The Wizard World: 184 Explore 3

On the dirty and dusty ground, the dark red blood stains are very conspicuous.

The floor in the rest of the room is very clean, only here.

Angele walked along the bloodstain and stood in front of the wall.

He noticed that the blood appeared to extend from the other side of the wall.

The wall of the room is gray, a bit of silver gray, the bloodstains extend to the wall at the end, inlaid with a human-sized blue lighting crystal.

Lan Yingying’s halo dyed Angele’s body blue. On the surface of the crystal, there was still a blood-colored handprint, which seemed to be left by someone with blood. There are only a few bloodstains and fingerprints, which may not be seen without careful inspection.

Angle stretched out his hand, aimed at the fingerprint, and pressed it lightly.


The blue crystal suddenly sinks in, and the crystal automatically pans to the left, revealing a small dark box.

A thin pale yellow book is quietly placed in a dark grid, without a cover, and the shell is just a pale yellow.

Angel picked up this small book and found that there was still a bunch of black metal keys underneath.

He picked up the key, and a dozen silver keys hung on a silver metal ring. These keys were all different in shape and size, and seemed to be unlocked by many different locks.

Angel hung the key on his belt and opened the pale yellow booklet.

‘On April 12, I arrived at a newly occupied relic base, and I heard that it was a relic territory occupied by the lord of the sect, Lord Mahmut. There are no creatures on the island, it feels weird. But as a member of the organization, I had to obey the instructions. Although I want to stay on land to enjoy wine and beauty. ’

‘April 15, this is great. Everything is perfect. Although we are a bit less, it can definitely play a vital role as part of the plan. I wanted to write more today. But Hanno asked me to help with the experiment. Let ’s do it first. ’

Angel turned the next page, and it seemed to be torn off a few pages. After looking at two pages, he understood that this was the diary of a person stationed in the ruins.

After skipping two pages, the time jumped at a glance, and then there are some life essays.

After skipping some of the details of life, Angele turned directly to the end.

‘July, Quellaman said his pocket watch is broken. Ask me to help him repair it. What a joke! The cogs and clockwork inside were rotten. I really don’t know how many experimental explosions it took to persist until now. Quiraman complained to me that mortal things are always of poor quality, and finally found the cause. ’

‘I’ve always felt something wrong these days. Someone was sent to block some areas of the base. Don’t let us go yet. What are these adults doing? Does not show up once in decades. When it comes out, everything should be the best. So we wizards who contribute to the organization? The main precious resource of this ruin. The areas that may be placed are all enclosed, don’t you just want to swallow most of the resources alone? As a wizard, I think I need to find a chance to see it. ’

‘October 11, today I finally got the standard keys for the blocked areas. Each of these areas actually requires more than ten keys to enter. I plan to go in today. ’

Angle turned it over again, there was nothing behind, and there was some blank paper, apparently nobody wrote it.

He picked up the bunch of keys, and sure enough he saw the keys above them. Each one was engraved with a letter, which was 4 in Angmar.

From this diary, Angle clearly felt that something was wrong with this base. He flipped through the booklet and saw a clear road map drawn on the back, which seemed to be a map of the ruins. Each room area was marked with a name, and a black circle was deliberately drawn on each corner The numbers next to each other are marked next to each other. From one to five.

The fourth black circle is not far from the experimental area.

Angle reopened her diary, and her eyes stopped again on the sentence above.

‘The main precious resource of this ruin, the area where it may be placed is enclosed ….’

The meaning is obvious. These wizards themselves have not been able to explore this base completely, but were instructed by the people above to decisively block some of these areas. These areas are the areas where resources are concentrated in this relic.

But there is no record behind it, which means that the diary witch is likely to never return.

Angele rubbed the map on the back of the booklet lightly.

“Whether to go or not to go?” He hesitated a little, and judging from his diary, the base was afraid that there was a problem. However, the main resources are concentrated in those closed areas. It seems that if you want to gain something, you really have to go to these areas.

“However, since the upper classes of the double-headed church feel that they should be blocked, if I rush in, it is likely to be dangerous. With my current strength, if I am a wizard, I can confidently have a fight even at the crystal stage Force, if it goes beyond this level ….. “

Angel hesitated, and finally decided to try to look outside these areas before deciding whether to enter.

The entire diary is scanned into the chip in an instant, and then transmitted to the memory area. The entire process takes less than one minute. Angle dropped the diary into the dark grid with a flick of his finger, an ignition star immediately fell on the diary, and shouted, the diary was immediately lit, in a bright yellow flame, the booklet quickly turned yellow, curled, blackened and finally For a pool of black ash.

Angele then turned away from the experimental area and returned to the previous hallway.

The entire aisle is extremely quiet, with no sound coming from before or after. There was no sound of wind flowing in the air, and it was dark in both directions.

The bright yellow flames hanging from Angele’s side can only illuminate a few meters away.

He recalled the map he had just seen, and quickly located where he is now: outside the experimental area.

Angel slowly walked towards the aisle in front of the fire, and soon reached a crossroad.

Footprints on the ground show that they are moving forward.

Angel decided to go to the nearest Blockade 4 first to follow the map in his head.

He didn’t follow them in the same direction as Melissa, but turned to the left.

In the four directions of the crossroads, only the left and right faint cold air flows. Angell kept going forward. After walking for about twenty minutes.

Finally to the entrance of a small cloister on the right. On the wall next to the cloister. Greatly drew a 4 Byronic symbol.

The air is full of a bit of dusty smell. Angele stood at the entrance of the cloister and looked inside.

The small corridor is not deep, only a dozen meters. At the end was a black wooden door. The door was tall and wide, with some holes in it. A little bit of blue light came through. It was unusually conspicuous in the dark corridor.

And there seems to be another voice coming out. It seems someone is talking.

Angele suddenly extinguished the flames, condensed his breath, and walked quietly.

Walking to the wooden door, one of the several holes above can be seen from the outside.

In this position, the voice inside is heard more clearly.

“… No !!! Never !!!! Tell me! You don’t think so! Tell me!” A man growled and shouted loudly in the wooden door, his emotions seemed extremely excited.

Angel carefully moved his eyes into a hole to look inside.

Behind the wooden door is a large hall. The walls are inlaid with large chunks of diamond-shaped blue lighting crystals. As the sole light source, crystal emits a light blue halo.

The whole hall was crowded with figures in blue robes. These figures are male and female. There are old and young, each one exudes a faint mental wave without concealment.

Angele was shocked. He could detect that the mental fluctuations in these people were extremely powerful, at least at the wizard level.

That is, so many people in this hall are all wizards.

And the most weird thing is that the bodies of these figures are translucent, like an illusion without a substance.

The crowds stood around several people in dark blue robes, and everyone looked at the talking people in the middle.

A young man in the middle yelled earlier, he was staring angrily at a blue-robed man on the opposite side.

“Nora! You will ruin the whole axis! I can’t let you go on wrong!” said another witch, stepping forward.

“We are already the most powerful organization on the West Coast, so there is no need to take risks!” Wizards in the crowd stood up and said.

“I’m just preparing a retreat for everyone.” The male wizard standing in the center answered lightly. There was always a peaceful smile on his face, but in peace, there was a firmness and firmness that no one could stop him from moving forward.

“The axis of time?”

This is the memory of the past, the memory left here.

Angel suddenly realized this. He had seen this in the book of wizards. Some building materials would, under occasional special conditions, trace back some historical events that happened in the place. Similar to Earth’s video recorder, but this is not artificial, but formed by accident. This situation is not uncommon. Many wizards have encountered it during their travels. Phantasm Elixir is said to be one of the prescriptions made by ancient wizards to study this phenomenon.

The figures in these halls should all be illusions, and what is happening in them is the event that happened here. Important events remembered by the environment here.

“This should be one of the reasons for the disappearance of the original axis.” Angell looked at the scene in the hall with a hint of speculation in her heart.

The whole hall has been completely noisy, and the wizards quarrel with each other, questioning the middle-aged man named Nella. Neola, in turn, patiently persuaded the wizards around him, trying to make others understand his will and purpose.

But for a while, no one can convince anyone.

“Do you know what I meant? Do you remember our desire to come together?” Naola said loudly.

“What we ask is public!” shouted a wizard.

“Yes! Make your actions public! None of us want to be blinded!”

Noisy in the lobby.


A sudden bang sounded at the foot of Angele. Seems to have stepped on something.

Suddenly, everyone paused in the entire hall, as if the pause button had been pressed.

Suddenly, everyone looked at the doorway where Angele was.


Dozens of eyes stared at Angele outside the door instantly. Everyone showed a weird smile.

Angel’s scalp was numb, and he took a few steps backwards, staring at the black wooden door.

There is no movement in the hall, but he feels as if countless sights can penetrate the door and see him behind him.

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