The Wizard World: 203 Hands 2

He glanced again at the two women walking in the middle of the road.

The black shawl on the left has long, smooth hair, fair complexion, and a delicate coldness. The main thing is that this woman didn’t have eyebrows. A pair of narrow black eyes showed a cold chill.

The woman on the right has a very good figure. Her short red hair is like a burning flame, which is red and dazzling. But without ears, there were two dark red scars on both ears. And there is no nose. There are two round holes directly on the nose, which looks a little scary.

Angel peered and was about to get back.

I didn’t expect the dark-haired woman without eyebrows to look away, and her eyes were exactly on Angele.

Angle only felt a sudden pain in his eyes, as if he had poured a lot of ice water, his eyes were numb with ice.

He didn’t dare to look anymore. He reached out and wiped his eyes, barely reopening.

“Hey, you dare to look forward to Lord Furan.” Vinson laughed aside. “Master Furan is a powerful wizard who has had the winter frost three hundred years ago. He has been a vicious character in the Northern Alliance and underground races for more than two decades.

“It was my fault.”

Angele frowned, and began to let the chip slowly release plant-based energy particles to restore eyes.

Venson also said nothing. Just shook his head and smiled. This is not the first time they have seen a disadvantaged person.

The three men walked a short distance forward.

Angele’s eyes slowly returned to normal. He knew that this was a pure mental power wave transmitted through the sight, causing nerve damage. The talent field has no defense at all.

The woman ’s body from inside to outside is like ice cubes without temperature at all, including mental strength.

“Who is Lord Furan, anyway?” Then he took it easy and asked.

“Furan and her queen, Kelina, are two of the two double-ring wizards in our six-ring tower. That’s the second-grade wizard.” Alice around Vinson took the initiative to explain.

“Master Furan is the current patriarch of the Jones family, and Master Kelina is a ambassador stationed from the headquarters far away from Jewel Sea. After all, our Six Ring Tower is just a branch.”

Angle nodded slightly, but in his heart he faintly understood why the sixth ring tower had the strength to become the center of the West Coast. Perhaps there is the support behind the headquarters.

This is also the first time he has seen a secondary wizard.

He can’t feel the breath of the two at all, but once he looks with his eyes. But they can see the existence of two people. There is no sense of crisis or threat, as if it were two ordinary people.

Everyone passing by the Two Sorcerer Wizards salutes him by coincidence. The two ignored the people around them and talked to each other on their own, but no voice came out.

Angele did not dare to turn around again. This time, the nerves of the eyes were damaged, which is totally inexplicable. The chip also did not prompt. He didn’t feel any signs of witchcraft at all. He couldn’t understand the other’s means at all.

Converge. He and Vinson Alice, together in a sparse crowd, walked into the white palace-style building gate.

There is no pattern carving on the floor of the palace wall. It is white, all white jade-like stone bricks and slabs, and an oval-shaped huge sapphire is inlaid above the gate. Two rows of girls in grey clothes lined up in two rows, bowing down and saluting each guest who entered the door.

Inside is a large hall with a circular three-story pool fountain in the middle. A white jade mermaid statue stands on the fountain. The mermaid was half-lying, leaning on his upper body, leaning with a water bottle in his hand, and clear spring water kept flowing out of the water bottle.

Large rectangular tables are set up in the lobby, with various dishes and drinks on top. In the right corner, a band wearing a black noble dress is slowly playing soft music.

It’s bizarre. There is no lighting in the entire hall, but the ceiling naturally emits a white halo. It feels like daytime.

As soon as Angler came in, Vinson took the initiative to leave and talked with two familiar wizards to get up to speed.

He made several laps in the hall alone, only to see Lispeer standing in a corner not far from him, she was whispering to two witches. A polite smile on his face.

Lise Pell also saw Angele, whispered a few words to the two wizards around her, and walked over slowly.

“Welcome, Green.” Lispel made a dull look. “Hope you will have fun today.”

“Thank you for your invitation.” Angell responded with a smile.

Less Pell didn’t say much, turned and walked directly toward the gate.

But a voice was faintly transmitted from the secret seal of Angliel.

“Go to the back garden. Someone will come to meet you, and the prescription is over there. You need to record it quickly, and then leave here for half an hour. Remember, only half an hour. Otherwise the record will be automatically erased.” Lispe Seoul’s voice went into Angle.

“Okay.” Angle responded, also by the seal of mystery.

Now, he has found all the materials for hunting the giant tree potion, just need to configure the potion and wait for the mental strength to reach the standard. In other words, there is no prescription for improving mental strength. As long as the mental strength meets the requirements, there is a great chance of promotion.

Angele calmly walked out of the side door of the hall, then slowly walked back. Soon came the garden behind the building.

Some wizards in white robes chatted in the garden standing in pairs.

Angel feels that apart from Lispel, here and he are completely two worlds. Without Lispeer’s invitation, he would have no interaction with the wizards here. Quite a sense of exclusion.

As soon as he walked in, a man with a silver ring on his forehead came slowly.

“Master Green?” he whispered.

“Well.” Angele nodded.

The man quickly took out a small black box from his sleeve.

“This is the scroll we copied. Time is running out, do you know what to do?”

“Of course.” Angle took the black box and did not open it, hiding directly in his sleeve and holding it with his hand.

“The white-necked eagle has already arranged for you, you can go directly to the place where you landed before,” said the man.

Angele nodded, turned and walked towards the side of the palace.

As he walked back, he saw the white wizards communicating with each other freely along the way. Of these people’s mental power fluctuations, the liquefaction is the most, and the crystallization is also a lot.

Only in the eyes of Angele, most of these white wizards were not bloody. They have been peaceful for too long. All day long is research or communication or other things, and fighting and killing are extremely far away for them.

Angele feels like a wolf walking in a flock of sheep. The white wizards passing by have no sense of defense at all. They just rely on the automatic protection of the talented field, and it seems to feel safe. But I don’t know that for black wizards, this kind of automatic defense is basically a piece of paper. They only need to explode the damage quickly and sufficiently to quickly kill the defense field they trust. These shamans have powerful mental powers, but they do not have enough corresponding combat powers.

Angel himself, since the formation of the metal talent, he has been covering the surface of his body with metal, only occasionally breathing. Although I feel suffocated, I can improve my defense anytime, anywhere.

It was like when he was on that ship, he was attacked by two white robe wizards. If he didn’t have this layer of metal on his body, he would be replaced by a white wizard.

This is the difference in consciousness. Of course, except for the two secondary double ring wizards you just met.

As she walked out of the hall, there was a loud sound of Lispeer speaking behind her.

“Today you can be invited to my birthday party, this is to me …”

Angele didn’t listen, and went straight down the same path.

People across this area seem to have gathered in the hall over there, and few people can be seen outside.

Every few steps, there are two white slabs on the wall of the house on both sides, with white light, which is equivalent to a street lamp.

Angel soon returned to the small clearing where the Great Eagle had just landed.

A gray-haired girl with a white-necked eagle is waiting there in the open space.

“Master, you’re ready,” she whispered.

Angele nodded, walked over, jumped up, and sat on the back of the eagle.

The white-necked eagle flapped its wings, ran two steps forward, and immediately flew up towards the black night sky.

Angele can feel that the box in his hand seems to have a trace of this sky and this inexplicable connection. But as the Eagles flew away, the connection was quickly weakened.

He has been a little worried that the secret prescription from the Jones family this time seems to be a little too smooth.

The value of this prescription, even if heir status like Lispel, cannot be given to outsiders in such a simple way for no reason.


In a white building complex, in a high room.

The two white robe figures stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the giant eagle that gradually disappeared into the night sky.

“Is that the little lover Pell raised outside?”

“It is said that it is a friend, not a lover, a vaporized little wizard. Pell has transcribed the treasured prescription. You will not chase it back?”

“Really? Of the several heirs, only Pell is the most worrying. Magny has a lot of women and even confuses with a few witches. Kristin wastes materials badly and experiments every year The damage caused by the accident will account for less than half of the family expenses. For Pell, a small prescription, it is not a big deal. “

“It doesn’t matter. Right, let’s move within the clan. Let’s put Plall back. Recently, Estine is a bit too much. They can just crush them.”

“It doesn’t matter. The job change every 20 years is about to start again. The Resource Point Guard has recently been re-assigned to assist the hunting force. We must seize the opportunity.”

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