The Wizard World: 238 Drama 1

: Catherine is pregnant with his blood. .zhaosfok.

This is completely unexpected for Anglo.

It has been so many years since he left his hometown, and this child has only been born until now. I can imagine the strange phenomenon that Catherine has been pregnant for so long. What will you encounter here? This situation. There may be families covering her up, but weird rumors, and the eyes of others, always have to bear the consequences.

Even Angele himself didn’t know why the child was pregnant so long before she was born. Perhaps it has something to do with his special constitution.

The combined constitution of the tree demon and human. After all, the race of the tree demon is almost always combined with humans after going out, and it is easy to have children.

Angel suspected that it might also be that when he controlled himself, he leaked a little blood into Catherine’s body, and it was precisely because of this that she was pregnant for so long. Mainly use time to cultivate that trace of blood.

But in any case, it’s his own bloodline, indeed, this can be confirmed by Anglo. Liquefied wizards can automatically sense through certain mysterious channels and sense their own direct bloodline.

If you have the qualifications, then you will receive Nora and train yourself. If you do n’t, then it wo n’t make any sense to receive it. The radiation will hurt him instead.

This is what Anglie intends to do. It was also his decision. He knew why Catherine wanted to give birth to a child, and the blood of the mysterious was rare. That’s what any family dreams of.


A purple flame burst above the oil lamp under his hand. The purple light flickered, and there was a flash of purple light on Angel’s face and the surrounding rooms.

He retracted his hand from the oil lamp. Looking at his right hand, white heat remained on it, which was the result of burning on an oil lamp.

“The right hand needs to be burned once a day. The last flesh implant was a bit troublesome.” Angele shook his head and pressed the wick with his hand. Suddenly the fire was directly extinguished.

Leave the table, walk to the window of the biological laboratory, and look out of the window.

The midday temperature has been faint in the morning at more than nine o’clock, and the air feels a little stuffy. .zhaosfok. There is a dazzling sunlight outside.

A slight warm wind blew in, hitting Angele’s face. Suddenly the dull air in the room was blown away.

“The world stone has not progressed for the time being. I did not expect that another bloodline suddenly appeared, and then it was Pell’s thing. Everything was crowded together …” Angle wrinkled Frowned.

Suddenly, there was a faint blue smoke from his fingertips, and a blue mark, if any, lit on his nails.

“Is it Green?” Lispel’s voice sounded in Angele’s ear.

“Pell? What’s the matter?” Angle whispered.

“Grandma, you want me to get engaged with you, do you know?” Pell’s voice was a little different.

“I didn’t know it until the day before yesterday. The night before, Lord Furan came to me. Talk to me about engagement. If you don’t want to. Then forget it. To be honest, suddenly from friend to another This kind of relationship, I really feel a little uncomfortable. “Angele answered with a smile, to be honest, if it is a friend. Pell’s personality is very good, but if he is a wife, it is very troublesome. He did not like this type of woman to be his wife. Too simple.

“I never thought I would have that possibility with you. I’m sorry.” Pell was silent for a while before talking back. “I already have someone I like. Grandma should be so anxious because she noticed something.”

“Do you have anyone you like?” Angelle frowned. “Who is it? Can you tell me?”

“His name is Raymond. It was the third time I went out. A man I met.” Pel said lightly, but there was a hint of mild shame in his tone.

Angele frowned, and Lispel’s heart surface was indifferent. But it’s actually very simple, but listening to her tone, it is likely to have fallen into it. He is hard to say anything else. Think of the words Fran Jones told him the night before. Uncle suddenly felt uncomfortable.

“What is he doing to you?” This was what Anglia knew to ask in vain.

“Very well, he treats me well …” Pell seemed a little surprised. “Okay. Don’t talk. I apologize to you mainly because of my grandmother’s side.”

“Okay. I’m sorry, but I wish you happiness.” Angelle replied lightly.

“Thank you.”

The mystic mark is suddenly broken.

Angele stood frowning at the window, his eyes pondered for a moment. But I always feel that there is something wrong. After thinking about it for a while, using the chip to summarize and analyze, and also got the information that the conditions are insufficient to prove, you have to stop and start to continue the calculation of world stone data.

After this brief conversation, Angell no longer had a direct imprint of dialogue with Pell.

A period later.

He didn’t go to the Academy to study the World Stone, test the model, and then come back to meditate. Is to check the physical and mental fitness. Perform some basic medicament configuration. Time passed quickly every day.

Until noon on the fifth day, the sky was extremely overcast, and a large cloud covered the bright sunlight, and the entire sky was dark.

Angele is collecting some basic plant samples by the small lake, and is preparing to plant some nearby plants that have been contaminated by nightmare forces.

Oh! !!

Suddenly, a sheep-like bark came from the side.

Angel looked sideways. On the outer lane connected by the lakeside path, a huge snow-white sheep was slowly stopping at the Green Wizard’s road sign. The gray knight on the sheep’s back rolled over.

The two patrolling knights greeted them, took a brown cylinder handed over by them, and quickly turned and ran towards Angele.

The Cavaliers ran to Angle soon.

“Sir, this is your post from the Jones family from the chariot.” The knight passed the brown wooden post with both hands.

“Well.” Angele took the letterbox, scratched off the sealing wax, lifted the lid, and poured out a roll of pale yellow parchment. Then gently unfold.

A casual glance at the content above. The color of Anglo changed slightly.

This letter was written by the Jones family and has no signature. It seems that the sender obviously does not want to leave his traces, so he can only be contacted by direct correspondence.

The content of the letter is very simple, that is, it briefly explains the movement of Lispeer in recent days.

Angele put down the letter. Vaguely felt that something might have happened over Lispel. He raised his hand, the blue mark and smoke suddenly lit on his fingernails, and then sensed a little, but did not react at all.

“Amy, prepare me the Blackhawk.”

“Yes, my lord.”

After a while. A black spot quickly took off from the villa near the small lake and flew towards the place stated in the letter.


Since sitting on the Blackhawk, Angele also felt troublesome at this time.

He didn’t expect that in just a few days, Lispel would have done so much.

First, the family’s storage resources were transferred privately, and then an item important to the family was secretly taken out. Yesterday’s latest news, Pell was actually from the Bennis family. Two important treasures were stolen, but were jointly wounded by wizards of the Beneath family and disappeared. The family was furious and questioned the Jones family members who had arrived at the station. Then, after a series of internal struggles, Flan was helpless under family pressure. Announced the arrest of Lispel.

Furan did not expect that her granddaughter could think of preventing her surveillance by completely closing the secret seal. This gave her a chance to succeed, and she was so busy now. And the family is not her own choice. The wizards of the Presbyterian Church are now meeting to vote on these incidents and deal with the plan. She is also busy soothing the Presbyterian Church.

No one expected that Lispeer, who had always been obedient, would do such a shocking thing.

The letter that Angelo just got is written on it. The Jones Presbyterian Church has dispatched troops yesterday to conduct a joint search with the Bennis family.

This incident even aroused the attention of the Sixth Ring Academy, from the pressure of foreign wizarding forces. Make the family power more urgent.

And just as Angele received the letter, the joint team found Lispeer in a forest tree house.


In the middle of the sea of ​​trees, in a distant black castle.

When Angle saw Lispel again, he was guarding the Hessen Eye Prison. The Heisen Eye Prison is a six-ring facility dedicated to holding heavy criminals. There are layers of spell protection field, and many counterforce field annihilation runes. To offset the energy fluctuations of the wizards.

Leaded by a team of guarding apprentices, they pass through layers of defense. The dungeon, and the bloody, dirty corridors and the execution room.

Angel saw Liz Pell in a separate square enclosed room.

Black hard room. There was nothing empty, Lispel sitting alone on a high-backed chair, silently looking up at the oblique window above. From there you can see the grey sky outside.


The room’s metal door closed with a muffled sound.

After Angle came in, I looked at the room a little, and the only feeling was empty.

Nothing, except a chair and a person.

“It’s Green.” Lispeer turned her chair and stood up. Her cheeks had lost a lot of weight, her eyes were sunken, and she looked very grim.

“What the **** is going on?” Angele frowned. He was a little baffled.

“The family I like is not allowed.” Lispel said with a smile.

“That Raymond?” Angele frowned even deeper. “Although I can guess that a lot of things have happened among you, I don’t understand them. However, you are now in a critical period of promotion, and you will Doing whatever it takes to find resources and treasures everywhere. Originally, you and I were engaged, just telling Lord Flan, it should be fine. But now you actually do this for that person. I think you may be very Dangerous. “

“I had expected this from the beginning.” Lispel’s face remained the same, “but I believe him, he won’t lie to me … cough!” Suddenly she coughed and covered Shut up, actually refers to a little blood overflowing between the seams.

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