The Wizard World: 478 War Begins 1

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Angele quietly looked at the black beam of light in the distance.

“Sir, there are just a few hourglasses, you … what are you looking at?” The voice of a young girl came from behind.

Angle glanced behind him. An innocent girl with white skin was standing behind him, with shawl black hair and a black robe as a cloak, with a brass leather armor on her body.

“That beam of light was set by the Presbyterian?” Angliel asked lightly.

“Yeah, that’s the light of elemental energy, which cooperates with the exchange tower to emit radiant energy, and can detect all non-organisms around it.” The girl explained. “Now the elders are still discussing how to strengthen the local defense and security forces.”

“You know it quite well.” Angele turned his gaze and looked further away.

“I know more about it just because I work in the headquarters’ secret department.”

The girl slightly lifted her chest, but found that the other party had looked away and frowned. The pure temperament just now disappeared for a moment.

“Okay, you go back.” Angele said calmly, “focus on your work, don’t think about other things.”

The smile on the girl’s face froze, and she became silent, bowing her head slightly, no more talk, and turned back to the place where the rune stand was built.

Angele shook his head and smiled.

He knows that Weiwei must have released the idea of ​​finding a partner wife for his son now, but he did not expect that someone would approach him so soon.

These women are not ordinary human beings. They can confidently approach him. The qualifications are not too bad.

Like the witch just now, a first-class formal wizard, who was not pure in temperament, but deliberately dressed in this temperament to contact him. It doesn’t matter if you just play.

The witch’s private life is extremely erosive, and maybe Angliel will suffer a little. But once you get contaminated, you can’t get rid of it. With this ingenious female formal wizard, naturally, will not be a simple character.

Angel’s left finger suddenly glowed a little purple.

He raised his hand and stroked the purple-eyed ring on his left hand gently, with a stream of latest relevant information slowly flowing from it. It’s all about what he set in advance.

‘The giant elephant legion is ready. ’

‘The transformation of the Beast Legion is ready. ’

‘Knight Legion, Mulong Legion is ready. ’

One by one or low. Or cold, or solemn male and female voices kept coming.

‘The gate of the altar of time and space. The energy preparation rate is complete. Please give instructions. ’

‘Enable fully enclosed wide area intelligence isolation. ’

“Purple eyes, how’s your situation over there?” Count Mai Xiang’s voice came directly from the ring.

Angel’s fingers popped, and a layer of light red film slowly appeared around him, blocking the sound.

“My side can cooperate at any time. But it is said that the Lord Commander Duke also arranged another special squad, which has already entered the battlefield earlier, right?”

“Yes. It is said to be performing a special task, and it has now entered the world four days in advance. It should be fruitful.” Count Mai Xiang answered positively. “Besides us. Lord Duke has also arranged three leaders. You and I are in charge of the Tali River and Lava Lake District. The central one is in charge of two leaders, and one is in charge of emergencies.”

“What is the Lord Witch Lord that Lord Duke said last time?” Angelle whispered.

“At the highest level of the Black Witch Tower, there are mainly five people. The Lord the Big Witch is ranked first, and the Lord the Duke is ranked fourth. Well, we do n’t need to take care of other things, just do our own tasks. Ready to get started, here are the passwords for contacting the other legion chiefs. They will close public messages from now on … “As the voice was over, a ring of weird syllables and sounds came from the ring. It’s complicated, there are hundreds.

Angle recorded it directly with a chip, and he was too lazy to remember it by himself.

“Just wait for the news now. This is the order of Lord Duke.”

“I see.”

Gripping the purple-eyed ring gently, Angele stood silently on the edge of the cliff and fell silent.

After a while, he turned towards the crater ruins.

Before walking to the crater. An immediate message from the ring immediately stopped Angle.

‘Once the Assassin succeeded, the target was cleared. The Lord of Shadows confirms death. Please start immediately. ’

“King of Shadows?” Angele’s face still had a hint of doubt and trembling.

“The door to the altar of time and space, open! All legions enter the shuttle state in batches! Purple eyes and Mai Xiang belong to standby.” The duke’s voice sounded slowly. “Special forces, enter!”

The earth shook suddenly. There was a faint humming sound in the sky.

Angel suddenly turned his head and looked into the sky.

White sky. Small tiny yellow dots slowly appeared in the sky.

The little dots inflated slowly like balloons. They were yellow teddy bears one by one. With a naive and lovely smile on his face. His bright eyes blinked.

These teddy bears are getting bigger and bigger, just like what is being blown up, their bodies are floating around, and some of them are even turned down by the wind.

Angel noticed that these teddy bears had extremely sharp claws and dark red blood stains.

They floated in the air one by one, seemingly harmless, but Angliel’s nose whispered an extremely strong **** smell.

He recalled some legion materials obtained from the Black Witch Tower, and suddenly remembered the name of a special unit.

“Alice’s toy box … it’s actually this army …” He looked somber and somewhat ugly, and for a time he just stared at the teddy bear staring at the sky.

Big yellow teddy bear is slowly floating towards Yuan Neng’s hand. The number of them has changed from a dozen in the beginning to the entire sky.

It seemed like I was back in the children’s playground.

Woo! !! !! !! Woo! !! !!

A sudden sirens sounded suddenly above Yuanneng’s hand.

Between the forest clearing below the teddy bear, groups of white owls and giant eagles were quickly pulled out, and a large number of wizards and apprentices gathered to ride the birds one by one.

“Hurry up! Hurry up!” The roar continued to growl from the wizard.

A team of white dots flew up into the air, welcoming the teddy bear. A variety of colorful protective film shields emerged from them, looking like colorful bubbles rising quickly.

The whole white sky suddenly became more gorgeous like a fairy tale.

In the distant sky, a huge black air vehicle like a hot air balloon is also rising at this time. On the ship-shaped deck below the balloon, the elder and several other elders and important figures are appearing on the sky, watching the sky intently. battlefield. Vivi is also among them.

Angel glanced at Wei Wei’s direction. He knew the horrors of the special forces of Alice’s toy box. However, sometimes, he did not let Yuanneng’s hands suffer some losses and let them know that the unstoppable black witch tower. Nor does it necessarily cherish the peace obtained. So this first battle is necessary and necessary. As long as the casualties are not controlled.

Wizards and apprentices, who were setting up a stand behind him, hurried over, looking at the sky.

“What are those teddy bear-like things?”

“Is it the White City Alliance that has regretted the armistice agreement? The secret weapon that it came up with?” a witch whispered.

Angel presses her finger on the purple eye ring and silently sends out a spiritual message.

“Alice’s Toy Box Troops appeared in the hands of Yuan Neng? Who is the Commander?”

Messages from the Purple Eye Ring can appear on public message channels. Except for the regiments who have closed the message, most commanders have their own methods of connecting to public channels.

Soon, a child with a sharp indistinguishability between men and women sounded.

“I’m Buddy, and I transferred the toy box. But now that the troops have been dispatched, I can’t control the cute little ones.”

“When can I get it back?” Anglis didn’t talk nonsense with him, and asked the point directly.

“Retract … I don’t know … Hee hee … Otherwise, you can give them some snacks and feed them back after feeding them.” Buty’s weird Sharp smile.

“Feed? Isn’t it?” Angler winced.

In the air, a buddy bear has swelled more than ten times the size of a giant owl. Compared with the lifted wizard air force, it is like the ratio of adults to babies.

At this moment, a Buddy bear grabbed a giant owl just by scratching it. Together with the wizard above, he put it in his mouth and snapped his upper body with a snap.

Blood and viscera suddenly fall from the sky. A chopped hand rolled and fell into the woods below.

The protective film on the shaman is nothing like a soap bubble.

Tear! !!

The teddy bear’s belly is split directly from the inside. The black wizard who was swallowed had a silver knife in his upper body and arched his head out of the crack. He was covered with a strong purple luster all over his body, and some wounds on his body were healing quickly. Obviously, he had taken out the mystery or treasure from the bottom of the pressure box.

The teddy bear glanced down at his split belly, and stretched out his paws to slap it slowly.


Stuck the wizard’s head into his stomach again, and the torn stomach quickly healed again. In an instant, several huge white light bullets slammed into his head.


The teddy bear finally burst and turned into countless blood rain fragments. Except for the cotton cloth, the body has a lot of dry and stinky internal organs and flesh. The half-body wizard was also blown to pieces of flesh and died completely.

Several white owls carrying wizards swept across the air and rushed down to the next teddy bear.

Angel was standing below, looking at the sky to kill a **** battlefield, his face became harder and harder to look.

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