The Wizard World: 334 foot lifting and promotion 1

Loch Loch

At noon, the sun was warming on the body, bursting with warmth.

Angele and Rheingau are surrounded by groups, protecting the rapid advance towards the villa by the lake. Standing in the middle of the line, Angele’s black robe was a little messy and broken, and his face was slightly tired. .

He looked far away from the villa and could see it faintly. In front of the villa by the lake, a dark red figure stood quietly on the shore of the lake, looking at the side of the team.

Under the light golden sun, the dark red figure on the edge of the green lake looks very prominent.

“It’s Lord Vivi.” Rinne whispered beside Angele.

Angel nodded. He didn’t expect Wei Wei to come in person and come back to him from the frontline where the situation was urgent.

The head of the archer unit escorting him bows away towards Wei Wei, his lips move slightly, his hand flashes red, it seems to be returning the situation in a voice call.

Soon, all archers slowly make way for Angele and Rhein.

The two hesitated slightly, and walked directly to Wei Wei by the lake.

“Rhein, let’s take a rest first. It’s hard for you.” Wei Wei’s voice came from a distance of dozens of meters.

Rhein Nod nodded, bowed and saluted, and then stepped back to wait.

Angele tidy up his robe, strode to Wei Wei, and stood by the lake.

“It’s no good going out this time.” Wei Wei’s tone was calm, no blame, no other meaning, just peace.

She squatted down. Gently hold the lake with your hand, in some cool lake water. Faintly still can see some big-headed fish with four feet. They are all black, swimming slowly in the water.

“It’s my problem.” Angele didn’t know what to say for a moment.

“Of course I know it’s your problem.” Wei Wei gave him a white look. “Dussis is the most famous and difficult man in the Mafia, not because of him, but because of his father. He is the head of the Mafia. Although I’m not afraid of him, we are now in a critical period, and we can’t fight on both sides. Forces that have a good opinion of my hand of Yuan Neng. “

Her pale, delicate hands swipe across the lake. The end of the dark red dress almost immersed in the water, revealing her flawless feet, and two black rings were worn on the ankles. Seems to be an ankle.

“It’s just that a friend of mine was involved. The guy from Dussis didn’t give you any face, obviously he didn’t look at you.” Angle shrugged. Whispered. After all, this matter was due to his loss. If it wasn’t for Wei Wei, he had provoked Dussis, and it is estimated that he would have to flee under the chase of the dawn wizard.

Wei Wei glanced at him silently, “Although I know you are telling the truth, but how come out of your mouth, it feels a little smelly?” She stood up and dropped the drops of water on her hand.

“Okay, this time I’m looking for some free time to come by, and by the way look at the level of your current lava core lake. Any questions on practice. You can directly ask me.”

“Okay.” Angele nodded, sorted out some doubts about the practice, and asked at first.

Time passes quickly, and soon the sun is gradually turning west at noon, and it turns red.

The two unknowingly asked and answered by the lake, but it was afternoon.

“Okay, here it is today. Regarding your matter, I have to go to the Mafia side and dare to openly kill you. It seems that the Mafia has been stable for too long and forgets what it hurts There was a hint of dark gold in Wei Wei’s eyes. “You study well here, you are not allowed to leave here casually, before your lava core lake reaches the fourth floor. Do you know?”

She reached out and cuddled Angele’s right cheek, pulling it into a strange shape.

Angele couldn’t help crying and laughing, but suddenly felt a huge layer of mental pressure covering him all over, and he couldn’t move at all. “Actually doing such a boring thing with great strength …” Angele was silent. Can only allow her to walk around.

I have to say that even if he covers the skin of metal talent, it is like dough under Weiwei’s hands, without resistance.

“In addition, I already know about the Fairy World node. You don’t need to worry about this. This kind of node has appeared many years ago. It is not the level you should consider now.”

“I see.”

After beating Angle for a while, Weiwei turned around and turned into countless dark red flames, which slowly dissipated by the lake.

Angele smiled bitterly. Although she knew that Wei Wei meant to protect him, in fact no one wanted to be confined in a place and could not move at will. But since I promised it

Shaking his head and rubbing his aching face, Angele went directly to the villa. Reaching for a shot, a red light flashed at the fingertips.

Not far away, the Rhein Rin got the news, and the Third Force that escorted them had already evacuated early.

The villa is empty, with only two previously purchased maids waiting in front of the gate. Except for the two, no other wizards stayed.

Entering the villa, Angele sits down on the shady lobby sofa.

“Rhein, you can choose a room to rest yourself, this trip is hard for you.”

“It’s my pleasure to serve you.” Although he was tired and tired, Rhein responded respectfully. After saluting, he decided to confirm his room, as Angele had ordered.

Angele sat on the sofa with his hands flat.

His …

Suddenly, two glimmers of light shine on the nails of both hands.

One is a white light toad and one is a green light spider. They are two different marks.

Angel gently tapped the white toad’s mark. Bengula’s voice suddenly heard in my ear.

“I’m Bengula, Green thanks a lot this time. I didn’t expect a friend who made casually on the road, actually got into this kind of trouble, and even involved you. I’m sorry. Don’t worry about my safety , We have successfully escaped the area around the banquet, please contact again after a while. This time, I remember. Suman they also remember. “

Angel’s face remained unchanged, and he clicked on the green spider again.

“Dear Green. I sent this message in February. From the airport to your side, although it was delivered using a special witch array. But it should be mid-summer when you receive it. I was very happy to receive your letter last time. As the same two people, the teacher once praised you very much, and I have secretly entered the second level now. I hope we will see you soon. The teacher asked me to bring you a word, please You tell the one: What happened between them need not be remembered in the past. The really serious thing is not this, but the group of people who attacked them. The teacher has some eyebrows, and the background is very troublesome. Resentment. Join hands for now “

This is Signey’s voice. This guy who is possessed by the destiny witch is hiding inside his family, waiting for continued strength. Achieve your goals in one fell swoop. Still dormant.

“Join them?” Hayin’s voice rang from Angele’s ear. Just now it was Signey’s voice, and Angele opened the scorpion shield, and the main content Hein heard.

“It’s tricky even the old one feels troublesome …” Hai Yin’s tone seemed rare and solemn.

“It’s too early to think about these. I’m just a level one.” The green light on Anglieu’s hand slowly disappeared.

“It’s not too early. With advanced high-level ideas suitable for you, there is no problem to promote to the third level. In the wizard level, the first level is a big hurdle, very slow and slow, belongs to the accumulation stage. The fourth level is a big hurdle It requires qualitative change to cross. In the middle level, ordinary wizards can accumulate through time. Use advanced meditation ideas to slowly rise to the level. If meditation is okay, the difficulty is not great, it just takes a lot of time. ”Hai Yin explained .

“So, it ’s easy for other wizards to pass the second and third levels?” Angle frowned, and asked.

“It’s only relatively easy. If you only want to be promoted by accumulation, you can practice for a hundred or two hundred years, and you can get promoted before you die. But in general, you practice meditation behind closed doors, and normal people spend their entire lives. Nor can it reach the second-level wizard. As for the third-level wizard behind, according to the normal progress of meditation, it takes 1,500 years for meditation to improve. You can try it. If you can live to that time. “Hai Yin Slightly mocking answer.

“In this way, the average middle level can reach the second-level sorcerer, which is already a medium level. Can it be considered an elite level?” Angle thoughtfully.

“You are very accurate. Just every time you fail to advance, it may be the result of death. So many people have already reached the promotion conditions long ago, but dare not take a step forward. In the middle, This group is the most. Well, I should say the same about what I said. The last time I consumed most of the strength I have accumulated for so long, I have to cultivate for a while, do n’t bother me. ”Hai Yin Without waiting for Angler to reply, she went straight to silence and disconnected.

Angele reached into the waist pouch and opened the scorpion shield. Sitting alone on the sofa, thinking quietly.

The waitress on one side waited until he was completely quiet and then dared to come forward and bring a cup of hot black tea.

Angele noticed that there were only two maids in the villa.

“What about the others? You came here together.” He raised the black tea in confusion.

“When you weren’t there, they got an infectious disease, and they were buried in the woods behind, and deported by Lord Liv.” The maid whispered, “We are here to stay here last Two of them “

The maid looked like she was only nineteen years old. She had delicate skin and her eyes crossed Angle, mixed with astringency and panic, and she dared not look squarely.

“Infectious disease?” Angele frowned. “Why are you still here? Afraid not to be infected?”

The maid opened her mouth, her face a little dull. “We have nowhere to go”

“It’s really troublesome, one after the other,” Angelle sighed. “You go down first and come to my room to find me immediately if you feel unwell.”

“Good lord.” The maid’s eyes lit up suddenly. In the minds of ordinary people, formal wizards have very high status abilities. Although Liv had previously indicated that she could do nothing, she still seemed to be brisk as she saw hope.

Angele leaned back on the sofa, took a short rest, stood up, and walked up to the second floor toward his room.

A click, open the door.

Angele closed the door with his backhand and flicked his index finger.

A black light hits the lintel at once, and turns into a black snake graphic mark, which slowly shines brightly and darkly.

{Piaotian Literature Thanks for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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