The Wizard World: 366 Tomb 1

This purple fire is extremely overbearing, but with only a little bit of contamination, Angri’s fingers are completely crystallized. I didn’t even feel pain, my fingers were as if they didn’t exist.

Angel watched the purple fire slowly burn the corpse, and his face was cloudy. Until the flames completely disappeared, he walked up cautiously and crouched down.

Reaching out a little bit of white ash in the purple fire.

“What a wonderful flame …” Angle flashed blue light in his eyes, but after scanning for a while there was no useful information. Helplessly stood up.

“Just after the body was dead, this horrible purple flame still remains. It seems that this creature must have been terrible during his lifetime. Maybe I should go there and see …” Lie went to the window and looked far into a grove.

The horror is powerful, which means that the bloodline during his lifetime was definitely not ordinary. This organism is definitely the best material for blood extraction.

Angel’s eyes were faintly expectant.

Clear off the ashes on the ground. Angle puts on some small things collection tools, leaves the study, and locks the door.

Go straight down to the garden and play with Falia for a while. Then checked the entire villa for safety issues. Just returned to the lobby on the first floor and closed his eyes and meditated.


Night is coming.

Angele slowly recovered from meditation, listening carefully to the movement in the villa with both ears.

There is no sound, the whole villa is a little bit somber.

Except for the sound of leaves blowing from the outside wind. The villa was empty.

In the living room, the air is a bit cold. Winds of cold wind blew in from the unclosed door, swinging the door constantly.

In the dark living room, only the floor-to-ceiling windows and the door are evenly sprinkled with a pale blue halo. Makes the entire living room blue.

Angele rose from the sofa, patted his robe, walked directly to the second floor, and came to the leftmost room.

He reached out his hand. Gently press on the door.


Slowly. The door suddenly opened.

In the dark bedroom, a cloud of fiery red and golden halo is standing quietly on the bedside, jumping around from time to time. Long light golden tail feathers are swinging around. Become the only light in the room.

There is a red bird in the halo. It is the Phoenix who has been with Faria.

Fria was curled up into a ball next to the phoenix on the large white bed. On the white face, the almost transparent skin can faintly see the blue blood vessels. She frowned and seemed to be having a nightmare. Anxious and struggling expressions appeared from time to time on his face.

Angele walked over and stood on the bedside, stroking Faria’s face lightly.

The girl’s expression of anxiety suddenly dissipated and calmed down with this stroke.

Breathing more evenly and he slept more deeply.

Angel carefully covers Falia with a quilt, and makes a move against Phoenix.

Phoenix fluttered, and immediately fell on Angele’s right shoulder, shaking some messy feathers.

Angele then turned away from the room. Close the door.

Go down the stairs and walk down the hall out of the villa.

The white villa is surrounded by darkness. Only the thick clouds of the sky transmit blue sky light, making the whole night filled with misty blue. Just like the sky before dawn.

Angel tightened her tight robes and felt a little cold. Except the villa behind. There was a faint remnant of lighting crystal, and everywhere else was a blue-black mist. See nothing.

I feel cold and wet when I step on the lawn.


Angel snapped his fingers, and a pale red halo suddenly appeared around him. The halo slowly spread, and it was clear at first. Then quickly blur and dissipate.

Angle suddenly felt a lot warmer. The Phoenix on his shoulder also patted his wings comfortably. A thin layer of red light emanated from the body, illuminating the surrounding range of several meters.

Taking the Phoenix to strengthen the heat of the high-temperature force field, Angele slowly walked in front of the huge translucent thin film defense layer, and just hit it directly.


One person and one bird passed through the defensive array without hindrance, and entered a large thorny vine outside the villa.

Through the large black thorns, Angele went into a grove near the villa. He recalled the surrounding map he had drawn, turned to the right, and quickened his pace.

The night wind blows leaves from time to time, making a rattle.

Angel walked alone in the woods, recalling the map from time to time, and then let Phoenix fly up in the air to confirm the direction. Hurry up.

Soon to where he found the body the last time.

Under a huge, sturdy tree.

The black trunk is more than four meters thick, and at the foot of the tree there is a dark tree hole, which seems to be a cave.

The big tree stands between the woods, and it is inconspicuous. Its height is only half that of other trees, but it is only unusually strong. There were no leaves on the thin branches, and the bare branches were all branches.

Angele walked to the tree hole and crouched on the right side.

“The corpse was found here last time.” He reached out his hand gently and pressed in the grass on the right side of the tree hole.

At night, the green lawn on the grass is also stained with a light blue. Angell looked closely at the marks on the ground.

On the ground around the tree cave, there is nothing except the footprints of the two times he came.

“If there is no means such as witchcraft, then the corpse should have fallen directly from the air.” Angele looked up and looked up.

There are faint blood stains on the several branches directly above, and there are half-hanging broken branches, shaking in the night wind.

He glanced left and right for a week, the blue light flashed in his eyes, all the surrounding ground conditions were printed in his eyes.

“Perhaps there will be clues around …” Suddenly his eyes narrowed.

He noticed that he was behind a row of footprints. Actually followed a row of tiny footprints. Seems to be the footprint of a woman.

While walking so far, he didn’t notice anything in the dark and quiet woods! !!

Angel suddenly had a goosebump on his body. He recalled the words of Zanzan at the beginning. In the current nightmare world, anything can happen.

“Damn ….!” Anglia felt faintly troublesome. The row of footprints meant that when he came hungry, there was a person who was always behind him and kept advancing close to him. And he didn’t notice anything.

He raised his left hand, and the ring of thorns of light on the **** slowly lit up a faint golden light, illuminating the surrounding area.

In the dark woods. A group of golden lights looked extremely dazzling, and the whole tree hole was faintly bright.

Angele watched vigilantly, standing still for a while. Nothing was found around. He was relieved slowly.

Flaver never went out at night when he was still alive. This time he chose to come out at night, because the nightmare world at night is much more changed than during the day.

Many real things are revealed only in the nightmare world at night.

Even the former Zanzan, he didn’t dare to leave his stronghold at night to go out. The nightmare world at night is full of danger and terror.

He turned his gaze again, landed on the body where he was lying, and looked closely, only to find a sloping scratch.

“Judging from the trace, it should be flying obliquely from the right side. It fell to the ground and died. That is to say, she came from the right side.” Angrily looked towards the right side.

It’s still dark and you can’t see anything.

Angele looked back at the black tree hole in front of him and groaned. He slowly took out a pink potion test tube from his waist pouch.

Gently remove the cork.


A burst of red mist burst out of the test tube mouth.

Red mist quickly fell on the side of Angle, forming a strong, tall, fuzzy human figure. It is a lot taller than Anglia’s current one and eighteen meter. Almost like the Giants.

The red mist human figure rolls over the mist, with only one pair of eyes on the head like two rubies. There is no mouth and nose, muscle outlines appear faintly, arms and shoulders are burning with a light red flame.

“I’m willing to help you.” The Red Mist Giant pressed his chest with one hand and bowed. Its voice was thick and heavy, mixed with echoes. I use ancient Byron, and I do n’t know where to pronounce it.

Angele nodded, pointing at the tree hole in front of him. “Trouble.” He also answered in Old Byron.

“No problem.” The Red Mist Giant patted his chest, lowered his head, and drilled into the tree hole.

Soon, with a few dull impacts, there were a few screams in the tree hole, and there was no more sound.

The Red Mist Giant soon emerged, his body faintly shrinking. “There are a few caretakers in it, and a wooden door that seems to be a tomb.” It whispered.

“Thank you so much. Come back first.” Angele nodded and opened the test tube cork.


The Red Mist Giant suddenly turned into a red mist, quickly drilled into the test tube, and condensed into a pink liquid in a test tube.

Angle carefully covers the corks and puts them in the waist pouch.

This witchcraft is a summoning witchcraft he learned after he was promoted as a second-level wizard, the **** giant.

The Red Mist Giant’s body is completely composed of highly toxic and acid blood, and has a simple intellect that can follow simple and less complicated instructions.

Any creature or tadpole that comes into contact with its body will be strongly corroded by highly toxic and acidic liquids. If it is facing a creature with blood, then the **** giant can absorb all the blood in its body and strengthen itself without killing a creature.

If it is not consumed, a **** giant can continuously absorb the blood of the creature it killed, and its body can continue to grow rapidly.

Historically, **** giants have grown up to tens of meters in height. Every action can cause a large earthquake to crack. Unfortunately, the blood giant’s refining is very troublesome, and the resources needed are precious and complicated.

Angele also used the deputy minister’s power to accept bribes from the wizards who wanted to join the hands of Yuan Neng, plus some resources from Weiwei, it took so many years to barely make a **** giant.

After closing the test tube, Angele patted the Phoenix on his shoulder. The latter snorted suddenly, fluttered his wings, disappeared into Angliel’s chest.

Angele chanted the mantra in a low voice, and a thin layer of flame film slowly passed by.

Then the body surface melts into a layer of silver metal, and the skin becomes pale white silver. The metal texture is stronger.

His hands melted and two long curved daggers were displayed, holding them upside down.

Being prepared, Angele slowly walked into the tree hole.

The golden light on the ring of thorn light illuminates everything in the tree hole.

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