The Wizard World: 516 Nightmare 1

In the wide stone hall of the ancient city, a dark red vortex hovered above the altar in a cocoon shape.

The red sè altar rune border, and another slightly complicated rune, is also dark red sè, but flashes more intense red light. .

Angel was standing quietly next to the rune, holding the arm skin just torn off in his hand, with five red light runes engraved on it. There was a faint smoky smokyness on his side, none of which could be seen except for himself.

Om! !! !!

The red cocoons on the altar of the world are completely solidified. The red light suddenly changed and quickly turned into a dazzling blue light.

Boom! !! !!

There was a roar of noise from the flower hall of Shiting. Something seemed to explode on the surface.

Angele looked up above his eyes and looked around left and right. Seems to be waiting for something.

“Green! Are you crazy? !!!” Behind Suman, Bengula also rushed over when he saw him, and saw Angele standing beside the altar with a calm face, without any intention to damage the altar , Suddenly face is difficult to look.

Suman and Bella Messesses joined forces to defeat the snake, and when they saw their companions approaching, they immediately raised their hands to stop the forward rush. “Don’t worry, it’s best not to act lightly until you understand Green’s purpose.”

Messes pierced his right dagger into the wall on his right. “What the **** does this guy want!”

The other couples look at Bengula at the same time. Here, only he and Angele have the closest relationship.

“Don’t look at me, me too! Green! You can’t do that!” Ben Gurla smiled bitterly, and before he finished speaking, he saw Angele reaching for the red cocoon in the center of the altar.

“Don’t touch the teleportation heart !!! This guy !!! He is transmitting energy to the altar of the world !!! Damn it!” Suman immediately recognized the move of Angle. Too late to think.

Suman yelled and rushed directly into the serpent that was still struggling to support him. The remaining few players also started to fight for the fastest time to solve the obstacles.

“Don’t worry.” Angele glanced at Suman’s aisle. “I won’t summon the King of Dreams. The energy I transmit contains impurities. This sub-altar will soon be summoned soon. At the same time. “

As his voice dropped, the blue cocoon suddenly rippled. It seems to be quickly becoming unstable.

“Vile class!” A few giant snakes suddenly felt bad when they entered, and rushed to the center Angliat. But immediately blocked by a mass of white armor.

“Green! You really are not betraying us!” Bengula was overjoyed.

When Suman didn’t notice the snake, he slashed it on his left neck, and severely opened his mouth. The body jumps homeopathically and jumps directly to the position where the various types are located.

“Hurry up, Green! The chaos of the altar will definitely attract other black witch towers, Jing Ying!” He landed not far from Angele, holding the machete to guard the surrounding instead.

“It’s okay, it’s almost.” Anglieu’s face was calm, his palms glowed with a strong red light, and he finally passed through the blue cocoon, holding the central core part firmly.

It’s a blue diamond, only the length of a slap.

At this point, all casters in the hall can clearly feel the wave of the altar’s impending collapse. There are various twists and turns in various actions, which have caused misunderstandings, but at this moment it is almost settled, the sub-altar is about to be destroyed, and there will not be any giant snakes entering him as himself.

Angle’s position has been made clear.

“It’s not over yet?” Suman took a few steps forward, but faintly found that something was wrong, and the lion heads around faintly blocked him out. “Green?” He looked puzzled.

Finally, the blue cocoon exploded, and completely shattered into countless blue air streams.

Angel has an extra blue diamond.

Behind her, Brigitte stares coldly at the crystal in his hand.

“The sub-altar has just collapsed. The summoning of four other sub-altars plus the main altar is almost complete. It seems that only you have achieved the destruction goal.”

Stop! !!

I didn’t hear Brigitte’s words, all of them were stiffened by the inexplicable heartbeat in the air.

Stop! !! !!

Heartbeat again, more dull and clear.

A faint, high-pitched chanting sound came from the void, as if it came from a great distance, through the deep ground, and into the ears of all living things.


I don’t know who sighed, faint in the singing.

Boom! !! !! !! !!

At the sub-altar, the ground burst into a blue light, straight up to the top of the cave. It broke through the slab of flowers without any obstacles, penetrated numerous rocks and soils, broke through the ground, and straightened into the ground.

Oh! laugh! laugh! laugh! !!

Four consecutive muffled sounds. All the creatures on the plateau looked up at the same time and looked at the five blue beams of light that broke through the empty clouds.

Five beams of light form a five-pointed star, turning zhong

yāng The main altar is surrounded.

Many white snowflakes are rising, and the hurricane carried by the beam of light forms five white cyclones, slowly rotating around the beam of light.

Bai Sè is mixed with the blood plateau. Except for the frontline soldiers who are desperately fighting, all the troops and legions have stopped and looked up at the five pillars of light.

The earth shook.

The altars below the five pillars of light all started to rise to the ground together, and the ground cracked five huge cracks. Lift up five blue sè altar runes from it.

At the main altar, the five blue petals on the white altar have completely turned into red.

The Duke of Mischief’s embarrassed face had a smile on his face.

“It’s over, it’s over! The King of Dreams is coming !!!”

The other two legionnaires, one lying on the ground with an unknown breath, and one frozen or frozen in a blue icicle.

The golden giant bird suspended in the air, both claws were severed, and a huge golden wound appeared in the abdomen, and there were countless white smoke snakes constantly biting at the wound.

The vibrating double wings, a little helplessness in the eyes of the prince demon dragon.

“All members are ready to retreat!” His sharp voice spread across the battlefield in an instant.

The two golden stars slowly separated from his body feathers.

“I didn’t expect to be summoned by them, and the fusion mysticism they brought didn’t achieve the effect.” These two images, looking at their faces, actually one is the current King of the Mirror, and the other is the Sky King King Bismarck. Liang Ru did not know what method to use, and temporarily integrated with the Prince of the Dragon Dragon, bringing all the forces together to act.

“It seems that only the last response can be used.” There was a trace of decisiveness in the monster dragon’s voice, “All troops, retreat as planned !!” He issued a command loudly.

On the plateau, a large area of ​​white soldiers began to retreat quickly and modestly. The black soldiers did not hunt, but quietly and slowly retreated, stabilizing the formation.

A short while later, a large number of white armored soldiers quickly withdrew from the battlefield with the help of witchcraft. The Demon Dragon also flew back to the camp with Jin Guang mixed with him, and quickly disappeared on the horizon along with His Majesty’s troops.

Between the five beams of light, a hazy blood giant shadow began to condense slowly.

That is a huge red dragon that is five or six hundred meters high.

It poses as it will fly into the air, stiffened, like a solid red crystal statue.

As the red dragon’s figure becomes clearer and clearer, a faint red light is slowly illuminated in the giant dragon’s eyes.

The singing in the air grew louder, and the giant red dragon slowly moved. It opened its mouth, had no cavities, no teeth, only a red letter like a snake spit out quickly.

Boom, the red dragon has a circle of several kilometers, all the ground is shattered, and it is pressed into a perfect circular deep pit by the huge invisible force field.

The Duke of Mischief breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the huge red dragon, his face full of joy that could not be masked.

“My black witch tower will end the war between the two worlds. This is the arrangement of fate!”

He looked at the prince of the dragon dragon, who was far away, and finally felt dull and relaxed. Remove a small silver box from the waist-space mirror.

Suddenly, the lid pops open, revealing the slowly swirling red swirl of energy inside.

“How’s the situation?” Mies whispered.

“Everything goes well, the Duke enters. The summoning ritual is slowly progressing, and immediately enters the second step.” An old woman’s voice came out of the box.

“In the second stage, it seems that it is still very soon,” said the Duke. “Be aware that the surrounding underground may provoke residual bans in ancient cities.”

“Please rest assured that we have made the most perfect preparation.” The old woman answered in a deep voice.

There was a relief of relief on the face of the Duke of Misty, looking up, watching the clouds in the sky slowly disperse, the golden sun slowly covered by the red sème array, and a faint pattern on the edges. The sun gradually faded, like blood.

“This is also part of the ritual?” I don’t know why, for a moment when his body was covered with red light, he felt a bit uncomfortable.

“What do you mean?” The box sounded a little surprised.

“Is the red light that the sun is obscured by the round rune?” The Duke frowned, “I feel uncomfortable shining on my body.”

“Red light? No, O Dajin, there is no round step in the ceremony that will obscure the sun’s red rune.” The old woman entered rudely.

“No? Are you sure?” The duke’s face changed slightly.

“OK !!”

Miss face has changed completely.

“What the **** is that?” I want to ask again, a sudden loud noise completely drowned his voice.

Tear! !! !!

A sound of instant tearing of the cloth came from the head.

Yu Kong is torn! !!

******************************************** “Run o Ah !!! I told you to run !!! “Bedonia laughed wildly.

Turin in the field is covered with blood, and all the blood flowing out will automatically fly towards Bederia.

A group of black monster knights around them are divided into three teams, and they attack continuously from different angles. Each attack is a shadow of black claws that gathered all the forces.

Turin’s body is much tougher than that of the Dawn Wizard, but that’s the case, and there have been many small and large wounds.

Under normal circumstances, these monster knight keys are small horns that he can easily solve. But now that Jing is exhausted, he has become the last weight to overwhelm him.

On the right side of the body, Turin just avoided a black claw grabbed behind him, but failed to avoid the other claw on his shoulder, and the shoulder muscle tendon was severely cut off.

With a moan, Turin leaps back quickly, and a few silver knight runes emerge from the body of several giant knights behind it.

The knight who ran the rune, together with the beast, glowed a red arc, and twitched a few times before falling to the ground.

Turin was slightly relieved, his mind was slightly relaxed, and his pupils suddenly shrank. His body was suddenly numb and he couldn’t move.

Countless red blood appeared immediately in front of him, which was his own blood and water, all floated, and began to condense into the shape of a Bedoulia puppet.

“Farewell to Turin.” Bederia’s sharp nails pierced Turin’s heart like ten spikes.

Tear! !!

A loud noise came from the air.

A mighty breath force field fell suddenly. Everything is rigid.

Bedoria’s fingers hang on the skin of Turin’s chest, but she can no longer move forward a little. A horrific atmosphere of terrible death suppressed him.

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