The Wizard World: 134 Goodbye 1

.. thoughts flickered by. ..

Angele’s eyes fell on Maran’s body again.

Striding over, squatting down beside the body, reaching out and touching the side of Maran’s neck, there really was no pulse. Angele then opened the body safely. .

First, the lumbar sac, two white leather lumbar sacs were taken directly by Angele, then two white jade-colored short arrows were found on the belt tied to Maran’s chest. From the waist of Maran’s robe, he found a small brownish-yellow spell book, only the size of a palm, and the surface was shining with a white diamond crystal pattern.

Angele returned to the previous place, and rummaged through the two apprentices. All valuable things and materials were wiped out by him.

This quickly left the battle scene and returned to the place where he parked the carriage.

The black horse is standing on the grass beside the road with grass, and there is no sign around the carriage.

Angel rolled over onto the carriage and lifted the curtain into the compartment.

Sit down at the table, and then start to sort out the previously successful loot.

In the two white waist sacs, there are some cast materials that are not seen by Angele. They should be cast materials for ice-based spells. There is also a crystal vial, like a pill, which is filled with transparent discs. I don’t know what it is. It’s a bit like cod liver oil pills on Earth.

There is a series of abbreviated spell models recorded in that spell book. It should be that Malan has recorded some parts that she easily forgets. Not all the information, which makes Angle a bit regrettable, without all the information, not even encrypted. So it didn’t work much for him. He turned it around at will and burned it.

The next thing is for two apprentices. A black ball on the male apprentice is a bit valuable. The rest are useless to Angele. The spellbook is also the information he already knew. A few low-level magic stones are equal to none.

The female apprentice has only a few cast materials and a broken enchanted ring, and then a few inferior magic stones.

Angel threw the magic stone and materials aside, and took the black ball to look closely.

The ball just fits in one hand. The black surface has a light silver sheen, as if the surface is covered with a layer of mercury.

I do n’t know what material it is made of.

“I don’t know what this is. But there seems to be a breath of Marant.” Angele observed for a while and came to a conclusion.

“It should be a consumable similar to explosives.”

“Zero, are there any records?” Anglimer asked.

“There is no record in the database search.” The zero number is not all-powerful, and there is no answer.

Angel carefully closed the ball, and then his fingers bounced, and a black gas flew from his fingertips. Landed on the dark horse in front.

Dark horse suddenly started to move forward. The carriage moved forward smoothly.

“If you used the zero assisted battle in the previous battle, you might be able to overwhelm the black panther. But I’m afraid it would be difficult to kill him. It seems that he only used a little trick. Unfortunately The range of the metal force field is only twelve meters, although it is far away. But it still doesn’t feel very useful. The defense is too low. Although the speed of change is very fast.

Angel’s brow frowned. The reason why he opened the armistice just now is partly because the opponent is indeed at the same level as his combat power. On the other hand, it is because his mana has been consumed a lot after the previous battle.

The metal force field has very low defense and resistance, so to resist a spell, he needs to stack multiple times. It is equivalent to double mana consumption. Had it not been for the chip’s previously stored mana to support in advance, he would have had little combat power now.

Releasing a secondary flame orb costs 4 mental power and 4 degree mana.

Then continue to superimpose the metal force field to resist Maran’s spell, it consumes 13 degrees of mana, and continuously uses the force field transformation, and finally uses the metal spike with the lightning rune to attack the man with the black panther . He almost drained his mana. Fighting again, Angele can only run. It’s impossible to win that new force with the Cavaliers alone.

Now his maximum upper limit mana, which is the chip’s nearly 18 mana storage, plus his 21 mana. The metal force field is a speed that consumes 10 mana per minute.

If he hadn’t replaced all the chip’s mana in advance with metal energy particles capable of manipulating the metal, it would have been announced that mana would have been in a hurry.

“It looks like now. The chip can’t break through the wizard’s field of force for scanning and analysis. The auxiliary help for the battle is not great anymore.” Anglia thought carefully. Upgraded, it seems that the extreme breakthrough of genes really helps the chip. It is simple to process two tasks in parallel at the same time. It’s just … “

Angele sat by the window of the car, looking sideways to the woods outside, and the green trees kept passing back, and from time to time, small animals ran through the forest.

“Just how to break through the shaman’s energy force field?” Angle began to recall the system knowledge of force field that he had learned before.

General force field protection, if you want to break through, you can only use another kind of force field for accurate corresponding cancellation. Unless the chip can release the stress field, it is impossible to scan through the wizard’s force field.

In other words, in the future, the chip will be able to assist itself to do some multi-line energy control at most, and the rest will be caught. More will become research aids.

“Wait until the chip optimized to the logically optimized secondary flame pearl comes out, and I will perform the secondary optimization myself.” Angliah shook his head slightly.

Spell optimization is a process that any wizard must go through. The chip can only use the data and basic knowledge models to make the best choice of efficiency circuits, at best to achieve the best results in the existing data. In other words, without information, it can do nothing, and it is completely uncreative.

So adjustment to the best results can only be done by Anglo himself, and the chip can only save time.

“Fortunately, dual-tasking is now possible.” Angell smiled. “What else is unsatisfactory for me, I am already too much higher than others.”


Nicky Pier

The bright sun falls on the pale yellow sand, reflecting a layer of bright white light.

Some coconut trees by the sea were blasted by the wind. The sea water rushed to the beach, and then quickly retreated, leaving a layer of black watermark.

A coconut grove behind the beach.

A black carriage stopped quietly beside the street sign. The wood material on the surface of the carriage was full of wet marks and some sand particles falling on the surface of the carriage.

It looks like this carriage has been here for a while.

Angele has been waiting by the beach for three days.

These days are also about the time the ships arrive. Every four years, Nick Pier comes to the ship on the opposite side of the sea, and each time he sends apprentices, and will take people back by the way. This is also the only way to reach the two continents directly.

Angele lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage. Walk slowly to the beach and look out over the sea.

The junction of Haitian Line. A sea-blue ship with white stripes was slowly approaching it.

Angel was standing on the beach waiting, but there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

“Are you an Angel of the Angel who is going back by boat?” A strange man’s voice came from behind Angel.

He turned around and saw a silver-haired man in a white robe standing on the beach smiling and greeting him.

“Yes, I am Angell, may I ask you?” Angell asked hesitantly. He didn’t know the other person.

“I am a wizard of Temora. I once received the favor of Teacher Liliana. I also respect Teacher Liliana very much.” The man in the white robe smiled. Some contacts, if you need any help from me, you can just speak up. I can arrange for you like the counts below the count. “

Angele lags a little, but smiles calmly at the other side as a token of thanks.

“Thank you for your generosity, I will certainly be polite when needed.”

“That’s it.” Temora nodded. “The mortal kingdom, although weak and vulnerable, but the high-level knights, together with the loss of some advanced enchanted items, also have a certain strength , I hope you do n’t be too careless. Besieged by such people may also be injured. So I still suggest that you better contact the senior management directly to find the bloodline aristocrats.

“Bloodline aristocracy?” Angle heard the term for the first time.

“Oh? I forgot it, I’m so sorry.” Temora suddenly thought of something, and she suddenly looked awfully sorry, even bowing slightly.

Angele quickly responded.

“You don’t need to apologize at all, you have no place to be rude.” He was a little scratched.

Temola explained this.

“No, no, no, I didn’t notice you … Let me talk about the bloodline aristocracy. The so-called bloodline aristocracy, in fact, is also commonly known as the royal family, the royal family. In fact, this world, no matter where , The center of supreme power has the shadow of wizards. The first rulers of the royal families on the opposite mainland are some old wizards who have been hopelessly promoted and cannot increase their life span. They created their own empires. Fortunately, luck is good enough. The wizard has left his own bloodline. You also know that the higher the level, the more difficult it is to leave children. So in some countries, when the wizards are dying, they will leave some demonized items to ensure the safety of the children of the kingdom. And stability. And the blood of the descendants of these wizards is commonly known as the royal family. Almost all royal families are nobles of blood. Because the royal family without blood is simply unable to face the rolling of other nobles of blood. These things are only the royal family or wizards who know more The apprentice will know that I didn’t notice. “

Temora paused, and seemed to be a little bit emotional. To be continued …

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