The Wizard World: 484 OK 1

Standing on the spot, there was a moment of hesitation on his face, and Angele put on the purple eye ring he had taken off again. Remove the flame seal from above.

Gently press your finger on the ring. The purple ring suddenly lit up a faint purple light.

Walking into a shade and hiding, Angliel waited for a moment, and the ring suddenly made a sound.

“Is Green big?” Turin’s voice came out.

“Do you know the situation with Yuanneng’s hand now?” Angelle asked in a deep voice. Looking up at the sky, the colorful fireworks produced by the large-scale explosion constantly exploded.

A black wooden dragon like a swarm of black birds swoops and dives. Occasionally grabbed some irresistible wizards to bite into pieces. Screams and explosions continued.

Turin seems to be hearing the voice here too.

“The leader of the Mulong Army and several deputy leaders are playing against the elders of Yuanneng’s hand, but it seems that the situation is not good. The resistance of Yuanneng’s hand is very fierce. “

Angel’s eyes narrowed and he heard a slight difference from Turin’s words. “Get away? In other words, the elders of Yuanneng’s hand still have the upper hand?”

“That’s true. This battle was originally your first move.” Turin grinned. “By the way, Laila is also here with us. We are preparing to go to Prince Dragon. What are your plans?”

“I have no plans. You do n’t know the relationship between Yuanneng’s hand and me. I can ignore the other ones, but I ca n’t give up leaving only one.” Anglile looked calmly. Empty to the west. “It’s you guys, my status is already obvious now, what are you and Laila planning?”

“Going? The credibility of the demon jing empire can be seen from your situation. Naturally, we can’t still kill it. Princess Laila brought Jing Jing from the Underground Kingdom. I just gathered the previous part into It is also a good choice to join the prince of the monster dragon. Bi Jing, we can still be yours, “said Turing.

Angel smiled, knowing that Turin waited mainly to see the Chaos Covenant signed by the Prince of the Dragon Dragon and him. This covenant determined the investment and self-optimism of the Prince Dragon at the time. The influence of Turin and Leila’s attitude.

“Using things to keep in touch, but it’s completely transparent at the intelligence center. This is the last time.”

“Of course.” There was a snapping noise in the ring, apparently Turin over there crushed the ring completely.

Angle thought for a while, but still didn’t crush the ring, just put it back and put it in the waist pocket.

The two wooden dragons in the air seemed to notice the presence of Angele at this time, and hovered and flew over.

Wow, the two shadows dived down, and the black claws gripped Angliat, and an attractive force drew on Angliel’s body quickly in the air, letting it meet Mulongli claw.

“Just pick up the ring and attack me right away?” Anglieu’s face remained unchanged. Take a step back.

A dark red flame suddenly appeared in the original occupied position.

The flame quickly condenses into the shape, which is impressively the endowment witchcraft of the second jing divine power crystal, the lion head enters.

The lion’s head is covered in dark red, with double wings on its back, and a black sème scorpion rune flashes on the brows. Tall and strong, fierce.

Roar! !!

The lion’s head yelled at the empty wooden dragon, his wings opened and he flew towards the dragon.

Angle gently dropped a black glass bottle below.

With a bang, the glass bottle shattered out of thin air, exploding into a cloud of black mist and drifting towards the two wooden dragons.

The black mist seems to have an illusion effect, causing the two wooden dragons to deflect immediately when attacked, passing by Anglieu’s side. After two murmuring sounds, the two wooden dragons grabbed a large piece of dirt on the ground fiercely, and were preparing to fly back into the sky again.

“Even my hallucination ability can only deflect the attack direction for a moment? Angele is surprised, his hands flash out, and Jing grasps the black sè batwing behind a wooden dragon.

His! !!

The black dragon’s wings were torn off instantly, and the snake’s slender neck twisted, biting at Angliel’s arm fiercely. But it happened to meet Elbow’s elbow.

With a bang, the wooden dragon is completely turned into a pile of black sè fragments and falls on the grass.

The other wooden dragon whimpered and rose into the air silently, then swooped down again, and sharply clawed at Angele’s eyes. At the same time, a mouth opened, and a black flame spit out at Angliel’s head.

Although the lion head on one side entered slowly, it just happened to be up at this time, holding his hands fiercely, and immediately blocking the black flame and wooden dragon claws.

With a tear, the lion head flickered into the body with a dark red halo, and the sharp claws gripped most of his chest. The black flame did not cause him any harm.

The chest was hit hard, the lion’s head suddenly roared, his palms closed, and he slammed into the dragon’s head fiercely.

Mu Long’s head flickered suddenly, and he seemed to be stunned for a moment.

At this moment, a palm was stretched out next to it, pinching Mulong’s head severely, and pressing hard. With a bang, the wooden dragon’s head exploded directly into countless fragments and shattered.

Angle retracted his palm casually.

“Equivalent to a first-class physical wizard, but there are too many and it is really difficult to gather together.” He focused on the lion head.

I saw that the lion’s head was gorging and put the stubbles of the two wooden dragon fragments directly into the mouth and chewed. But within a few seconds, most of the two wooden dragons’ bodies were completely in their mouths.

Suddenly, the lion head flashed into the body with a black light. The whole body seems to be more powerful. Already stronger than the average Mulong.

Angel flashed his eyes and watched the Lion’s Head enter carefully.

“This kind of wood dragon actually contains some kind of flame power, just as food for my lion’s head. All the embarrassments are summoned, so that they can take the wood dragon fragments here, and maybe they can gradually strengthen. After thinking about it, the right hand suddenly pointed to the side. Fingertips flew more than ten dark red flames.

The flames turned into spheres, melting and condensing around Angle into more than a dozen identical dark red lion heads.

Angele felt the exhaustion in his lower body, and a moment of satisfaction appeared on his face.

“This kind of summoning only requires me to leave a little seed-like power. As long as I start to assist the lion head to absorb some strength and strengthen it, after that, I don’t need to control it. These lion heads have a certain fighting instinct and Understand simple instructions. It is a very convenient weapon to grow and fight. And there is no time limit for summoning.

As a third-level wizard, his endowment witchcraft is no longer focused on attack.

The first-level endowment rock is used for defense.

The second level of endowment summons the lion’s head into the battlefield ability.

The third-level endowment is elemental or even photochemical, which is the ability to escape.

Of course, the attack method can only use other witches and potions that Angle has learned. Coupled with a bit of scorpion female blood veins ability, a strong one-eyed blood veins. In other respects, Angele is no different from the average third-level wizard. Of course, there are more than ten powerful alternative lives.

After resolving the two wooden dragons, Angele glanced out of the air, and suddenly found that there were actually four more wooden dragons dived down on it, apparently finding the loss here.

Looking at the distant wizards who are still in a group to fight against the invasion of the airborne enemy, Angel’s figure suddenly turns into a red flame, disappearing in place.

In the blink of an eye, in the woods not far away, the flash of light flickered, and Angle appeared again.

“Just taking advantage of this confusion, go back and see how the core of fear is. The hand of Yuan Neng counterattacked at this time, maybe the Prince of the Dragon and the King of the Mirror will also fight back together. Just me too You can relocate to the Prince Dragon to see the situation. “

夭 There was still a noise of fierce fighting in the air. Angele looked up and sighed slightly. Reaching out to draw a few blue light runes at random in the air, with a flick of his fingers, the runes instantly turned into a blue sè disc, suspended in front of Angliel’s face.

“I’m Green, don’t worry about me Weiwei, I worry about a few friends, go out quietly for a few moments to check, will not be found. Return to yourself after a period of time.”

Angele spoke directly to the blue disc, and seemed to be leaving a message.

After speaking, he reached out and gently pushed on the disc. Suddenly dispersed, it became countless blue spots slowly disappeared.

Although knowing that Weiwei would definitely be worried about doing so, Angele had to leave for a while. Reaching his hands on his chest, he was about to leave.

The chip’s prompt feedback came instantly.

‘Successful parsing, advanced simulation success. mission completed. ’

Angel is happy. “Call up the analysis results. List the conditions required to advance to Dawn Wizard.”

‘Condition 1—Remove Jing Divine Impurity. Condition 2-the first element of light in the body. ’

“Jing’s divine power impurity?” Angele first smiled, and then smiled bitterly. This so-called jing divine impurity is actually the huge amount of negative jing divine power he relies on in the nightmare world. The meaning of removing this thing is obvious.

He can only choose one of the Wizarding Way and Blood Way. Because for any party, the other party can be regarded as impurities, affecting the pure path of promotion.

“I remember the light of the element, and the first element of the light that gave birth to it was the main body of my own qualifications. This is the true representative of the Dawn Wizard.” Angle knew exactly what the light of this element was.

Only by condensing the light of the first pure element can you be promoted to Dawn Wizard. The process of cohesion in the middle requires not only the purity of the body, but also the purity of the Jing power of the soul.

“Purity of the body, so many powerful blood in my body. Purity is impossible. Purity of the soul is even more unrealistic.” Angele was helpless. “It seems that I am unlikely to continue the normal path of the wizard It’s over. “

Although it has been anticipated for a long time, when the results are really obtained, Angele still sighs. This means that he can only go black completely in the nightmare world.

The powerful presences such as the Eye Devil seem to be in the present scenery. How did they get sealed in the first place? All this seems to be covered with a veil, which is unclear.

With one hand on your chest, Angliel disappeared completely.

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