, their random traces of every move are likely to last forever. Even the traces that were left when we were young are the same. This is the power of evil gods, the power of condensed runes.

Everyone who enters the eighth level will have this space-time influence that involves the past and the future. Even if it is a trace left by a weak hour in the past, this special residue will occasionally occur.

The more powerful the amulet pattern, the more time it takes to affect the past and future. Angele now only has a trace of this kind of influence because of Rune Passion. When he truly understands time and space, regardless of past, future, and present, all traces related to him will change qualitatively, and become the seal of the ancestor. This influence is irreversible, and it will also affect the operation of the entire world.

This is why all worlds resist other Sealers from entering themselves, let alone a stronger ancestor.

However, he has no sense of time now. He just grabbed a bit of time. Space understanding has only roughly established the spatial structure model. This is the main role played by the scorpion female blood talent. But that’s it. The distance completely meets the requirements of the ancestor level, that is, the Western Realm, at least two grades.

But he has indeed touched the edge of accomplishing the first ancestors, so the true body rune pattern has indeed begun to change. Once the ancestors are achieved, all traces of the past and future will be gathered to the present and condensed into one point. This is the true ancestor foundation.

Angele only understands this step. After mastering time and space, it is the foundation of the ancestors. This is a stronger level than the peak of the eighth level. Just barely broke through.

And he’s just working on the space now, it’s a long way off.

Going back, Angele made a few laps in the place where he fought, and touched the green bark trees. Although he knew it was definitely not the wood of the year, Angele just remembered it.

Leave here and fly forward along the forest path.

A few hours later, Anger listed it in a barren rubble.

The whole ruin is a pile of gray and white stones. It seems that a large building was built here before.

Angel groaned around the pile of stones. This family castle, which had been in the wind and rain for hundreds of years, completely collapsed into ruins. Recalling his life in the castle, Angele is still vivid.

After a few laps around the castle, Angele actually found several graves and set up a stone monument.

There are three graves in total, like three half-headed hoes, and three black stones stand in front of the gray-white mound. Overgrown with dense trees.

Standing in front of one of the monuments, Angele squatted and gently wiped off the moss on the monument to reveal the text underneath.

‘Otis, a close friend. ’

He walked to the other two stone monuments and wiped off the moss monuments with the names of Kris and Lisa.

All three were Baron’s original comrades.

“I didn’t expect my father to come back and bury them eventually.”

Angele remembered that before leaving, he instructed the soldiers to hang their heads on the top of the castle, but he did not expect the baron to be quietly taken down and buried.

The sky was overcast, and soon, the patter of rain dripped from mild to anxious.

Angel was standing in front of the grave among the rainy trees. All raindrops had evaporated before he fell on him. The rain hit the stele and sputtered a small mist of water. In addition to the noise of rain in the woods, no other sound was heard.

Standing on the land of his hometown again, Angele looked at the tomb of Otis in front of him, as if he could still see where Otis was as strong as a bear. It’s a wonderful feeling.

This land, this land under his feet, makes him feel familiar and unfamiliar. In the woods, in the grass, many plant bugs can name him casually, all of which are recorded on the chip when he leaves. I still remember it so far.

Leaving the graveyard and the original castle, Anglia directly crosses the border and enters the mirror of Saladin Kingdom.

Saladin now has a huge momentum. The original empire descended from the elves has now expanded its territory several times, annexed the kingdom of Rudin, and a few stronger ones. The new generation of Saladin called himself Sea King. It is said that there are sea clan behind their backs.

Angle this time is to end the grievances that forced him to leave his hometown.

The Saladin Empire is a forest kingdom, and its marginal coastline is very long, so it has a deep connection with the sea people.

Angele went directly to Saladin’s largest city, the main city of Jiayun. It was close to the seaside, and it was a little far from the Kingdom of Rudin. Angele didn’t delay for a moment. When he met people all the way, he asked for directions. He almost did not take the wrong way. Two weeks later, he arrived directly near the main city of Jiayun. Black dead wood forest.

(To be continued)

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